コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the bounding waypoints of the acceptable U-Turn area given Rndf Hazards and specified exit and entry waypoints
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exit">The specified exit point of the U-Turn</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The specified entry point of the U-Turn</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>See "Technical Evaluation Criteria: A.12. U-turn for specific definition of allowable space</remarks>
        /// <remarks>Assumes the exit/entry coordinates are in the center of their respective lanes</remarks>
        public static List <Coordinates> GenerateUTurnBounds(RndfWayPoint exit, RndfWayPoint entry)
            // initialize the bounding box
            List <Coordinates> boundingBox = new List <Coordinates>();

            // get the length translation vector
            Coordinates translation = exit.Position - exit.PreviousLanePartition.InitialWaypoint.Position;

            translation = translation.Normalize(15);

            // get the width lane shift length approximation
            Coordinates approxWidthVector = (entry.Position - exit.Position);
            double      widthApprox       = approxWidthVector.Length;

            // get the width lane shift vector
            Coordinates laneShift = translation.Rotate90().Normalize(widthApprox);

            // get the center coordinate
            Coordinates center = exit.Position + laneShift.Normalize(widthApprox / 2);

            // Calculate the bounding coordinates
            Coordinates uR = center + translation + laneShift;
            Coordinates lR = center + translation - laneShift;
            Coordinates uL = center - translation + laneShift;
            Coordinates lL = center - translation - laneShift;

            // add coordinates to the bounding box

            // return the bounding box
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks what type parameters the waypoint holds and sets color accordingly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color GetWaypointColor(IWaypoint wp)
            // check if its correct type of waypoint
            if (wp is RndfWayPoint)
                // cast
                RndfWayPoint waypointData = (RndfWayPoint)wp;

                // assign color based upon parameters
                if (waypointData.IsStop && waypointData.IsCheckpoint)
                else if (waypointData.IsCheckpoint)
                else if (waypointData.IsStop)
            else if (wp is UserWaypoint)
                throw new ArgumentException("argument not WaypointData type", "wp");
コード例 #3
        public static void NextStop(RndfNetwork rndf, RndfLocation vehicleLocation,
                                    out RndfWayPoint nextStop, out double distance)
            // set current as final waypoint on current partition
            RndfWayPoint current = vehicleLocation.Partition.FinalWaypoint;

            // set initial distance
            distance = vehicleLocation.AbsolutePositionOnPartition.DistanceTo(current.Position);

            // iterate over waypoints
            while (!current.IsStop && current.NextLanePartition != null)
                // update distance
                distance += current.Position.DistanceTo(current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position);

                // update current
                current = current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint;

            if (current.IsStop)
                nextStop = current;

                // return current as stop or end of lane
                nextStop = null;

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if one of the observed vehicles is stopped at a specified stop line
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stop"></param>
 /// <param name="observedVehicles"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks>Uses a combination of determining if vehicle is within area of stop line and has a small enough velocity</remarks>
 public static ObservedVehicle?FindVehicleStoppedAtStop(RndfWayPoint stop, List <ObservedVehicle> observedVehicles)
     //foreach (ObservedVehicle ov in observedVehicles)
     //    if (stop.Position.DistanceTo(ov.AbsolutePosition) < (ov.Length - ov.PositionOffsetFromRear) + 1 && ov.Speed < 1)        //ANGLE FROM STOP POINT, NOT PERFECT
     //        return ov;
     //return null;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a polygon representing the allowable area to perform a U-Turn
        /// given Rndf Hazards and Allowed U-Turn Space
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exit"></param>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <BoundaryLine> GenerateUTurnPolygon(RndfWayPoint exit, RndfWayPoint entry)
            // Generate the boundary points of the U-Turn
            List <Coordinates> uTurnBounds = GenerateUTurnBounds(exit, entry);

            // Turn the boundary points into a polygon using a jarvis march
            List <BoundaryLine> uTurnPolygonBoundaries = JarvisMarch(uTurnBounds);

            // Return the u turn polygon
コード例 #6
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
     if (DrawingUtility.DisplayFullRoute)
         for (int i = 0; i < route.RouteNodes.Count - 1; i++)
             RndfWayPoint initial = rndf.Waypoints[route.RouteNodes[i]];
             RndfWayPoint final   = rndf.Waypoints[route.RouteNodes[i + 1]];
             DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(initial.Position, final.Position, DrawingUtility.RouteColor, g, t);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next point at which we must stop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rndf"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleLocation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RndfWayPoint NextStopOrEnd(RndfNetwork rndf, RndfLocation vehicleLocation)
            // set current as final waypoint on current partition
            RndfWayPoint current = vehicleLocation.Partition.FinalWaypoint;

            // iterate over waypoints
            while (!current.IsStop && current.NextLanePartition != null)
                // update current
                current = current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint;

            // return current as stop or end of lane
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="PointOnPath"/> associated with the supplied <see cref="RndfWayPoint"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waypoint"><see cref="RndfWayPoint"/> to find on the path.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PointOnPath"/> instance of <paramref name="waypoint"/>.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The methods does not do any searching but returns the <see cref="PointOnPath"/> object directly. It will put
        /// the point at the end of a <see cref="PartitionPathSegment"/> if possible or at the beginning if the waypoint
        /// is the first in the lane.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// Throw when the waypoint does not belong to the <see cref="Lane"/> associated with the <see cref="LanePath"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public PointOnPath GetWaypointPoint(RndfWayPoint waypoint)
            if (!lane.Equals(waypoint.Lane))
                throw new ArgumentException("Waypoint does not belong to the current lane");

            // get the user partition for that stuff
            if (waypoint.PreviousLanePartition != null)
                LanePartition        laneParition = waypoint.PreviousLanePartition;
                PartitionPathSegment pathSeg      = GetPathSegment(laneParition.UserPartitions[laneParition.UserPartitions.Count - 1]);
                LanePartition        laneParition = waypoint.NextLanePartition;
                PartitionPathSegment pathSeg      = GetPathSegment(laneParition.UserPartitions[0]);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the distance to a forward waypoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="waypoint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double DistanceToWaypoint(RndfLocation location, RndfWaypointID waypoint)
            double       distance = location.AbsolutePositionOnPartition.DistanceTo(location.Partition.FinalWaypoint.Position);
            RndfWayPoint current  = location.Partition.FinalWaypoint;

            while (current != null)
                if (current.WaypointID.Equals(waypoint))
                else if (current.NextLanePartition == null)
                    throw new Exception("waypoint not ahead of vehicle on current lane");
                    distance += current.Position.DistanceTo(current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position);
                    current   = current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint;

            throw new Exception("waypoint not ahead of vehicle on current lane");
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets up to a certain distance of the lane's coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="includeUserWaypoint"></param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="forwards">whether or not to get the front or back of a lane</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Coordinates> GetLaneWaypointCoordinates(Lane lane, bool includeUserWaypoints, double d, bool forwards)
            // 1. list of absolute positions of lane coordinates
            List <Coordinates> absoluteCoordinates = new List <Coordinates>();

            if (forwards)
                RndfWayPoint current  = lane.LanePartitions[0].InitialWaypoint;
                double       distance = 0;

                // loop over waypoints while distance within params
                while (current != null && distance <= d)
                    // add rndf waypoint

                    // update a coarse distance
                    if (current.NextLanePartition != null)
                        // update distance
                        distance += current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.Position.DistanceTo(current.Position);

                        // check to see if we're including user waypoints
                        if (includeUserWaypoints)
                            // add the user waypoints
                            foreach (UserPartition userPartition in current.NextLanePartition.UserPartitions)
                                // check if not an rndfwaypoint
                                if (!(userPartition.InitialWaypoint is RndfWayPoint))
                                    // add user waypoint's position

                        // iterate
                        current = (current.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint);

                RndfWayPoint current  = lane.LanePartitions[lane.LanePartitions.Count - 1].FinalWaypoint;
                double       distance = 0;

                // loop over waypoints while distance within params
                while (current != null && distance <= d)
                    // add rndf waypoint

                    // update a coarse distance
                    if (current.PreviousLanePartition != null)
                        // update distance
                        distance += current.PreviousLanePartition.InitialWaypoint.Position.DistanceTo(current.Position);

                        // check to see if we're including user waypoints
                        if (includeUserWaypoints && current.NextLanePartition != null)
                            // add the user waypoints
                            foreach (UserPartition userPartition in current.NextLanePartition.UserPartitions)
                                List <Coordinates> forwardUserCoords = new List <Coordinates>();

                                // check if not an rndfwaypoint
                                if (!(userPartition.InitialWaypoint is RndfWayPoint))
                                    // add user waypoint's position


                        // iterate
                        current = (current.PreviousLanePartition.InitialWaypoint);

コード例 #11
        public override void ExecuteBehavior(Behavior behavior, Common.Coordinates location, RndfWaypointID lowerBound, RndfWaypointID upperBound)
            if (behavior is UTurnBehavior)

            // check to see if we are at the upper bound
            RndfWayPoint upperWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound];

            if (!(behavior is TurnBehavior) && upperWaypoint.NextLanePartition != null && location.DistanceTo(upperWaypoint.Position) < 3)
                lowerBound = upperWaypoint.WaypointID;
                upperBound = upperWaypoint.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.WaypointID;

            Console.WriteLine("   > Received Instruction to Execute Behavior: " + behavior.ToString());
            if (behavior is StayInLaneBehavior)
                StayInLaneBehavior stayInLane = (StayInLaneBehavior)behavior;

                if (stayInLane.SpeedCommand is StopLineLaneSpeedCommand)
                    StopLineLaneSpeedCommand speedCommand = (StopLineLaneSpeedCommand)stayInLane.SpeedCommand;

                    if (speedCommand.Distance < 2)
                        // Create a fake vehicle state
                        VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                        vehicleState.xyPosition = location;
                        LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                        List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                        vehicleState.speed            = 0;
                        vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                        ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                        // Create a fake vehicle state
                        VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                        vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound].Position;
                        LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                        List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                        vehicleState.speed            = 3;
                        vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                        ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                else if (stayInLane.SpeedCommand is StopLaneSpeedCommand)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = location;
                    LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                    List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed            = -5;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                else if (stayInLane.SpeedCommand is DefaultLaneSpeedCommand)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound].Position;
                    LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                    List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed            = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Lane Speed Type", "stayInLane.SpeedCommand");
            // TODO: include midway point
            else if (behavior is TurnBehavior)
                TurnBehavior currentBehavior = (TurnBehavior)behavior;

                RndfWayPoint exitWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.ExitPoint];
                if (location.DistanceTo(exitWaypoint.Position) < 0.1)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();

                    RndfWayPoint       entryWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.EntryPoint];
                    Common.Coordinates change        = entryWaypoint.Position - exitWaypoint.Position;
                    Common.Coordinates midpoint      = exitWaypoint.Position + change / 2;

                    LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(currentBehavior.ExitPoint.LaneID, currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, 1);

                    vehicleState.xyPosition = midpoint;
                    List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed            = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.EntryPoint].Position;
                    LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, 1);
                    List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed            = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Behavior Type", "behavior");

            //Console.WriteLine("Sent Back Position \n");
コード例 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Initialize Communications
            Console.WriteLine("1. Initializing Communications...");
            Communicator communicator = new Communicator();

            Console.WriteLine("   > Communications Initialized\n");

            // Wait for Rndf,Mdf to continue
            Console.WriteLine("2. Waiting for Rndf, Mdf to continue...");
            Console.WriteLine("   > Rndf, Mdf Received\n");

            // Wait for User continue
            Console.WriteLine("3. Ready To Start Testing, Press ENTER to Continue...");

            // Wait for 1 second

             * // Turn => Stopped at Stop
             * // Create a fake vehicle state
             * RndfWayPoint position = communicator.RndfNetwork.Goals[1].Waypoint;
             * Console.WriteLine("  > Position: " + position.WaypointID.ToString());
             * VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
             * vehicleState.xyPosition = position.Position;
             * LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(position.Lane.LaneID, position.Lane.LaneID, 1);
             * List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
             * laneEstimates.Add(laneEstimate);
             * vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
             * communicator.PublishVehicleState(vehicleState);
             * Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");*/

             * // Road
             * // Create a fake vehicle state
             * RndfWaypointID tmpID = new RndfWaypointID(new LaneID(new WayID(new SegmentID(1), 1), 1), 1);
             * RndfWayPoint position = communicator.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[tmpID];
             * Console.WriteLine("  > Position: " + position.WaypointID.ToString());
             * VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
             * vehicleState.xyPosition = position.Position;
             * LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(position.Lane.LaneID, position.Lane.LaneID, 1);
             * List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
             * laneEstimates.Add(laneEstimate);
             * vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
             * vehicleState.speed = 3;
             * communicator.PublishVehicleState(vehicleState);
             * Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");*/

             * // Intersection
             * // Create a fake vehicle state
             * RndfWaypointID tmpID = new RndfWaypointID(new LaneID(new WayID(new SegmentID(1), 1), 1), 2);
             * RndfWaypointID tmpEndID = new RndfWaypointID(new LaneID(new WayID(new SegmentID(26), 2), 3), 1);
             * InterconnectID testID = new InterconnectID(tmpID, tmpEndID);
             * Interconnect testInter = communicator.RndfNetwork.Interconnects[testID];
             * RndfWayPoint position = communicator.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[tmpID];
             * VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
             * vehicleState.xyPosition = position.Position + new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates(4, 4);
             * LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(tmpID.LaneID, tmpEndID.LaneID, 1);
             * List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
             * laneEstimates.Add(laneEstimate);
             * vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
             * vehicleState.speed = 3;
             * communicator.PublishVehicleState(vehicleState);
             * Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");

            // In Lane
            // Create a fake vehicle state
            RndfWayPoint position = communicator.RndfNetwork.Goals[2].Waypoint;

            Console.WriteLine("  > Position: " + position.WaypointID.ToString());
            VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();

            vehicleState.xyPosition = position.Position;
            LaneEstimate        laneEstimate  = new LaneEstimate(position.Lane.LaneID, position.Lane.LaneID, 1);
            List <LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List <LaneEstimate>();

            vehicleState.speed            = 0;
            vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
            //Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");

            /*// Read the configuration file.
             * RemotingConfiguration.Configure("..\\..\\App.config", false);
             * WellKnownServiceTypeEntry[] wkst = RemotingConfiguration.GetRegisteredWellKnownServiceTypes();
             * // "Activate" the NameService singleton.
             * ObjectDirectory objectDirectory = (ObjectDirectory)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ObjectDirectory), wkst[0].ObjectUri);
             * // Receive the facades of components we want to use
             * RndfEditorFacade editorFacade = (RndfEditorFacade)objectDirectory.Resolve("RndfEditor");
             * // Get the RndfNetwork
             * RndfNetwork rndfNetwork = editorFacade.RndfNetwork;
             * // Create the Goals from the RndfNetwork
             * Queue<Goal> goals = generateGoals(rndfNetwork);
             * Console.WriteLine("Created Goals");
             * // Create Speed Limits from the RndfNetwork
             * List<SpeedInformation> speedLimits = generateSpeedLimits(rndfNetwork);
             * Console.WriteLine("Created speed limits");
             * // Create Mdf
             * Mdf mdf = new Mdf(goals, speedLimits);
             * Console.WriteLine("Created Mdf");
             * // Create a fake vehicle state
             * RndfWayPoint position = rndfNetwork.Goals[1].Waypoint;
             * Console.WriteLine("Position: " + position.WaypointID.ToString());
             * VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
             * vehicleState.xyPosition = position.Position;
             * LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(position.Lane.LaneID, position.Lane.LaneID, 1);
             * List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
             * laneEstimates.Add(laneEstimate);
             * vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
             * // Test
             * Console.WriteLine("Number of RndfNetwork Segments: " + rndfNetwork.Segments.Values.Count);
             * // Bind the facades of components we implement.
             * objectDirectory.Rebind(TestDataServerFacadeImpl.Instance(rndfNetwork, mdf, vehicleState), "TestServer");*/

            // Show that the navigation system is ready and waiting for input
            Console.WriteLine("4. Test Serve Complete, Waiting. Press ENTER to Shut Down");
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a specific vehicle is within generous vehicle-like area of an exit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observedVehicle"></param>
 /// <param name="stop"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckVehicleAtExit(ObservedVehicle observedVehicle, RndfWayPoint exit)
     throw new Exception("This method is not yet implemented");