protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("meizzDate", Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/App_Themes/basic/meizzDate.js")); if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["OrganizeCity"] = Request.QueryString["OrganizeCity"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["OrganizeCity"]); ViewState["Client"] = Request.QueryString["Client"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Client"]); ViewState["FeeType"] = Request.QueryString["FeeType"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["FeeType"]); if ((int)ViewState["OrganizeCity"] == 0 || Session["FeeWriteOffDetails"] == null) { Session["SuccessFlag"] = false; MessageBox.ShowAndClose(this, "参数错误!" + ViewState["OrganizeCity"].ToString()); } select_Client.PageUrl = "~/SubModule/CM/PopSearch/Search_SelectClient.aspx?&OrganizeCity=" + ViewState["OrganizeCity"].ToString(); BindDropDown(); if ((int)ViewState["FeeType"] != 0) { ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue = ViewState["FeeType"].ToString(); ddl_FeeType.Enabled = false; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 ListItem item = ddl_FeeType.Items.FindByValue(ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString()); if (item != null) { item.Enabled = false; } } BindFeeApplyNoWriteOff(); BindGrid(); } }
private void BindDropDown() { tbx_VolumeDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); int JXCDelayDays = 0; string monthconditon = ""; if ((int)ViewState["VolumeID"] == 0) { if ((int)ViewState["Type"] == 3) { JXCDelayDays = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("JXCDelayDays"); //门店销量填报延迟天数 } else { JXCDelayDays = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("DIJXCDelayDays"); //门店销量填报延迟天数 monthconditon = "'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-JXCDelayDays).ToString() + "'BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate OR '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate"; ddl_AccountMonth.Enabled = true; } } ddl_AccountMonth.DataSource = AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetModelList(monthconditon); ddl_AccountMonth.DataBind(); ddl_AccountMonth.SelectedValue = AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetMonthByDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-JXCDelayDays)).ToString(); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1114, "AddSalesVolumeIN") && AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetCurrentMonth() > int.Parse(ddl_AccountMonth.SelectedValue)) { tbx_VolumeDate.Text = new AC_AccountMonthBLL(int.Parse(ddl_AccountMonth.SelectedValue)).Model.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } }
private string GenarateSQL() { string searchstring = ""; if (lbx_search.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (ListItem lt in lbx_search.Items) { if (lt.Value != "") { searchstring += lt.Value + " AND "; } } if (searchstring.EndsWith("AND ")) { searchstring = searchstring.Substring(0, searchstring.Length - 4); } } if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 201, "ViewSelfClientByInfoCollectManID")) { searchstring += " And CU_Client.InfoCollectManID=" + Session["UserID"].ToString(); } if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 201, "ViewSelefClientByINfoSource20")) //仅查看来源于医务渠道的顾客 { searchstring += " And CU_Client.InfoSource = 20"; } #endregion return(searchstring); }
private void BindNotice() { IList <PN_Notice> notices = null; //无导和有导店看不同的公告 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "ViewALLNotice")) { //查看所有公告 notices = PN_NoticeBLL.GetModelList("PN_Notice.IsDelete ='N' AND PN_Notice.InsertTime > '" + DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND PN_Notice.ApproveFlag=1 " + " ORDER BY MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(PN_Notice.ExtPropertys,'|',1) DESC, PN_Notice.InsertTime DESC"); } else { notices = PN_NoticeBLL.GetNoticeByStaff((int)Session["UserID"]); } gv_Notice.BindGrid <PN_Notice>(notices.Where(p => p["Catalog"] == "" || int.Parse(p["Catalog"]) < 200).ToList()); //获取特殊公告 PN_Notice specialnotice = notices.FirstOrDefault(p => p["IsSpecial"] == "1"); if (specialnotice != null) { lab_SpecialPN.Text = specialnotice.Content; } }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 检查门店销量 if ((int)ViewState["Type"] == 3 && Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1103, "CheckSalesVolume")) { bt_BatchInput.Visible = true; } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 300203, "LoginAssign")) { Response.Redirect("~/SubModule/desktop.aspx"); } BindDropDown(); } }
private void BindGrid() { string condition = "1=1"; #region 组织查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "1") { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue)); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue; condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.AccountMonth BETWEEN " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + " AND " + ddl_EndMonth.SelectedValue; //申请单号 if (tbx_SheetCode.Text != "") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.SheetCode like '%" + tbx_SheetCode.Text + "%'"; } //费用类型 if (ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.FeeType = " + ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 condition += " AND ISNULL(FNA_FeeWriteOff.FeeType,0) <> " + ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString(); } //审批状态 if (ddl_State.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.State = " + ddl_State.SelectedValue; } if (select_Client.SelectValue != "") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeWriteOff.InsteadPayClient=" + select_Client.SelectValue; } #endregion gv_List.ConditionString = condition; gv_List.BindGrid(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["FeeType"] = Request.QueryString["FeeType"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["FeeType"]); ViewState["AccountTitle"] = Request.QueryString["AccountTitle"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["AccountTitle"]); BindDropDown(); if ((int)ViewState["FeeType"] > 0) { ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue = ViewState["FeeType"].ToString(); ddl_FeeType.Enabled = false; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 ListItem item = ddl_FeeType.Items.FindByValue(ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString()); if (item != null) { item.Enabled = false; } } BindGrid(); if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 1) { if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 73 && (int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 176) { bt_Add_CL.Visible = false; } if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 82) { bt_Add_FL.Visible = false; } if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 35) { bt_Add_Gift.Visible = false; } if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 47) { bt_Add_Car.Visible = false; } //if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] != 36) bt_Add_Promotor.Visible = false; } } }
protected void ud_Notice_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(ud_Notice.DataKeys[e.NewSelectedIndex]["ID"].ToString()); PN_NoticeBLL _bll = new PN_NoticeBLL(id); if (_bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1) { if (_bll.Model.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] && !Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "UnApproveNotice")) { MessageBox.Show(Page, "对不起,你没有撤销已审核的公告的权限"); return; } _bll.Approve(2, (int)Session["UserID"]); } BindGrid(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["ClientID"] = Request.QueryString["ClientID"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ClientID"]); if ((int)ViewState["ClientID"] == 0 && int.Parse(Session["AccountType"].ToString()) == 2) { ViewState["ClientID"] = Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["Username"], 1101, "SetMapPosition") && !Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["Username"], 6101, "SetMapPosition")) { btn_snyc.Visible = false; btn_addpoint.Visible = false; btn_OK.Visible = false; } } CM_ClientBLL cm_client = new CM_ClientBLL((int)ViewState["ClientID"]); if (cm_client.Model != null) { lb_FullName.Text = cm_client.Model.FullName; lb_Address.Text = cm_client.Model.Address; CM_ClientGeoInfo info = CM_ClientGeoInfoBLL.GetGeoInfoByClient((int)ViewState["ClientID"]); if (info != null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "addComplexMarker(" + info.Longitude + ", " + info.Latitude + ",\"m" + cm_client.Model.ID + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.FullName + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.TeleNum + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.Address + "\");mapInit();initmethod(\"m" + cm_client.Model.ID + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.FullName + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.TeleNum + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.Address + "\")", true); ViewState["InfoID"] = info.ID; } else if (lngX.Value != "" && latY.Value != "") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "addComplexMarker(" + lngX.Value + ", " + latY.Value + ",\"m" + cm_client.Model.ID + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.FullName + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.TeleNum + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.Address + "\");mapInit();initmethod(\"m" + cm_client.Model.ID + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.FullName + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.TeleNum + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.Address + "\")", true); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "mapInit();initmethod(\"m" + cm_client.Model.ID + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.FullName + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.TeleNum + "\",\"" + cm_client.Model.Address + "\")", true); } } else { MessageBox.ShowAndClose(this, "请选择门店!"); } }
private void BindNotice() { if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "ViewALLNotice")) { //查看所有公告 gv_Notice.BindGrid <PN_Notice>(PN_NoticeBLL.GetModelList("PN_Notice.IsDelete ='N' AND PN_Notice.InsertTime > '" + DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND PN_Notice.ApproveFlag=1 ORDER BY MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(PN_Notice.ExtPropertys,'|',1) DESC, PN_Notice.InsertTime DESC")); } else { gv_Notice.BindGrid <PN_Notice>(PN_NoticeBLL.GetNoticeByStaff((int)Session["UserID"])); } //获取特殊公告 IList <PN_Notice> pn = PN_NoticeBLL.GetModelList(" ID = (SELECT max(id) FROM [MCS_OA].[dbo].[PN_Notice] WHERE MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(ExtPropertys,'|',2)=1 AND IsDelete='N')"); if (pn.Count > 0) { lab_SpecialPN.Text = pn[0].Content; } }
private void BindDropDown() { Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"], true); tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource = staff.GetStaffOrganizeCity(); if (tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource.Select("ID = 1").Length > 0) { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = "0"; tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = "1"; } else { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(staff.Model.OrganizeCity).Model.SuperID.ToString(); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = staff.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); } ddl_JournalType.DataSource = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("OA_JournalType"); ddl_JournalType.DataBind(); ddl_JournalType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); #region 绑定职位 tr_Position.DataSource = Org_PositionBLL.GetAllPostion(); tr_Position.DataBind(); #region 如果非总部职位,其只能选择自己职位及以下职位 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 22, "ViewAllStaffJN")) { //有【查看所有员工工作日志】权限 tr_Position.RootValue = "0"; tr_Position.SelectValue = "0"; } else { tr_Position.RootValue = staff.Model.Position.ToString(); tr_Position.SelectValue = staff.Model.Position.ToString(); } #endregion #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["Staff"] != null) { Org_Staff staff = new Org_StaffBLL(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Staff"])).Model; if (staff != null) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; ViewState["Staff"] = staff.ID; } } else { lb_Staff.Visible = false; select_Staff.Visible = false; MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0; ViewState["Staff"] = (int)Session["UserID"]; #region 如果非总部职位,其只能选择自己职位及以下职位 if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 22, "ViewAllStaffJN")) { //无【查看所有员工工作日志】权限 select_Staff.PageUrl += "?Position=" + new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model.Position; } #endregion } } #region 注册脚本 string script = "function OpenJournal(id){\r\n"; script += "var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('JournalDetail.aspx?ID='+id+'&tempid='+tempid, window, 'dialogWidth:860px;DialogHeight=600px;status:no');}"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "OpenJournal", script, true); script = "function NewJournal(d){\r\n"; script += "var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('JournalDetail.aspx?Day='+d+'&tempid='+tempid, window, 'dialogWidth:860px;DialogHeight=600px;status:no');}"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "NewJournal", script, true); #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["FeeType"] = Request.QueryString["FeeType"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["FeeType"]); BindDropDown(); if ((int)ViewState["FeeType"] > 0) { ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue = ViewState["FeeType"].ToString(); ddl_FeeType.Enabled = false; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 ListItem item = ddl_FeeType.Items.FindByValue(ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString()); if (item != null) { item.Enabled = false; } } BindGrid(); } }
private void BindDropDown() { Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"], true); tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource = staff.GetStaffOrganizeCity(); if (tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource.Select("ID = 1").Length > 0) { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = "0"; tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = "1"; } else { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(staff.Model.OrganizeCity).Model.SuperID.ToString(); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = staff.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); } #region 绑定职位 tr_Position.DataSource = Org_PositionBLL.GetAllPostion(); tr_Position.DataBind(); #region 如果非总部职位,其只能选择自己职位及以下职位 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 22, "ViewAllStaffPlan")) { //有【查看所有员工工作计划】权限 tr_Position.RootValue = "0"; tr_Position.SelectValue = "0"; } else { tr_Position.RootValue = staff.Model.Position.ToString(); tr_Position.SelectValue = staff.Model.Position.ToString(); } #endregion #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["OrganizeCity"] = Request.QueryString["OrganizeCity"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["OrganizeCity"]); ViewState["AccountMonth"] = Request.QueryString["AccountMonth"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["AccountMonth"]); if (Request.QueryString["State"] != null) { if (ddl_State.Items.FindByValue(Request.QueryString["State"]) != null) { ddl_State.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["State"]; } } if (Request.QueryString["TabItem"] != null) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["TabItem"]); gv_List.Visible = MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0; gv_ListDetail.Visible = !gv_List.Visible; } BindDropDown(); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 ListItem item = ddl_FeeType.Items.FindByValue(ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString()); if (item != null) { item.Enabled = false; } } tr_AccountTitle.Enabled = gv_ListDetail.Visible; ddl_ApplyCostOP.Enabled = gv_ListDetail.Visible; tbx_ApplyCost.Enabled = gv_ListDetail.Visible; } }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_ClientType.DataSource = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("CM_ClientType"); ddl_ClientType.DataBind(); ddl_ClientType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); //if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 17, "ViewStoreInPopSearch")) //{ // //在弹出窗口中查看仓库列表 // if (ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("1") != null) ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("1").Enabled = false; //} if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 12, "ViewDIInPopSearch")) { //在弹出窗口中查看经销商列表 if (ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("2") != null) { ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("2").Enabled = false; } } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 11, "ViewRTInPopSearch") && (int)Session["OwnerType"] != 3) { //在弹出窗口中查看门店列表 if (ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("3") != null) { ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("3").Enabled = false; } } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 801, "ViewHPInPopSearch")) { //在弹出窗口中查看医院列表 if (ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("5") != null) { ddl_ClientType.Items.FindByValue("5").Enabled = false; } } #region 绑定用户可管辖的管理片区 if ((int)Session["AccountType"] == 1) { Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource = staff.GetStaffOrganizeCity(); if (tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource.Select("ID = 1").Length > 0) { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = "0"; tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = "1"; } else { tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(staff.Model.OrganizeCity).Model.SuperID.ToString(); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = staff.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); } #region 获取当前员工的关联经销商 int _relateclient = 0; if (staff.Model["RelateClient"] != "" && int.TryParse(staff.Model["RelateClient"], out _relateclient)) { ViewState["RelateClient"] = _relateclient; } #endregion } else if ((int)Session["AccountType"] == 2) { CM_ClientBLL client = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); if (client.Model != null) { int city = client.GetManufactInfo(client.Model.OwnerClient).OrganizeCity; Addr_OrganizeCityBLL citybll = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(city); tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource = citybll.GetAllChildNodeIncludeSelf(); tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = citybll.Model.SuperID.ToString(); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = city.ToString(); } } #endregion }
private void BindData() { int id = (int)ViewState["ID"]; FNA_FeeApply apply = new FNA_FeeApplyBLL(id).Model; if (apply == null) { Response.Redirect("FeeApplyList.aspx"); } ViewState["AccountMonth"] = apply.AccountMonth; ViewState["OrganizeCity"] = apply.OrganizeCity; ViewState["FeeType"] = apply.FeeType; ViewState["AccountTitle2"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(apply["AccountTitle2"]) ? 0 : int.Parse(apply["AccountTitle2"]); ViewState["DicFeeType"] = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("FNA_FeeType")[ViewState["FeeType"].ToString()]; ViewState["RelateCar"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(apply["RelateCar"]) ? 0 : int.Parse(apply["RelateCar"]); ViewState["GiftFeeClassify"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(apply["GiftFeeClassify"]) ? 0 : int.Parse(apply["GiftFeeClassify"]); ViewState["FromGeneralFlow"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(apply["FromGeneralFlow"]) ? "Y" : "N"; pn_FeeApply.BindData(apply); if (apply.Client != 0) { cbx_NoInsteadPayClient.Visible = false; } UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; if (((Dictionary_Data)ViewState["DicFeeType"]).Description == "BudgetControl") { BindBudgetInfo(); } else if (((Dictionary_Data)ViewState["DicFeeType"]).Description == "FeeRateControl") { BindFeeRateInfo(); } #region 根据审批状态控制页面 bt_ViewWriteOff.Visible = false; if (apply.State == 1) { //未提交状态 bt_ViewReport.Visible = false; tbx_Remark.Text = apply["Remark"]; tbl_Remark.Visible = true; gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = true; //删除按钮 } if (apply.State != 1) { //非 未提交 状态 bt_Delete.Visible = false; bt_AddDetail.Visible = false; pn_FeeApply.SetPanelEnable("Panel_FNA_FeeApplyDetail_1", false); gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false; bt_Save.Visible = false; bt_Submit.Visible = false; apply["Remark"] = apply["Remark"].Replace("\r", "<br/>"); pn_Remark.BindData(apply); pn_Remark.Visible = true; cbx_NoInsteadPayClient.Visible = false; UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; if (apply.FeeType == 1) { bt_ViewReport.OnClientClick = "PopReport(" + apply.ID.ToString() + ")"; } else { bt_ViewReport.Visible = false; } //可见调整金额及原因 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 7].Visible = true; //批复额 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 10].Visible = true; //调整原因 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 11].Visible = true; //调整金额 if ((ViewState["Details"] as ListTable <FNA_FeeApplyDetail>).GetListItem().FirstOrDefault(p => p.AccountTitle == 82) != null) { gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 6].Visible = true; //批复额 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 8].Visible = true; //调整原因 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 9].Visible = true; //调整金额 } } if ((ViewState["Details"] as ListTable <FNA_FeeApplyDetail>).GetListItem()[0].RelateContractDetail > 0) { gv_List.Columns[4].Visible = true; } if (apply.State == 2) { ///已提交状态,审批过程中,可以作金额调整 ///审批过程中,可以作金额调整 Decision参数为在审批过程中传进来的参数 if (Request.QueryString["Decision"] != "" && Request.QueryString["Decision"] == "Y") { gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = true; //允许调整申请金额 int fltype = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("ContractFeeType-FL"); if (apply.FeeType == fltype) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "返利不能单独审批", " <script>window.parent.document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btn_Pass').disabled='disabled'; </script>"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "返利不能单条审批", " <script>window.parent.document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_bt_SaveDecisionComment').disabled='disabled'; </script>"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "返利不能单条处理", " <script>window.parent.document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btn_WaitProcess').disabled='disabled'; </script>"); string[] allowdays = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 9).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); if (!allowdays.Contains(DateTime.Now.Day.ToString())) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "超时不能单独审批", " <script>window.parent.document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btn_NotPass').disabled='disabled'; </script>"); } } } bt_ViewWriteOff.Visible = false; } if (apply.State == 3) { //已审批 bt_ViewWriteOff.Visible = true; gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 3].Visible = true; //查看核销 链接 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 4].Visible = true; //可报销额 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 5].Visible = true; //报销标志 bt_ViewWriteOff.OnClientClick = "PopWriteOffListByApplyID(" + id.ToString() + ")"; if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1503, "CancelWirteOffDetail")) { bt_CancelWriteOff.Visible = true; bt_CancelWriteOff.OnClientClick = "return confirm('是否确定取消选中的费用,取消后,该费用不可再次核销!\n【若需要再次核销则需要重新发起申请!】')"; gv_List.Columns[0].Visible = true; } } if (apply.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] || apply.State != 3) { bt_Cancel.Visible = false; } if (apply.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] || apply.State >= 3) { UploadFile1.CanUpload = false; UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; } if (apply.State != 8) { bt_Copy.Visible = false; //只有审批未通过才可重新激活 } #endregion if (apply["FromGeneralFlow"] == "N") { if (apply.FeeType == ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("ContractFeeType") || apply.FeeType == ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("ContractFeeType-KA") || apply.FeeType == ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("ContractFeeType-FL") ) { bt_AddDetail.Visible = false; } } #region 增加客户后的详细内容按钮 if (apply.Client != 0) { //MCSSelectControl sc_Client = (MCSSelectControl)pn_FeeApply.FindControl("FNA_FeeApply_Client"); //if (sc_Client != null) //{ // HyperLink hy_clientdetail = new HyperLink(); // hy_clientdetail.ImageUrl = "~/Images/Gif/gif-0818.gif"; // hy_clientdetail.NavigateUrl = "~/SubModule/CM/RT/RetailerAnalysis.aspx?ClientID=" + apply.Client.ToString(); // hy_clientdetail.Target = "_blank"; // sc_Client.Parent.Controls.Add(hy_clientdetail); //} } #endregion #region 增加关联活动链接 int activityid = 0; if (int.TryParse(apply["ActivityID"], out activityid) && activityid > 0) { Label label = (Label)pn_FeeApply.FindControl("FNA_FeeApply_ActivityID"); if (label != null) { HyperLink hy_activitydetail = new HyperLink(); hy_activitydetail.Text = " 查看活动详情"; hy_activitydetail.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; hy_activitydetail.NavigateUrl = "~/SubModule/CAT/CAT_ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=" + activityid.ToString(); hy_activitydetail.Target = "_blank"; label.Parent.Controls.Add(hy_activitydetail); } } #endregion #region 增加关联HDM结算单链接 int hdmbalance = 0; if (int.TryParse(apply["HDMBalance"], out hdmbalance) && hdmbalance > 0) { Label label = (Label)pn_FeeApply.FindControl("FNA_FeeApply_HDMBalance"); if (label != null) { HyperLink hy_hdmbalance = new HyperLink(); hy_hdmbalance.Text = " 查看结算单详情"; hy_hdmbalance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; hy_hdmbalance.NavigateUrl = "~/SubModule/CSO/CSO_OfferBalanceDetail.aspx?OfferBalanceID=" + hdmbalance.ToString(); hy_hdmbalance.Target = "_blank"; label.Parent.Controls.Add(hy_hdmbalance); } } #endregion BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { tr1.Visible = false; tr_Product.Visible = true; string condition = " 1 = 1 "; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue != "0") { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") { condition = " Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; } else { condition = " Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } } condition += " ORDER BY PDT_Product.Code"; PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); gv_List.BindGrid(bll.GetDetail(condition)); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1410, "ModifyFactoryPrice")) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { TextBox tbx = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice"); if (tbx != null) { tbx.Enabled = false; } } } } else { tr1.Visible = true; tr_Product.Visible = false; //获取非价表产品列表 string condition = "State=1 AND ID NOT IN (SELECT Product FROM PDT_StandardPrice_Detail WHERE StandardPrice=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString() + ")"; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue == "0") { condition += " AND Brand in (SELECT ID FROM PDT_Brand WHERE IsOpponent in ('1'))"; } else { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") { condition += " AND Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; } else { condition += " AND Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } } IList <PDT_Product> products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList(condition); gv_List_FacProd.BindGrid <PDT_Product>(products); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { #region 获取页面参数 if (Request.QueryString["ClientID"] != null) { ViewState["ClientID"] = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ClientID"]); Session["ClientID"] = ViewState["ClientID"]; } else if (Session["ClientID"] != null) { ViewState["ClientID"] = Int32.Parse(Session["ClientID"].ToString()); } ViewState["ClientType"] = Request.QueryString["ClientType"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ClientType"]); select_Client.PageUrl = "~/SubModule/CM/PopSearch/Search_SelectClient.aspx?ClientType=" + ViewState["ClientType"].ToString() + "&NoParent=Y"; if ((int)ViewState["ClientType"] == 2) { Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=1"; //1:经销商 } else if ((int)ViewState["ClientType"] == 2) { Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=3"; //3:促销门店 } #endregion BindDropDown(); if (Request.QueryString["ApproveFlag"] != null) { //查找过滤添加:0:所有 1:审核 2:未审核 if (Request.QueryString["ClientClassify"] != null) { ViewState["ClientClassify"] = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ClientClassify"]); } else { Response.Redirect("~/SubModule/Desktop.aspx"); } Session["ClientID"] = null; ViewState["ClientID"] = null; rbl_ApproveFlag.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["ApproveFlag"]; ddl_BeginMonth.SelectedValue = AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetMonthByDate(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1)).ToString(); ddl_EndMonth.SelectedValue = ddl_BeginMonth.SelectedValue; Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=" + ViewState["ClientClassify"].ToString(); } else if (ViewState["ClientID"] != null) { CM_ClientBLL client = new CM_ClientBLL((int)ViewState["ClientID"]); if (client.Model["DIClassify"] == "2") { Response.Redirect("JXCSummary_ListSub.aspx?ClientID=" + client.Model.ID.ToString() + "&ClientType=2"); } if (Request.QueryString["ClientType"] != null && client.Model.ClientType != (int)ViewState["ClientType"]) { Session["ClientID"] = null; Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery); } #region 载入客户信息 ViewState["ClientType"] = client.Model.ClientType; select_Client.SelectValue = ViewState["ClientID"].ToString(); select_Client.SelectText = client.Model.FullName; select_Client.PageUrl = "~/SubModule/CM/PopSearch/Search_SelectClient.aspx?ClientType=" + client.Model.ClientType.ToString() + "&OrganizeCity=" + client.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString() + "&NoParent=Y"; tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = client.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); #endregion #region 判断传入客户参数的客户类别 //if (client.Model.ClientType == 2 && client.Model["DIClassify"] == "1") // Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=1"; //1:经销商 //else if (client.Model.ClientType == 2 && client.Model["DIClassify"] != "1") // Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=2"; //2:分销商 //else if (client.Model.ClientType == 3 && client.Model["IsPromote"] == "1") // Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=3"; //3:促销门店 //else // Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "ClientClassify=4"; //4:非促销门店 #endregion BindGrid(); } else { } //else //{ // if ((int)ViewState["ClientType"] == 2) // MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "请先在‘经销商列表’中选择要查看的经销商!", "../CM/DI/DistributorList.aspx?URL=" + Request.Url.PathAndQuery); // else // MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "请先在‘零售商列表’中选择要查看的零售商!", "../CM/RT/RetailerList.aspx?URL=" + Request.Url.PathAndQuery); // return; //} #region 判断是否有权限查看出厂价的权限 switch (Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"]) { case "ClientClassify=1": if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1220, "ViewFactoryPrice")) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; } break; case "ClientClassify=2": if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1220, "ViewFactoryPrice2")) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; } break; case "ClientClassify=3": if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1120, "ViewFactoryPrice")) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; } break; case "ClientClassify=4": if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1120, "ViewFactoryPrice2")) { MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; } break; default: MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; break; } #endregion } if ((int)ViewState["ClientType"] == 2) { MCSTabControl1.Items[1].Visible = false; MCSTabControl1.Items[2].Visible = false; //经销商客户,不显示零售价 MCSTabControl1.Items[3].Visible = true; } if ((int)ViewState["ClientType"] == 3) { gv_List.Columns[8].Visible = false; //本期签收 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false; //下游买赠 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 3].Visible = false; //下游进货 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 4].Visible = false; //下游退货 } }
private void BindGrid() { int month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); int state = int.Parse(ddl_State.SelectedValue); int RTChannel = int.Parse(ddl_RTChannel.SelectedValue); int RTType = int.Parse(ddl_RTType.SelectedValue); string condition = ""; if (tbx_ApplyCost.Text != "0") { condition = "TotalApplyCost" + ddl_OP.SelectedValue + tbx_ApplyCost.Text; } if (txt_FeeRate.Text != "0") { if (condition != "") { condition += " AND "; } condition += "CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,3),REPLACE(ApplyCostRate,'%',''))" + ddl_FeeRateOP.SelectedValue + txt_FeeRate.Text; } DataTable dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetRTChannelFLFee (month, organizecity, state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), RTChannel, condition, RTType); if (dtSummary.Rows.Count == 0) { gv_List.DataBind(); return; } #region 求行小计 MatrixTable.TableAddRowSubTotal(dtSummary, new string[] { "区域信息→大区", "区域信息→营业部", "区域信息→办事处", "零售店基本情况→费用代垫客户" }, new string[] { "卖场销售额→上月", "卖场销售额→本月", "费用情况→总费用", "费用情况→我司费用", "费用情况→经销商费用" }, true); //计算小计行费率 foreach (DataRow dr in dtSummary.Rows) { if (dr[0].ToString() == "总计" || dr[1].ToString() == "小计" || dr[2].ToString() == "小计" || dr[3].ToString() == "小计" || dr[4].ToString() == "小计") { dr["费用情况→我司费率"] = (decimal)dr["卖场销售额→本月"] == 0 ? "100%" : ((decimal)dr["费用情况→我司费用"] / (decimal)dr["卖场销售额→本月"]).ToString("0.#%"); dr["费用情况→经销商费率"] = (decimal)dr["卖场销售额→本月"] == 0 ? "100%" : ((decimal)dr["费用情况→经销商费用"] / (decimal)dr["卖场销售额→本月"]).ToString("0.#%"); } } #endregion gv_List.DataSource = dtSummary; gv_List.DataBind(); if (dtSummary.Columns.Count >= 24) { gv_List.Width = new Unit(dtSummary.Columns.Count * 60); } else { gv_List.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); } MatrixTable.GridViewMatric(gv_List); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { MatrixTable.GridViewMergSampeValueRow(gv_List, i); } if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1510, "BatApproveFee")) { bt_Approve.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_UnApprove.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_ExcludeApplyDetail.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); if (state == 1 && condition == "" && RTChannel == 0 && RTType == 0) { bt_Approve.Enabled = true; bt_UnApprove.Enabled = true; #region 判断能否审批 if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { Org_StaffBLL _staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); DataTable dt = _staff.GetLowerPositionTask(2, int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue), month); if (AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetCurrentMonth() - 1 <= int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue)) { string[] allowdays1 = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 5).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); string[] allowdays2 = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 6).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); string date = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); if (allowdays1.Contains(date)) { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } else if (allowdays2.Contains(date)) { DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); if (_staff.Model.Position == 210) { dt2 = _staff.GetFillProcessDetail(2); } if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } } else { bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; } } else { bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "message", "<script language='javascript'>var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('" + Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/SubModule/Pop_ShowLowerPositionTask.aspx") + "?Type=2&StaffID=0&Month=" + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + "&City=" + tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue + "&tempid='+tempid, window, 'dialogWidth:520px;DialogHeight=600px;status:yes;resizable=no');</script>", false); bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } } #endregion } else { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; } } else { bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_UnApprove.Visible = false; bt_ExcludeApplyDetail.Visible = false; } }
private void BindGrid() { string condition = "1=1"; #region 组织查询条件 //管理片区及所有下属管理片区 if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "1") { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue)); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue; condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } //会计月条件 if ((int)ViewState["AccountTitle"] == 82) { condition += " AND EXISTS (SELECT ApplyID FROM MCS_FNA.dbo.FNA_FeeApplyDetail WHERE FNA_FeeApplyDetail.AccountTitle=82 AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ApplyID=FNA_FeeApply.ID AND BeginMonth=" + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + ")"; } else { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.AccountMonth = " + ddl_Month.SelectedValue; } //申请单号 if (tbx_SheetCode.Text != "") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.SheetCode like '%" + tbx_SheetCode.Text + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Select_InsertStaff.SelectValue)) { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.InsertStaff=" + Select_InsertStaff.SelectValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(select_ApplyClient.SelectValue)) { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.Client=" + select_ApplyClient.SelectValue; } //费用类型 if (ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType = " + ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType <> " + ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString(); } //审批状态 if (ddl_State.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.State = " + ddl_State.SelectedValue; } //核销状态 if (ddl_WriteOffState.SelectedValue == "1") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.State=3 AND FNA_FeeApply.ID IN (SELECT ApplyID FROM MCS_FNA.dbo.FNA_FeeApplyDetail WHERE AvailCost > 0 AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ApplyID=FNA_FeeApply.ID)"; } else if (ddl_WriteOffState.SelectedValue == "2") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.State=3 AND FNA_FeeApply.ID NOT IN (SELECT ApplyID FROM MCS_FNA.dbo.FNA_FeeApplyDetail WHERE AvailCost > 0 AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ApplyID=FNA_FeeApply.ID)"; } //会计科目 int accounttile = 0; if (int.TryParse(tr_AccountTitle.SelectValue, out accounttile) && accounttile > 1) { DataTable dt = TreeTableBLL.GetAllChildByNodes("MCS_PUB.dbo.AC_AccountTitle", "ID", "SuperID", accounttile.ToString()); string ids = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ids += dr["ID"].ToString() + ","; } ids += accounttile.ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.ID IN (SELECT ApplyID FROM MCS_FNA.dbo.FNA_FeeApplyDetail WHERE AccountTitle IN(" + ids + ") AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ApplyID=FNA_FeeApply.ID)"; } //标题 if (tbx_Title.Text != "") { condition += " AND MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(FNA_FeeApply.ExtPropertys,'|',4) LIKE '%" + tbx_Title.Text + "%'"; } #endregion gv_List.ConditionString = condition; gv_List.BindGrid(); }
private void BindFeeApplyNoWriteOff() { #region 组织查询条件 string condition = " FNA_FeeApplyDetail.AvailCost > 0 "; condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.OrganizeCity =" + ViewState["OrganizeCity"].ToString(); condition += " AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.BeginMonth >= " + ddl_BeginMonth.SelectedValue; condition += " AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.EndMonth <= " + ddl_EndMonth.SelectedValue; if (ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += "AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType=" + ddl_FeeType.SelectedValue; } if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 4703, "Browse")) { //无查看营养教育费用权限 condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.FeeType <> " + ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("CSOCostType").ToString(); } if (select_Client.SelectValue != "" && select_Client.SelectValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.Client=" + select_Client.SelectValue; } if (tbx_SheetCode.Text != "") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.SheetCode like '%" + tbx_SheetCode.Text + "%'"; } if (ddl_AccountTitle.SelectedValue != "0") { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.AccountTitle=" + ddl_AccountTitle.SelectedValue; } if ((int)ViewState["Client"] == 0) { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.Client IS NULL"; } else { CM_ClientBLL _bll = new CM_ClientBLL((int)ViewState["Client"]); string clientconditon = ""; if (_bll.Model["DIClassify"] == "1") { clientconditon = "SELECT ID FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_Client WHERE ID=" + ViewState["Client"].ToString() + "OR Supplier=" + ViewState["Client"].ToString() + " AND MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(ExtPropertys,'|',7)='3'"; } else { clientconditon = ViewState["Client"].ToString() + "," + _bll.Model.Supplier.ToString(); } condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.Client IN (" + clientconditon + ")"; } #region 排除已选中到报销列表中的申请单 string applydetailids = ""; ListTable <FNA_FeeWriteOffDetail> _details = Session["FeeWriteOffDetails"] as ListTable <FNA_FeeWriteOffDetail>; foreach (FNA_FeeWriteOffDetail item in _details.GetListItem()) { applydetailids += item.ApplyDetailID.ToString() + ","; } if (applydetailids != "") { applydetailids = applydetailids.Substring(0, applydetailids.Length - 1); condition += " AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ID not in (" + applydetailids + ")"; } #endregion #endregion gv_FeeAplyList.ConditionString = condition; gv_FeeAplyList.BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { int month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); DataTable dtSummary = new DataTable(); int state = int.Parse(ddl_State.SelectedValue); string accountname = ddl_Month.SelectedItem.Text; string preaccountname = DateTime.Parse(accountname + "-01").AddMonths(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM"); switch (MCSTabControl1.SelectedTabItem.Value) { case "0": { dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetDiaplayFeeSummary(month, organizecity, int.Parse(ddl_Level.SelectedValue), state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString())); if (dtSummary.Rows.Count == 0) { gv_List.DataBind(); return; } dtSummary = MatrixTable.Matrix(dtSummary, new string[] { "管理片区名称", "责任人员", "行政属性" }, new string[] { "RTChannel", "DisplayFeeType", "Title" }, "Summary", true, false); MatrixTable.TableAddRowSubTotal_Matric(dtSummary, new string[] { "责任人员" }, 3, new string[] { "RTChannel", "DisplayFeeType", "Title" }, false); #region 重新计算总计行的费率 if (dtSummary.Rows.Count > 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtSummary.Rows) { if (dr[0].ToString().EndsWith("计") || dr[2].ToString().EndsWith("计")) { foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSummary.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName.EndsWith("费率%")) { string title = dc.ColumnName; int pos = title.IndexOf('→'); if (pos > 0) { title = title.Substring(0, pos); if (dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→2.陈列费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担") && dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→3.销量及费率→C." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)") && (decimal)dr[title + "→3.销量及费率→C." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)"] != 0) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = Math.Round((decimal)dr[title + "→2.陈列费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担"] / (decimal)dr[title + "→3.销量及费率→C." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)"] * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } } if (dc.ColumnName.EndsWith("E.费率(较" + preaccountname + ")%")) { string title = dc.ColumnName; int pos = title.IndexOf('→'); if (pos > 0) { title = title.Substring(0, pos); if (dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→2.陈列费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担") && dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→3.销量及费率→A." + preaccountname + "实际销量(元/月)") && (decimal)dr[title + "→3.销量及费率→A." + preaccountname + "实际销量(元/月)"] != 0) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = Math.Round((decimal)dr[title + "→2.陈列费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担"] / (decimal)dr[title + "→3.销量及费率→A." + preaccountname + "实际销量(元/月)"] * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } } } } } } #endregion } break; case "1": { dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetDiaplayFeeByDisplay(month, organizecity, int.Parse(ddl_Level.SelectedValue), state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString())); if (dtSummary.Rows.Count == 0) { gv_List.DataBind(); return; } dtSummary = MatrixTable.Matrix(dtSummary, new string[] { "管理片区名称", "责任人员" }, new string[] { "DisplayMode", "Title" }, "Summary", true, false); #region 重新计算总计行的费率 if (dtSummary.Rows.Count > 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtSummary.Rows) { if (dr[0].ToString().EndsWith("计")) { foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSummary.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName.EndsWith("费率%")) { string title = dc.ColumnName; int pos = title.IndexOf('→'); if (pos > 0) { title = title.Substring(0, pos); if (dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→B.我司费用") && dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→D." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)") && (decimal)dr[title + "→D." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)"] != 0) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = Math.Round((decimal)dr[title + "→B.我司费用"] / (decimal)dr[title + "→D." + accountname + "预计销量(元/月)"] * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } } } } } } #endregion } break; case "2": { dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetByPayMode(month, organizecity, int.Parse(ddl_Level.SelectedValue), state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString())); if (dtSummary.Rows.Count == 0) { gv_List.DataBind(); return; } dtSummary = MatrixTable.Matrix(dtSummary, new string[] { "管理片区名称", "责任人员" }, new string[] { "付款周期", "Title" }, "Summary", true, false); #region 重新计算总计行的费率 if (dtSummary.Rows.Count > 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtSummary.Rows) { if (dr[0].ToString().EndsWith("计")) { foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSummary.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName.EndsWith("比")) { string title = dc.ColumnName; int pos = title.IndexOf('→'); if (pos > 0) { title = title.Substring(0, pos); if (dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→我司费用") && dtSummary.Columns.Contains("总计→我司费用") && (decimal)dr["总计→我司费用"] != 0) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = Math.Round((decimal)dr[title + "→我司费用"] / (decimal)dr["总计→我司费用"] * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } } } } } } #endregion } break; } gv_List.DataSource = dtSummary; gv_List.DataBind(); if (dtSummary.Columns.Count >= 24) { gv_List.Width = new Unit(dtSummary.Columns.Count * 65); } else { gv_List.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); } MatrixTable.GridViewMatric(gv_List); MatrixTable.GridViewMergSampeValueRow(gv_List, 0); MatrixTable.GridViewMergSampeValueRow(gv_List, 1); #region 是否可以批量审批 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1509, "BatApproveFee")) { bt_Approve.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_UnApprove.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_Approve.Enabled = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_UnApprove.Enabled = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); #region 判断费用申请进度 if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { Org_StaffBLL _staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); DataTable dt = _staff.GetLowerPositionTask(1, organizecity, month); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; //bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "message", "<script language='javascript'>var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('" + Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/SubModule/Pop_ShowLowerPositionTask.aspx") + "?Type=1&StaffID=0&Month=" + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + "&City=" + tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue + "&tempid='+tempid, window, 'dialogWidth:520px;DialogHeight=600px;status:yes;resizable=no');</script>", false); } } #endregion } else { bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_UnApprove.Visible = false; } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 注册脚本 Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("Cookie", Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/App_Themes/basic/cookie.js")); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("MCSTabMenu", Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/App_Themes/basic/MCSTabMenu.js")); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("WdatePicker", Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/js/My97DatePicker/WdatePicker.js")); string script = "function searchkb() {"; script += "'" + Page.ResolveUrl("~/SubModule/OA/KB/Search.aspx") + "?Text=' + document.getElementById('tbx_KBSearch').value, '', 'Width=500,Height=600,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');}"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "searchkb", script, true); #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { if (ConfigHelper.GetConfigBool("CheckRequstUrlReferrer")) { if (Request.UrlReferrer == null || Request.UrlReferrer.Host != Request.Url.Host) { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this.Page, "页面参数传递错误!", this.ResolveUrl("~/SubModule/Desktop.aspx")); return; } } if (Session["UserName"] == null) { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this.Page, "对不起,会话超时,请重新登录!", "/Default.aspx"); return; } #region 通用权限判断 ViewState["PageTitle"] = ""; if (Request.FilePath.IndexOf("SubModule") >= 0) { string Path = Request.FilePath.Substring(Request.FilePath.IndexOf("SubModule")); IList <UD_WebPage> pages = UD_WebPageBLL.GetModelList("Path='" + Path + "' AND SubCode='" + Head1.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] + "'"); if (pages.Count > 0) { UD_WebPageBLL webpagebll = new UD_WebPageBLL(pages[0].ID, true); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Context.User.Identity.Name, webpagebll.Model.Module, "Browse")) { //无浏览权限 //Response.Redirect("~/SubModule/noaccessright.aspx"); } IList <UD_WebPageControl> controls = webpagebll.GetWebControls(); ViewState["PageTitle"] = pages[0].Title; if (controls.Count > 0) { CheckWebControl(ContentPlaceHolder1.Controls, webpagebll.Model.Module, controls); } else { foreach (Control c in ContentPlaceHolder1.Controls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID)) { if (c.ID == "lb_PageTitle") { ((Label)c).Text = (string)ViewState["PageTitle"]; break; } } } } } } #endregion } else { #region 如果页面内含MCSTabControl控件,再次运行一下权限判断 if (ViewState["AlwaysCheckRight"] != null && (bool)ViewState["AlwaysCheckRight"]) { string Path = Request.FilePath.Substring(Request.FilePath.IndexOf("SubModule")); IList <UD_WebPage> pages = UD_WebPageBLL.GetModelList("Path='" + Path + "' AND SubCode='" + Head1.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] + "'"); if (pages.Count > 0) { UD_WebPageBLL webpagebll = new UD_WebPageBLL(pages[0].ID, true); IList <UD_WebPageControl> controls = webpagebll.GetWebControls(); if (controls.Count > 0) { CheckWebControl(ContentPlaceHolder1.Controls, webpagebll.Model.Module, controls); } } } #endregion } #region 设置页面Title 不能放在PostBack内 string pagetitle = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("PageTitle"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagetitle)) { Head1.Title = pagetitle + " " + (string)ViewState["PageTitle"]; } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 判断页面控件权限 /// </summary> /// <param name="Controls"></param> /// <param name="Module"></param> /// <param name="CheckControlList"></param> private void CheckWebControl(ControlCollection Controls, int Module, IList <UD_WebPageControl> CheckControlList) { foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID)) { if (c.ID == "lb_PageTitle") { ((Label)c).Text = (string)ViewState["PageTitle"]; } if (CheckControlList != null) { foreach (UD_WebPageControl m in CheckControlList.Where <UD_WebPageControl>(cl => cl.ControlName == c.ID)) { #region 获取定义的权限 bool visible = true; bool enable = true; if (m.VisibleActionCode != "") { visible = Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Context.User.Identity.Name, Module, m.VisibleActionCode); } if (m.EnableActionCode != "") { enable = Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Context.User.Identity.Name, Module, m.EnableActionCode); } #endregion #region 根据控件类型判断控件的可见与有效 switch (c.GetType().BaseType.Name) { case "WebControl": switch (m.ControlType) { case "MCSTabControl": #region MCSTabControl MCSTabControl tab = (MCSTabControl)c; if (m.ControlIndex == 0) { if (!visible) { tab.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { tab.Enabled = false; } } else { if (m.ControlIndex > 0 && m.ControlIndex <= tab.Items.Count) { if (!visible) { tab.Items[m.ControlIndex - 1].Visible = false; } if (!enable) { tab.Items[m.ControlIndex - 1].Enabled = false; } ViewState["AlwaysCheckRight"] = true; } } #endregion break; default: WebControl wc = (WebControl)c; if (!visible) { wc.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { wc.Enabled = false; } break; } break; case "GridView": //UC_GridView控件 case "CompositeDataBoundControl": //GridView控件 #region GridView if (m.ControlType == "GridView" || m.ControlType == "UC_GridView") { GridView gv = (GridView)c; if (m.ControlIndex == 0) { if (!visible) { gv.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { gv.Enabled = false; } } else { if (m.ControlIndex > 0 && m.ControlIndex <= gv.Columns.Count) { if (!visible) { gv.Columns[m.ControlIndex - 1].Visible = false; } } } //ViewState["AlwaysCheckRight"] = true; } #endregion break; case "CheckBox": if (m.ControlType == "RadioButton") { RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)c; if (!visible) { rb.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { rb.Enabled = false; } } break; case "Image": if (m.ControlType == "ImageButton") { ImageButton imb = (ImageButton)c; if (!visible) { imb.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { imb.Enabled = false; } } break; case "ListControl": //包括DropDownList RadioButtonList控件 ListControl lc = (ListControl)c; if (m.ControlIndex == 0) { if (!visible) { lc.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { lc.Enabled = false; } } else { if (m.ControlIndex > 0 && m.ControlIndex <= lc.Items.Count) { if (!visible || !enable) { lc.Items[m.ControlIndex - 1].Enabled = false; } } } break; case "Panel": if (c.GetType().Name == "UC_DetailView") { UC_DetailView uc_view = (UC_DetailView)c; if (m.Description == "") { if (!visible) { uc_view.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { uc_view.SetControlsEnable(false); } } else { if (!visible) { uc_view.SetPanelVisible(m.Description, false); } if (!enable) { uc_view.SetPanelEnable(m.Description, false); } } } else if (c.GetType().Name == "") { UC_EWFPanel uc_view = (UC_EWFPanel)c; if (!visible) { uc_view.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { uc_view.Enabled = false; } } else { Panel pl = (Panel)c; if (!visible) { pl.Visible = false; } if (!enable) { pl.Enabled = false; } } break; default: if (!visible) { c.Visible = false; } break; } #endregion } } } if (c.HasControls()) { CheckWebControl(c.Controls, Module, CheckControlList); } } }
protected void ud_Notice_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(ud_Notice.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); PN_NoticeBLL _bll = new PN_NoticeBLL(id); if (_bll.Model.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] && _bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1 && !Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "DelNotice")) { MessageBox.Show(Page, "对不起,你没有删除已审核公告的权限"); return; } _bll.SetIsDeleted(); BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { int month = int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue); int organizecity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); int state = int.Parse(ddl_State.SelectedValue); if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedTabItem.Value == "0") { #region 显示汇总数据 gv_List.Visible = true; gv_DetailList.Visible = false; DataTable dtSummary = FNA_FeeApplyBLL.GetFLFeeSummary(month, organizecity, int.Parse(ddl_Level.SelectedValue), state, int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString())); if (dtSummary.Rows.Count == 0) { gv_List.DataBind(); return; } dtSummary = MatrixTable.Matrix(dtSummary, new string[] { "管理片区名称", "行政属性" }, new string[] { "RTChannel", "DisplayFeeType", "Title" }, "Summary", true, false); MatrixTable.TableAddRowSubTotal_Matric(dtSummary, new string[] { "管理片区名称" }, 2, new string[] { "RTChannel", "DisplayFeeType", "Title" }, false); #region 重新计算总计行的费率 if (dtSummary.Rows.Count > 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtSummary.Rows) { if (dr[1].ToString().EndsWith("计") || dr[2].ToString().EndsWith("计")) { foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSummary.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName.EndsWith("费率%")) { string title = dc.ColumnName; int pos = title.IndexOf('→'); if (pos > 0) { title = title.Substring(0, pos); if (dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→1.返利费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担") && dtSummary.Columns.Contains(title + "→2.销量及费率→A.实际进货(元/月)") && (decimal)dr[title + "→2.销量及费率→A.实际进货(元/月)"] != 0) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = Math.Round((decimal)dr[title + "→1.返利费总计(元/月)→A.我司承担"] / (decimal)dr[title + "→2.销量及费率→A.实际进货(元/月)"] * 100, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } } } } } } #endregion gv_List.DataSource = dtSummary; gv_List.DataBind(); if (dtSummary.Columns.Count >= 24) { gv_List.Width = new Unit(dtSummary.Columns.Count * 65); } else { gv_List.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); } MatrixTable.GridViewMatric(gv_List); MatrixTable.GridViewMergSampeValueRow(gv_List, 0); MatrixTable.GridViewMergSampeValueRow(gv_List, 1); #endregion } else { gv_List.Visible = false; gv_DetailList.Visible = true; if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1" && Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1510, "BatApproveFee")) { bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_UnApprove.Visible = true; bt_Approve.OnClientClick = "return confirm('是否确认将所选中所有申请单批量设为审批通过?注意该操作可能耗时较长,请耐心等待!')"; bt_UnApprove.OnClientClick = "return confirm('是否确认将所选中所有申请单批量设为审批不通过?注意该操作可能耗时较长,请耐心等待!')"; } #region 组织明细查询条件 string condition = ""; condition += @"FNA_FeeApply.FeeType=7 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM MCS_FNA.dbo.FNA_FeeApplyDetail WHERE FNA_FeeApplyDetail.AccountTitle=82 AND FNA_FeeApplyDetail.ApplyID=FNA_FeeApply.ID AND BeginMonth=" + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + ")"; if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "1") { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(organizecity); string orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += organizecity; condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ")"; } if (state == 0) { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.State IN (2,3) "; } else if (state == 1) { condition += @" AND FNA_FeeApply.State = 2 AND EXISTS ( SELECT EWF_Task_Job.Task FROM MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task_JobDecision INNER JOIN MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task_Job ON EWF_Task_JobDecision.Job = EWF_Task_Job.ID INNER JOIN MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task ON EWF_Task_Job.Task= EWF_Task.ID AND EWF_Task.App='4eb9e905-3502-4caf-88d0-aadcfec6e4dd' WHERE EWF_Task_JobDecision.RecipientStaff=" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + @" AND EWF_Task_JobDecision.DecisionResult=1 and EWF_Task_Job.Status=3 AND FNA_FeeApply.ApproveTask=EWF_Task_Job.Task)" ; } else if (state == 2) { condition += " AND FNA_FeeApply.State = 3 "; } else if (state == 3) { AC_AccountMonth m = new AC_AccountMonthBLL(month).Model; condition += @" AND FNA_FeeApply.State IN (2,3) AND EXISTS (SELECT EWF_Task_Job.Task FROM MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task_JobDecision INNER JOIN MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task_Job ON EWF_Task_JobDecision.Job = EWF_Task_Job.ID INNER JOIN MCS_EWF.dbo.EWF_Task ON=EWF_Task_Job.Task=EWF_Task.ID AND EWF_Task.App='4eb9e905-3502-4caf-88d0-aadcfec6e4dd' WHERE EWF_Task_JobDecision.RecipientStaff=" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + @" AND EWF_Task_JobDecision.DecisionResult IN(2,5,6) AND FNA_FeeApply.ApproveTask=EWF_Task_Job.Task)" ; } #endregion gv_DetailList.ConditionString = condition; gv_DetailList.BindGrid(); } #region 是否可以批量审批 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 1510, "BatApproveFee")) { bt_Approve.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_UnApprove.Visible = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_Approve.Enabled = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); bt_UnApprove.Enabled = (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1"); #region 判断费用申请进度 if (ddl_State.SelectedValue == "1") { Org_StaffBLL _staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); DataTable dt = _staff.GetLowerPositionTask(2, int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue), month); if (AC_AccountMonthBLL.GetCurrentMonth() - 1 <= int.Parse(ddl_Month.SelectedValue)) { string[] allowdays1 = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 5).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); string[] allowdays2 = Addr_OrganizeCityParamBLL.GetValueByType(1, 6).Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',', ',', ';', ';' }); string date = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); if (allowdays1.Contains(date)) { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } else if (allowdays2.Contains(date)) { DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); if (_staff.Model.Position == 210) { dt2 = _staff.GetFillProcessDetail(2); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 || dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } } else { bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; } } else { bt_UnApprove.Enabled = false; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "message", "<script language='javascript'>var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('" + Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/SubModule/Pop_ShowLowerPositionTask.aspx") + "?Type=2&StaffID=0&Month=" + ddl_Month.SelectedValue + "&City=" + tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue + "&tempid='+tempid, window, 'dialogWidth:520px;DialogHeight=600px;status:yes;resizable=no');</script>", false); bt_Approve.Enabled = false; } } #endregion } else { bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_UnApprove.Visible = false; } #endregion }
private void BindGrid() { int approveflag = 1; DateTime dtBegin = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_begin.Text); DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_end.Text).AddDays(1); #region 列表列隐藏 if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { //已审核公告 approveflag = 1; //是否有权限撤销公告 ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "UnApproveNotice"); //是否有权限删除公告 ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "DelNotice"); } else if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) { //未审核公告 approveflag = 2; ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = false; ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = true; } else { //我的公告 ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = true; ud_Notice.Columns[ud_Notice.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = true; } #endregion IList <PN_Notice> notices = null; if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex < 2) { if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 2104, "ViewALLNotice")) { //查看所有公告 notices = PN_NoticeBLL.GetModelList("PN_Notice.IsDelete ='N' AND PN_Notice.InsertTime BETWEEN '" + tbx_begin.Text + "' AND '" + tbx_end.Text + " 23:59' AND PN_Notice.ApproveFlag=" + approveflag.ToString() + " ORDER BY MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(PN_Notice.ExtPropertys,'|',1) DESC, PN_Notice.InsertTime DESC"); } else { notices = PN_NoticeBLL.GetNoticeByStaff((int)Session["UserID"], dtBegin, dtEnd, approveflag); } } else { //我发布的公告 notices = PN_NoticeBLL.GetModelList("PN_Notice.IsDelete ='N' AND PN_Notice.InsertTime BETWEEN '" + tbx_begin.Text + "' AND '" + tbx_end.Text + " 23:59' AND PN_Notice.InsertStaff=" + (int)Session["UserID"] + " Order BY PN_Notice.InsertTime desc"); } if (tbx_Search.Text.Trim() != "") { notices = notices.Where(p => p.KeyWord.Contains(tbx_Search.Text.Trim()) || p.Topic.Contains(tbx_Search.Text.Trim())).ToList(); } if ((int)ViewState["Catalog"] > 1) { notices = notices.Where(p => p["Catalog"] == ViewState["Catalog"].ToString()).ToList(); } else { notices = notices.Where(p => p["Catalog"] == "" || p["Catalog"] == "1").ToList(); } ud_Notice.BindGrid(notices); return; }
private void BindGrid() { string ConditionStr = " 1=1 "; if ((int)Session["OwnerType"] == 2) { ConditionStr += @" AND CM_Client.ID IN (SELECT Client FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_ClientSupplierInfo INNER JOIN MCS_CM.dbo.CM_Client s ON CM_ClientSupplierInfo.Supplier = s.ID WHERE OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " )"; } else if ((int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3) { ConditionStr += @" AND CM_Client.ID IN (SELECT Client FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_ClientSupplierInfo WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " )"; } if (ddl_ClientType.SelectedValue != "0") { ConditionStr += " AND CM_Client.ClientType = " + ddl_ClientType.SelectedValue; } else { ConditionStr += " AND CM_Client.ClientType IN ( 0"; foreach (ListItem item in ddl_ClientType.Items) { if (item.Enabled) { ConditionStr += "," + item.Value; } } ConditionStr += " )"; } if (tbx_Condition.Text.Trim() != "") { ConditionStr += " AND " + ddl_SearchType.SelectedValue + " LIKE '%" + this.tbx_Condition.Text.Trim() + "%'"; } if (Request.QueryString["ExtCondition"] != null) { ConditionStr += " AND (" + Request.QueryString["ExtCondition"].Replace("\"", "").Replace('~', '\'') + ")"; } #region 判断当前可查询的范围 string orgcitys = ""; if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "0" && tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "1") { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue)); orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue; #region 在选择仓库或经销商时,如果选择的是片区,则可以选择到其上级城市的经销商 if ((ddl_ClientType.SelectedValue == "1" || ddl_ClientType.SelectedValue == "2") && Request.QueryString["NoParent"] == null) { DataTable dt_fullpath = orgcity.GetFullPath(); if (dt_fullpath != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dt_fullpath.Rows.Count; i++) { orgcitys += "," + dt_fullpath.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); } } } #endregion if (orgcitys != "") { ConditionStr += " AND CM_Client.ID IN (SELECT Client FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_ClientManufactInfo WHERE CM_ClientManufactInfo.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ") )"; } } #endregion if ((int)Session["AccountType"] == 1) { if (ddl_ClientType.SelectedValue == "3") { //是否有权限“仅查看自己的门店”,如果是,限制客户经理条件 if (Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight(Session["UserName"].ToString(), 11, "OlnyViewMyClient")) { ConditionStr += " AND CM_Client.ID IN (SELECT Client FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_ClientManufactInfo WHERE CM_ClientManufactInfo.ClientManager = " + Session["UserID"].ToString() + " )"; } } } ConditionStr += " Order by MCS_CM.dbo.CM_Client.FullName"; gv_List.ConditionString = ConditionStr; gv_List.BindGrid(); //Response.Write(ConditionStr); }