Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
コード例 #1
ファイル: VoxemeInit.cs プロジェクト: VoxML/Jarvis
            public void InitializeVoxemes()
                preds = GameObject.Find("BehaviorController").GetComponent <Predicates>();


                // get all objects
                GameObject[] allObjects = FindObjectsOfType <GameObject>();
                Voxeme       voxeme;

                foreach (GameObject go in allObjects)
                    if (go.activeInHierarchy)
                        // set up all objects to enable consistent manipulation
                        // (i.e.) flatten any pos/rot inconsistencies in modeling or prefab setup due to human error
                        voxeme = go.GetComponent <Voxeme>();
                        Rigging rigging = go.GetComponent <Rigging>();
                        //if(voxeme != null) {
                        //    Debug.LogWarning(;

                        if ((voxeme != null) && (voxeme.enabled) && (rigging == null))
                            //Debug.LogWarning( + "is proper voxeme");
                            // object has Voxeme component and no Rigging
                            GameObject container = new GameObject(, typeof(Voxeme), typeof(Rigging));

                            if (go.transform.root != go.transform)
                                // not a top-level object
                                container.transform.parent = go.transform.parent;

                            container.transform.position = go.transform.position;
                            container.transform.rotation = go.transform.rotation;
                            //go.transform.parent = container.transform;
                         += "*";
                            voxeme.enabled = false;
                            //container.GetComponent<Entity> ().enabled = false;

                            container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().density = voxeme.density;

                            // copy attribute set
                            AttributeSet newAttrSet = container.AddComponent <AttributeSet>();
                            AttributeSet attrSet    = go.GetComponent <AttributeSet>();
                            if (attrSet != null)
                                foreach (string s in attrSet.attributes)


                            // copy interaction object
                            InteractionObject interactionObject = go.GetComponent <InteractionObject>();
                            if (interactionObject != null)
                                // Set the object inactive to avoid InteractionObject initializing before attributes are set
                                Boolean containerState = container.activeInHierarchy;

                                CopyComponent(interactionObject, container);



                            // copy interaction target(s)
                            InteractionTarget[] interactionTargets = go.GetComponentsInChildren <InteractionTarget>();
                            foreach (InteractionTarget interactionTarget in interactionTargets)
                                interactionTarget.gameObject.transform.parent = container.transform;
                                container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().interactionTargets.Add(interactionTarget);

                            FixHandRotation[] fixHandRotations = go.GetComponents <FixHandRotation>();
                            foreach (FixHandRotation fixHandRotation in fixHandRotations)
                                //						Debug.Log (fixHandRotation);
                                //						Debug.Log (fixHandRotation.rootJoint);
                                CopyComponent(fixHandRotation, container);

                            // set up for physics
                            // add box colliders and rigid bodies to all subobjects that have MeshFilters
                            Renderer[] renderers = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                            foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers)
                                GameObject subObj = renderer.gameObject;
                                if (subObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() != null)
                                    if (go.tag != "UnPhysic")
                                        if (subObj.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() == null)
                                            // may already have one -- goddamn overachieving scene artists
                                            BoxCollider collider = subObj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                                            //Physics.IgnoreCollision (collider, GameObject.Find ("MainCamera").GetComponent<Collider> ());

                                    if ((go.tag != "UnPhysic") && (go.tag != "Ground"))
                                        // Non-physics objects are either scene markers or, like the ground, cognitively immobile

                                        if (container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().density == 0)
                                            container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().density = 1;

                                        if (subObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() == null)
                                            // may already have one -- goddamn overachieving scene artists
                                            Rigidbody rigidbody = subObj.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                                            if (rigidbody != null)
                                                // assume mass is a volume of uniform density
                                                // assumption: all objects have the same density
                                                float x = Helper.GetObjectWorldSize(subObj).size.x;
                                                float y = Helper.GetObjectWorldSize(subObj).size.y;
                                                float z = Helper.GetObjectWorldSize(subObj).size.z;
                                                rigidbody.mass = x * y * z * (container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().density);

                                                // bunch of crap assumptions to calculate drag:
                                                // air density: 1.225 kg/m^3
                                                // flow velocity = parent voxeme moveSpeed
                                                // use box collider surface area for reference area
                                                // use Reynolds number for drag coefficient - assume 1
                                                rigidbody.drag =
                                                    1.225f * voxeme.moveSpeed * ((2 * x * y) + (2 * y * z) + (2 * x * z)) *
                                                //rigidbody.drag = 0f;
                                                //rigidbody.angularDrag = 0f;

                                                //rigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;

                                                // get subobject initial rotations
                                                //container.GetComponent<Voxeme> ().startEventRotations.Add(,rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles);

                                            // log the orientational displacement of each rigidbody relative to the main body
                                            // relativeDisplacement = rotation to get from main body rotation to rigidbody rotation
                                            // = rigidbody rotation * (main body rotation)^-1
                                            Vector3 displacement =
                                                rigidbody.transform.localPosition;                                         //-container.transform.position;
                                            Vector3 rotationalDisplacement =
                                                .localEulerAngles;                                                 //(rigidbody.transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Inverse (container.transform.rotation)).eulerAngles;
                                            container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().displacement
                                            .Add(rigidbody.gameObject, displacement);
                                            container.GetComponent <Voxeme>().rotationalDisplacement
                                            .Add(rigidbody.gameObject, rotationalDisplacement);

                            if (!usePhysicsRigging)
                                container.GetComponent <Rigging>().ActivatePhysics(false);

                            // add to master voxeme list
                            objSelector.allVoxemes.Add(container.GetComponent <Voxeme>());
                            Debug.Log(Helper.VectorToParsable(container.transform.position -

                // set joint links between all subobjects (Cartesian product)
                foreach (GameObject go in allObjects)
                    if (go.activeInHierarchy)
                        // remove BoxCollider and Rigidbody on non-top level objects
                        if ((Helper.GetMostImmediateParentVoxeme(go).gameObject.transform.parent != null) &&
                            (go.transform.root.tag != "Agent"))
                            BoxCollider boxCollider = go.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                            if (boxCollider != null)
                                //Debug.LogWarning("Destroying a boxcollider on " +;

                            Rigidbody rigidbody = go.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                            if (rigidbody != null)

                        Renderer[] renderers = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                        foreach (Renderer r1 in renderers)
                            GameObject sub1 = r1.gameObject;
                            foreach (Renderer r2 in renderers)
                                GameObject sub2 = r2.gameObject;
                                if (sub1 != sub2)
                                    // can't connect body to itself
                                    // add connections between all bodies EXCEPT:
                                    //  if the connectedBody is on a GameObject that has a Voxeme component AND IS NOT the top-level voxeme
                                    Rigidbody connectedBody = sub2.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

                                    if (connectedBody != null)
                                        if ((Helper.GetMostImmediateParentVoxeme(sub1).gameObject.transform.parent == null) &&
                                             .parent == null))
                                            FixedJoint fixedJoint = sub1.AddComponent <FixedJoint>();
                                            fixedJoint.connectedBody = connectedBody;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Voxeme.cs プロジェクト: nkrishnaswamy/voxicon
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // load in VoxML knowledge
        TextAsset markup = Resources.Load ( as TextAsset;
        if (markup != null) {
            voxml = VoxML.LoadFromText (markup.text);

        // populate operational voxeme structure

        // get movement blocking
        minYBound = Helper.GetObjectWorldSize(gameObject).min.y;

        // get rigging components
        rigging = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigging> ();

        targetPosition = transform.position;
        targetRotation = transform.eulerAngles;
        targetScale = transform.localScale;