コード例 #1
         * static RiffChunkListWvpl()
         * {
         *      chunkTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      bodyTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      //			chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkList.ID, typeof( RiffChunkList ) );
         *      bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListWave.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListWave ) );
         * }*/

        public RiffChunkListWvpl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            waveListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListWave.TYPE);
コード例 #2
        public RiffChunkListSdta(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            smplBody = ( RiffChunkSmpl )GetChunk(RiffChunkSmpl.ID);
コード例 #3
        public RiffChunkXxdb(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            dataArray = aByteArray.ReadBytes(( int )size);

            informationList.Add("Data Array:" + dataArray);
コード例 #4
        public RiffChunkListWvpl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            waveListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListWave.TYPE);
コード例 #5
        public RiffChunkAvih(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            microSecPerFrame   = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            maxBytesPerSec     = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            paddingGranularity = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            flags               = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            totalFrames         = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            initialFrames       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            streams             = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            suggestedBufferSize = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            width               = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            height              = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            reserved            = aByteArray.ReadBytes(16);

            informationList.Add("Micro Sec Per Frame:" + microSecPerFrame);
            informationList.Add("Max Bytes Per Sec:" + maxBytesPerSec);
            informationList.Add("Padding Granularity:" + paddingGranularity);
            informationList.Add("Flags:" + flags);
            informationList.Add("Total Frames:" + totalFrames);
            informationList.Add("Initial Frames:" + initialFrames);
            informationList.Add("Streams:" + streams);
            informationList.Add("Suggested Buffer Size:" + suggestedBufferSize);
            informationList.Add("Width:" + width);
            informationList.Add("Height:" + height);
            informationList.Add("Reserved:" + reserved);
コード例 #6
        public RiffChunkSmpl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            manufacturer      = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            product           = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            samplePeriod      = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            midiUnityNote     = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            midiPitchFraction = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            smpteFormat       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            smpteOffset       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            sampleLoops       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            samplerData       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Manufacturer:" + manufacturer);
            informationList.Add("Product:" + product);
            informationList.Add("Sample Period:" + samplePeriod);
            informationList.Add("Midi Unity Note:" + midiUnityNote);
            informationList.Add("Midi Pitch Fraction:" + midiPitchFraction);
            informationList.Add("SMPTE Format:" + smpteFormat);
            informationList.Add("SMPTE Offset:" + smpteOffset);
            informationList.Add("Sample Loops:" + sampleLoops);
            informationList.Add("Sampler Data:" + samplerData);

            sampleLoopList = new List <SampleLoop>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleLoops; i++)

                sampleLoopList.Add(new SampleLoop(aByteArray, informationList));
コード例 #7
        public RiffChunkListMovi(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            chunkXxdb = ( RiffChunkXxdb )GetChunk(RiffChunkXxdb.ID);
コード例 #8
        public RiffChunkSmpl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            aByteArray.AddPosition(( int )size);

            informationList.Add("Sample Data:" + size);
コード例 #9
        public RiffDls_Msyn(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            msyn = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Msyn:" + msyn);
コード例 #10
        public readonly string codingHistory;                   // ASCII or S-JIS, Coding history

        public RiffChunkBext(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            description         = aByteArray.ReadString(256);
            originator          = aByteArray.ReadString(32);
            originatorReference = aByteArray.ReadString(32);
            originationDate     = aByteArray.ReadString(10);
            originationTime     = aByteArray.ReadString(8);
            timeReferenceLow    = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            timeReferenceHigh   = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            version             = aByteArray.ReadUInt16();
            umid          = aByteArray.ReadBytes(64);
            reserved      = aByteArray.ReadBytes(190);
            codingHistory = aByteArray.ReadString(( int )(size - 256 - 32 - 32 - 10 - 8 - 4 - 4 - 2 - 64 - 190));

            informationList.Add("Description:" + description);
            informationList.Add("Originator:" + originator);
            informationList.Add("Originator Reference:" + originatorReference);
            informationList.Add("Origination Date:" + originationDate);
            informationList.Add("Origination Time:" + originationTime);
            informationList.Add("Time Reference Low:" + timeReferenceLow.ToString());
            informationList.Add("Time Reference High:" + timeReferenceHigh.ToString());
            informationList.Add("Version:" + version.ToString());
            informationList.Add("UMID:" + umid.ToString());
            informationList.Add("Reserved:" + reserved.ToString());
            informationList.Add("Coding History:" + codingHistory);
コード例 #11
        public RiffWaveFact(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            sampleLength = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Sample Length:" + sampleLength);
コード例 #12
        public RiffChunkListSdta(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            smplBody = ( RiffChunkSmpl )GetChunk(RiffChunkSmpl.ID);
コード例 #13
        public RiffDls_Art2(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            tuning = 0;
            count  = 0;

            // To Be Fixed.
            lsize            = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            collectionBlocks = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Size:" + lsize);
            informationList.Add("Collection Blocks:" + collectionBlocks);

            collectionBlock = new CollectionBlock[collectionBlocks];

            for (int i = 0; i < collectionBlocks; i++)
                collectionBlock[i] = new CollectionBlock(aByteArray, informationList);

                if (collectionBlock[i].destination == 3 && count < 1)
                    tuning = collectionBlock[i].scale;

コード例 #14
         * static RiffChunkListLins()
         * {
         *      chunkTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      bodyTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      //			chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkList.ID, typeof( RiffChunkList ) );
         *      bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListIns_.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListIns_ ) );
         * }*/

        public RiffChunkListLins(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            ins_ListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", "ins ");
コード例 #15
        public RiffChunkWsmp(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            lsize       = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            unityNote   = aByteArray.ReadUInt16();
            fineTune    = aByteArray.ReadInt16();
            attenuation = aByteArray.ReadInt32();
            options     = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            sampleLoops = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Size:" + lsize);
            informationList.Add("Unity Note:" + unityNote);
            informationList.Add("Fine Tune:" + fineTune);
            informationList.Add("Attenuation:" + attenuation);
            informationList.Add("Options:" + options);
            informationList.Add("Sample Loops:" + sampleLoops);

            waveSampleLoop = new WaveSampleLoop[sampleLoops];

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleLoops; i++)
                informationList.Add("Wave Sample Loop:");

                waveSampleLoop[i] = new WaveSampleLoop(aByteArray, informationList);
コード例 #16
        public RiffDls_Colh(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            instruments = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Instruments:" + instruments);
コード例 #17
        public RiffDls_Data(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            informationList.Add("Sample Array:" + position);

            aByteArray.SetPosition(( int )(position + Size));
コード例 #18
        public RiffChunkListLar2(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            art1Body = ( RiffChunkArt1 )GetChunk(RiffChunkArt1.ID);
            art2Body = ( RiffChunkArt2 )GetChunk(RiffChunkArt2.ID);
コード例 #19
        public RiffChunkListStrl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            chunkStrf = ( RiffChunkStrf )GetChunk(RiffChunkStrf.ID);
            chunkStrh = ( RiffChunkStrh )GetChunk(RiffChunkStrh.ID);
コード例 #20
         * static RiffChunkListLar2()
         * {
         *      chunkTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffDls_Art1.ID, typeof( RiffDls_Art1 ) );
         *      chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffDls_Art2.ID, typeof( RiffDls_Art2 ) );
         *      bodyTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         * }
        public RiffChunkListLar2(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            art1Body = ( RiffDls_Art1 )GetChunk(RiffDls_Art1.ID);
            art2Body = ( RiffDls_Art2 )GetChunk(RiffDls_Art2.ID);
        public RiffChunkListAvi_(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            moviBodyList = ( RiffChunkListMovi )GetChunkList("LIST", RiffChunkListMovi.TYPE);
            hdrlBodyList = ( RiffChunkListHdrl )GetChunkList("LIST", RiffChunkListHdrl.TYPE);
コード例 #22
         * static RiffChunkListLrgn()
         * {
         *      chunkTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      bodyTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
         *      //			chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkList.ID, typeof( RiffChunkList ) );
         *      bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListRgn_.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListRgn_ ) );
         *      bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListRgn2.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListRgn2 ) );
         * }*/

        public RiffChunkListLrgn(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            rgn_ListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListRgn_.TYPE);
            rgn2ListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListRgn2.TYPE);
コード例 #23
        public SoundclusterDls(RiffDls_Riff aDls_Riff)
            BankDictionary = new Dictionary <int, ABank>();

            RiffDls_Riff dls_Riff = aDls_Riff;

            List <WaveformReaderPcm> lWaveformList = new List <WaveformReaderPcm>();

                RiffChunkList        lRiffChunkList = ( RiffChunkList )dls_Riff.GetChunk("LIST");
                List <RiffChunkList> wvplListList   = lRiffChunkList.GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListWvpl.TYPE);
                //RiffChunkListWvpl wvplList = ( RiffChunkListWvpl )dls_Riff.wvplListList;

                List <RiffChunkList> waveListList = wvplListList[0].GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListWave.TYPE);

                for (int i = 0; i < waveListList.Count; i++)
                    RiffChunkListWave lWaveList = ( RiffChunkListWave )waveListList[i];

                    lWaveformList.Add(new WaveformReaderPcm(lWaveList, dls_Riff.name));

                RiffChunkListLins linsList = ( RiffChunkListLins )dls_Riff.linsListList;

                Logger.Warning("linsList.ins_ListList.Count:" + linsList.ins_ListList.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < linsList.ins_ListList.Count; i++)
                    RiffChunkListIns_ ins_List = ( RiffChunkListIns_ )linsList.ins_ListList[i];

                    RiffDls_Insh inshChunk = ( RiffDls_Insh )ins_List.inshChunk;

                    int bank = ( int )inshChunk.midiLocal.bank;

                    if (( uint )bank == 0x80000000)
                        Logger.Warning("Change Bank:" + bank.ToString("X8"));

                        bank = 0x7F00;

                    if (BankDictionary.ContainsKey(bank) == false)
                        Logger.Warning("Bank:" + bank.ToString("X8"));
                        BankDictionary.Add(bank, new BankDls());

                    BankDls lDlsBank = ( BankDls )BankDictionary[bank];
                    lDlsBank.AddInstrument(ins_List, lWaveformList);
            catch (Exception aExpection)
                Logger.Error("Expection at RIFF Read:" + aExpection.ToString());
コード例 #24
        public RiffChunkLabl(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            name = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            data = aByteArray.ReadString(( int )size - 4);

            informationList.Add("    Name:" + name);
            informationList.Add("    Data:" + data);
コード例 #25
        public RiffChunkInsh(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            regions = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Regions:" + regions);

            midiLocal = new MidiLocal(aByteArray, informationList);
コード例 #26
        public RiffChunkVers(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            versionMs = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();
            versionLs = aByteArray.ReadUInt32();

            informationList.Add("Version Ms:" + versionMs);
            informationList.Add("Version Ls:" + versionLs);
        public RiffChunkListSfbk(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(chunkTypeDictionary, bodyTypeDictionary, aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            type = TYPE;

            sdtaListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListSdta.TYPE);
            pdtaListList = GetChunkListList("LIST", RiffChunkListPdta.TYPE);
            sdtaBodyList = ( RiffChunkListSdta )GetChunkList("LIST", RiffChunkListSdta.TYPE);
コード例 #28
  * static RiffChunkListIns_()
  * {
  *      Dictionary<string, Type> lChunkTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
  *      lChunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffDls_Dlid.ID, typeof( RiffDls_Dlid ) );
  *      lChunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffDls_Insh.ID, typeof( RiffDls_Insh ) );
  *      ChunkTypeDictionaryDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,Type>>();
  *      ChunkTypeDictionaryDictionary.Add( "ins ", lChunkTypeDictionary );
  *      //bodyTypeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
  *      //			chunkTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkList.ID, typeof( RiffChunkList ) );
  *      //bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListLrgn.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListLrgn ) );
  *      //bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffChunkListLart.TYPE, typeof( RiffChunkListLart ) );
  *      //bodyTypeDictionary.Add( RiffInfoList.TYPE, typeof( RiffInfoList ) );
  * }
 public RiffChunkListIns_(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
     : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
     dlidChunk    = ( RiffDls_Dlid )GetChunk(RiffDls_Dlid.ID);
     inshChunk    = ( RiffDls_Insh )GetChunk(RiffDls_Insh.ID);
     lrgnListList = null;            // GetChunkListList( "LIST", RiffChunkListLrgn.TYPE );
     lartListList = null;            //GetChunkListList( "LIST", RiffChunkListLart.TYPE );
     infoListList = null;            //GetChunkListList( "LIST", RiffInfoList.TYPE );
コード例 #29
        public RiffInfoIgen(string aId, UInt32 aSize, AByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            igenDataArray = new IgenData[Size / 4];

            for (int i = 0; i * 4 < Size; i++)
                igenDataArray[i] = new IgenData(aByteArray, informationList);
コード例 #30
        public RiffChunkPhdr(string aId, UInt32 aSize, ByteArray aByteArray, RiffChunkList aParent)
            : base(aId, aSize, aByteArray, aParent)
            phdrDataArray = new PhdrData[size / 38];

            for (int i = 0; i * 38 < size; i++)
                phdrDataArray[i] = new PhdrData(aByteArray, informationList);