コード例 #1
        public static async Task <int> Execute(RibbonPlot.Arguments arguments)
            if (arguments.InputDirectories.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new CommandLineArgumentException(
                          $"{nameof(arguments.InputDirectories)} is null or empty - please provide at least one source directory");

            var doNotExist = arguments.InputDirectories.Where(x => !x.Exists);

            if (doNotExist.Any())
                throw new CommandLineArgumentException(
                          $"The following directories given to {nameof(arguments.InputDirectories)} do not exist: " + doNotExist.FormatList());

            if (arguments.OutputDirectory == null)
                arguments.OutputDirectory = arguments.InputDirectories.First();
                    $"{nameof(arguments.OutputDirectory)} was not provided and was automatically set to source directory {arguments.OutputDirectory}");

            if (arguments.Midnight == null || arguments.Midnight == TimeSpan.Zero)
                // we need this to be width of day and not zero for rounding functions later on
                arguments.Midnight = RibbonPlotDomain;
                Log.Debug($"{nameof(arguments.Midnight)} was reset to {arguments.Midnight}");

            if (arguments.Midnight < TimeSpan.Zero || arguments.Midnight > RibbonPlotDomain)
                throw new InvalidStartOrEndException($"{nameof(arguments.Midnight)} cannot be less than `00:00` or greater than `{RibbonPlotDomain}`");

            LoggedConsole.Write("Begin scanning directories");

            var allIndexFiles = arguments.InputDirectories.SelectMany(IndexGenerationData.FindAll);

            if (allIndexFiles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new MissingDataException($"Could not find `{IndexGenerationData.FileNameFragment}` files in:" + arguments.InputDirectories.FormatList());

            Log.Debug("Checking files have dates");
            var indexGenerationDatas = allIndexFiles.Select(IndexGenerationData.Load);
            var datedIndices         = FileDateHelpers.FilterObjectsForDates(
                x => x.Source,
                y => y.RecordingStartDate,

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"{datedIndices.Count} index generation data files were loaded");
            if (datedIndices.Count == 0)
                throw new MissingDataException("No index generation files had dates, cannot proceed");

            // now find the ribbon plots for these images - there are typically two color maps per index generation
            var datesMappedToColorMaps = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, FileInfo> >(2);

            foreach (var(date, indexData) in datedIndices)

                void Add(string colorMap)
                    if (!datesMappedToColorMaps.ContainsKey(colorMap))
                        datesMappedToColorMaps.Add(colorMap, new Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, FileInfo>(datedIndices.Count));

                    // try to find the associated ribbon
                    var searchPattern = "*" + colorMap + LdSpectrogramRibbons.SpectralRibbonTag + "*";

                    if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                        Log.Verbose($"Searching `{indexData.Source?.Directory}` with pattern `{searchPattern}`.");

                    var ribbonFile = indexData.Source?.Directory?.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (ribbonFile == null)
                        Log.Warn($"Did not find expected ribbon file for color map {colorMap} in directory `{indexData.Source?.Directory}`."
                                 + "This can happen if the ribbon is missing or if more than one file matches the color map.");

                    datesMappedToColorMaps[colorMap].Add(date, ribbonFile);

            // get the min and max dates and other things
            var stats = new RibbonPlotStats(datedIndices, arguments.Midnight.Value);

            Log.Debug($"Files found between {stats.Min:O} and {stats.Max:O}, rendering between {stats.Start:O} and {stats.End:O}, in {stats.Buckets} buckets");

            bool success = false;

            foreach (var(colorMap, ribbons) in datesMappedToColorMaps)
                Log.Info($"Rendering ribbon plot for color map {colorMap}");
                if (ribbons.Count(x => x.Value.NotNull()) == 0)
                    Log.Error($"There are no ribbon files found for color map {colorMap} - skipping this color map");

                var image = CreateRibbonPlot(datedIndices, ribbons, stats);

                var midnight = arguments.Midnight == RibbonPlotDomain
                    ? string.Empty
                    : "Midnight=" + arguments.Midnight.Value.ToString("hhmm");
                var path = FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultPath(

                using (var file = File.Create(path))


                success = true;

            if (success == false)
                throw new MissingDataException("Could not find any ribbon files for any of the color maps. No ribbon plots were produced.");

コード例 #2
        private static Image <Rgb24> CreateRibbonPlot(
            SortedDictionary <DateTimeOffset, IndexGenerationData> data,
            Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, FileInfo> ribbons,
            RibbonPlotStats stats)
            const int Padding           = 2;
            const int HorizontalPadding = 10;

            // read random ribbon in to get height - assumes all ribbons are same height
            int ribbonHeight;
            var someRibbon     = ribbons.First(x => x.Value.NotNull());
            int estimatedWidth = (int)Math.Round(RibbonPlotDomain.Divide(data[someRibbon.Key].IndexCalculationDuration), MidpointRounding.ToEven);

            Log.DebugFormat("Reading random ribbon file to get dimensions `{0}`", someRibbon.Value.FullName);
            using (var testImage = Image.Load(someRibbon.Value.FullName))
                ribbonHeight = testImage.Height;

            // get width of text
            var scaledFont = new Font(SystemFonts.Find("Arial"), ribbonHeight * 0.8f);
            int labelWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(TextMeasurer.Measure(someRibbon.Key.ToString(AppConfigHelper.RenderedDateFormatShort), new RendererOptions(scaledFont)).Width);

            var finalHeight = Padding + ((Padding + ribbonHeight) * stats.Buckets);
            var ribbonLeft  = HorizontalPadding + labelWidth + HorizontalPadding;
            var finalWidth  = ribbonLeft + estimatedWidth + HorizontalPadding;

            // create a new image!
            var image = new Image <Rgb24>(Configuration.Default, finalWidth, finalHeight, Color.White);

            // draw labels and voids
            Log.Debug("Rendering labels and backgrounds");

            // draw 00:00 line
            image.Mutate(context =>
                var delta  = stats.Start.RoundToTimeOfDay(TimeSpan.Zero, DateTimeAndTimeSpanExtensions.RoundingDirection.Ceiling) - stats.Start;
                var left   = ribbonLeft + (int)(delta.Modulo(RibbonPlotDomain).TotalSeconds / stats.First.IndexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds).Round();
                var top    = Padding;
                var bottom = Padding + ((Padding + ribbonHeight) * stats.Buckets);
                    Pens.Solid(Color.Red, 1),
                    new PointF(left, top),
                    new PointF(left, bottom));

            var bucketDate   = stats.Start;
            var textGraphics = new TextGraphicsOptions()
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
            var textColor = Color.Black;
            var voidColor = Color.Gray;

            for (var b = 0; b < stats.Buckets; b++)
                if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                    Log.Verbose($"Rendering bucket {bucketDate:O} label and void");

                // get label
                var dateLabel = bucketDate.ToString(AppConfigHelper.RenderedDateFormatShort);


                void Operation(IImageProcessingContext context)
                    var y = Padding + ((Padding + ribbonHeight) * b);

                    // draw label
                    context.DrawText(textGraphics, dateLabel, scaledFont, textColor, new Point(HorizontalPadding, y + (ribbonHeight / 2)));

                    // draw void
                    var @void = new RectangularPolygon(ribbonLeft, y, estimatedWidth, ribbonHeight);

                    context.Fill(voidColor, @void);

                bucketDate = bucketDate.AddDays(1);

            // copy images in
            Log.Debug("Pasting ribbons onto plot");
            foreach (var(date, ribbon) in ribbons)
                if (ribbon == null)
                    if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                        Log.Verbose($"Skipped {date:O} while rendering image because ribbon file was null");


                if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                    Log.Verbose($"Rendering {date:O} spectral ribbon");

                var datum = data[date];

                // determine ribbon start + end
                var delta                  = date - stats.Start;
                var ribbonStartBucket      = (int)delta.Divide(RibbonPlotDomain).Floor();
                var ribbonHorizontalOffset = (int)(delta.Modulo(RibbonPlotDomain).TotalSeconds / datum.IndexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds).Round();

                var ribbonWidth = (int)(datum.RecordingDuration.TotalSeconds / datum.IndexCalculationDuration.TotalSeconds).Round();

                var top     = Padding + ((Padding + ribbonHeight) * ribbonStartBucket);
                var left    = ribbonLeft + ribbonHorizontalOffset;
                var options = new GraphicsOptions();
                using (var source = Image.Load <Rgb24>(ribbon.FullName))
                    // the image is longer than the ribbon, need to wrap to next day
                    if (ribbonHorizontalOffset + ribbonWidth > estimatedWidth)
                        if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                            Log.Verbose($"Rendering {date:O} in two parts, wrapped to next day");

                        var split = estimatedWidth - ribbonHorizontalOffset;
                        var crop  = source.Clone((context) => context.Crop(new Rectangle(0, 0, split, source.Height)));
                        image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(crop, new Point(left, top), options));

                        // now draw the wrap around - starting from the left, which is start of new day
                        top += Padding + ribbonHeight;
                        left = ribbonLeft;
                        var rest = source.Clone(context =>
                                                context.Crop(new Rectangle(split, 0, ribbonWidth - split, source.Height)));
                        image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(rest, new Point(left, top), options));
                        image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(source, new Point(left, top), options));
