コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// this performs the load from Objs instead of an .assetBundle
    /// it is used in case no .assetBundle exists and by CreateAssetBundles to create the asset bundles in the first place.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="subjectName">Subject name.</param>
    /// <param name="average_brain">If set to <c>true</c> average brain.</param>
    public void ObjSpawn(string subjectName, bool average_brain = false)
        float startTime = Time.time;

        GameObject subject = new GameObject(subjectName);

        subject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
        hcp = new GameObject("hcp");
        hcp.transform.parent = subject.transform;
        dk = new GameObject("dk");
        dk.transform.parent             = subject.transform;
        dkLeftParent                    = new GameObject("dk left");
        dkLeftParent.transform.parent   = dk.transform;
        dkRightParent                   = new GameObject("dk right");
        dkRightParent.transform.parent  = dk.transform;
        hcpLeftParent                   = new GameObject("hcp left");
        hcpLeftParent.transform.parent  = hcp.transform;
        hcpRightParent                  = new GameObject("hcp right");
        hcpRightParent.transform.parent = hcp.transform;

        //CoroutineWithData objListRequest = new CoroutineWithData (this, RhinoRequestor.ObjFilePathListRequest (subjectName));
        //yield return objListRequest.coroutine;
        string[] filenames = RhinoRequestor.EditorObjFilePathListRequest(subjectName);//(string[])objListRequest.result;
        //Debug.Log (filenames.Length);
        foreach (string filename in filenames)
            if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).Equals(".obj"))
                //if (loadingText != null)
                //	loadingText.text = "Downloading: " + filename;
                EditorFileRequestToObj(subjectName, filename);
                loadingText.text = "Error: I got a non-obj file from list objs get: " + filename;
                throw new UnityException("I got a non-obj file from list objs get: " + filename);

        Debug.Log("Load finished: " + (Time.time - startTime).ToString());

        //due to weirdness, flip everything
        gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-gameObject.transform.localScale.x, gameObject.transform.localScale.y, gameObject.transform.localScale.z);
