コード例 #1
        // POST api/ReviewRelationDetail
        public HttpResponseMessage PostReviewRelationDetail(ReviewRelationDetail reviewRelationDetail, Post post)
            reviewRelationDetail.ReviewRelationMasterID = 1;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                var ret = new
                    PostId = reviewRelationDetail.PostId,
                    ReviewRelationMasterID = reviewRelationDetail.ReviewRelationMasterID,
                    reviewRelationDetailID = reviewRelationDetail.ReviewRelationDetailID

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, ret);
                response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = reviewRelationDetail.PostId }));
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState));
コード例 #2
        // GET api/ReviewRelationDetail/5
        public ReviewRelationDetail GetReviewRelationDetail(int id)
            ReviewRelationDetail reviewRelationDetail = db.ReviewRelationDetails.Find(id);

            if (reviewRelationDetail == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

コード例 #3
        public HttpResponseMessage DeleteReviewRelationDetail(int id)
            ReviewRelationDetail reviewRelationDetail = db.ReviewRelationDetails.Find(id);

            if (reviewRelationDetail == null)


            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, reviewRelationDetail));
コード例 #4
        // PUT api/ReviewRelationDetail/5
        public HttpResponseMessage PutReviewRelationDetail(int id, ReviewRelationDetail reviewrelationdetail)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState));

            if (id != reviewrelationdetail.ReviewRelationDetailID)

            db.Entry(reviewrelationdetail).State = EntityState.Modified;
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex));

コード例 #5
        public HttpResponseMessage PostPost(Post post)
            //reviewrel.ReviewRelationMasterID = ReviewRelationMasterID;
            post.PostedBy = User.Identity.GetUserName(); // GetUserId();
            post.PostedDate = DateTime.Now;

            string message = post.Message.Split(';')[0];
            string Id = post.Message.Split(';')[1];

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int lastId = db.Posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.PostId).Select(p => p.PostId).FirstOrDefault();
                ReviewRelationDetail rrd = new ReviewRelationDetail();
                rrd.PostId = lastId;
                int rrmId = db.ReviewRelationMasters.Where(p => p.Description.Equals(Id)).Select(p => p.ReviewRelationMasterID).FirstOrDefault();
                rrd.ReviewRelationMasterID = rrmId;

                //var usr = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserProfileId == post.PostedBy);
                var ret = new
                    Message = message,
                    PostedBy = post.PostedBy,
                    PostedByName = User.Identity.GetUserName(),
                    PostedByAvatar = imgFolder, //+ (String.IsNullOrEmpty(usr.AvatarExt) ? defaultAvatar : post.PostedBy + "." + post.UserProfile.AvatarExt),
                    PostedDate = post.PostedDate,
                    PostId = post.PostId
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, ret);
                response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = post.PostId }));

                var postBy = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>().FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                string getInteger = new string(Id.Where(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(getInteger);
                var postById = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Email.Equals(postBy.Email)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                Employee empl = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(postById));
                /*if (Id.Contains("apm"))
                    AuditPlanningMemorandum apm = db.AuditPlanningMemorandums.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on APM : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your APM\">link</a> to show your comment for the APM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/AuditPlanningMemorandums/Details/" + id;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, apm.NomerAPM, content, postUrl, message);

                    if (apm.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(apm.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for APM : {1}. Someone has comment on this APM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your APM\">link</a> to show the APM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/AuditPlanningMemorandums/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailAPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, apm.NomerAPM, emailContent, url);
                    if (apm.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(apm.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for APM : {1}. Someone has comment on this APM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your APM\">link</a> to show the APM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/AuditPlanningMemorandums/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailAPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, apm.NomerAPM, emailContent, url);
                    if (apm.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(apm.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for APM : {1}. Someone has comment on this APM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your APM\">link</a> to show the APM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/AuditPlanningMemorandums/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailAPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, apm.NomerAPM, emailContent, url);

                    if (apm.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in apm.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for APM : {1}. Someone has comment on this APM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your APM\">link</a> to show the APM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/AuditPlanningMemorandums/Details/" + id;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailAPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, apm.NomerAPM, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("letter"))
                    LetterOfCommand letter = db.LetterOfCommands.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on SP : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show your comment for the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, letter.NomorSP, content, postUrl, message);

                    if (letter.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);
                    if (letter.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);
                    if (letter.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);

                    if (letter.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in letter.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("prelim"))
                    Preliminary pre = db.Preliminaries.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on Prelim : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Prelim\">link</a> to show your comment for the Prelim.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Preliminaries/Details/" + id;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, pre.NomorPreliminarySurvey, content, postUrl, message);
                    if (pre.EngagementActivity.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(pre.EngagementActivity.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for Prelim : {1}. Someone has comment on this Prelim. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Prelim\">link</a> to show the Prelim.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Preliminaries/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailPrelim(emp.Email, emp.Name, pre.NomorPreliminarySurvey, emailContent, url);
                    if (pre.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(pre.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for Prelim : {1}. Someone has comment on this Prelim. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Prelim\">link</a> to show the Prelim.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Preliminaries/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailPrelim(emp.Email, emp.Name, pre.NomorPreliminarySurvey, emailContent, url);
                    if (pre.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(pre.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for Prelim : {1}. Someone has comment on this Prelim. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Prelim\">link</a> to show the Prelim.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Preliminaries/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailPrelim(emp.Email, emp.Name, pre.NomorPreliminarySurvey, emailContent, url);

                    if (pre.EngagementActivity.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in pre.EngagementActivity.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for Prelim : {1}. Someone has comment on this Prelim. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Prelim\">link</a> to show the Prelim.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Preliminaries/Details/" + id;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailPrelim(emp.Email, emp.Name, pre.NomorPreliminarySurvey, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("bpm"))
                    BPM bpm = db.BPMs.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on BPM : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show your comment for the BPM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/CreateBusiness/" + id + "?walkid=" + bpm.WalktroughID;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, bpm.Name, content, postUrl, message);
                    if (bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for BPM : {1}. Someone has comment on this BPM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your BPM\">link</a> to show the BPM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/CreateBusiness/" + id + "?walkid=" + bpm.WalktroughID;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailBPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, bpm.Name, emailContent, url);
                    if (bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for BPM : {1}. Someone has comment on this BPM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your BPM\">link</a> to show the BPM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/CreateBusiness/" + id + "?walkid=" + bpm.WalktroughID;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailBPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, bpm.Name, emailContent, url);
                    if (bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for BPM : {1}. Someone has comment on this BPM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your BPM\">link</a> to show the BPM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/CreateBusiness/" + id + "?walkid=" + bpm.WalktroughID;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailBPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, bpm.Name, emailContent, url);

                    if (bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in bpm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for BPM : {1}. Someone has comment on this BPM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your BPM\">link</a> to show the BPM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/CreateBusiness/" + id + "?walkid=" + bpm.WalktroughID;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailBPM(emp.Email, emp.Name, bpm.Name, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("rcm"))
                    RiskControlMatrix rcm = db.RiskControlMatrixs.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on RCM : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your RCM\">link</a> to show your comment for the RCM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/Create/" + rcm.WalktroughID;
                    string names = db.BPMs.Where(p => p.BPMID.Equals(rcm.BusinessProces.BPMID)).Select(p => p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, names, content, postUrl, message);
                    if (rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for RCM : {1}. Someone has comment on this RCM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your RCM\">link</a> to show the RCM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/Create/" + rcm.WalktroughID;
                        string name = db.BPMs.Where(p => p.BPMID.Equals(rcm.BusinessProces.BPMID)).Select(p => p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                        emailTransact.SentEmailRCM(emp.Email, emp.Name, name, emailContent, url);
                    if (rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for RCM : {1}. Someone has comment on this RCM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your RCM\">link</a> to show the RCM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/Create/" + rcm.WalktroughID;
                        string name = db.BPMs.Where(p => p.BPMID.Equals(rcm.BusinessProces.BPMID)).Select(p => p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                        emailTransact.SentEmailRCM(emp.Email, emp.Name, name, emailContent, url);
                    if (rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for RCM : {1}. Someone has comment on this RCM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your RCM\">link</a> to show the RCM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/Create/" + rcm.WalktroughID;
                        string name = db.BPMs.Where(p => p.BPMID.Equals(rcm.BusinessProces.BPMID)).Select(p => p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                        emailTransact.SentEmailRCM(emp.Email, emp.Name, name, emailContent, url);

                    if (rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in rcm.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for RCM : {1}. Someone has comment on this RCM. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your RCM\">link</a> to show the RCM.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Walktroughs/Create/" + rcm.WalktroughID;
                                string name = db.BPMs.Where(p => p.BPMID.Equals(rcm.BusinessProces.BPMID)).Select(p => p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                                emailTransact.SentEmailRCM(emp.Email, emp.Name, name, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("control"))
                    RCMDetailRiskControl control = db.RCMDetailRiskControls.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on Control FieldWork : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Control\">link</a> to show your comment for the Control.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    int IdFW = db.FieldWorks.Where(p => p.RiskControlMatrixID.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.RiskControlMatrixID)).Select(p => p.FieldWorkID).FirstOrDefault();
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/FieldWorks/Edit/" + IdFW;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, control.ControlName, content, postUrl, message);
                    if (control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.PICID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for Control FieldWork : {1}. Someone has comment on this Control FieldWork. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Control\">link</a> to show the Control.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        int IdField = db.FieldWorks.Where(p => p.RiskControlMatrixID.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.RiskControlMatrixID)).Select(p => p.FieldWorkID).FirstOrDefault();
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/FieldWorks/Edit/" + IdField;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailControl(emp.Email, emp.Name, control.ControlName, emailContent, url);
                    if (control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for Control FieldWork : {1}. Someone has comment on this Control FieldWork. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Control\">link</a> to show the Control.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        int IdField = db.FieldWorks.Where(p => p.RiskControlMatrixID.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.RiskControlMatrixID)).Select(p => p.FieldWorkID).FirstOrDefault();
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/FieldWorks/Edit/" + IdField;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailControl(emp.Email, emp.Name, control.ControlName, emailContent, url);
                    if (control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for Control FieldWork : {1}. Someone has comment on this Control FieldWork. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Control\">link</a> to show the Control.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        int IdField = db.FieldWorks.Where(p => p.RiskControlMatrixID.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.RiskControlMatrixID)).Select(p => p.FieldWorkID).FirstOrDefault();
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/FieldWorks/Edit/" + IdField;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailControl(emp.Email, emp.Name, control.ControlName, emailContent, url);

                    if (control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.Walktrough.Preliminary.EngagementActivity.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for Control FieldWork : {1}. Someone has comment on this Control FieldWork. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Control\">link</a> to show the Control.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                int IdField = db.FieldWorks.Where(p => p.RiskControlMatrixID.Equals(control.RCMDetailRisk.RiskControlMatrix.RiskControlMatrixID)).Select(p => p.FieldWorkID).FirstOrDefault();
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/FieldWorks/Edit/" + IdField;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailControl(emp.Email, emp.Name, control.ControlName, emailContent, url);

                if (Id.Contains("draft"))
                    ConsultingDraftAgreement cda = db.ConsultingDraftAgreements.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on Draft Agreement : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your Draft \">link</a> to show your reply for the Draft Agreement.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/ConsultingDraftAgreements/Details/" + id;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, cda.NoRequest, content, postUrl, message);

                if (Id.Contains("conleterdetail"))
                    ConsultingLetterOfCommand letter = db.ConsultingLetterOfCommands.Find(id);
                    string content = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You had posted a comment on SP : {1}. <BR/><BR/> Your comment : <i>\"{3}\"</i>.<BR/><BR/>Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show your comment for the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                    string postUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                    emailTransact.SentEmailToCommentedUser(empl.Email, empl.Name, letter.NomorSP, content, postUrl, message);

                    if (letter.PicID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.PicID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Responsible person for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailConsultingLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);
                    if (letter.SupervisorID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.SupervisorID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Supervisor for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailConsultingLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);
                    if (letter.TeamLeaderID != null)
                        var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(letter.TeamLeaderID)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                        Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                        string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Team Leader for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                        string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                        emailTransact.SentEmailConsultingLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);

                    if (letter.MemberID != null)
                        foreach (var mem in letter.MemberID.Split(';'))
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mem))
                                var employ = db.Employees.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(mem)).Select(p => p.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault();
                                Employee emp = db.Employees.Find(Convert.ToInt32(employ));
                                string emailContent = "Dear {0}, <BR/><BR/>You receive this email as you are registered as Member for SP : {1}. Someone has comment on this SP. Please click on this <a href=\"{2}\" title=\"your SP\">link</a> to show the SP.<BR/><BR/><BR/> Regards,<BR/><BR/> ePatria Team";
                                string url = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/LetterOfCommands/Details/" + id;
                                emailTransact.SentEmailConsultingLetter(emp.Email, emp.Name, letter.NomorSP, emailContent, url);
                return response;
                return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);