public void UpdateCell(ReviewBase review) { this.TextLabel.Text = review.Reviewer; this.DetailTextLabel.Lines = 0; this.DetailTextLabel.Text = review.Review; this.DetailTextLabel.SizeToFit(); // Gather up the images to be used. RatingConfig ratingConfig = new RatingConfig(UIImage.FromFile("Images/Stars/empty.png"), UIImage.FromFile("Images/Stars/filled.png"), UIImage.FromFile("Images/Stars/chosen.png")); var bounds = this.ContentView.Bounds; // Create the view. var ratingView = new PDRatingView(new RectangleF((float)bounds.Width - 70, 2f, 50f, 30f), ratingConfig, Convert.ToDecimal(review.Rating)); foreach (var sub in this.Subviews) { var rating = sub as PDRatingView; if (rating != null) { sub.RemoveFromSuperview(); } } // [Required] Add the view to the this.AddSubview(ratingView); }
public async void TestMoviesGetMovieReviews() { SearchContainerWithId <ReviewBase> resp = await TMDbClient.GetMovieReviewsAsync(IdHelper.AGoodDayToDieHard); ReviewBase single = resp.Results.Single(s => s.Id == "5ae9d7ae0e0a26394e008aeb"); await Verify(single); }
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); this.SpinAndWait(false); if (ReviewTarget == ReviewTargetDef.Film) { this.tbReviewing.Text = SelectedFilm.Title; List <FilmReview> filmreviews = null; try { filmreviews = await App.MobileService.GetTable <FilmReview>().Where(r => r.Movie == SelectedFilm.EDI && r.UserId == ExtendedPropertyHelper.GetUserIdentifier()).ToListAsync(); } catch { } if (filmreviews != null && filmreviews.Count > 0) { this.UserReview = filmreviews[0]; } else { this.UserReview = new FilmReview() { Reviewer = Config.UserName } }; } else { this.tbReviewing.Text = String.Format("Cineworld - {0}", SelectedCinema.Name); List <CinemaReview> cinemareviews = null; try { cinemareviews = await App.MobileService.GetTable <CinemaReview>().Where(r => r.Cinema == SelectedCinema.ID && r.UserId == ExtendedPropertyHelper.GetUserIdentifier()).ToListAsync(); } catch { } if (cinemareviews != null && cinemareviews.Count > 0) { this.UserReview = cinemareviews[0]; } else { this.UserReview = new CinemaReview() { Reviewer = Config.UserName } }; } this.PopulateExistingReview(); }
public async Task TestTvShowReviews() { await TestHelpers.SearchPagesAsync <SearchContainerWithId <ReviewBase>, ReviewBase>(i => TMDbClient.GetTvShowReviewsAsync(IdHelper.BreakingBad, page: i)); SearchContainerWithId <ReviewBase> reviews = await TMDbClient.GetTvShowReviewsAsync(IdHelper.BreakingBad); ReviewBase single = reviews.Results.Single(s => s.Id == "5accdbe6c3a3687e2702d058"); await Verify(single); }