/// <summary> /// 导入客户数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult ImportCusData(string data) { string jsonStr = string.Empty; bool result = false; string retmsg = string.Empty; LogicBiz biz = new LogicBiz(); RetMsg msg = biz.DataImport(customerUrl, data, SessionId); if (!msg.IsSysError) { ImportResponse <CustomerErrorDetail> response = DataJsonSerializer <ImportResponse <CustomerErrorDetail> > .JsonToEntity(msg.Message); if (response.Data.FalseCount == 0) { result = true; //导入成功 } else { jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response.Data); } } else { retmsg = msg.Message; } return(Json(new { Result = result, Msg = retmsg, Data = jsonStr }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public RetMsg updateSiteUseFlag(string id, int flag) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { try { string[] idary = id.TrimEnd(',').Split(','); foreach (string _id in idary) { Site site = db.Sites.Find(int.Parse(_id)); site.isuse = flag; site.lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } scope.Complete(); ret.Result = true; } catch (Exception e) { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = e.Message; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// 分页查询,数据量小,使用同步 /// </summary> /// private void SelectPage(string pageMethod = "SelectPage") { RetMsg msg = ExecControllerMethod(this.ControllerName, pageMethod, new object[] { this.QueryModel }) as RetMsg; if (msg.code == "0") { this.Model.TablePage.Rows.Clear(); this.Model.TotalItemCount = msg.totalItemCount; FwUtilFunc.TransferDataTable(msg.result as DataTable, this.Model.TablePage); if (msg.result != null && (msg.result as DataTable).Columns.Contains("EXCUTE_RESULT")) { foreach (DataRow row in Model.TablePage.Rows) { if (row["EXCUTE_RESULT"].ToString() == "0") { row["EXCUTE_RESULT"] = "成功"; } else { row["EXCUTE_RESULT"] = "失败"; } } } } }
public IHttpActionResult addOrupdate(JObject job) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); string sql = string.Empty; try { var id = job["id"]._ToInt32(); if (id > 0) { sql = Util.CreateSqlByJsonData(SQLEnum.UPDATE, "sys_menu", "id", job); } else { sql = Util.CreateSqlByJsonData(SQLEnum.INSERT, "sys_menu", "id", job); } int effect = MySQLDB.ExecuteSql(sql); ret.flag = effect > 0; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (RetType != 0) { hash ^= RetType.GetHashCode(); } if (RetMsg.Length != 0) { hash ^= RetMsg.GetHashCode(); } if (ErrCode != 0) { hash ^= ErrCode.GetHashCode(); } if (s2C_ != null) { hash ^= S2C.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public JsonResult Reject(string wfInstId) { var engine = new WFEngine(); var userDal = new UserDAL(); User user = userDal.Get().Where(p => p.WorkflowInstId == Guid.Parse(wfInstId)).FirstOrDefault(); string ret = engine.ExecuteWF(user, true); RetMsg msg = new RetMsg(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret)) { msg.Code = -1; msg.Msg = "流程" + wfInstId + "驳回失败!"; } else { msg.Code = 0; msg.Msg = "流程" + wfInstId + "驳回成功!当前节点" + ret; msg.Tag = ret; //WFinstanceDAL wfDal = new WFinstanceDAL(); //WFInstance inst = new WFInstance(); //inst.WfInstanceId = Guid.Parse(wfInstId); //inst.State = nodeName + ",驳回"; //inst.ApproveTime = DateTime.Now; //inst.ApproveUser = "******"; //wfDal.Update(inst); } return(Json(msg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static RetMsg CheckWebService(string url) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); using (HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse()) { ret.Msg = ""; ret.Result = true; } } catch (WebException e) { string msg = string.Empty; if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { msg = string.Format("Status Code : {0}", ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusCode); msg += ";" + string.Format("Status Description : {0}", ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusDescription); } else { msg = e.Message; } ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = msg; } return(ret); }
public IHttpActionResult getLeftRoleTree(string userid) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); ret = new PermissionController().getLeftRoleTree(userid); return(Json(ret)); }
public IHttpActionResult getTree() { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); List <object> tree = new List <object>(); try { string maintreesql = string.Format(@"select t1.id,t1.modulename,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS('|',t2.modulename,t2.id) order by t2.id asc) as childs from sys_module t1 left join (SELECT id,modulename,parentid FROM `sys_module` where parentid!=0)t2 on t1.id=t2.parentid where t1.parentid=0 group by t2.parentid"); DataTable treedt = MySQLDB.Query(maintreesql); string menusql = string.Format(@"select id,menuname,code,moduleid,`status` from sys_menu order by id asc"); DataTable menudt = MySQLDB.Query(menusql); foreach (DataRow item in treedt.Rows) { List <object> mts = new List <object>(); //第二级节点 var childs = item["childs"].ToString().Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count(); i++) { //模块编号 var child = childs[i].Split('|'); //第三级节点 //var menus = from m in menudt.AsEnumerable() // where m.Field<int>("moduleid")._ToInt32() == child[1]._ToInt32() // select new // { // title = m.Field<string>("menuname"), // value = m.Field<int>("id"), // @checked = false, // data = new object { } // }; mts.Add(new { title = child[0].ToString(), value = child[1]._ToInt32(), @checked = false, data = new object { } }); } //第一级节点 var t = new { title = item["modulename"].ToString(), value = item["id"]._ToInt32(), data = mts }; tree.Add(t); } ret.flag = true; ret.data = tree; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
/// <summary> /// 左侧菜单列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RetMsg getLeftRoleTree(string userid) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); string roles = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; DataTable r = new DataTable(); List <object> listo = new List <object>(); try { sql = string.Format(@"select roleid from sys_user where id={0}", userid); roles = MySQLDB.FirstValue(sql).ToString(); if (roles != "") { sql = string.Format(@"select GROUP_CONCAT(modules) from sys_role where id in ({0})", roles); string modulesid = MySQLDB.FirstValue(sql).ToString(); sql = string.Format(@"select b.id,b.modulename text,b.url href,a.modulename as parentname,cast(a.id as char) as parentid,b.`status`,'' as icon from sys_module a inner join sys_module b on a.id=b.parentid where b.id in ({0}) order by b.id desc", modulesid); r = MySQLDB.Query(sql); var query = from g in r.AsEnumerable() group g by new { t2 = g.Field <string>("parentname") } into modules select new { parentname = modules.Key.t2, StallInfo = modules }; foreach (var moduleInfo in query) { DataTable dt = moduleInfo.StallInfo.ToList().CopyToDataTable(); object o = new { text = moduleInfo.parentname, icon = "", subset = dt }; listo.Add(o); } ret.flag = true; ret.data = listo; } } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; ret.flag = false; } return(ret); }
public string Get(string id) { DB db = null; if (Config.IsMulti) { db = new DbBranch(); } else { db = new DB(); } @operator o = new DB()[email protected](x => x.s_work_no == id); return(RetMsg.Success(o)); }
public IHttpActionResult getByID(int id) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { sys_Menu r = MySQLDB.QueryById <sys_Menu, int>(id); ret.flag = true; ret.data = r; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
public string UpdatePwd(string id) { DB db = null; if (Config.IsMulti) { db = new DbBranch(); } else { db = new DB(); } //var desid=CchMis.Common.Encryption.AESDecrypt(id); @operator op = new DB()[email protected](x => x.s_work_no == id); return(RetMsg.Success(op)); }
public RetMsg Add(SiteStatus status) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { db.Status.Add(status); db.SaveChanges(); ret.Result = true; } catch (Exception e) { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = e.Message; } return(ret); }
public JsonResult Update() { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { int _Id = int.Parse(Request["Id"]); int _pId = int.Parse(Request["pId"]); string _name = Request["name"]; string _desc = Request["desc"]; int _type = int.Parse(Request["type"]); string _url = Request["url"]; string _paras = Request["paras"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_paras)) { _paras = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_paras); } string _mails = Request["mails"]; int _interval = int.Parse(Request["interval"]); int _isuse = int.Parse(Request["isuse"]); Site site = new Site(); site.id = _Id; site.pId = _pId; site.name = _name; site.description = _desc; site.type = _type; site.url = _url; site.paras = _paras; site.mailgroup = _mails; site.interval = _interval; site.isuse = _isuse; site.lastUpdatePerson = userName; site.lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; ret = ISite.Update(site); InitQuartzJob(); } catch (Exception e) { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = e.Message; } return(Json(new { Result = ret.Result, Msg = ret.Msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public string userlogin(string account, string pwd) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); ret.flag = true; string sql = ""; int effect = 0; try { sql = string.Format(@"select count(0) from sys_user where logincode='{0}'", account); effect = MySQLDB.FirstValue(sql)._ToInt32(); if (effect <= 0) { ret.flag = false; ret.msg = "用户不存在!"; return(ret._ToJson()); } sql = string.Format(@"select * from sys_user where logincode='{0}' and pwd=md5('{1}')", account, pwd); DataTable dt = MySQLDB.Query(sql); effect = dt.Rows.Count; if (effect <= 0) { ret.flag = false; ret.msg = "用户密码错误!"; return(ret._ToJson()); } Session["userid"] = dt.Rows[0]["id"]._ToInt32(); Session["roleid"] = dt.Rows[0]["roleid"].ToString(); Session["unitid"] = dt.Rows[0]["unitid"].ToString(); Session["depid"] = dt.Rows[0]["depid"].ToString(); ret.data = dt; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.flag = false; ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(ret._ToJson()); }
/// <summary> /// 调用数据导入接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RetMsg DataImport(string url, string json, string sessionId) { RetMsg msg = new RetMsg(); try { string responseStr = HttpClient.RequestPost(url, json, sessionId); msg.IsSysError = false; msg.Message = responseStr; } catch (Exception ex) { msg.IsSysError = true; msg.Message = ex.Message; } return(msg); }
public IHttpActionResult delmenu(JObject data) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { string ids = data["ids"].ToString(); string sql = string.Format(@"delete from sys_menu where id in ({0})", ids == "" ? "0" : ids); ret.flag = MySQLDB.ExecuteSql(sql) > 0; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
public JsonResult UpdateUseFlag() { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { int flag = int.Parse(Request["flag"]); string idstr = Request["idstr"]; ret = ISite.updateSiteUseFlag(idstr, flag); InitQuartzJob(); } catch (Exception e) { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = e.Message; } return(Json(new { Result = ret.Result, Msg = ret.Msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取登录用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RetMsg GetUserInfo(string url, UserRequestEntity request) { RetMsg msg = new RetMsg(); try { string postData = DataJsonSerializer <UserRequestEntity> .EntityToJson(request); string responseStr = HttpClient.RequestPost(url, postData); msg.IsSysError = false; msg.Message = responseStr; } catch (Exception ex) { msg.IsSysError = true; msg.Message = ex.Message; } return(msg); }
public IHttpActionResult getdeps(string unitid) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); string sql = string.Empty; try { sql = "select id,depname from sys_dep where status=1 and pid=" + unitid._ToInt32(); DataTable r = MySQLDB.Query(sql); ret.flag = true; ret.data = r; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
public IHttpActionResult getunlitlist() { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); string sql = string.Empty; try { sql = "select id,unitname from sys_unit where status=1"; DataTable r = MySQLDB.Query(sql); ret.flag = true; ret.data = r; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
public JsonResult Approve(string wfInstId) { var engine = new WFEngine(); var userDal = new UserDAL(); User user = userDal.Get().Where(p => p.WorkflowInstId == Guid.Parse(wfInstId)).FirstOrDefault(); string nodeName = engine.ExecuteWF(user); RetMsg msg = new RetMsg(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName)) { msg.Code = -1; msg.Msg = "流程" + wfInstId + "执行失败!"; } else { msg.Code = 0; msg.Msg = "流程" + wfInstId + "执行成功!当前节点" + nodeName; msg.Tag = nodeName; } return(Json(msg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public IHttpActionResult getroles() { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); string sql = string.Empty; try { sql = "SELECT id,rolename,modules,menus,status,remark FROM sys_role"; DataTable r = MySQLDB.Query(sql); ret.flag = true; ret.data = r; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); Msg msg = PlanStatusModel.GetUnFillPlans();//获取未完成的项目 if (msg.Status) { List <Tbl_Plan> list = msg.UserData as List <Tbl_Plan>; GsonHelper gson = new GsonHelper(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); ret.planId = list[i].PlanID; ret.Time = list[i].PlanDate.ToString(); ret.ProjectName = list[i].ProjectName; json.Add(JsonValue.Parse(gson.GetSerializerString(ret))); } } this.Response.Write(json.ToString()); }
public string Put() { if (Config.IsMulti) { db = new DbBranch(); } else { db = new DB(); } //更新数据,方法一 try { @operator user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <@operator>(Request["data"]); db.Entry(user).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { return(RetMsg.Success(user)); } return(RetMsg.UpdateFailed); } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex.InnerException ?? ex; LogHelper.Error(ex); return(RetMsg.Error(ex.Message)); } //更新数据,方法二 //var query1 = (from q in context.Users // where q.UserName == "Jone" // select q).SingleOrDefault(); ////判断query1是否为空,若不为空,则修改UserEmail。 //if (query1 != null) //{ // query1.UserEmail = "*****@*****.**"; // context.SubmitChanges(); //} }
public RetMsg Update(Site site) { RetMsg ret = new RetMsg(); try { IQueryable <Site> siteList = db.Sites.Where(p => p.pId == site.pId && p.id != site.id && p.name == site.name); if (siteList.Count() == 0) { Site s = db.Sites.Find(site.id); s.name = site.name; s.description = site.description; s.type = site.type; s.url = site.url; s.paras = site.paras; s.mailgroup = site.mailgroup; s.interval = site.interval; s.isuse = site.isuse; s.lastUpdatePerson = site.lastUpdatePerson; s.lastUpdateDate = site.lastUpdateDate; db.SaveChanges(); ret.Result = true; } else { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = "服务器名称已存在"; } } catch (Exception e) { ret.Result = false; ret.Msg = e.Message; } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if APIKeyBase instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="input">Instance of APIKeyBase to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(APIKeyBase input) { if (input == null) { return(false); } return (( RetCode == input.RetCode || (RetCode != null && RetCode.Equals(input.RetCode)) ) && ( RetMsg == input.RetMsg || (RetMsg != null && RetMsg.Equals(input.RetMsg)) ) && ( ExtCode == input.ExtCode || (ExtCode != null && ExtCode.Equals(input.ExtCode)) ) && ( ExtInfo == input.ExtInfo || (ExtInfo != null && ExtInfo.Equals(input.ExtInfo)) ) && ( Result == input.Result || Result != null && Result.SequenceEqual(input.Result) ) && ( TimeNow == input.TimeNow || (TimeNow != null && TimeNow.Equals(input.TimeNow)) )); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { int hashCode = 41; if (RetCode != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RetCode.GetHashCode(); } if (RetMsg != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RetMsg.GetHashCode(); } if (ExtCode != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ExtCode.GetHashCode(); } if (ExtInfo != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ExtInfo.GetHashCode(); } if (Result != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Result.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeNow != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + TimeNow.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); string sPlanId = this.Request["planId"]; Msg msg = ATrack.TrackStausByPlanId(int.Parse(sPlanId)); if (msg.Status) { List <Tbl_ProductBatch> list = msg.UserData as List <Tbl_ProductBatch>; GsonHelper gson = new GsonHelper(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { RetMsg oPro = new RetMsg(); oPro.BuildBatchId = int.Parse(list[i].BuildBatchID.ToString()); oPro.BuildName = list[i].BuildName; oPro.Time = list[i].NowAdmTime.ToString(); json.Add(JsonValue.Parse(gson.GetSerializerString(oPro))); } } this.Response.Write(json); }