public ResultDocument <T> Set <T>(string key, T value, DateTime expireDate) { ResultDocument <T> resultDocument = new ResultDocument <T> { OperationType = ResultOperation.Insert, StartTime = DateTime.Now, Type = Type.Cache }; _cacheObject.Set( new CacheItem(key, value, InMemoryCacheExtensions.CreateKeyWithRegion(key, _properties.RegionName)), new CacheItemPolicy { Priority = _properties.Priority, SlidingExpiration = expireDate.AddMinutes(_properties.CacheDuration).TimeOfDay }); var result = this.Get <T>(key); resultDocument.EndDatime = DateTime.Now; //if data is retrieved if (result.Status == ResultStatus.Success) { resultDocument.Result = result.Result; resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Success; return(resultDocument); } else { resultDocument.Result = default(T); resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Failed; return(resultDocument); } }
public IEnumerable <IDocument> CreateDocuments(Partition partition) { if (partition == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("partition"); } var documents = new ConcurrentBag <IDocument>(); var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5 }; Parallel.ForEach(partition.Keys, parallelOptions, key => { //Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("Processing documents starting {0} of {1} - {2}%", partition.Start, partition.Total, (partition.Start * 100 / partition.Total))); if (key != null) { var doc = new ResultDocument(); IndexItem(ref doc, key); documents.Add(doc); } }); return(documents); }
public byte[] GetResultDocument(string GUID, string idLpu, string idCaseMis, int documentType) { ResultDocument a = client.GetResultDocument(GUID, idLpu, idCaseMis, documentType); byte[] b = {}; using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string findPatient = "SELECT TOP(1) Attachment FROM MedDocument, Step, \"Case\" WHERE IdMedDocumentType = '" + documentType + "' AND IdCaseMis = '" + idCaseMis + "' AND IdLpu <= '" + Global.GetIdInstitution(idLpu) + "' AND MedDocument.IdStep = Step.IdStep AND Step.IdCase = \"Case\".IdCase ORDER BY IdMedDocument DESC"; SqlCommand person = new SqlCommand(findPatient, connection); using (SqlDataReader documentReader = person.ExecuteReader()) { // bool a = documentReader.Read(); while (documentReader.Read()) { b = (byte[])(documentReader["Attachment"]); } } } if (!a.Data.SequenceEqual(b)) { Global.errors1.Add("Несовпадение базового и возвращенного документов"); } return(a.Data); }
public ResultDocument <T> Get <T>(string key) { ResultDocument <T> resultDocument = new ResultDocument <T> { OperationType = ResultOperation.Retrieve, StartTime = DateTime.Now, Type = Type.Cache }; var itemResult = _cacheObject.Get(key); resultDocument.EndDatime = DateTime.Now; if (itemResult == null) { resultDocument.Result = default(T); resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Failed; return(resultDocument); } else { resultDocument.Result = (T)itemResult; resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Success; return(resultDocument); } }
public virtual IEnumerable <IDocument> CreateDocuments(Partition partition) { if (partition == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("partition"); } //Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("Processing documents starting {0} of {1} - {2}%", partition.Start, partition.Total, (partition.Start * 100 / partition.Total))); var documents = new ConcurrentBag <IDocument>(); if (!partition.Keys.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var items = GetItems(partition.Keys); var prices = GetItemPrices(partition.Keys); foreach (var item in items) { var doc = new ResultDocument(); var itemPrices = prices.Where(x => x.ProductId == item.Id).ToArray(); var index = IndexItem(doc, item, itemPrices); if (index) { documents.Add(doc); } } } return(documents); }
public ResultDocument <T> Set <T>(string key, IEnumerable <T> value) { ResultDocument <T> resultDocument = new ResultDocument <T> { OperationType = ResultOperation.Insert, StartTime = DateTime.Now, Type = INGA.Framework.Managers.Common.Type.Cache }; _cacheObject.Set(key, value); var result = this.Get <T>(key); resultDocument.EndDatime = DateTime.Now; //if data is retrieved if (result.Status == ResultStatus.Success) { resultDocument.Result = result.Result; resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Success; return(resultDocument); } else { resultDocument.Result = default(T); resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Failed; return(resultDocument); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the document from the partition source. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// source /// or /// source.Keys /// </exception> public IEnumerable <IDocument> CreateDocument(Partition source) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } if (source.Keys == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source.Keys"); } var index = 0; Trace.TraceInformation(String.Format("Processing documents starting {0} of {1} - {2}%", source.Start, source.Total, (source.Start * 100 / source.Total))); foreach (var item in LoadItems(source.JobId, source.Keys)) { var doc = new ResultDocument(); IndexItem(ref doc, item); yield return(doc); index++; } }
protected virtual void IndexItem(ref ResultDocument doc, Item item) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("__key", item.ItemId.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); //doc.Add(new DocumentField("__loc", "en-us", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__type", item.GetType().Name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__sort", item.Name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__hidden", (!item.IsActive).ToString().ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("code", item.Code, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("name", item.Name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("startdate", item.StartDate, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("enddate", item.EndDate.HasValue ? item.EndDate : DateTime.MaxValue, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("createddate", item.Created.HasValue ? item.Created : DateTime.MaxValue, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("lastmodifieddate", item.LastModified.HasValue ? item.LastModified : DateTime.MaxValue, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("catalog", item.CatalogId.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__outline", item.CatalogId.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); // Index categories IndexItemCategories(ref doc, item); // Index custom properties IndexItemCustomProperties(ref doc, item); // Index item prices IndexItemPrices(ref doc, item); //Index item reviews IndexReviews(ref doc, item); // add to content doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", item.Name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", item.Code, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); }
public static async Task <ResultDocument> MakeKeywordAnalysisAsync(IEnumerable <RequestMessage> messages, string endpoint) { ResultDocument messageAnalysis = null; HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new RequestDocument() { Messages = messages })); httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var url = $"http://{endpoint}/text/analytics/v2.0/keyPhrases"; Console.WriteLine(url); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new RequestDocument() { Messages = messages })); using (HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, httpContent)) { responseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string stringResponse = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); messageAnalysis = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResultDocument>( stringResponse); } } return(messageAnalysis); }
MakeKeyWordAnalysis(IEnumerable <RequestMessage> messages) { ResultDocument resultDocument = null; HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" , "1a62f2876b9241f2bf840de102744575"); HttpContent content = new StringContent (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new RequestDocument { Messages = messages })); content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var responseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync ("" , content); if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string response = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); resultDocument = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResultDocument> (response); } return(resultDocument); }
private static ResultDocument CreateDocument(string key, string name, string color, decimal price, int size, string[] outlines) { var doc = new ResultDocument(); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__key", key, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__type", "product", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__sort", "1", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__hidden", "false", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("code", "prd12321", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("name", name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("startdate", DateTime.UtcNow, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("enddate", DateTime.MaxValue, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("price_usd_default", price, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("price_usd_default_value", price.ToString(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("color", color, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("catalog", "goods", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("size", size, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("currency", "USD", new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); if (outlines != null) { foreach (var outline in outlines) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("__outline", outline, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); } } doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", name, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.ANALYZED })); return(doc); }
public ResultDocument <T> Remove <T>(string key) { ResultDocument <T> resultDocument = new ResultDocument <T> { OperationType = ResultOperation.Delete, StartTime = DateTime.Now, Type = INGA.Framework.Managers.Common.Type.Cache }; _cacheObject.Remove(key); var itemResult = Get <T>(key); resultDocument.EndDatime = DateTime.Now; if (itemResult.Status == ResultStatus.Failed) { resultDocument.Result = default(T); resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Failed; return(resultDocument); } else { resultDocument.Result = itemResult.Result; resultDocument.Status = ResultStatus.Success; return(resultDocument); } }
protected virtual void IndexCategory(ref ResultDocument doc, CategoryItemRelation categoryRelation) { //TODO: normally categoryRelation.Category should no be null but somehow it is null sometimes after more than 300 item loads var cat = categoryRelation.Category ?? CatalogRepository.Categories.Expand(c => c.LinkedCategories) .First(c => c.CategoryId == categoryRelation.CategoryId); IndexCategory(ref doc, categoryRelation.CatalogId, cat); }
protected virtual void IndexReviews(ref ResultDocument doc, Item item) { var reviews = ReviewRepository.Reviews.Where(r => r.ItemId == item.ItemId).ToArray(); var count = reviews.Count(); var avg = count > 0 ? Math.Round(reviews.Average(r => r.OverallRating), 2) : 0; doc.Add(new DocumentField("__reviewstotal", count, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__reviewsavg", avg, new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); }
/// <summary> /// Creates result document collection from Lucene documents. /// </summary> /// <param name="searcher">The searcher.</param> /// <param name="topDocs">The hits.</param> private void CreateDocuments(Searcher searcher, TopDocs topDocs) { // if no documents found return if (topDocs == null) { return; } var entries = new List <ResultDocument>(); // get total hits var totalCount = topDocs.TotalHits; var recordsToRetrieve = Results.SearchCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve; var startIndex = Results.SearchCriteria.StartingRecord; if (recordsToRetrieve > totalCount) { recordsToRetrieve = totalCount; } for (var index = startIndex; index < startIndex + recordsToRetrieve; index++) { if (index >= totalCount) { break; } var document = searcher.Doc(topDocs.ScoreDocs[index].Doc); var doc = new ResultDocument(); var documentFields = document.GetFields(); using (var fi = documentFields.GetEnumerator()) { while (fi.MoveNext()) { if (fi.Current != null) { var field = fi.Current; doc.Add(new DocumentField(field.Name, field.StringValue)); } } } entries.Add(doc); } var searchDocuments = new ResultDocumentSet { Name = "Items", Documents = entries.OfType <IDocument>().ToArray(), TotalCount = totalCount }; Results.Documents = new[] { searchDocuments }; }
public VmInfoReturnContainer(object[] input) { XmlDocument ResultDocument; ResultDocument = GetCleanXmlDocument(input); XmlNode VmNode = ResultDocument.SelectSingleNode("VM"); var monitoringNode = VmNode.SelectSingleNode("MONITORING"); #nullable enable
protected virtual void IndexItem(ResultDocument doc, Category category) { var indexStoreNotAnalyzed = new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed }; var indexStoreNotAnalyzedStringCollection = new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed, IndexDataType.StringCollection }; var indexStoreAnalyzedStringCollection = new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.Analyzed, IndexDataType.StringCollection }; doc.Add(new DocumentField("__key", category.Id.ToLower(), indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__type", category.GetType().Name, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__sort", category.Name, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); IndexIsProperty(doc, "category"); var statusField = (category.IsActive != true || category.Id != null) ? "hidden" : "visible"; IndexIsProperty(doc, statusField); doc.Add(new DocumentField("status", statusField, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("code", category.Code, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); IndexIsProperty(doc, category.Code); doc.Add(new DocumentField("name", category.Name, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("createddate", category.CreatedDate, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("lastmodifieddate", category.ModifiedDate ?? DateTime.MaxValue, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("priority", category.Priority, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("lastindexdate", DateTime.UtcNow, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); // Add priority in virtual categories to search index foreach (var link in category.Links) { doc.Add(new DocumentField(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "priority_{0}_{1}", link.CatalogId, link.CategoryId), link.Priority, indexStoreNotAnalyzed)); } // Add catalogs to search index var catalogs = category.Outlines .Select(o => o.Items.First().Id) .Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) .ToArray(); foreach (var catalogId in catalogs) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("catalog", catalogId.ToLower(), indexStoreNotAnalyzedStringCollection)); } // Add outlines to search index var outlineStrings = GetOutlineStrings(category.Outlines); foreach (var outline in outlineStrings) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("__outline", outline.ToLower(), indexStoreNotAnalyzedStringCollection)); } // Index custom properties IndexItemCustomProperties(doc, category); // add to content doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", category.Name, indexStoreAnalyzedStringCollection)); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", category.Code, indexStoreAnalyzedStringCollection)); }
/// <summary> /// converts result document to document identity record /// </summary> /// <param name="resultDocument">ResultDocument</param> /// <returns>DocumentIdentityRecord</returns> private BulkDocumentInfoBEO ConvertToDocumentIdentityRecord(ResultDocument resultDocument) { return(new BulkDocumentInfoBEO { DocumentId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, FamilyId = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId, DuplicateId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DuplicateId, FromOriginalQuery = true, DCN = GetDCN(resultDocument.FieldValues) }); }
public virtual ISearchResults Search(string scope, ISearchCriteria criteria) { var command = new SearchCommand(scope, criteria.DocumentType); command.Size(criteria.RecordsToRetrieve); command.From(criteria.StartingRecord); // Add spell checking // TODO: options.SpellCheck = new SpellCheckingParameters { Collate = true }; // Build query var builder = (QueryBuilder <ESDocument>)_queryBuilder.BuildQuery(criteria); SearchResult <ESDocument> resultDocs; // Add some error handling try { resultDocs = Client.Search(command, builder); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ElasticSearchException("Search using Elastic Search server failed, check logs for more details.", ex); } // Parse documents returned var docList = new List <ResultDocument>(); foreach (var indexDoc in resultDocs.Documents) { var document = new ResultDocument(); foreach (var field in indexDoc.Keys) { document.Add(new DocumentField(field, indexDoc[field])); } docList.Add(document); } var documents = new ResultDocumentSet { TotalCount =, Documents = docList.OfType <IDocument>().ToArray() }; // Create search results object var results = new SearchResults(criteria, new[] { documents }) { FacetGroups = CreateFacets(criteria, resultDocs.facets) }; return(results); }
/// <summary> /// converts result document to document identity record /// </summary> /// <param name="resultDocument">ResultDocument</param> /// <returns>DocumentIdentityRecord</returns> private static DocumentIdentityRecord ConvertToDocumentIdentityRecord(ResultDocument resultDocument) { var documentIdentityRecord = new DocumentIdentityRecord { Id = resultDocument.DocumentId.Id, DocumentId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, FamilyId = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId, DuplicateId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DuplicateId }; documentIdentityRecord.Fields.AddRange(resultDocument.FieldValues.ToDataAccessEntity()); return(documentIdentityRecord); }
public ISearchResults Search(string scope, ISearchCriteria criteria) { // Build query var builder = (SearchQuery)_queryBuilder.BuildQuery(criteria); SearchQueryResult resultDocs; // Add some error handling //try { var searchResponse = Client.Search(scope, builder).Result; if (!searchResponse.IsSuccess) { throw new AzureSearchException(AzureSearchHelper.FormatSearchException(searchResponse)); } resultDocs = searchResponse.Body; } /* * catch (Exception ex) * { * throw ex; * } * */ // Parse documents returned var documents = new ResultDocumentSet { TotalCount = resultDocs.Count }; var docList = new List <ResultDocument>(); foreach (var indexDoc in resultDocs.Records) { var document = new ResultDocument(); foreach (var field in indexDoc.Properties.Keys) { document.Add(new DocumentField(field, indexDoc.Properties[field])); } docList.Add(document); } documents.Documents = docList.ToArray(); // Create search results object var results = new SearchResults(criteria, new[] { documents }); return(results); }
protected virtual void IndexItemCategories(ref ResultDocument doc, Item item) { if (item.CategoryItemRelations == null) { return; } foreach (var cat in item.CategoryItemRelations) { doc.Add(new DocumentField(String.Format("sort{0}{1}", cat.CatalogId, cat.CategoryId), cat.Priority, new string[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); IndexCategory(ref doc, cat); } }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = ContentType; if (ResultDocument == null || ResultDocument.Root == null) { context.HttpContext.Response.Write(string.Empty); } else { ResultDocument.ToNullHelper().Branch( doc => doc.Save(context.HttpContext.Response.Output, SaveOptions.None), () => { /*if doc doesn't exist, does nothing*/ }); } }
protected virtual void IndexItemPrices(ref ResultDocument doc, Item item) { if (_prices != null) { var prices = (from p in _prices where p.ItemId.Equals(item.ItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select p).ToArray(); foreach (var price in prices) { //var priceList = price.Pricelist; var priceList = (from p in _priceLists where p.PricelistId == price.PricelistId select p).SingleOrDefault(); doc.Add(new DocumentField(String.Format("price_{0}_{1}", priceList.Currency, priceList.PricelistId), price.Sale ?? price.List, new[] { IndexStore.NO, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); doc.Add(new DocumentField(String.Format("price_{0}_{1}_value", priceList.Currency, priceList.PricelistId), price.Sale == null ? price.List.ToString() : price.Sale.ToString(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); } } }
protected virtual void IndexCategory(ref ResultDocument doc, string catalogId, CategoryBase category) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("catalog", catalogId.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); // get category path var outline = OutlineBuilder.BuildCategoryOutline(catalogId, category).ToString(); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__outline", outline.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.YES, IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED })); // Now index all linked categories foreach (var linkedCategory in category.LinkedCategories) { IndexCategory(ref doc, linkedCategory.CatalogId, linkedCategory); } }
protected virtual void IndexItemPrices(ref ResultDocument doc, CatalogProduct item) { var evalContext = new Domain.Pricing.Model.PriceEvaluationContext { ProductIds = new[] { item.Id } }; var prices = _pricingService.EvaluateProductPrices(evalContext); foreach (var price in prices) { //var priceList = price.Pricelist; doc.Add(new DocumentField(string.Format("price_{0}_{1}", price.Currency, price.PricelistId).ToLower(), price.EffectiveValue, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField(string.Format("price_{0}_{1}_value", price.Currency, price.PricelistId).ToLower(), (price.EffectiveValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); } }
protected virtual void IndexItemCustomProperties(ref ResultDocument doc, CatalogProduct item) { var properties = item.Properties; foreach (var propValue in item.PropertyValues.Where(x => x.Value != null)) { var property = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, propValue.PropertyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.ValueType == propValue.ValueType); var contentField = string.Concat("__content", property != null && (property.Multilanguage && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propValue.LanguageCode)) ? "_" + propValue.LanguageCode.ToLower() : string.Empty); switch (propValue.ValueType) { case PropertyValueType.LongText: case PropertyValueType.ShortText: var stringValue = propValue.Value.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue)) // don't index empty values { doc.Add(new DocumentField(contentField, stringValue.ToLower(), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.Analyzed, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); } break; } if (doc.ContainsKey(propValue.PropertyName)) { continue; } switch (propValue.ValueType) { case PropertyValueType.Boolean: case PropertyValueType.DateTime: case PropertyValueType.Number: doc.Add(new DocumentField(propValue.PropertyName, propValue.Value, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.Analyzed })); break; case PropertyValueType.LongText: doc.Add(new DocumentField(propValue.PropertyName, propValue.Value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.Analyzed })); break; case PropertyValueType.ShortText: // do not tokenize small values as they will be used for lookups and filters doc.Add(new DocumentField(propValue.PropertyName, propValue.Value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); break; } } }
public static ResultDocument CreateDocument(string key, string name, string color, Price[] prices, int size, string[] outlines, bool extraProperties = false) { var doc = new ResultDocument(); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__key", key, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__type", "product", new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("__sort", "1", new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("status", "visible", new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("is", "visible", new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("is", "priced", new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("is", color, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("is", key, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("code", key, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("name", name, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("startdate", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("enddate", DateTime.MaxValue, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); foreach (var price in prices) { doc.Add(new DocumentField(price.PriceList, price.Amount, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("price_usd", price.Amount, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); } doc.Add(new DocumentField("color", color, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("catalog", "goods", new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("size", size, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("currency", "USD", new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); if (extraProperties) // adds extra properties to test mapping updates for indexer { doc.Add(new DocumentField("name2", name, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("startdate2", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1), new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); } if (outlines != null) { foreach (var outline in outlines) { doc.Add(new DocumentField("__outline", outline, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.NotAnalyzed, IndexDataType.StringCollection })); } } doc.Add(new DocumentField("__content", name, new[] { IndexStore.Yes, IndexType.Analyzed })); return(doc); }
public BusinessLayer.Entities.ResultDocument TranslateResultDocumentGPToLocal(Generated.ResultDocument gpRes, string patientId) { ResultDocument localRes = new ResultDocument(); try { if (gpRes != null) { localRes.CentralType = gpRes.CentralType; localRes.DocumentDate = gpRes.DocumentDate.HasValue ? gpRes.DocumentDate.Value : DateTime.Now; List <EpisodeData> eps = new List <EpisodeData>(); foreach (var item in gpRes.Episodes) { eps.Add(TranslateEpisodeDataGPToLocal(item)); } localRes.Episodes = eps; localRes.FacilityId = gpRes.FacilityId; localRes.PatientId = patientId; localRes.FileName = gpRes.FileName; localRes.IdDocument = gpRes.IdDocument.HasValue ? gpRes.IdDocument.Value.ToString() : "0"; localRes.IdPatient = gpRes.IdPatient; localRes.MimeType = gpRes.MimeType; localRes.OriginDescription = gpRes.OriginDescription; localRes.OriginId = gpRes.OriginId; localRes.Restrict = gpRes.Restrict.HasValue ? gpRes.Restrict.Value : false; localRes.SCN = gpRes.SCN.HasValue ? gpRes.SCN.Value.ToString() : "0"; localRes.TypeDescription = gpRes.TypeDescription; localRes.TypeId = gpRes.TypeId; localRes.UrlFile = gpRes.UrlFile; localRes.HasImage = gpRes.HasImage.HasValue ? gpRes.HasImage.Value : false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Erro a realizar o convert de ResultDocument"); return(localRes); } return(localRes); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the search result document to FilteredDocumentBusinessEntity. /// </summary> private static FilteredDocumentBusinessEntity ConvertToFilteredDocumentBusinessEntity(ResultDocument resultDocument) { var filteredDocument = new FilteredDocumentBusinessEntity { Id = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, MatterId = resultDocument.DocumentId.MatterId, CollectionId = resultDocument.DocumentId.CollectionId, IsLocked = resultDocument.IsLocked, FamilyId = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId }; if (resultDocument.FieldValues == null || !resultDocument.FieldValues.Any()) return filteredDocument; foreach (var fieldResult in resultDocument.FieldValues.Select(ConvertDocumentFieldToFieldResult)) { filteredDocument.OutPutFields.Add(fieldResult); if (fieldResult.DataTypeId == 3000) filteredDocument.DCN = fieldResult.Value; } return filteredDocument; }
protected virtual void IndexItemPrices(ResultDocument doc, Price[] prices, CatalogProduct item) { foreach (var price in prices) { doc.Add(new DocumentField(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "price_{0}_{1}", price.Currency, price.PricelistId).ToLower(), price.EffectiveValue, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); // now save additional pricing fields for convinient user searches, store price with currency and without one doc.Add(new DocumentField(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "price_{0}", price.Currency), price.EffectiveValue, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); doc.Add(new DocumentField("price", price.EffectiveValue, new[] { IndexStore.No, IndexType.NotAnalyzed })); } if (prices.Length == 0) // mark product without prices defined { IndexIsProperty(doc, "unpriced"); } else { IndexIsProperty(doc, "priced"); } }
/// <summary> /// converts result document to document identity record /// </summary> /// <param name="resultDocument">ResultDocument</param> /// <returns>DocumentIdentityRecord</returns> private static DocumentIdentityRecord ConvertToDocumentIdentityRecord(ResultDocument resultDocument) { var documentIdentityRecord = new DocumentIdentityRecord { Id = resultDocument.DocumentId.Id, DocumentId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, FamilyId = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId, DuplicateId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DuplicateId }; documentIdentityRecord.Fields.AddRange(resultDocument.FieldValues.ToDataAccessEntity()); return documentIdentityRecord; }
/// <summary> /// converts result document to document identity record /// </summary> /// <param name="resultDocument">ResultDocument</param> /// <returns>DocumentIdentityRecord</returns> private BulkDocumentInfoBEO ConvertToDocumentIdentityRecord(ResultDocument resultDocument) { return new BulkDocumentInfoBEO { DocumentId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, FamilyId = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId, DuplicateId = resultDocument.DocumentId.DuplicateId, FromOriginalQuery = true, DCN = GetDCN(resultDocument.FieldValues) }; }
/// <summary> /// Converts the result document to document result. /// </summary> /// <param name="resultDocument">The result document.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static DocumentResult ConvertResultDocumentToDocumentResult(ResultDocument resultDocument) { var docResult = new DocumentResult { DocumentID = resultDocument.DocumentId.DocumentId, IsLocked = resultDocument.IsLocked, RedactableDocumentSetId = resultDocument.RedactableDocumentSetId, MatterID = long.Parse(resultDocument.DocumentId.MatterId), CollectionID = resultDocument.DocumentId.CollectionId, //family id is needed so that bulk tagging/ reviweset creation can be done for family options FamilyID = resultDocument.DocumentId.FamilyId }; if (resultDocument.FieldValues != null) foreach (FieldResult fieldResult in resultDocument.FieldValues.Select(ConvertDocumentFieldToFieldResult)) { docResult.Fields.Add(fieldResult); if (fieldResult.DataTypeId == 3000) docResult.DocumentControlNumber = fieldResult.Value; } return docResult; }
/// <summary> /// Creates result document collection from Lucene documents. /// </summary> /// <param name="searcher">The searcher.</param> /// <param name="topDocs">The hits.</param> private void CreateDocuments(Searcher searcher, TopDocs topDocs) { // if no documents found return if (topDocs == null) return; var entries = new List<ResultDocument>(); // get total hits var totalCount = topDocs.TotalHits; var recordsToRetrieve = Results.SearchCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve; var startIndex = Results.SearchCriteria.StartingRecord; if (recordsToRetrieve > totalCount) recordsToRetrieve = totalCount; for (var index = startIndex; index < startIndex + recordsToRetrieve; index++) { if (index >= totalCount) break; var document = searcher.Doc(topDocs.ScoreDocs[index].Doc); var doc = new ResultDocument(); var documentFields = document.GetFields(); using (var fi = documentFields.GetEnumerator()) { while (fi.MoveNext()) { if (fi.Current != null) { var field = fi.Current; // make sure document field doens't exist, if it does, simply add another value if (doc.ContainsKey(field.Name)) { var existingField = doc[field.Name] as DocumentField; if (existingField != null) existingField.AddValue(field.StringValue); } else // add new { doc.Add(new DocumentField(field.Name, field.StringValue)); } } } } entries.Add(doc); } var searchDocuments = new ResultDocumentSet { Name = "Items", Documents = entries.ToArray(), TotalCount = totalCount }; Results.Documents = new[] { searchDocuments }; }