コード例 #1
    protected void FinderTitle()
        PageSize = 5;
        PageNum = _pg;
        FirstRow = PageNum * PageSize - PageSize;
        int CurrentRow = 0;
        Result resultTitle = new Result();

        string sTextFinder = _sTextFinder;
        string findopt1 = Request["findopt1"]; //sSubjSubCateId
        string findopt2 = Request["findopt2"]; //sTeacSubCateId
        string findopt3 = Request["findopt3"]; //sGrade
        string findopt4 = Request["findopt4"]; //sPlatformId
        string findopt5 = Request["findopt5"]; //sPubId
        string findopt6 = Request["findopt6"]; //sPubId
        if (sTextFinder == null) sTextFinder = "";
        if (findopt1 != null) findopt1 = (findopt1.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt1);
        if (findopt2 != null) findopt2 = (findopt2.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt2);
        if (findopt3 != null) findopt3 = (findopt3.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt3);
        if (findopt4 != null) findopt4 = (findopt4.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt4);
        if (findopt5 != null) findopt5 = (findopt5.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt5);
        if (findopt6 != null) findopt6 = (findopt6.Trim() == "" ? null : findopt6);
        //For to ShareThisUrl/
        string strUrlST = "";
        string am = Request["am"];
        string asm = Request["asm"];
        strUrlST = "?am=" + am + "&asm=" + asm +"&txtadv=" + sTextFinder;
        if (findopt1 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt1=" + findopt1;
        if (findopt2 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt2=" + findopt2;
        if (findopt3 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt3=" + findopt3;
        if (findopt4 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt4=" + findopt4;
        if (findopt5 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt5=" + findopt5;
        if (findopt6 != null) strUrlST = strUrlST + "&findopt6=" + findopt6;
        Main_MasterPage main = (Main_MasterPage)Page.Master;
        if (strUrlST != "")
        main._site_ShareThisLink = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + strUrlST;
        //END For to ShareThisUrl/

        DataSet dsfinder = new DataSet();
        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
        dsfinder = resultTitle.Find_FinderTitleCatGroup(sTextFinder, findopt1, findopt2, findopt3, findopt4, findopt5, _sb, findopt6);

        // Added by Jordan Sherer - Sept 1, 2009
        // Need to make sure we don't have a null value;
        if(dsfinder == null || dsfinder.Tables == null || dsfinder.Tables.Count <= 0)
        _ds_nr = dsfinder.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        if (_ds_nr == 1) Response.Redirect("product.aspx?p=" + dsfinder.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());
        LoadFinderPagination(_ds_nr, sTextFinder, findopt1, findopt2, findopt3, findopt4, findopt5, findopt6);

        foreach (DataTable table in dsfinder.Tables)
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                if ((FirstRow <= CurrentRow) && (CurrentRow < (PageNum * PageSize)))
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodSrcRef\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodImg\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("<div id=\"boxContImage\"  style=\"width:115px; height:115px;\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"product.aspx?p=" + row["titleid"].ToString() + "\"><img id=\"images\" title=\"" + row["pubname"].ToString() +" : " +row["title"].ToString() + "\" style=\"width: 115px;height:115px;\" src=\"" + strFolder + "tn_" + row["ImageTn"].ToString() + "\"></a>"); //sb.AppendLine("<img src=\"" + row["imagetn"].ToString() + "\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("</div>");                                                                                                                                             //onload=\"getDim(document.getElementById('boxContImage'),this)\"
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodSrcDesc\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("<h2><a href=\"product.aspx?p=" + row["titleid"].ToString() + "\">" + row["title"].ToString() + "</a></h2>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<p><em>by: </em><a href=\"result.aspx?findopt5=" + row["PubId"].ToString() + "&am=1&asm=" + 3 + "\">" + row["pubname"].ToString() + "</a></p>");

                    if (Convert.ToDouble(row["yousave"].ToString()) > 0)
                        sb.AppendLine("<h3> $" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", row["Er_price"]) + "</h3>");
                        sb.AppendLine("<h4>Your DISCOUNTED price</h4>");
                        sb.AppendLine("<h5>You Save: $" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", row["yousave"]) + "</h5>");
                        if (row["TitleId"].ToString() != Resources.Resource.TorchProductId)
                            sb.AppendLine("<h6> $" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", row["Er_price"]) + "</h6>");
                        else {
                            sb.AppendLine("<h6> Configure First</h6>");
                    if (row["TitleId"].ToString() != Resources.Resource.TorchProductId)
                        sb.AppendLine(Cart.CreateAddToCartLink("<img src=\"" + Global.globalSiteImagesPath + "/addToCart.jpg\" width=\"109\" height=\"26\" />", row["titleid"].ToString(), row["defaultsku"].ToString(), 1, 0));
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodNumber\">");
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodNumCont\">");
                    if ((row["plat_win_flag"].ToString() == "1") && (row["plat_mac_flag"].ToString() == "1"))
                    { sb.AppendLine("<p>Mac / Windows</p>"); }
                    { sb.AppendLine("<p>" + (row["plat_win_flag"].ToString() == "1" ? "Windows" : "") + "" + (row["plat_mac_flag"].ToString() == "1" ? "Mac" : "") + "</p>"); }

                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"numBG\">Grades:<br/><span> " + row["grades"].ToString() + "</span></div>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<p>Item #: " + row["sku"].ToString() + "</p>");
                    //--Login Validate
                    if ((bool)Session[SiteConstants.UserValidLogin])

                            sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"addWish.aspx?p=" + row["TitleId"].ToString() + "&sk=" + row["defaultsku"].ToString() + "&skd=" + row["SKUDesc"] + "\" rel=\"width:560,height:126,ajax:true\" id=\"mb10\" class=\"mb\" title=\"Add Product\"><img src=\"" + Global.globalSiteImagesPath + "/addToWish.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>");

                        //duncan working
                        sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"#htmlElement\" id=\"mb15\" class=\"mb\" title=\"\" rel=\"type:element\"><img src=\"" + Global.globalSiteImagesPath + "/addToWish.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"requestaquote.aspx?title=" + row["title"].ToString() + "\"><img src=\"" + Global.globalSiteImagesPath + "/quote.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"clear\"></div>");

                if (CurrentRow > (PageNum * PageSize)) break;
        sb.AppendLine("<div class=\"prodSrcRef\">");
        dsfinder = null;
        PlaceHolder_Result.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sb.ToString()));