コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateMenu(Menu menu)
            var expr = from updateMenu in RestaurantDomain.UpdateAndPersistMenu(menu)
                       select updateMenu;
            var result = await interpreter.Interpret(expr, Unit.Default);

            return(await result.MatchAsync <IActionResult>(
                       async updated =>
                return (IActionResult)Ok(updated.Menu);
                       async notUpdated =>
                return BadRequest();
コード例 #2
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

            serviceCollection.AddTransient(typeof(IOp <,>), typeof(QueryOp <,>));

            serviceCollection.AddDbContext <OrderAndPayContext>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton);

            var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

            var interpreter = new LiveInterpreterAsync(serviceProvider);

            //Selecting the restaurant
            var expr = from selectRestaurant in RestaurantDomain.GetRestaurant("McDonalds")
                       let restaurant = (selectRestaurant as RestaurantAgg)?.Restaurant
                                        select selectRestaurant;

            var exprResult = await interpreter.Interpret(expr, Unit.Default);

            var finalExpr = await exprResult.MatchAsync(
                async (persisted) => // Restaurant Successfully selected
                // Populates the RestaurantAgg model with the data from two functions, using a LiveAsyncInterpreter.
                // This function will firstly populate the ICollection<Menu> Menus by calling GetAllMenus, with all the menus from the database that have the restaurant's id
                // After the ICollection<Menu> will be filled, for each entity it will call the GetAllMenuItems function to populate the menu
                await RestaurantDomain.PopulateRestaurantModel(persisted.RestaurantAgg, RestaurantDomain.GetAllMenus, RestaurantDomain.GetAllMenuItems, interpreter);

                //// Selects a menu with a specific name
                var selectMenuExpr                       = from selectMenu in RestaurantDomain.GetMenu("Chicken", persisted.RestaurantAgg.Restaurant.Id)
                                                let menu = (selectMenu as MenuSelected)?.MenuAgg
                                                           select selectMenu;

                var selectMenuRes    = await interpreter.Interpret(selectMenuExpr, Unit.Default);
                var selectMenuResult = await selectMenuRes.MatchAsync(
                    async(selected) =>      // Menu was successfully selected
                    selected.MenuAgg.Menu.Hours = "8-13";

                    var updateRestaurantExprUnique = from updateRestauruant in RestaurantDomain.UpdateAndPersistMenu(selected.MenuAgg.Menu)
                                                     let updatem = (updateRestauruant as MenuUpdated)?.Menu
                                                                   select updateRestauruant;
                    var updateRestaurantFin = await interpreter.Interpret(updateRestaurantExprUnique, Unit.Default);

                    var matchh = updateRestaurantFin.Match(
                        updated =>
                        notUpdated =>
                    //var getAllMenuItems = from getAllMenus in RestaurantDomain.GetAllMenuItems(10)
                    //                      select getAllMenus;

                    //var getAllMenusResult = await interpreter.Interpret(getAllMenuItems, Unit.Default);

                    async(notSelected) =>      // Menu not selected


                async (notPersisted) => // Restaurant not selected


            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");