private async Task CheckReactions(RestUserMessage sm, RoleSelector rsm, bool dupchecker = false) { for (int i = 0; i < sm.Reactions.Count; i++) { var rd = sm.Reactions.ElementAt(i); var t = await sm.GetReactionUsersAsync(rd.Key, 100).FlattenAsync(); if (!rd.Value.IsMe) { foreach (var bb in t) { await sm.RemoveReactionAsync(rd.Key, bb); } } else if (!dupchecker) { var p = rsm.roles.Where(s => s.EmoteCheckCompare(rd.Key.Name)).ToList(); if (p.Count == 0) { foreach (var bb in t) { await sm.RemoveReactionAsync(rd.Key, bb); } } } } if (!dupchecker) { await GetEmotes(sm, rsm); } }
private static async Task CheckReactions(this Event.Instance self, Event evt, RestUserMessage message, IEmote emote, int index) { IEnumerable <IUser> checkedUsers = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote, 99).FlattenAsync(); if (!checkedUsers.Contains(Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser)) { await message.AddReactionAsync(emote); } foreach (IUser user in checkedUsers) { if (user.Id == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id) { continue; } evt.SetAttendeeStatus(user.Id, index); SocketUser socketUser = Program.DiscordClient.GetUser(user.Id); await message.RemoveReactionAsync(emote, socketUser); } }
private async Task ReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { try { if (!this.messageEventLookup.ContainsKey(message.Id.ToString())) { return; } // don't mark yourself as attending! if (reaction.UserId == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id) { return; } string eventId = this.messageEventLookup[message.Id.ToString()]; Event? evt = await EventsDatabase.Load(eventId); if (evt is null) { // this event was deleted while the notification was up. // we need to detect this case in the 'Update' loop to clear old notifications. // but for now, we'll handle it when someone reacts. this.messageEventLookup.Remove(message.Id.ToString()); await channel.DeleteMessageAsync(message.Value); return; } if (evt.Notify == null) { return; } Event.Instance.Attendee?attendee = evt.GetAttendee(reaction.UserId); if (attendee == null) { attendee = new Event.Instance.Attendee(); attendee.UserId = reaction.UserId.ToString(); evt.Notify.Attendees.Add(attendee); await EventsDatabase.Save(evt); } if (Emotes.IsEmote(reaction.Emote, Emotes.Bell)) { ////ReminderService.SetReminder(evt, attendee); evt.ToggleAttendeeReminder(reaction.UserId); await EventsDatabase.Save(evt); } else { (string display, int index) = GetStatus(reaction.Emote); if (index < 0) { return; } evt.SetAttendeeStatus(reaction.UserId, index); await EventsDatabase.Save(evt); } await evt.Notify.Post(evt); RestUserMessage userMessage = (RestUserMessage)await channel.GetMessageAsync(message.Id); SocketUser user = Program.DiscordClient.GetUser(reaction.UserId); await userMessage.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, user); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); } }
private async Task ReactionAwait(RestUserMessage msg, string nameMsg, List <string> pageContent) { int page = 0; var userId = Context.User.Id; IEmote reactionBack = new Emoji("⬅️"); IEmote reactionForward = new Emoji("➡️"); await msg.AddReactionAsync(reactionBack).ConfigureAwait(false); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); await msg.AddReactionAsync(reactionForward).ConfigureAwait(false); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30_000) { var collectorBack = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(reactionBack, 100).FlattenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var collectorForward = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(reactionForward, 100).FlattenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); IUser?UserReactionBack = collectorBack.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId && !x.IsBot); IUser?UserReactionForward = collectorForward.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId && !x.IsBot); if (UserReactionBack != null && page > 0) { page--; var embedBack = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.DarkBlue }.AddField(x => { x.Name = nameMsg; x.Value = pageContent[page]; x.IsInline = false; }).WithFooter(x => { x.IconUrl = ""; x.Text = $"Page {page + 1 } of {pageContent.Count}"; }).Build(); await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(reactionBack, UserReactionBack); await msg.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = embedBack).ConfigureAwait(false); sw.Restart(); } else if (UserReactionForward != null && page < pageContent.Count - 1) { page++; var embedForward = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.DarkBlue }.AddField(x => { x.Name = nameMsg; x.Value = pageContent[page]; x.IsInline = false; }).WithFooter(x => { x.IconUrl = ""; x.Text = $"Page {page + 1} of {pageContent.Count}"; }).Build(); await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(reactionForward, UserReactionForward); await msg.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = embedForward).ConfigureAwait(false); sw.Restart(); } } await msg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task Play(SocketReaction reaction, ISocketMessageChannel channel, Optional <IUser> user) { if (user.ToString() == "Gideon#8386") { return; } if (currentTurnUser.ToString() != user.ToString()) { await m.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value); return; } string emote = reaction.Emote.ToString(); if (emote == "↖") { boardSlots[0] = EmojiToPlace(0); } else if (emote == "⬆") { boardSlots[1] = EmojiToPlace(1); } else if (emote == "↗") { boardSlots[2] = EmojiToPlace(2); } else if (emote == "⬅") { boardSlots[3] = EmojiToPlace(3); } else if (emote == "⏺") { boardSlots[4] = EmojiToPlace(4); } else if (emote == "➡") { boardSlots[5] = EmojiToPlace(5); } else if (emote == "↙") { boardSlots[6] = EmojiToPlace(6); } else if (emote == "⬇") { boardSlots[7] = EmojiToPlace(7); } else if (emote == "↘") { boardSlots[8] = EmojiToPlace(8); } if (canPlaySlot) { await CheckForWin(channel, ":x:"); await CheckForWin(channel, ":o:"); await CheckForDraw(); await IncrementTurn(); } await m.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value); }
private async Task HandleEventAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction, RestUserMessage message, bool reactionAdded) { var em = message.Embeds.First(); var fields = em.Fields; List <string> att = new List <string>(); List <string> nAtt = new List <string>(); // Iterate over fields and grab data needed int maxParticipants = 0; string dateTime = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count(); i++) { if (fields[i].Name == "When?") { dateTime = fields[i].Value; } if (fields[i].Name == "Max Participants") { maxParticipants = Int32.Parse(fields[i].Value); } } // Refresh both 'Attending' and 'Not attending' lists var attending = message.GetReactionUsersAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), 100); attending.ForEach(users => { for (int i = 0; i < users.Count(); i++) { if (!users.ElementAt(i).IsBot) { att.Add(users.ElementAt(i).Mention); } } }); var notAttending = message.GetReactionUsersAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"), 100); notAttending.ForEach(users => { for (int i = 0; i < users.Count(); i++) { if (!users.ElementAt(i).IsBot) { nAtt.Add(users.ElementAt(i).Mention); } } }); // If reaction was added if (reactionAdded) { // Check if max participants have been reached if (att.Count > maxParticipants && maxParticipants != 0) { await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), reaction.User.Value); return; } // Check for and handle double reactions if (reaction.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("\u2705"))) { foreach (string n in nAtt) { if (n == reaction.User.Value.Mention) { await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"), reaction.User.Value); return; } } } if (reaction.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("\u274C"))) { foreach (string n in att) { if (n == reaction.User.Value.Mention) { await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), reaction.User.Value); return; } } } } var embed = await EmbedHandler.UpdateEventEmbed(em.Title, em.Description, maxParticipants, dateTime, em.Footer.Value.ToString(), att, nAtt); await message.ModifyAsync(q => { q.Embed = embed; }); }