public static void HandleChangeAllowedRessource(int fromClient, Packet packet) { int clientIDCheck = packet.ReadInt(); if (fromClient != clientIDCheck) { Console.WriteLine($"Player with ID: \"{fromClient}\" has assumed the wrong client ID: \"{clientIDCheck}\"!"); } Player player = Server.clients[fromClient].Player; HexCoordinates originCoordinates = packet.ReadHexCoordinates(); if (GameLogic.PlayerInRange(originCoordinates, player)) { HexCoordinates destinationCoordinates = packet.ReadHexCoordinates(); RessourceType ressourceType = (RessourceType)packet.ReadByte(); bool newValue = packet.ReadBool(); if (GameLogic.ChangeAllowedRessource(originCoordinates, destinationCoordinates, ressourceType, newValue)) { Console.WriteLine("Player: " + player.Name + "of tribe" + player.Tribe.Id.ToString() + " changed allowed Ressource: " + ressourceType.ToString() + " at " + originCoordinates.ToString() + "."); ServerSend.BroadcastChangeAllowedRessource(originCoordinates, destinationCoordinates, ressourceType, newValue); return; } } Console.WriteLine("Player: " + player.Name + "of tribe" + player.Tribe.Id.ToString() + " failed to change allowed Ressource at " + originCoordinates.ToString() + "."); }
public static string ToFriendlyString(this RessourceType ressourceType) { return(ressourceType.ToString().ToLower().FirstCharToUpper()); }