public async Task <Response.Response> ChangePassword(Guid userId, string newPassword) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId.ToString()); if (user == null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.UserNotFound; resp.Type = ResponseType.RecordNotFound; return(resp); } var token = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, token, newPassword); //log user password reset request _logger.LogInformation(string.Format(LoggingOperationPhrase.PasswordChanged, user.Id)); resp.Type = ResponseType.Success; return(resp); }
public Response.Response UpdateSettings(Guid userId, UserSettings newSettings) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var user = _repository.GetById(userId); if (user == null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.UserNotFound; return(resp); } user.Settings = JsonSerializer.Serialize(newSettings); if (user.Settings.Length > 250) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.ObjectExceededMaxAllowedLength; return(resp); } _repository.Update(user); _uow.Save(); resp.Type = ResponseType.Success; return(resp); }
protected MainModule(string pathToRequest, Response.Response response) { Post($"/{pathToRequest}", action => { Database db = Context.GetDb(); try { return(response.Post(Context.Request, db)); } catch (MySqlException e) { return(SendMySqlException(e)); } }, null, "POST"); Get($"/{pathToRequest}", action => { Database db = Context.GetDb(); try { return(response.Get(Context.Request, db)); } catch (MySqlException e) { return(SendMySqlException(e)); } }, null, "Get"); Put($"/{pathToRequest}", action => { Database db = Context.GetDb(); try { return(response.Put(Context.Request, db)); } catch (MySqlException e) { return(SendMySqlException(e)); } }, null, "Put"); Delete($"/{pathToRequest}", action => { Database db = Context.GetDb(); try { return(response.Delete(Context.Request, db)); } catch (MySqlException e) { return(SendMySqlException(e)); } }, null, "Delete"); }
public virtual Response.Response SoftDelete(object id) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var entity = Repository.GetById(id); bool updated = false; if (entity == null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.RecordNotFound; return(resp); } if (ValidateEntityOwner) { //client wants to check for an IDOR attack if (!IsEntityOwnerValid(entity)) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.NotAuthorized; return(resp); } } var type = typeof(TEntity); var entityProperties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo entityProperty in entityProperties) { //Only modify IsDeleted property. Do not change others if (entityProperty.CanWrite && entityProperty.Name == "IsDeleted") { entityProperty.SetValue(entity, true, null); //soft deletion updated = true; break; } } if (updated) { Repository.Update(entity); Uow.Save(); } //log db record modification as an info Logger.LogInformation($"'{type}' entity with ID: {id} has been modified."); return(new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Success }); }
public Response.Response <object> getQuizesStatistic(int userId) { Response.Response <object> response = new Response.Response <object>(); var result = _service.getStatistic(userId); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; return(response); }
public Response.Response <List <quize> > getUserQuizesWithAnswer(int userId) { Response.Response <List <quize> > response = new Response.Response <List <quize> >(); var result = _service.getUserQuizesWithAnswer(userId); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Overide for OnException /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context) { Response.Response response = new Response.Response { Message = "An error has occured." }; context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500; //context.Result = new JsonResult(response); base.OnException(context); }
async Task Deleting(int objectId) { parameter = client.GetParameter(); parameter.Add("id", objectId); parameter.Add("status", "C__RECORD_STATUS__DELETED"); Response.Response response = await client.GetConnection().InvokeAsync <Response.Response> ("cmdb.object.delete", parameter); if (response.success == false) { throw new IdoitAPIClientBadResponseException("Nope!"); } }
async Task Updating(int objectId) { parameter = client.GetParameter(); parameter.Add("id", objectId); parameter.Add("title", title); Response.Response response = await client.GetConnection().InvokeAsync <Response.Response> ("cmdb.object.update", parameter); if (response.success == false) { throw new IdoitAPIClientBadResponseException("Nope!"); } }
public async Task <Response.Response> Register(ApplicationUser userDto, string password) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var userByName = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userDto.UserName); if (userByName != null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.UserExists; return(resp); } var userByEmail = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userDto.Email); if (userByEmail != null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.UserExists; return(resp); } //start sending slack notification // var slackMessageTask = _slackService.SendMessage($"{userDto.Email} joined :tada:", "account-tracker"); var userModel = new Dal.Entities.Identity.ApplicationUser { Id = userDto.Id, Email = userDto.Email ?? "", EmailConfirmed = userDto.EmailConfirmed, UserName = userDto.UserName, NameSurname = userDto.NameSurname, PasswordHash = HashPassword(password), SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // Settings = userDto.Settings, CreatedAt = userDto.CreatedAt, }; await _userManager.CreateAsync(userModel); userDto.Id = userModel.Id; await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(userModel, userDto.Roles.First()); resp.Type = ResponseType.Success; //await slackMessageTask; return(resp); }
async Task Purging(int objectId) { //The return Values as Object from diffrence Classes parameter = client.GetParameter(); parameter.Add("id", objectId); parameter.Add("status", "C__RECORD_STATUS__PURGE"); Response.Response response = await client.GetConnection().InvokeAsync <Response.Response> ("cmdb.object.delete", parameter); if (response.success == false) { throw new IdoitAPIClientBadResponseException("Nope!"); } }
public Response.Response <user> login([FromBody] user obj) { Response.Response <user> response = new Response.Response <user>(); var result = _service.login(obj); if (result != null) { response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; } else { response.Result = null; response.StatusCode = 401; } return(response); }
async Task Creating() { parameter = client.GetParameter(); parameter.Add("type", type); parameter.Add("title", title); parameter.Add("purpose", purpose); parameter.Add("cmdb_status", cmdbStatus); parameter.Add("description", description); parameter.Add("category", category); Response.Response response = await client.GetConnection().InvokeAsync <Response.Response> ("cmdb.object.create", parameter); id =; if (response.success == false) { throw new IdoitAPIClientBadResponseException(response.message); } }
public async Task <Response.Response> ResetAccount(string emailOrUsername) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(emailOrUsername); if (user == null) { user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(emailOrUsername); } if (user == null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.UserNotFound; return(resp); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var unixTimestamp = Utility.GetUnixTimeStamp(now); var resetLink = Utility.Base64Encode($"{user.Id:N}::{user.SecurityStamp}::{unixTimestamp}"); var mailSent = SendResetPasswordEmail(resetLink, user.Email); if (!mailSent) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.ApplicationException; return(resp); } user.LockoutEnd = now; await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); _logger.LogInformation(string.Format(LoggingOperationPhrase.PasswordReset, user.Id)); resp.Type = ResponseType.Success; return(resp); }
public Response.Response <int> createQuize(quize obj) { Response.Response <int> response = new Response.Response <int>(); //check if quize name is already exist for this user bool nameexist = _service.checkQuizeNameExist(obj.userId.Value,; if (!nameexist) { var result = _service.addQuize(obj); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; } else { response.Result = 0; response.StatusCode = 400; response.message = "Name aleardy exist"; } return(response); }
public Response.Response <int> addQuizeQuestion(quize_question obj) { Response.Response <int> response = new Response.Response <int>(); //check if question already exist in this quize bool nameexist = _service.checkQuestionExist(obj.quizeId.Value, obj.question); if (!nameexist) { var result = _service.addQuizeQuestion(obj); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; } else { response.Result = 0; response.StatusCode = 400; response.message = "Question aleardy exist"; } return(response); }
public Response.Response <int> answerQuizeQuestion(question_answer obj) { Response.Response <int> response = new Response.Response <int>(); //check if user is already answer this qestion befor bool answered = _service.checkIdQuestionAnswered(obj.questionId.Value, obj.userId.Value); //if not answered before add new answer if (!answered) { var result = _service.answerQuizeQuestion(obj); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; } //if answered update existing answer else { var result = _service.updateAnswerQuizeQuestion(obj); response.Result = result; response.StatusCode = 200; } return(response); }
public virtual Response.Response Delete(object id) { var resp = new Response.Response { Type = ResponseType.Fail }; var entity = Repository.GetById(id); if (entity == null) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.RecordNotFound; return(resp); } if (ValidateEntityOwner) { //client wants to check for an IDOR attack if (!IsEntityOwnerValid(entity)) { resp.ErrorCode = ErrorCode.NotAuthorized; return(resp); } } Repository.Delete(entity); Uow.Save(); var type = typeof(TEntity); //log db record deletion as an info Logger.LogInformation($"'{type}' entity has been hard-deleted."); resp.Type = ResponseType.Success; return(resp); }