static void PackXllBuild(string xllFullPath, bool includePdb) { ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru = new ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater(xllFullPath); var xllDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(xllFullPath); ru.AddAssembly(Path.Combine(xllDir, "ExcelDna.Loader.dll"), compress: true, multithreading: false, includePdb); ru.AddAssembly(Path.Combine(xllDir, "ExcelDna.Integration.dll"), compress: true, multithreading: false, includePdb); ru.EndUpdate(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // string testLib = @"C:\Work\ExcelDna\Version\ExcelDna-0.23\Source\ExcelDnaPack\bin\Debug\exceldna.xll"; // ResourceHelper.ResourceLister rl = new ResourceHelper.ResourceLister(testLib); // rl.ListAll(); // //ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater.Test(testLib); // return; // Force jit-load of ExcelDna.Integration assembly int unused = XlCall.xlAbort; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.Write("No .dna file specified.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } string dnaPath = args[0]; string dnaDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(dnaPath); // string dnaFileName = Path.GetFileName(dnaPath); string dnaFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dnaPath); string configPath = Path.ChangeExtension(dnaPath, ".xll.config"); string xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + ".xll"); string xllOutputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + "-packed.xll"); bool overwrite = false; if (!File.Exists(dnaPath)) { Console.Write("Add-in .dna file " + dnaPath + " not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } // TODO: Replace with an args-parsing routine. if (args.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].Equals("/O", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (i >= args.Length - 1) { // Too few args. Console.Write("Invalid command-line arguments.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } xllOutputPath = args[i + 1]; } else if (args[i].Equals("/Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { overwrite = true; } } } if (File.Exists(xllOutputPath)) { if (overwrite == false) { Console.Write("Output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + " already exists. Overwrite? [Y/N] "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (!response.Equals("Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nNot overwriting existing file.\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return; } } try { File.Delete(xllOutputPath); } catch { Console.Write("Existing output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + "could not be deleted. (Perhaps loaded in Excel?)\r\n\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return; } } // Find ExcelDna.xll to use. // First try <MyAddin>.xll if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // CONSIDER: Maybe the next two (old) search locations should be deprecated? // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the .dna file xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the ExcelDnaPack.exe xllInputPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Base add-in not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } } } Console.WriteLine("Using base add-in " + xllInputPath); File.Copy(xllInputPath, xllOutputPath, false); ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru = new ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater(xllOutputPath); // Take out Integration assembly - to be replaced by a compressed copy. // CONSIDER: Maybe use the ExcelDna.Integration that is inside the <MyAddin>.xll ru.RemoveResource("ASSEMBLY", "EXCELDNA.INTEGRATION"); string integrationPath = DnaLibrary.ResolvePath("ExcelDna.Integration.dll", dnaDirectory); string packedName = null; if (integrationPath != null) { packedName = ru.AddAssembly(integrationPath); } if (packedName == null) { Console.WriteLine("ExcelDna.Integration assembly could not be packed. Aborting."); ru.EndUpdate(); File.Delete(xllOutputPath); return; } if (File.Exists(configPath)) { ru.AddConfigFile(File.ReadAllBytes(configPath), "__MAIN__"); // Name here must exactly match name in ExcelDnaLoad.cpp. } byte[] dnaBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dnaPath); byte[] dnaContentForPacking = PackDnaLibrary(dnaBytes, dnaDirectory, ru); ru.AddDnaFileUncompressed(dnaContentForPacking, "__MAIN__"); // Name here must exactly match name in DnaLibrary.Initialize. ru.EndUpdate(); Console.WriteLine("Completed Packing {0}.", xllOutputPath); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif }
static byte[] PackDnaLibrary(byte[] dnaContent, string dnaDirectory, ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru) { DnaLibrary dna = DnaLibrary.LoadFrom(dnaContent, dnaDirectory); if (dna == null) { // TODO: Better error handling here. Console.WriteLine(".dna file could not be loaded. Possibly malformed xml content? Aborting."); Environment.Exit(1); } if (dna.ExternalLibraries != null) { foreach (ExternalLibrary ext in dna.ExternalLibraries) { if (ext.Pack) { string path = dna.ResolvePath(ext.Path); Console.WriteLine(" ~~> ExternalLibrary path {0} resolved to {1}.", ext.Path, path); if (Path.GetExtension(path).Equals(".DNA", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + ".DNA"; byte[] dnaContentForPacking = PackDnaLibrary(File.ReadAllBytes(path), Path.GetDirectoryName(path), ru); ru.AddDnaFile(dnaContentForPacking, name); ext.Path = "packed:" + name; } else { string packedName = ru.AddAssembly(path); if (packedName != null) { ext.Path = "packed:" + packedName; } } if (ext.ComServer == true) { // Check for a TypeLib to pack //string tlbPath = dna.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath); string resolvedTypeLibPath = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext.TypeLibPath)) { resolvedTypeLibPath = dna.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath); // null is unresolved if (resolvedTypeLibPath == null) { // Try relative to .dll resolvedTypeLibPath = DnaLibrary.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); // null is unresolved if (resolvedTypeLibPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("!!! ExternalLibrary TypeLib path {0} could not be resolved.", ext.TypeLibPath); } } } else { // Check for .tlb string tlbCheck = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, "tlb"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(tlbCheck)) { resolvedTypeLibPath = tlbCheck; } } if (resolvedTypeLibPath != null) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> ExternalLibrary typelib path {0} resolved to {1}.", ext.TypeLibPath, resolvedTypeLibPath); int packedIndex = ru.AddTypeLib(File.ReadAllBytes(resolvedTypeLibPath)); ext.TypeLibPath = "packed:" + packedIndex.ToString(); } } } } } // Collect the list of all the references. List <Reference> refs = new List <Reference>(); foreach (Project proj in dna.GetProjects()) { if (proj.References != null) { refs.AddRange(proj.References); } } // Fix-up if Reference is not part of a project, but just used to add an assembly for packing. foreach (Reference rf in dna.References) { if (!refs.Contains(rf)) { refs.Add(rf); } } // Now pack the references foreach (Reference rf in refs) { if (rf.Pack) { string path = null; if (rf.Path != null) { if (rf.Path.StartsWith("packed:")) { break; } path = dna.ResolvePath(rf.Path); Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly path {0} resolved to {1}.", rf.Path, path); } if (path == null && rf.Name != null) { // Try Load as as last resort (and opportunity to load by FullName) try { #pragma warning disable 0618 Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(rf.Name); #pragma warning restore 0618 if (ass != null) { path = ass.Location; Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly {0} 'Load'ed from location {1}.", rf.Name, path); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly {0} not 'Load'ed. Exception: {1}", rf.Name, e); } } if (path == null) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Reference with Path: {0} and Name: {1} not found.", rf.Path, rf.Name); break; } // It worked! string packedName = ru.AddAssembly(path); if (packedName != null) { rf.Path = "packed:" + packedName; } } } foreach (Image image in dna.Images) { if (image.Pack) { string path = dna.ResolvePath(image.Path); if (path == null) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Image path {0} not resolved.", image.Path); break; } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant(); byte[] imageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path); ru.AddImage(imageBytes, name); image.Path = "packed:" + name; } } foreach (Project project in dna.Projects) { foreach (SourceItem source in project.SourceItems) { if (source.Pack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Path)) { string path = dna.ResolvePath(source.Path); if (path == null) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Source path {0} not resolved.", source.Path); break; } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant(); byte[] sourceBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(File.ReadAllText(path)); ru.AddSource(sourceBytes, name); source.Path = "packed:" + name; } } } return(DnaLibrary.Save(dna)); }
static byte[] PackDnaLibrary(byte[] dnaContent, string dnaDirectory, ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru, bool compress, bool multithreading) { string errorMessage; DnaLibrary dna = DnaLibrary.LoadFrom(dnaContent, dnaDirectory); if (dna == null) { // TODO: Better error handling here. errorMessage = "ERROR: .dna file could not be loaded. Possibly malformed xml content? ABORTING."; throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } if (dna.ExternalLibraries != null) { bool copiedVersion = false; foreach (ExternalLibrary ext in dna.ExternalLibraries) { var path = dna.ResolvePath(ext.Path); if (!File.Exists(path)) { errorMessage = string.Format("!!! ERROR: ExternalLibrary `{0}` not found. ABORTING.", ext.Path); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } if (ext.Pack) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> ExternalLibrary path {0} resolved to {1}.", ext.Path, path); if (Path.GetExtension(path).Equals(".DNA", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + ".DNA"; byte[] dnaContentForPacking = PackDnaLibrary(File.ReadAllBytes(path), Path.GetDirectoryName(path), ru, compress, multithreading); ru.AddFile(dnaContentForPacking, name, ResourceHelper.TypeName.DNA, compress, multithreading); ext.Path = "packed:" + name; } else { string packedName = ru.AddAssembly(path, compress, multithreading, ext.IncludePdb); if (packedName != null) { ext.Path = "packed:" + packedName; } } if (ext.ComServer == true) { // Check for a TypeLib to pack //string tlbPath = dna.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath); string resolvedTypeLibPath = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext.TypeLibPath)) { resolvedTypeLibPath = dna.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath); // null is unresolved if (resolvedTypeLibPath == null) { // Try relative to .dll resolvedTypeLibPath = DnaLibrary.ResolvePath(ext.TypeLibPath, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); // null is unresolved if (resolvedTypeLibPath == null) { errorMessage = string.Format("!!! ERROR: ExternalLibrary TypeLib path {0} could not be resolved.", ext.TypeLibPath); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } } } else { // Check for .tlb string tlbCheck = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, "tlb"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(tlbCheck)) { resolvedTypeLibPath = tlbCheck; } } if (resolvedTypeLibPath != null) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> ExternalLibrary typelib path {0} resolved to {1}.", ext.TypeLibPath, resolvedTypeLibPath); int packedIndex = ru.AddTypeLib(File.ReadAllBytes(resolvedTypeLibPath)); ext.TypeLibPath = "packed:" + packedIndex.ToString(); } } } if (ext.UseVersionAsOutputVersion) { if (copiedVersion) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly version already copied from previous ExternalLibrary; ignoring 'UseVersionAsOutputVersion' attribute."); continue; } try { ru.CopyFileVersion(path); copiedVersion = true; } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage = string.Format(" ~~> ERROR: Error copying version to output version: {0}", e.Message); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } } } } // Collect the list of all the references. List <Reference> refs = new List <Reference>(); foreach (Project proj in dna.GetProjects()) { if (proj.References != null) { refs.AddRange(proj.References); } } // Fix-up if Reference is not part of a project, but just used to add an assembly for packing. foreach (Reference rf in dna.References) { if (!refs.Contains(rf)) { refs.Add(rf); } } // Expand asterisk in filename of reference path, e.g. "./*.dll" List <Reference> expandedReferences = new List <Reference>(); for (int i = refs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string path = refs[i].Path; if (path != null && path.Contains("*")) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), Path.GetFileName(path)); foreach (var file in files) { expandedReferences.Add(new Reference(Path.GetFullPath(file)) { Pack = true }); } refs.RemoveAt(i); } } refs.AddRange(expandedReferences); // Now pack the references foreach (Reference rf in refs) { if (rf.Pack) { string path = null; if (rf.Path != null) { if (rf.Path.StartsWith("packed:")) { continue; } path = dna.ResolvePath(rf.Path); Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly path {0} resolved to {1}.", rf.Path, path); } if (path == null && rf.Name != null) { // Try Load as as last resort (and opportunity to load by FullName) try { #pragma warning disable 0618 Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(rf.Name); #pragma warning restore 0618 if (ass != null) { path = ass.Location; Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly {0} 'Load'ed from location {1}.", rf.Name, path); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(" ~~> Assembly {0} not 'Load'ed. Exception: {1}", rf.Name, e); } } if (path == null) { errorMessage = string.Format(" ~~> ERROR: Reference with Path: {0} and Name: {1} NOT FOUND.", rf.Path, rf.Name); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } // It worked! string packedName = ru.AddAssembly(path, compress, multithreading, rf.IncludePdb); if (packedName != null) { rf.Path = "packed:" + packedName; } } } foreach (Image image in dna.Images) { if (image.Pack) { string path = dna.ResolvePath(image.Path); if (path == null) { errorMessage = string.Format(" ~~> ERROR: Image path {0} NOT RESOLVED.", image.Path); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant(); byte[] imageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path); ru.AddFile(imageBytes, name, ResourceHelper.TypeName.IMAGE, compress, multithreading); image.Path = "packed:" + name; } } foreach (Project project in dna.Projects) { foreach (SourceItem source in project.SourceItems) { if (source.Pack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Path)) { string path = dna.ResolvePath(source.Path); if (path == null) { errorMessage = string.Format(" ~~> ERROR: Source path {0} NOT RESOLVED.", source.Path); throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant() + "_" + lastPackIndex++ + Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpperInvariant(); byte[] sourceBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path); ru.AddFile(sourceBytes, name, ResourceHelper.TypeName.SOURCE, compress, multithreading); source.Path = "packed:" + name; } } } return(DnaLibrary.Save(dna)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // string testLib = @"C:\Work\ExcelDna\Version\ExcelDna-0.23\Source\ExcelDnaPack\bin\Debug\exceldna.xll"; // ResourceHelper.ResourceLister rl = new ResourceHelper.ResourceLister(testLib); // rl.ListAll(); // //ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater.Test(testLib); // return; // Set to an 'Error' exit unless we get to the end. Environment.ExitCode = -1; // Force jit-load of ExcelDna.Integration assembly int unused = XlCall.xlAbort; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.Write("No .dna file specified.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } string dnaPath = args[0]; string dnaDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(dnaPath); // string dnaFileName = Path.GetFileName(dnaPath); string dnaFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dnaPath); string configPath = Path.ChangeExtension(dnaPath, ".xll.config"); string xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + ".xll"); string xllOutputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + "-packed.xll"); bool overwrite = false; if (!File.Exists(dnaPath)) { Console.Write("Add-in .dna file " + dnaPath + " not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } // TODO: Replace with an args-parsing routine. if (args.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].Equals("/O", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (i >= args.Length - 1) { // Too few args. Console.Write("Invalid command-line arguments.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } xllOutputPath = args[i + 1]; } else if (args[i].Equals("/Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { overwrite = true; } } } if (File.Exists(xllOutputPath)) { if (overwrite == false) { Console.Write("Output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + " already exists. Overwrite? [Y/N] "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (!response.Equals("Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nNot overwriting existing file.\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return; } } try { File.Delete(xllOutputPath); } catch { Console.Write("Existing output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + "could not be deleted. (Perhaps loaded in Excel?)\r\n\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return; } } string outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(xllOutputPath); if (outputDirectory == String.Empty) { outputDirectory = "."; // } if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("Output directory " + outputDirectory + "could not be created. Error: " + ex.Message + "\r\n\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return; } } // Find ExcelDna.xll to use. // First try <MyAddin>.xll if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // CONSIDER: Maybe the next two (old) search locations should be deprecated? // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the .dna file xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the ExcelDnaPack.exe xllInputPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Base add-in not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return; } } } Console.WriteLine("Using base add-in " + xllInputPath); File.Copy(xllInputPath, xllOutputPath, false); ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru = new ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater(xllOutputPath); // Take out Integration assembly - to be replaced by a compressed copy. // CONSIDER: Maybe use the ExcelDna.Integration that is inside the <MyAddin>.xll ru.RemoveResource("ASSEMBLY", "EXCELDNA.INTEGRATION"); string integrationPath = DnaLibrary.ResolvePath("ExcelDna.Integration.dll", dnaDirectory); string packedName = null; if (integrationPath != null) { packedName = ru.AddAssembly(integrationPath); } if (packedName == null) { Console.WriteLine("ExcelDna.Integration assembly could not be packed. Aborting."); ru.EndUpdate(); File.Delete(xllOutputPath); return; } if (File.Exists(configPath)) { ru.AddConfigFile(File.ReadAllBytes(configPath), "__MAIN__"); // Name here must exactly match name in ExcelDnaLoad.cpp. } byte[] dnaBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dnaPath); byte[] dnaContentForPacking = PackDnaLibrary(dnaBytes, dnaDirectory, ru); ru.AddDnaFileUncompressed(dnaContentForPacking, "__MAIN__"); // Name here must exactly match name in DnaLibrary.Initialize. ru.EndUpdate(); Console.WriteLine("Completed Packing {0}.", xllOutputPath); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif // All OK - set process exit code to 'Success' Environment.ExitCode = 0; }
private static int Pack(string[] args) { // string testLib = @"C:\Work\ExcelDna\Version\ExcelDna-0.23\Source\ExcelDnaPack\bin\Debug\exceldna.xll"; // ResourceHelper.ResourceLister rl = new ResourceHelper.ResourceLister(testLib); // rl.ListAll(); // //ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater.Test(testLib); // return; // Force jit-load of ExcelDna.Integration assembly int unused = XlCall.xlAbort; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.Write("No .dna file specified.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return(1); } string dnaPath = Path.GetFullPath(args[0]); string dnaDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(dnaPath); // string dnaFileName = Path.GetFileName(dnaPath); string dnaFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dnaPath); string configPath = Path.ChangeExtension(dnaPath, ".xll.config"); string xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + ".xll"); string xllOutputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, dnaFilePrefix + "-packed.xll"); bool overwrite = false; bool compress = true; bool multithreading = true; if (!File.Exists(dnaPath)) { Console.Error.Write("ERROR: Add-in .dna file " + dnaPath + " not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return(1); } // TODO: Replace with an args-parsing routine. if (args.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].Equals("/O", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (i >= args.Length - 1) { // Too few args. Console.Write("Invalid command-line arguments.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return(1); } xllOutputPath = args[i + 1]; } else if (args[i].Equals("/Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { overwrite = true; } else if (args[i].Equals("/NoCompression", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { compress = false; } else if (args[i].Equals("/NoMultiThreading", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { multithreading = false; } } } if (File.Exists(xllOutputPath)) { if (overwrite == false) { Console.Write("Output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + " already exists. Overwrite? [Y/N] "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (!response.Equals("Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nNot overwriting existing file.\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return(1); } } try { File.Delete(xllOutputPath); } catch { Console.Error.Write("ERROR: Existing output .xll file " + xllOutputPath + "could not be deleted. (Perhaps loaded in Excel?)\r\n\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return(1); } } string outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(xllOutputPath); if (outputDirectory == String.Empty) { outputDirectory = "."; // } if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.Write("ERROR: Output directory " + outputDirectory + "could not be created. Error: " + ex.Message + "\r\n\r\nExiting ExcelDnaPack."); return(1); } } // Find ExcelDna.xll to use. // First try <MyAddin>.xll if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // CONSIDER: Maybe the next two (old) search locations should be deprecated? // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the .dna file xllInputPath = Path.Combine(dnaDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { // Then try one called ExcelDna.xll next to the ExcelDnaPack.exe xllInputPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ExcelDna.xll"); if (!File.Exists(xllInputPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: Base add-in not found.\r\n\r\n" + usageInfo); return(1); } } } Console.WriteLine("Using base add-in " + xllInputPath); File.Copy(xllInputPath, xllOutputPath, false); ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater ru = new ResourceHelper.ResourceUpdater(xllOutputPath); // Take out Integration assembly - to be replaced by a compressed copy. // CONSIDER: Maybe use the ExcelDna.Integration that is inside the <MyAddin>.xll ru.RemoveResource("ASSEMBLY", "EXCELDNA.INTEGRATION"); string integrationPath = DnaLibrary.ResolvePath("ExcelDna.Integration.dll", dnaDirectory); string packedName = null; if (integrationPath != null) { // pdb is not in the nuget package, so chances are we want it if it is present (ExcelDna dev)// pdb is not in the nuget package, so chances are we want it if it is present (ExcelDna dev) // pdb is not in the nuget package, so chances are we want it if it is present (ExcelDna dev)// pdb is not in the nuget package, so chances are we want it if it is present (ExcelDna dev) packedName = ru.AddAssembly(integrationPath, compress, multithreading, true); } if (packedName == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: ExcelDna.Integration assembly could not be packed. ABORTING."); ru.EndUpdate(); File.Delete(xllOutputPath); return(1); } if (File.Exists(configPath)) { ru.AddFile(File.ReadAllBytes(configPath), "__MAIN__", ResourceHelper.TypeName.CONFIG, false, multithreading); // Name here must exactly match name in ExcelDnaLoad.cpp. } byte[] dnaBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dnaPath); byte[] dnaContentForPacking = PackDnaLibrary(dnaBytes, dnaDirectory, ru, compress, multithreading); ru.AddFile(dnaContentForPacking, "__MAIN__", ResourceHelper.TypeName.DNA, false, multithreading); // Name here must exactly match name in DnaLibrary.Initialize. ru.EndUpdate(); Console.WriteLine("Completed Packing {0}.", xllOutputPath); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif // All OK - set process exit code to 'Success' return(0); }