private static Swatch CreateSwatch(string name, ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary) { var primaryHues = new List <Hue>(); var accentHues = new List <Hue>(); foreach (var entry in resourceDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .OrderBy(de => de.Key) .Where(de => !de.Key.ToString().EndsWith("Foreground"))) { var targetList = (entry.Key.ToString().StartsWith("Primary") ? primaryHues : accentHues); var colour = (Color)entry.Value; var foregroundColour = (Color) resourceDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Single(de => de.Key.ToString().Equals(entry.Key.ToString() + "Foreground")) .Value; targetList.Add(new Hue(entry.Key.ToString(), colour, foregroundColour)); } return(new Swatch(name, primaryHues, accentHues)); }
private static Swatch CreateSwatch(string name, ResourceDictionary primaryDictionary, ResourceDictionary accentDictionary) { var primaryHues = new List <Hue>(); var accentHues = new List <Hue>(); if (primaryDictionary != null) { foreach (var entry in primaryDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .OrderBy(de => de.Key) .Where(de => !de.Key.ToString().EndsWith("Foreground", StringComparison.Ordinal))) { var colour = (Color)entry.Value; var foregroundColour = (Color) primaryDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Single(de => de.Key.ToString().Equals(entry.Key.ToString() + "Foreground")) .Value; primaryHues.Add(new Hue(entry.Key.ToString(), colour, foregroundColour)); } } if (accentDictionary != null) { foreach (var entry in accentDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .OrderBy(de => de.Key) .Where(de => !de.Key.ToString().EndsWith("Foreground", StringComparison.Ordinal))) { var colour = (Color)entry.Value; var foregroundColour = (Color) accentDictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Single(de => de.Key.ToString().Equals(entry.Key.ToString() + "Foreground")) .Value; accentHues.Add(new Hue(entry.Key.ToString(), colour, foregroundColour)); } } return(new Swatch(name, primaryHues, accentHues)); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dict = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro.Resources;component/Icons.xaml") }; var foundIcons = dict .OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(de => de.Value is Canvas) .Select(de => new MetroIcon((string)de.Key, (Canvas)de.Value)) .OrderBy(mi => mi.Name) .ToList(); IconsListBox.ItemsSource = foundIcons; }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dict = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("Resources/Icons.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) }; var foundIcons = dict .OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(de => de.Value is Canvas) .Select(de => new MetroIcon((string)de.Key, (Canvas)de.Value)) .OrderBy(mi => mi.Name) .ToList(); this.AllIcons = foundIcons; }
private void IconExampleView_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dict = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("/Wheels;component/Themes/Icons8.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) }; var icons = dict .OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(de => de.Value is Geometry) .Select(de => new IconModel((string)de.Key, (Geometry)de.Value)) .OrderBy(mi => mi.IconKey) .ToList(); IconsControl.ItemsSource = icons; }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dict = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro.Resources;component/Icons.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) }; var foundIcons = dict .OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(de => de.Value is Canvas) .Select(de => new MetroIcon((string)de.Key, (Canvas)de.Value)) .OrderBy(mi => mi.Name); this.AllIcons = new ObservableCollection <MetroIcon>(foundIcons); }
static MetroConverter() { dict = new ResourceDictionary { }; try { dict.Source = new Uri("Hawk.Core;component/Themes/Icons.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); } catch (Exception ex) { } foundIcons = dict .OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Where(de => de.Value is Canvas).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.Value); }
static Hue GetHue(ResourceDictionary dictionary, DictionaryEntry entry) { if (!(entry.Value is Color colour)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Entry {entry.Key} was not of type {nameof(Color)}"); } string foregroundKey = entry.Key?.ToString() + "Foreground"; if (!(dictionary.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() .Single(de => string.Equals(de.Key.ToString(), foregroundKey, StringComparison.Ordinal)) .Value is Color foregroundColour)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Entry {foregroundKey} was not of type {nameof(Color)}"); } return(new Hue(entry.Key?.ToString() ?? "", colour, foregroundColour)); }
public IEnumerable <CustomField> GetFieldTypes() { List <CustomField> customFields = new List <CustomField>(); ResourceDictionary resourceDictionaries = new ResourceDictionary() { Source = new Uri("/RSG.DMF.Fields;component/FieldDataTemplates.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }; IEnumerable <DictionaryEntry> dictionaryEntries = from x in resourceDictionaries.OfType <DictionaryEntry>() where (!(x.Key is string) ? false : x.Value is DataTemplate) select x; foreach (DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry in dictionaryEntries) { customFields.Add(new CustomField((string)dictionaryEntry.Key, string.Concat((string)dictionaryEntry.Key, "Template"), (DataTemplate)dictionaryEntry.Value)); } return(customFields.AsEnumerable <CustomField>()); }