コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with no main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will support debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(bool debug)
     Debug                = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain     = false;
     SwapchainDepthFormat = null;
     SyncToVerticalBlank  = false;
     ResourceBindingModel = ResourceBindingModel.Default;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with a main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will enable debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 /// <param name="swapchainDepthFormat">An optional <see cref="PixelFormat"/> to be used for the depth buffer of the
 /// swapchain. If this value is null, then no depth buffer will be present on the swapchain.</param>
 /// <param name="syncToVerticalBlank">Indicates whether the main Swapchain will be synchronized to the window system's
 /// vertical refresh rate.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(bool debug, PixelFormat?swapchainDepthFormat, bool syncToVerticalBlank)
     Debug                = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain     = true;
     SwapchainDepthFormat = swapchainDepthFormat;
     SyncToVerticalBlank  = syncToVerticalBlank;
     ResourceBindingModel = ResourceBindingModel.Default;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with a main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will enable debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 /// <param name="swapchainDepthFormat">An optional <see cref="PixelFormat"/> to be used for the depth buffer of the
 /// swapchain. If this value is null, then no depth buffer will be present on the swapchain.</param>
 /// <param name="syncToVerticalBlank">Indicates whether the main Swapchain will be synchronized to the window system's
 /// vertical refresh rate.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(bool debug, PixelFormat?swapchainDepthFormat, bool syncToVerticalBlank)
     Debug                             = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain                  = true;
     SwapchainDepthFormat              = swapchainDepthFormat;
     SyncToVerticalBlank               = syncToVerticalBlank;
     ResourceBindingModel              = ResourceBindingModel.Default;
     PreferDepthRangeZeroToOne         = false;
     PreferStandardClipSpaceYDirection = false;
コード例 #4
        public IActionResult AddResource(int id)
            var model = new ResourceBindingModel()
                LectureId     = id,
                ResourceTypes = this.GetResourceTypes()

コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with no main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will support debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(bool debug)
     Debug                             = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain                  = false;
     SwapchainDepthFormat              = null;
     SyncToVerticalBlank               = false;
     ResourceBindingModel              = ResourceBindingModel.Default;
     PreferDepthRangeZeroToOne         = false;
     PreferStandardClipSpaceYDirection = false;
     SwapchainSrgbFormat               = false;
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with a main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will enable debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 /// <param name="swapchainDepthFormat">An optional <see cref="PixelFormat"/> to be used for the depth buffer of the
 /// swapchain. If this value is null, then no depth buffer will be present on the swapchain.</param>
 /// <param name="syncToVerticalBlank">Indicates whether the main Swapchain will be synchronized to the window system's
 /// vertical refresh rate.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceBindingModel">Specifies which model the rendering backend should use for binding resources.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(
     bool debug,
     bool syncToVerticalBlank,
     ResourceBindingModel resourceBindingModel)
     Debug                     = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain          = true;
     SwapchainDepthFormat      = swapchainDepthFormat;
     SyncToVerticalBlank       = syncToVerticalBlank;
     ResourceBindingModel      = resourceBindingModel;
     PreferDepthRangeZeroToOne = false;
コード例 #7
        public void AddElement(ResourceBindingModel model)
            Resource element = context.Resources.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.resourceName == model.resourceName);

            if (element != null)
                throw new Exception("Уже есть компонент с таким названием");
            context.Resources.Add(new Resource
                resourceName = model.resourceName,
                price        = model.price
コード例 #8
        public IActionResult AddResource(ResourceBindingModel model)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            var resource = this.mapper.Map <Resource>(model);



            return(Redirect(string.Format(this.ReturnUrl, model.LectureId)));
コード例 #9
        public void UpdElement(ResourceBindingModel model)
            Resource element = context.Resources.FirstOrDefault(rec =>
                                                                rec.resourceName == model.resourceName && rec.id != model.id);

            if (element != null)
                throw new Exception("Уже есть компонент с таким названием");
            element = context.Resources.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.id == model.id);
            if (element == null)
                throw new Exception("Элемент не найден");
            element.resourceName = model.resourceName;
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GraphicsDeviceOptions for a device with a main Swapchain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debug">Indicates whether the GraphicsDevice will enable debug features, provided they are supported by
 /// the host system.</param>
 /// <param name="swapchainDepthFormat">An optional <see cref="PixelFormat"/> to be used for the depth buffer of the
 /// swapchain. If this value is null, then no depth buffer will be present on the swapchain.</param>
 /// <param name="syncToVerticalBlank">Indicates whether the main Swapchain will be synchronized to the window system's
 /// vertical refresh rate.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceBindingModel">Specifies which model the rendering backend should use for binding resources.</param>
 /// <param name="preferDepthRangeZeroToOne">Indicates whether a 0-to-1 depth range mapping is preferred. For OpenGL,
 /// this is not the default, and is not available on all systems.</param>
 /// <param name="preferStandardClipSpaceYDirection">Indicates whether a bottom-to-top-increasing clip space Y direction
 /// is preferred. For Vulkan, this is not the default, and is not available on all systems.</param>
 /// <param name="swapchainSrgbFormat">Indicates whether the main Swapchain should use an sRGB format. This value is only
 /// used in cases where the properties of the main SwapChain are not explicitly specified with a
 /// <see cref="SwapchainDescription"/>. If they are, then the value of <see cref="SwapchainDescription.ColorSrgb"/> will
 /// supercede the value specified here.</param>
 public GraphicsDeviceOptions(
     bool debug,
     bool syncToVerticalBlank,
     ResourceBindingModel resourceBindingModel,
     bool preferDepthRangeZeroToOne,
     bool preferStandardClipSpaceYDirection,
     bool swapchainSrgbFormat)
     Debug                             = debug;
     HasMainSwapchain                  = true;
     SwapchainDepthFormat              = swapchainDepthFormat;
     SyncToVerticalBlank               = syncToVerticalBlank;
     ResourceBindingModel              = resourceBindingModel;
     PreferDepthRangeZeroToOne         = preferDepthRangeZeroToOne;
     PreferStandardClipSpaceYDirection = preferStandardClipSpaceYDirection;
     SwapchainSrgbFormat               = swapchainSrgbFormat;
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <see cref="GraphicsPipelineDescription"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blendState">A description of the blend state, which controls how color values are blended into each
 /// color target.</param>
 /// <param name="depthStencilStateDescription">A description of the depth stencil state, which controls depth tests,
 /// writing, and comparisons.</param>
 /// <param name="rasterizerState">A description of the rasterizer state, which controls culling, clipping, scissor, and
 /// polygon-fill behavior.</param>
 /// <param name="primitiveTopology">The <see cref="PrimitiveTopology"/> to use, which controls how a series of input
 /// vertices is interpreted by the <see cref="Pipeline"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="shaderSet">A description of the shader set to be used.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceLayouts">An array of <see cref="ResourceLayout"/>, which controls the layout of shader resoruces
 /// in the <see cref="Pipeline"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="outputs">A description of the output attachments used by the <see cref="Pipeline"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceBindingModel">The <see cref="ResourceBindingModel"/> to use for this pipeline. Overrides
 /// the value specified in <see cref="GraphicsDeviceOptions"/>.</param>
 public GraphicsPipelineDescription(
     BlendStateDescription blendState,
     DepthStencilStateDescription depthStencilStateDescription,
     RasterizerStateDescription rasterizerState,
     PrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology,
     ShaderSetDescription shaderSet,
     ResourceLayout[] resourceLayouts,
     OutputDescription outputs,
     ResourceBindingModel resourceBindingModel)
     BlendState           = blendState;
     DepthStencilState    = depthStencilStateDescription;
     RasterizerState      = rasterizerState;
     PrimitiveTopology    = primitiveTopology;
     ShaderSet            = shaderSet;
     ResourceLayouts      = resourceLayouts;
     Outputs              = outputs;
     ResourceBindingModel = resourceBindingModel;
コード例 #12
        public void AddElement(ResourceBindingModel model)
            int maxId = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < source.Resources.Count; ++i)
                if (source.Resources[i].Id > maxId)
                    maxId = source.Resources[i].Id;
                if (source.Resources[i].ResourceName == model.ResourceName)
                    throw new Exception("Уже есть склад с таким названием");
            source.Resources.Add(new Resource
                Id           = maxId + 1,
                ResourceName = model.ResourceName
コード例 #13
        public void UpdElement(ResourceBindingModel model)
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < source.Resources.Count; ++i)
                if (source.Resources[i].Id == model.Id)
                    index = i;
                if (source.Resources[i].ResourceName == model.ResourceName &&
                    source.Resources[i].Id != model.Id)
                    throw new Exception("Уже есть склад с таким названием");
            if (index == -1)
                throw new Exception("Элемент не найден");
            source.Resources[index].ResourceName = model.ResourceName;
コード例 #14
        public IActionResult EditResource(ResourceBindingModel model)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            var resource = this.db.Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == model.ResourceId && r.IsDeleted == false);

            if (resource == null)

            resource.Title          = model.Title;
            resource.ResourceUrl    = model.ResourceUrl;
            resource.ResourceTypeId = model.ResourceTypeId;


            return(Redirect(string.Format(this.ReturnUrl, model.LectureId)));
コード例 #15
        public MTLGraphicsDevice(
            GraphicsDeviceOptions options,
            _device       = MTLDevice.MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
            MetalFeatures = new MTLFeatureSupport(_device);
            Features      = new GraphicsDeviceFeatures(
                computeShader: true,
                geometryShader: false,
                tessellationShaders: false,
                multipleViewports: MetalFeatures.IsSupported(MTLFeatureSet.macOS_GPUFamily1_v3),
                samplerLodBias: false,
                drawBaseVertex: true,
                drawBaseInstance: true,
                drawIndirect: true,
                drawIndirectBaseInstance: true,
                fillModeWireframe: true,
                samplerAnisotropy: true,
                depthClipDisable: true,
                texture1D: true, // TODO: Should be macOS 10.11+ and iOS 11.0+.
                independentBlend: true,
                structuredBuffer: true,
                subsetTextureView: true,
                commandListDebugMarkers: true,
                bufferRangeBinding: true);
            ResourceBindingModel = options.ResourceBindingModel;

            _libSystem           = new NativeLibrary("libSystem.dylib");
            _concreteGlobalBlock = _libSystem.LoadFunction <IntPtr>("_NSConcreteGlobalBlock");
            if (MetalFeatures.IsMacOS)
                _completionHandler = OnCommandBufferCompleted;
                _completionHandler = OnCommandBufferCompleted_Static;
            _completionHandlerFuncPtr  = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate <MTLCommandBufferHandler>(_completionHandler);
            _completionBlockDescriptor = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Unsafe.SizeOf <BlockDescriptor>());
            BlockDescriptor *descriptorPtr = (BlockDescriptor *)_completionBlockDescriptor;

            descriptorPtr->reserved   = 0;
            descriptorPtr->Block_size = (ulong)Unsafe.SizeOf <BlockDescriptor>();

            _completionBlockLiteral = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Unsafe.SizeOf <BlockLiteral>());
            BlockLiteral *blockPtr = (BlockLiteral *)_completionBlockLiteral;

            blockPtr->isa        = _concreteGlobalBlock;
            blockPtr->flags      = 1 << 28 | 1 << 29;
            blockPtr->invoke     = _completionHandlerFuncPtr;
            blockPtr->descriptor = descriptorPtr;

            if (!MetalFeatures.IsMacOS)
                lock (s_aotRegisteredBlocks)
                    s_aotRegisteredBlocks.Add(_completionBlockLiteral, this);

            ResourceFactory = new MTLResourceFactory(this);
            _commandQueue   = _device.newCommandQueue();

            TextureSampleCount[] allSampleCounts = (TextureSampleCount[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TextureSampleCount));
            _supportedSampleCounts = new bool[allSampleCounts.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < allSampleCounts.Length; i++)
                TextureSampleCount count = allSampleCounts[i];
                uint uintValue           = FormatHelpers.GetSampleCountUInt32(count);
                if (_device.supportsTextureSampleCount((UIntPtr)uintValue))
                    _supportedSampleCounts[i] = true;

            if (swapchainDesc != null)
                SwapchainDescription desc = swapchainDesc.Value;
                _mainSwapchain = new MTLSwapchain(this, ref desc);
