public virtual ActionResult Reset(ResetForgottenPasswordViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } // //Validate the id and token //This will decrypt the values, find the record, and ensure its not expired //If not valid then throw error, and redirect to ForgotPassword page to have them enter userid and email // var request = new ResetForgottenPasswordRequest() { Id = model.Id, Token = model.Token, NewPassword = model.NewPassword, NewPasswordConfirm = model.NewPasswordConfirm }; var response = _service.ResetForgottenPassword(request); if (!response.IsSuccessful) { //Redirect to the forgot password page with an error message if there is an issue ModelState.AddModelError("", response.Message); return(View("Reset", model)); } else { return(View("PasswordSuccessfullyReset", model)); } }
public virtual ActionResult Reset(String id, String t) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } // //Validate the id and token //This will decrypt the values, find the record, and ensure its not expired //If not valid then throw error, and redirect to ForgotPassword page to have them enter userid and email // var request = new ValidateSecurityPasswordResetTokenRequest() { Id = id, Token = t }; var response = _service.ValidateSecurityPasswordResetToken(request); if (!response.IsSuccessful) { //Redirect to the home page with an error message if there is an issue AddToastMessage(new ToastMessage { AutoHide = false, Position = ToastMessage.ToastPosition.TopCenter, Type = ToastMessage.ToastType.Error, Title = "Invalid Request", Message = response.Message }); return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Index())); } // //If valid, render the view allowing the password to be reset // var model = new ResetForgottenPasswordViewModel() { Id = id, Token = t }; return(View(model)); }