コード例 #1
        public virtual void Draw()
            if (Event.current.button == 0)
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    clicked = true;
                else if (clicked && ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef == null)
                    if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                        clicked = false;
                    else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && canDrag)
                        clicked = false;
                        ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef    = this;
                        ResearchSelectPanel._instance._mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;
                        dragRect = new Rect(rect);
                else if (canDrag && ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef == this && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
                    var currentMousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;
                    dragRect.x = currentMousePosition.x;
                    dragRect.y = currentMousePosition.y;
                    ResearchSelectPanel._instance._mousePosition = currentMousePosition;
            else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption> {
                        new FloatMenuOption("Remove Unlock", () => ResearchProjectEditor.RemoveUnlockable(ResearchSelectPanel.selected, this.def), MenuOptionPriority.Default, null)
                    Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
            if (canDrag && ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef == this)
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, description);

            if (!canDrag)
                Rect lockRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - 10f, rect.yMin, 10f, 10f);
                GUI.DrawTexture(lockRect, Assets.Lock, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
コード例 #2
        public static void DoSelectedView(Rect canvas)
            Rect selectedRect = new Rect(
                NodeSize.x + 2 * Margin,
                NodeSize.y + 2 * Margin

            selected.DrawAt(selectedRect.min, selectedRect, true);
            float infoHeight = NodeSize.y / 3f;

            Rect editRect = new Rect(selectedRect.xMax + Margin, canvas.yMin, NodeSize.x, NodeSize.y + Margin * 2);
            Rect nameRect = editRect.TopPartPixels(infoHeight);

            newName = Widgets.TextField(nameRect, newName);
            Rect labelRect = new Rect(editRect);

            labelRect.y      = labelRect.y + infoHeight + Margin / 2;
            labelRect.x      = editRect.xMin;
            labelRect.height = infoHeight + Margin;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, selected.Research.defName);
            Rect buttonRect = editRect.BottomPartPixels(infoHeight);

            buttonRect.width /= 3f;
            bool saveClicked   = Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "Save");
            Rect newUnlockRect = new Rect(buttonRect.xMax + Margin, buttonRect.yMin, editRect.width * 2f / 3f - Margin, buttonRect.height);
            bool newClicked    = Widgets.ButtonText(newUnlockRect, "Add unlockable...");

            if (saveClicked)
                ResearchProjectEditor.SetName(selected, newName);
            if (newClicked)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ResearchNode.cs プロジェクト: vishalswami/RimWorld
        public void DoClick()
            if (Event.current.button == 0)
                if (ResearchSelectPanel.selected == this)
            else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                var options = new List <FloatMenuOption>();
                options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Open in Def Explorer...", () => ClickHandler(), MenuOptionPriority.High, null));
                if (ResearchSelectPanel.selected != null)
                    if (ResearchSelectPanel.selected == this)
                        if (GetPrereqs().Contains(ResearchSelectPanel.selected))
                        { // this is a direct child for selected, can remove child
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Remove Child from " + ResearchSelectPanel.selected.Label, () => ResearchProjectEditor.RemoveChild(node: ResearchSelectPanel.selected, child: this), MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));
                        else if (!AllChildren.Contains(ResearchSelectPanel.selected)) // this is not a prereq for selected or a direct child, can add child
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Add Child to " + ResearchSelectPanel.selected.Label, () => ResearchProjectEditor.AddChild(node: ResearchSelectPanel.selected, child: this), MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));
                        else // this is a prereq, can't add child
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("(Can't add child, would create cycle)", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));

                        if (Children.Contains(ResearchSelectPanel.selected)) // this is a direct prereq for selected, can remove prereq
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Remove Prerequisite from " + ResearchSelectPanel.selected.Label, () => ResearchProjectEditor.RemovePrereq(node: ResearchSelectPanel.selected, prereq: this), MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));
                        else if (!GetPrereqsRecursive().Contains(ResearchSelectPanel.selected)) // this is not a child for selected or a direct prereq, can add prereq
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Add Prerequisite to " + ResearchSelectPanel.selected.Label, () => ResearchProjectEditor.AddPrereq(node: ResearchSelectPanel.selected, prereq: this), MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));
                            options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("(Can't add prerequisite, would create cycle)", null, MenuOptionPriority.High, null));
                options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Delete Research Project", () => ResearchProjectEditor.Delete(this), MenuOptionPriority.Low, null));

                 * if (options.Count == 0) // can't do anything with this KEKWait
                 * {
                 *  options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("(No actions available)", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null));
                 * }
                options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Set tech level...", () => ResearchProjectEditor.SetTechLevel(this), MenuOptionPriority.Low, null));
                options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Set techprint count...", () => ResearchProjectEditor.SetTechprintCount(this), MenuOptionPriority.Low, null));
                Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options));
コード例 #4
ファイル: ResearchNode.cs プロジェクト: vishalswami/RimWorld
        public void DoDraw(Rect visibleRect, bool forceDetailedMode = false, bool notDrawingSelected = true)
            if (!IsVisible(visibleRect))
                Highlighted     = false;
                DarkHighlighted = false;

            var detailedMode = forceDetailedMode ||
                               ResearchWindow.Instance.ZoomLevel < DetailedModeZoomLevelCutoff;
            var mouseOver = Mouse.IsOver(Rect);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                // researches that are completed or could be started immediately, and that have the required building(s) available
                //GUI.color = mouseOver && ResearchSelectPanel.selected != this ? GenUI.MouseoverColor : Color;
                GUI.color = Color;

                if (notDrawingSelected && (mouseOver || Highlighted))
                    GUI.DrawTexture(Rect, Assets.ButtonActive);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(Rect, Assets.Button);

                // grey out center to create a progress bar effect, completely greying out research not started.
                var progressBarRect = Rect.ContractedBy(3f);
                GUI.color             = Assets.ColorAvailable[Research.techLevel];
                progressBarRect.xMin += progressBarRect.width;
                GUI.DrawTexture(progressBarRect, BaseContent.WhiteTex);

                Highlighted     = false;
                DarkHighlighted = false;

                GUI.color = Color.white;

                if (detailedMode)
                    Text.Anchor   = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
                    Text.WordWrap = false;
                    Text.Font     = _largeLabel && notDrawingSelected ? GameFont.Tiny : GameFont.Small;
                    Widgets.Label(LabelRect, Research.LabelCap);
                    Text.Anchor   = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    Text.WordWrap = false;
                    Text.Font     = GameFont.Medium;
                    Widgets.Label(Rect, Research.LabelCap);

                // draw research cost and icon
                if (detailedMode)
                    Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
                    Text.Font   = Research.baseCost > 1000000 ? GameFont.Tiny : GameFont.Small;
                    if (Research.techprintCount == 0)
                        Widgets.Label(CostLabelRect, Research.baseCost.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.Integer));
                        GUI.DrawTexture(CostIconRect, Assets.ResearchIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
                        int    printsNeeded = Research.techprintCount;
                        string label        = printsNeeded.ToString();
                        Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
                        Widgets.Label(CostLabelRect, label);
                        GUI.DrawTexture(CostIconRect, shardTex, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
                        if (!notDrawingSelected)
                            Rect selectedCostIconRect = new Rect(CostIconRect.x, CostIconRect.yMax + 2f, CostIconRect.width, CostIconRect.height);
                            GUI.DrawTexture(selectedCostIconRect, Assets.ResearchIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
                            Rect selectedCostLabelRect = new Rect(CostLabelRect.x, selectedCostIconRect.y, CostLabelRect.width, CostLabelRect.height);
                            Widgets.Label(selectedCostLabelRect, Research.baseCost.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.Integer));

                Text.WordWrap = true;

                // attach description and further info to a tooltip
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(Rect, GetResearchTooltipString, Research.GetHashCode());

                /* if ( !BuildingPresent() )
                 * {
                 *   TooltipHandler.TipRegion( Rect,
                 *       ResourceBank.String.MissingFacilities( string.Join( ", ",
                 *           MissingFacilities().Select( td => td.LabelCap ).ToArray() ) ) );
                 * } else if (!TechprintAvailable()) {
                 *   TooltipHandler.TipRegion(Rect,
                 *       ResourceBank.String.MissingTechprints(Research.TechprintsApplied, Research.techprintCount));
                 * }

                // draw unlock icons
                if (detailedMode && notDrawingSelected)
                    var unlocks = Research.GetUnlockDefsAndDescs();
                    for (var i = 0; i < unlocks.Count; i++)
                        var iconRect = new Rect(
                            IconsRect.xMax - (i + 1) * (IconSize.x + 4f),
                            IconsRect.yMin + (IconsRect.height - IconSize.y) / 2f,

                        if (iconRect.xMin - IconSize.x < IconsRect.xMin &&
                            i + 1 < unlocks.Count)
                            // stop the loop if we're about to overflow and have 2 or more unlocks yet to print.
                            iconRect.x = IconsRect.x + 4f;
                            GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, Assets.MoreIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
                            var tip = string.Join("\n",
                                                  unlocks.GetRange(i, unlocks.Count - i).Select(p => p.Second)
                            TooltipHandler.TipRegion(iconRect, tip);
                            // new TipSignal( tip, Settings.TipID, TooltipPriority.Pawn ) );

                        // draw icon

                        // tooltip
                        TooltipHandler.TipRegion(iconRect, unlocks[i].Second);
            else if (mouseOver)
                if (Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef != null && ResearchSelectPanel.selected != this)
                    ResearchProjectEditor.SwapUnlockable(ResearchSelectPanel.selected, this, ResearchSelectPanel._instance.draggingDef.def);

            // if clicked and not yet finished, queue up this research and all prereqs.
            if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(Rect))
コード例 #5
 protected override void DoAccept(string s)
     ResearchProjectEditor.AddResearchProject(location, s);
コード例 #6
 protected override void DoAccept(string s)
     ResearchProjectEditor.DoSetTechprintCount(researchNode, count);
コード例 #7
 public override void DoAccept(string option)
     ResearchProjectEditor.DoSetTechLevel(node, option);