public PhaseVocoder(int Pt, int Qt, int Pp, int Qp, bool robotoFX, int winLength) { this.Qt = Qt; this.Pt = Pt; this.Qp = Qp; this.Pp = Pp; this.robotoFX = robotoFX; tfr = new TFR(); stft = new STFT(winLength); resampler = new Resample.Resampler((uint)Qp, (uint)Pp); }
/* * Pt/Qt = tempo change factor. A tempo change factor < 1 will lead to slower tempo. A tempo change factor > 1 will lead to faster tempo * Pp/Qp = pitch shift factor. A pitch shift factor < 1 will lead to reduced/lower pitch. A pitch shift factor > 1 will lead to increased/raised pitch. * */ public PhaseVocoder(int Pt, int Qt, int Pp, int Qp) { this.Qt = Qt; this.Pt = Pt; this.Qp = Qp; this.Pp = Pp; this.robotoFX = false; tfr = new TFR(); stft = new STFT(128); resampler = new Resample.Resampler((uint)Qp, (uint)Pp); }