コード例 #1
        public void CreateRequestDetail(WCFItemTotalQty req)
            Request r = new Work().GetRequest();

            Request_Details rdetail = new Request_Details();

            rdetail.deleted    = "N";
            rdetail.request_id = r.request_id;
            Stock_Inventory item = new Work().GetStockInventory(req.ItemDes);

            rdetail.item_code     = item.item_code;
            rdetail.orig_quantity = Convert.ToInt32(req.TotalQty);

            new Work().CreateRequestDetail(rdetail);

            Request_Details newreq = new Work().GetLastRequestDetail();
            Request_Event   revent = new Request_Event();

            revent.request_detail_id = newreq.request_detail_id;
            revent.status            = RequestStatus.PENDING;
            revent.quantity          = Convert.ToInt32(newreq.orig_quantity);
            revent.date_time         = Convert.ToDateTime(r.date_time);
            revent.deleted           = "N";
            revent.username          = r.username;

            new Work().CreateRequestEvent(revent);
コード例 #2
        public bool saveNewRequest(RequestModel request)
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    Request newRequest = new Request();
                    newRequest.current_status  = RequestStatus.PENDING;
                    newRequest.deleted         = "N";
                    newRequest.dept_code       = request.Department.dept_code;
                    newRequest.reason          = request.Reason;
                    newRequest.rejected        = "N";
                    newRequest.rejected_reason = "";
                    newRequest.username        = request.UserModel.Username;
                    newRequest.date_time       = timestamp;

                    List <Request_Details> newDetails = new List <Request_Details>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemModel, int> itemAndQty in request.Items)
                        Request_Details newDetail = new Request_Details();
                        newDetail.deleted       = "N";
                        newDetail.item_code     = itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode;
                        newDetail.orig_quantity = itemAndQty.Value;

                        Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event();
                        newEvent.deleted       = "N";
                        newEvent.date_time     = timestamp;
                        newEvent.quantity      = itemAndQty.Value;
                        newEvent.allocated     = 0;
                        newEvent.not_allocated = 0;
                        newEvent.status        = RequestStatus.PENDING;
                        newEvent.username      = request.UserModel.Username;

                        // Establish relationships

                    // Add to DB
                catch (Exception exec)
                    throw exec;

コード例 #3
        public int markRequestAsRetrieved(RequestModel toAllocate, string currentUser)
            int added = 0;

            // For each item provided, find the related item in DB, and add an event to it

            if (RequestStatus.requestHasHadStatus(toAllocate, RequestStatus.DISBURSED))
                throw new RequestAlreadyApprovedException("Already fully disbursed.");
                //return false;
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    Request targetRequest = context.Requests.Find(toAllocate.RequestId);

                    List <Request_Details> targetDetails = targetRequest.Request_Details.ToList();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemModel, int> itemAndQty in toAllocate.Items)
                        if (itemAndQty.Value == 0)
                            // No items to retrieve
                        Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event();
                        newEvent.deleted   = "N";
                        newEvent.date_time = timestamp;
                        newEvent.quantity  = itemAndQty.Value;
                        newEvent.status    = EventStatus.RETRIEVED;
                        newEvent.username  = toAllocate.UserModel.Username;

                        // Establish relationships
                        Request_Details targetDetail = targetDetails.Where(x => x.item_code == itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode).First();
                catch (Exception exec)
                    throw exec;

コード例 #4
        public void DeleteRequestDetail(string id)
            int req_id = Convert.ToInt32(id);

            Request_Details req = context.Request_Details.Where(x => x.request_detail_id == req_id).First();

            req.deleted = "Y";

            Request_Event revent = context.Request_Event.Where(x => x.request_detail_id == req.request_detail_id).First();

            revent.deleted = "Y";
コード例 #5
        public void UpdateRequestDetail(string id, string qty)
            int req_id = Convert.ToInt32(id);

            Request_Details req = context.Request_Details.Where(x => x.request_detail_id == req_id).First();

            req.orig_quantity = Convert.ToInt32(qty);

            Request_Event revent = context.Request_Event.Where(x => x.request_detail_id == req.request_detail_id).First();

            revent.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(qty);
コード例 #6
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get all the models
            List <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel> list = Session[SESSION_RETRIEVING_LIST] as List <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel>;

            List <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel>            okayItems    = new List <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel>();
            Dictionary <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel, int> notOkayItems = new Dictionary <ConfirmRetrievalViewModel, int>();

            // For each gvr, check if actual == expected
            foreach (ConfirmRetrievalViewModel model in list)//gvToRetrieve.Rows)
                //string expected = (gvr.FindControl("lblQtyExpected") as Label).Text;
                //string actual = (gvr.FindControl("tbQtyActual") as Label).Text;

                //int expectedQty = int.Parse(expected);
                //int actualQty = int.Parse(actual);
                int expectedQty = model.QuantityExpected;
                int actualQty   = model.QuantityActual;

                if (actualQty > expectedQty)
                    lblWarningInfo.Text = "Items cannot have a higher actual quantity than what was to be retrieved.";
                    //string.Format("Row {0} cannot have a higher actual quantity than expected.", gvr.DataItemIndex + 1);

                if (expectedQty == actualQty)
                    int difference = expectedQty - actualQty;
                    notOkayItems.Add(model, difference);

            using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities())
                // Save the Okay Items
                // Get a list of all request ids and item code (de-normalized)
                okayItems.SelectMany(sm => sm.RequestIds
                                     .Select(s => new { RequestId = s, sm.ItemCode })
                // Normalise and group by requestId
                .GroupBy(k => k.RequestId, v => v.ItemCode)
                // For each, get the Request object, match the items in the request, and save to DB
                .ForEach(idAndItemCode =>
                    Request request = context.Requests.Find(idAndItemCode.Key);

                    Dictionary <string, int> itemCodeAndQty =
                        .Where(w => w.deleted != "Y" &&
                            k => k.item_code,
                            v => v.Request_Event.First().allocated.Value

                    FacadeFactory.getRequestMovementService(context).moveFromRetrievingToRetrieved(idAndItemCode.Key, itemCodeAndQty, User.Identity.Name);

                Dictionary <
                    Dictionary <int, int>
                itemCodeAndIdAndQty = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, int> >();

                // Go through not okay items and shift quantities around
                foreach (var item in notOkayItems)
                    // Get list of all requestIds
                    List <Request> requestsByDateDesc = item.Key.RequestIds.Select(s => context.Requests.Find(s)).Where(w => w.deleted != "Y").OrderByDescending(o => o.date_time).ToList();
                    int            shortfall          = item.Value;

                    Dictionary <int, int> idAndQty = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                    // First is the latest made request
                    foreach (var request in requestsByDateDesc)
                        Request_Details detail = request.Request_Details.Where(w => w.deleted != "Y" && w.item_code == item.Key.ItemCode).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (detail == null)

                        int origQty      = detail.Request_Event.First().allocated.Value;
                        int retrievedQty = origQty;

                        if (shortfall > 0)
                            if (shortfall > origQty)
                                shortfall   -= origQty;
                                retrievedQty = 0;
                            else if (shortfall == origQty)
                                shortfall    = 0;
                                retrievedQty = 0;
                                // shortfall < origQty
                                retrievedQty = origQty - shortfall;
                                shortfall    = 0;

                        idAndQty.Add(request.request_id, retrievedQty);

                    itemCodeAndIdAndQty.Add(item.Key.ItemCode, idAndQty);

                    // Minus the expected quantity for each request's item origQty, while expected quantity is > 0,
                    // and don't minus if origQty is > expectedQty
                    // Once you've hit zero or cannot minus, assign the leftover into the next request
                    // Then the rest of the requests are gonna be zero
                    // Then save all these requests using the MovementService

                var notOkayGroupingsByRequestId = itemCodeAndIdAndQty
                                                  .SelectMany(sm =>
                                                              sm.Value.Select(s => new { requestId = s.Key, itemCode = sm.Key, retrievedQty = s.Value })
                                                  .GroupBy(k => k.requestId, v => new { v.itemCode, v.retrievedQty });

                foreach (var grouping in notOkayGroupingsByRequestId)
                    var items = grouping.ToDictionary(k => k.itemCode, v => v.retrievedQty);
                    FacadeFactory.getRequestMovementService(context).moveFromRetrievingToRetrieved(grouping.Key, items, User.Identity.Name);

            } // Disposal of context

            // If there were not okay items, record into file discrepancy session variable
            if (notOkayItems.Count > 0)
                DiscrepancyDictionary discrepancyDict = Session[PUBLIC_SESSION_DISCREPANCY_DICT] as DiscrepancyDictionary;

                if (discrepancyDict == null)
                    discrepancyDict = new DiscrepancyDictionary();

                foreach (var item in notOkayItems)
                    discrepancyDict.AddOrIncrease(item.Key.ItemCode, item.Value);

                Session[PUBLIC_SESSION_DISCREPANCY_DICT] = discrepancyDict;

                // Enable button to continue to fileDiscrepancies

                // Change to redirect to heng tiong's thing
                Response.Redirect("FileDiscrepency.aspx", false);
                Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString(), false);
コード例 #7
        public bool updateRequestChanges(RequestModel newRequest)
            if (RequestStatus.requestHasHadStatus(newRequest, RequestStatus.APPROVED))
                throw new RequestAlreadyApprovedException("Already approved or rejected.");
                //return false;
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                Request targetRequest = context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId);

                List <Request_Details> targetDetails = targetRequest.Request_Details.ToList();

                RequestModel targetRequestModel = findRequestById(newRequest.RequestId);
                foreach (var item in targetRequestModel.Items)
                    if (!newRequest.Items.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                    { // New requestModel does not contain old key
                      // So add it in, but set quantity to 0
                        newRequest.Items.Add(item.Key, 0);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemModel, int> itemAndQty in newRequest.Items)
                    Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event();
                    newEvent.deleted   = "N";
                    newEvent.date_time = timestamp;
                    newEvent.quantity  = itemAndQty.Value;
                    newEvent.status    = EventStatus.UPDATED;
                    newEvent.username  = newRequest.UserModel.Username;

                    // Establish relationships
                    Request_Details targetDetail = targetDetails.Where(x => x.item_code == itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (targetDetail == null)
                        // Need to insert new detail
                        Request_Details newDetail = new Request_Details();
                        newDetail.deleted       = "N";
                        newDetail.item_code     = itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode;
                        newDetail.orig_quantity = itemAndQty.Value;

                        newDetail.request_id = newRequest.RequestId;
                        newEvent.request_detail_id = targetDetail.request_detail_id;
                        // Add to DB


                // Update Status
                context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId).current_status = RequestStatus.UPDATED;
                context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId).reason         = newRequest.Reason;
                //catch (Exception exec)
                //throw exec;

コード例 #8
        public static bool SignOffDisbursement(string currentUser, string currentDeptCode, Dictionary <string, int> itemCodeAndQuantities)
            using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities())
                // Get all the models:
                DisbursementModelCollection disbursingList = FacadeFactory.getDisbursementService(context).getAllThatCanBeSignedOff(currentUser);

                var itemGroups = disbursingList.SelectMany(sm =>
                                                           .Select(s => new { s.Key.ItemCode, s.Key.Description, Quantity = s.Value, sm.Department.dept_code, sm.RequestId, sm.Department.name })
                                                           ).GroupBy(k => new { k.ItemCode, k.Description, DeptCode = k.dept_code }, v => v)

                List <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel> modelDisbursingList = new List <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel>();

                // For each item, create a view model
                foreach (var itemGroup in itemGroups)
                    // If the dept code is not correct, just SKIP
                    if (itemGroup.Key.DeptCode != currentDeptCode)

                    int        itemQty = itemGroup.Select(s => s.Quantity).Aggregate((a, b) => a + b);
                    List <int> reqIds  = itemGroup.Select(s => s.RequestId).ToList();

                    int actualQty = itemCodeAndQuantities[itemGroup.Key.ItemCode];

                    ConfirmDisbursementViewModel model = new ConfirmDisbursementViewModel();
                    model.ItemCode         = itemGroup.Key.ItemCode;
                    model.ItemDescription  = itemGroup.Key.Description;
                    model.DeptCode         = itemGroup.Key.DeptCode;
                    model.QuantityExpected = itemQty;
                    model.QuantityActual   = actualQty;
                    model.RequestIds       = reqIds;


                // Make sure all item codes were provided
                List <string> itemCodes = modelDisbursingList.Select(s => s.ItemCode).ToList();

                if (false == itemCodes.TrueForAll(deptCode => itemCodeAndQuantities.ContainsKey(deptCode)))
                    // If provided dictionary does not have all the item codes, return false and stop

                // Now do filtering:
                List <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel>            okayItems    = new List <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel>();
                Dictionary <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel, int> notOkayItems = new Dictionary <ConfirmDisbursementViewModel, int>();

                // Sort modelList into okay and not okay items
                foreach (ConfirmDisbursementViewModel model in modelDisbursingList)
                    int expectedQty = model.QuantityExpected;
                    int actualQty   = model.QuantityActual;

                    if (actualQty > expectedQty)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Actual quantity cannot be more than expected quantity! For item: " + model.ItemCode);

                    if (expectedQty == actualQty)
                        int difference = expectedQty - actualQty;
                        notOkayItems.Add(model, difference);

                // Save the Okay Items
                // Get a list of all request ids and item code (de-normalized)
                okayItems.SelectMany(sm => sm.RequestIds
                                     .Select(s => new { RequestId = s, sm.ItemCode })
                // Normalise and group by requestId
                .GroupBy(k => k.RequestId, v => v.ItemCode)
                // For each, get the Request object, match the items in the request, and save to DB
                .ForEach(idAndItemCode =>
                    Request request = context.Requests.Find(idAndItemCode.Key);

                    Dictionary <string, int> itemCodeAndQty =
                        .Where(w => w.deleted != "Y" &&
                            k => k.item_code,
                            v => v.Request_Event.First().allocated.Value

                    FacadeFactory.getRequestMovementService(context).moveFromDisbursingToDisbursed(idAndItemCode.Key, itemCodeAndQty, currentUser);

                Dictionary <
                    Dictionary <int, int>
                itemCodeAndIdAndQty = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, int> >();

                // Go through not okay items and shift quantities around
                foreach (var item in notOkayItems)
                    // Get list of all requestIds
                    List <Request> requestsByDateDesc = item.Key.RequestIds.Select(s => context.Requests.Find(s)).Where(w => w.deleted != "Y").OrderByDescending(o => o.date_time).ToList();
                    int            shortfall          = item.Value;

                    Dictionary <int, int> idAndQty = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                    // First is the latest made request
                    foreach (var request in requestsByDateDesc)
                        Request_Details detail = request.Request_Details.Where(w => w.deleted != "Y" && w.item_code == item.Key.ItemCode).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (detail == null)

                        int origQty      = detail.Request_Event.First().allocated.Value;
                        int retrievedQty = origQty;

                        if (shortfall > 0)
                            if (shortfall > origQty)
                                shortfall   -= origQty;
                                retrievedQty = 0;
                            else if (shortfall == origQty)
                                shortfall    = 0;
                                retrievedQty = 0;
                                // shortfall < origQty
                                retrievedQty = origQty - shortfall;
                                shortfall    = 0;

                        idAndQty.Add(request.request_id, retrievedQty);

                    itemCodeAndIdAndQty.Add(item.Key.ItemCode, idAndQty);

                    // Minus the expected quantity for each request's item origQty, while expected quantity is > 0,
                    // and don't minus if origQty is > expectedQty
                    // Once you've hit zero or cannot minus, assign the leftover into the next request
                    // Then the rest of the requests are gonna be zero
                    // Then save all these requests using the MovementService

                var notOkayGroupingsByRequestId = itemCodeAndIdAndQty
                                                  .SelectMany(sm =>
                                                              sm.Value.Select(s => new { requestId = s.Key, itemCode = sm.Key, retrievedQty = s.Value })
                                                  .GroupBy(k => k.requestId, v => new { v.itemCode, v.retrievedQty });

                foreach (var grouping in notOkayGroupingsByRequestId)
                    var items = grouping.ToDictionary(k => k.itemCode, v => v.retrievedQty);
                    FacadeFactory.getRequestMovementService(context).moveFromDisbursingToDisbursed(grouping.Key, items, currentUser);

            } // Disposal of SSISEntities context
コード例 #9
        public int allocateRequest(RequestModel toAllocate, string currentUser)
            List <ItemModel> itemsAllocateable = new List <ItemModel>();

            // First, make sure each item can be allocated in its entirety. If it can, allocate it.
            foreach (var item in toAllocate.Items)
                if (item.Key.AvailableQuantity >= item.Value)
                    // Can be completely allocated

            int      added     = 0;
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    Request efRequest = context.Requests.Find(toAllocate.RequestId);
                    if (efRequest == null)
                        throw new ItemNotFoundException("Could not find Request object");

                    foreach (var item in itemsAllocateable)
                        // get associated request_detail
                        Request_Details targetDetail = efRequest.Request_Details.Where(r => r.item_code == item.ItemCode).First();
                        if (targetDetail == null)
                            throw new ItemNotFoundException("Could not find Request_Details object");

                        // For each item, add a new event that is allocated
                        Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event();
                        newEvent.request_detail_id = targetDetail.request_detail_id;

                        // get the quantity from the provided item quantity in the method arguments
                        newEvent.quantity  = toAllocate.Items.Where(i => i.Key.ItemCode == item.ItemCode).First().Value;
                        newEvent.status    = EventStatus.ALLOCATED;
                        newEvent.username  = currentUser;
                        newEvent.date_time = timestamp;
                        newEvent.deleted   = "N";

                catch (Exception exec)
                    throw exec;

コード例 #10
 public void CreateRequestDetail(Request_Details r)
     context.Entry(r).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;