private void PerformThreeDSecureAuthentication(string szPaRES, string szCrossReference) { string szMessage = null; bool boTransactionSuccessful = false; StringBuilder sbString; int nCount = 0; ThreeDSecureAuthentication tdsaThreeDSecureAuthentication; RequestGatewayEntryPointList lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints; GatewayOutput goGatewayOutput; TransactionOutputMessage tomTransactionOutputMessage; string szPreviousTransactionMessage = null; bool boDuplicateTransaction = false; lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints = new RequestGatewayEntryPointList(); // you need to put the correct gateway entry point urls in here // contact support to get the correct urls // The actual values to use for the entry points can be established in a number of ways // 1) By periodically issuing a call to GetGatewayEntryPoints // 2) By storing the values for the entry points returned with each transaction // 3) Speculatively firing transactions at followed by gw2, gw3, gw4.... // The lower the metric (2nd parameter) means that entry point will be attempted first, // EXCEPT if it is -1 - in this case that entry point will be skipped // NOTE: You do NOT have to add the entry points in any particular order - the list is sorted // by metric value before the transaction sumbitting process begins // The 3rd parameter is a retry attempt, so it is possible to try that entry point that number of times // before failing over onto the next entry point in the list lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw1." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 100, 2)); lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw2." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 200, 2)); lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw3." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 300, 2)); tdsaThreeDSecureAuthentication = new ThreeDSecureAuthentication( lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints, new MerchantDetails(Global.MerchantID, Global.Password), new ThreeDSecureInputData(szCrossReference, szPaRES), null); // send the SOAP request if (!tdsaThreeDSecureAuthentication.ProcessTransaction(out goGatewayOutput, out tomTransactionOutputMessage)) { szMessage = "Couldn't communicate with payment gateway"; boTransactionSuccessful = true; } else { switch (goGatewayOutput.StatusCode) { case 0: // status code of 0 - means transaction successful boTransactionSuccessful = true; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; case 5: // status code of 5 - means transaction declined boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; case 20: // status code of 20 - means duplicate transaction m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; if (goGatewayOutput.PreviousTransactionResult.StatusCode.Value == 0) { boTransactionSuccessful = true; } else { boTransactionSuccessful = false; } szPreviousTransactionMessage = goGatewayOutput.PreviousTransactionResult.Message; boDuplicateTransaction = true; break; case 30: // status code of 30 - means an error occurred boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; sbString = new StringBuilder(); // get any additional messages if (goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages.Count > 0) { sbString.Append("<br /><ul>"); for (nCount = 0; nCount < goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages.Count; nCount++) { sbString.AppendFormat("<li>{0}</li>", goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages[nCount]); } sbString.Append("</ul>"); } szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message + sbString.ToString(); break; default: // unhandled status code boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; } } pnTransactionResultsPanel.Visible = true; pnMessagePanel.Visible = false; if (!boTransactionSuccessful) { pnTransactionResultsPanel.CssClass = "ErrorMessage"; } else { pnTransactionResultsPanel.CssClass = "SuccessMessage"; } lbGatewayResponse.Text = szMessage; // sort out the duplicate transaction reporting if (boDuplicateTransaction) { pnDuplicateTransactionPanel.Visible = true; lbPreviousTransactionMessage.Text = szPreviousTransactionMessage; } // the process another link hlProcessAnother.NavigateUrl = Global.SiteSecureBaseURL + "PaymentForm.aspx"; }
protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string szMessage = null; bool boTransactionSuccessful = false; StringBuilder sbString; int nCount = 0; int nTemp; CardDetailsTransaction cdtCardDetailsTransaction; RequestGatewayEntryPointList lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints; GatewayOutput goGatewayOutput; TransactionOutputMessage tomTransactionOutputMessage; TransactionControl tcTransactionControl; CardDetails cdCardDetails; CreditCardDate ccdExpiryDate = null; CreditCardDate ccdStartDate = null; CustomerDetails cdCustomerDetails = null; NullableInt nCountryCode = null; NullableInt nExpiryDateMonth = null; NullableInt nExpiryDateYear = null; NullableInt nStartDateMonth = null; NullableInt nStartDateYear = null; string szPreviousTransactionMessage = null; bool boDuplicateTransaction = false; lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints = new RequestGatewayEntryPointList(); // you need to put the correct gateway entry point urls in here // contact support to get the correct urls // The actual values to use for the entry points can be established in a number of ways // 1) By periodically issuing a call to GetGatewayEntryPoints // 2) By storing the values for the entry points returned with each transaction // 3) Speculatively firing transactions at followed by gw2, gw3, gw4.... // The lower the metric (2nd parameter) means that entry point will be attempted first, // EXCEPT if it is -1 - in this case that entry point will be skipped // NOTE: You do NOT have to add the entry points in any particular order - the list is sorted // by metric value before the transaction sumbitting process begins // The 3rd parameter is a retry attempt, so it is possible to try that entry point that number of times // before failing over onto the next entry point in the list lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw1." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 100, 2)); lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw2." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 200, 2)); lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints.Add(new RequestGatewayEntryPoint("https://gw3." + Global.PaymentProcessorFullDomain, 300, 2)); tcTransactionControl = new TransactionControl(new NullableBool(true), new NullableBool(true), new NullableBool(true), new NullableBool(true), new NullableInt(60), null, null, null, null, null, null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddExpiryDateMonth.SelectedValue)) { nExpiryDateMonth = new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(ddExpiryDateMonth.SelectedValue)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddExpiryDateYear.SelectedValue)) { nExpiryDateYear = new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(ddExpiryDateYear.SelectedValue)); } ccdExpiryDate = new CreditCardDate(nExpiryDateMonth, nExpiryDateYear); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddStartDateMonth.SelectedValue)) { nStartDateMonth = new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(ddStartDateMonth.SelectedValue)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddStartDateYear.SelectedValue)) { nStartDateYear = new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(ddStartDateYear.SelectedValue)); } ccdStartDate = new CreditCardDate(nStartDateMonth, nStartDateYear); cdCardDetails = new CardDetails(tbCardName.Text, tbCardNumber.Text, ccdExpiryDate, ccdStartDate, tbIssueNumber.Text, tbCV2.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddCountries.SelectedValue)) { nTemp = System.Convert.ToInt32(ddCountries.SelectedValue); if (nTemp != -1) { nCountryCode = new NullableInt(nTemp); } } cdCustomerDetails = new CustomerDetails(new AddressDetails(tbAddress1.Text, tbAddress2.Text, tbAddress3.Text, tbAddress4.Text, tbCity.Text, tbState.Text, tbPostCode.Text, nCountryCode), "*****@*****.**", "123456789", Request.UserHostAddress); cdtCardDetailsTransaction = new CardDetailsTransaction(lrgepRequestGatewayEntryPoints, new MerchantDetails(Global.MerchantID, Global.Password), new TransactionDetails(TRANSACTION_TYPE.SALE, new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(hfAmount.Value)), new NullableInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(hfCurrencyISOCode.Value)), hfOrderID.Value, hfOrderDescription.Value, tcTransactionControl, new ThreeDSecureBrowserDetails(new NullableInt(0), "*/*", Request.UserAgent)), cdCardDetails, cdCustomerDetails, null); // send the SOAP request if (!cdtCardDetailsTransaction.ProcessTransaction(out goGatewayOutput, out tomTransactionOutputMessage)) { szMessage = "Couldn't communicate with payment gateway"; boTransactionSuccessful = false; } else { switch (goGatewayOutput.StatusCode) { case 0: // status code of 0 - means transaction successful boTransactionSuccessful = true; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; case 3: // status code of 3 - means 3D Secure authentication required m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.THREE_D_SECURE; m_szTermURL = Global.SiteSecureBaseURL + "ThreeDSecureLandingPage.aspx"; m_szPaREQ = tomTransactionOutputMessage.ThreeDSecureOutputData.PaREQ; m_szACSURL = tomTransactionOutputMessage.ThreeDSecureOutputData.ACSURL; m_szCrossReference = tomTransactionOutputMessage.CrossReference; break; case 5: // status code of 5 - means transaction declined boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; case 20: // status code of 20 - means duplicate transaction m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.RESULTS; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; if (goGatewayOutput.PreviousTransactionResult.StatusCode.Value == 0) { boTransactionSuccessful = true; } else { boTransactionSuccessful = false; } szPreviousTransactionMessage = goGatewayOutput.PreviousTransactionResult.Message; boDuplicateTransaction = true; break; case 30: // status code of 30 - means an error occurred boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.PAYMENT_FORM; sbString = new StringBuilder(); // get any additional messages if (goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages.Count > 0) { sbString.Append("<br /><ul>"); for (nCount = 0; nCount < goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages.Count; nCount++) { sbString.AppendFormat("<li>{0}</li>", goGatewayOutput.ErrorMessages[nCount]); } sbString.Append("</ul>"); } szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message + sbString.ToString(); break; default: // unhandled status code boTransactionSuccessful = false; m_fmFormMode = FORM_MODE.PAYMENT_FORM; szMessage = goGatewayOutput.Message; break; } } if (m_fmFormMode == FORM_MODE.PAYMENT_FORM) { pnMessagePanel.CssClass = "ErrorMessage"; pnMessagePanel.Visible = true; lbMessageLabel.Text = szMessage; pnTransactionResultsPanel.Visible = false; } else { pnTransactionResultsPanel.Visible = true; pnMessagePanel.Visible = false; if (!boTransactionSuccessful) { pnTransactionResultsPanel.CssClass = "ErrorMessage"; } else { pnTransactionResultsPanel.CssClass = "SuccessMessage"; } lbGatewayResponse.Text = szMessage; // sort out the duplicate transaction reporting if (boDuplicateTransaction) { pnDuplicateTransactionPanel.Visible = true; lbPreviousTransactionMessage.Text = szPreviousTransactionMessage; } // the process another link if (boTransactionSuccessful == true) { Response.Redirect("Thankyou.aspx?id=" + szMessage); } else { hlProcessAnother.NavigateUrl = Global.SiteSecureBaseURL + "PaymentForm.aspx"; } } }