コード例 #1
    void ScrollMoved(Vector2 delta)
        //Set the size of the content container to match the size of all of its 'children'
        AdjustContentSize(ElementSize * _totalNumElements);

        //How many elements can fit into the content area
        float scrollAreaSize = _scrollRect.vertical ? ((RectTransform)_scrollRect.transform).rect.height : ((RectTransform)_scrollRect.transform).rect.width;
        int   numElementsVisibleInScrollArea = Mathf.CeilToInt(scrollAreaSize / ElementSize);

        //basically the number of elements culled 'above you', clamped between 0 and  'number of total emenents - number of elements that would fit in the display area'
        //since there is nothing lower than those last few elements
        int numElementsCulledAbove = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(GetScrollRectNormalizedPosition() * (_totalNumElements - numElementsVisibleInScrollArea)), 0, Mathf.Clamp(_totalNumElements - (numElementsVisibleInScrollArea + 1), 0, int.MaxValue));

        //Adjust the spacers width/height and have it fill the empty space that is supposed to be taken up by all the ui elements that are being culled
        AdjustSpacer(numElementsCulledAbove * ElementSize);

        int  requiredElementsInList = Mathf.Min((numElementsVisibleInScrollArea + 1), _totalNumElements);
        bool refreshRequired        = _activeElements.Count != requiredElementsInList || _lastCulledAbove != numElementsCulledAbove;

        if (refreshRequired)
            if (_activeElements.Count != requiredElementsInList)
                InitializeElements(requiredElementsInList, numElementsCulledAbove);
                RepurposeMethod repurposeMethod = numElementsCulledAbove > _lastCulledAbove ? RepurposeMethod.TopGoesToBottom : RepurposeMethod.BottomGoesToTop;
                RepurposeElement(repurposeMethod, numElementsCulledAbove);

        _lastCulledAbove = numElementsCulledAbove;
コード例 #2
 void RepurposeElement(RepurposeMethod repurposeMethod, int numElementsCulledAbove)
     if (repurposeMethod == RepurposeMethod.TopGoesToBottom)
         var top = _activeElements[0];
         top.transform.SetSiblingIndex(_activeElements[_activeElements.Count - 2].transform.GetSiblingIndex() + 1);
         top.Setup((numElementsCulledAbove + _activeElements.Count - 1), _scrollListData);
         var bottom = _activeElements[_activeElements.Count - 1];
         _activeElements.RemoveAt(_activeElements.Count - 1);
         _activeElements.Insert(0, bottom);
         bottom.Setup((numElementsCulledAbove), _scrollListData);