public void save_visit_report(ArrayList arraylist) { Report_PatientDAO rptobj = new Report_PatientDAO(); Report_delivery_configurationDAO objDelCongig = (Report_delivery_configurationDAO)Session["Report_Conifguration"]; string aa = objDelCongig.UserID; ArrayList arrParam = new ArrayList(); rptc = new ReportsCommon(); rptobj = (Report_PatientDAO)arraylist[0]; int filterCode = 0, reportid = 0, userReportID = 0; string selectedValues = string.Empty, wherecls = string.Empty, userID = rptobj.sz_userID; reportid = rptc.fetchReportID("Patient Report"); #region SaveData arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(rptobj.sz_userReportName); int affectedRow = rptc.saveReportNameData(arrParam); if (affectedRow == 1) { int menuAffectedRow = rptc.saveReportMenuNameData(arrParam); arrParam = new ArrayList(); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(rptobj.sz_userReportName); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); userReportID = rptc.fetchUserReportID(arrParam); arrParam = new ArrayList(); if (rptobj.Sz_name != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_patient_name"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_name); if (rptobj.Sz_name == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_name != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_PATIENT.SZ_PATIENT_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_name) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_case_type != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_case_types"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_case_type); if (rptobj.Sz_case_type == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_case_type != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_CASE_TYPE.SZ_CASE_TYPE_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_case_type) + ") "; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_case_status != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_case_status"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_case_status); if (rptobj.Sz_case_status == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_case_status != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_CASE_STATUS.SZ_CASE_STATUS_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_case_status) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_carrier != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_carrier"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_carrier); if (rptobj.Sz_carrier == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_carrier != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_INSURANCE_COMPANY.SZ_INSURANCE_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_carrier) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_provider != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_provider"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_provider); if (rptobj.Sz_provider == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_provider != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_OFFICE.SZ_OFFICE_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_provider) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_attorney != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_attorney"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_attorney); if (rptobj.Sz_attorney == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_attorney != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_ATTORNEY.SZ_ATTORNEY_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_attorney) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_case_number != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_patientcase_numbers"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_case_number); if (rptobj.Sz_case_number == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rptobj.Sz_case_number != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_ATTORNEY.SZ_ATTORNEY_ID IN (" + (rptobj.Sz_case_number) + ")"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rptobj.Sz_accident_date != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_accident_date"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rptobj.Sz_accident_date); if (rptobj.Sz_accident_date != "") { wherecls = " AND MST_PATIENT.DT_INJURY='" + rptobj.Sz_accident_date + "' "; } else { wherecls = ""; } arrParam.Add(rptobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(userID); arrParam.Add(userReportID); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } #region SaveReportConfiguration Report_delivery_config_function fun = new Report_delivery_config_function(); objDelCongig.ireportid = userReportID; fun.save_Delivery_report(objDelCongig.SZ_arrayList_param); #endregion } else { } #endregion //Comment : Fetch Data And Export To Excel #region FetchData //DataSet ds = fetchData(rptobj.CompanyID, reportid); //rptc.exportDataExcel(ds, "Patient Report"); #endregion }
public void save_visit_report(ArrayList arraylist) { Report_bill_configurationDAO rdobj = new Report_bill_configurationDAO(); rdobj = (Report_bill_configurationDAO)arraylist[0]; rptc = new ReportsCommon(); int filterCode = 0, reportid = 0; string selectedValues = string.Empty, wherecls = string.Empty; ArrayList arrParam = new ArrayList(); try { //Comment : Save Data To txn_reportqueries i.e reportid,filterid and wherecls column #region SaveData reportid = rptc.fetchReportID("Bill Report"); if (rdobj.Sz_name != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_patient_name"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_name); if (rdobj.Sz_name == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_name != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_PATIENT.SZ_PATIENT_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_name) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_case_type != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_case_types"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_case_type); if (rdobj.Sz_case_type == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_case_type != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_CASE_TYPE.SZ_CASE_TYPE_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_case_type) + ") "; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_case_status != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_case_status"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_case_status); if (rdobj.Sz_case_status == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_case_status != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_CASE_STATUS.SZ_CASE_STATUS_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_case_status) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_carrier != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_carrier"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_carrier); if (rdobj.Sz_carrier == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_carrier != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_INSURANCE_COMPANY.SZ_INSURANCE_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_carrier) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_provider != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_provider"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_provider); if (rdobj.Sz_provider == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_provider != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_OFFICE.SZ_OFFICE_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_provider) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_attorney != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_attorney"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_attorney); if (rdobj.Sz_attorney == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_attorney != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_ATTORNEY.SZ_ATTORNEY_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_attorney) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_doctor != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_doctor"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_doctor); if (rdobj.Sz_doctor == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_doctor != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_DOCTOR.SZ_DOCTOR_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_doctor) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_specialty != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_specialty"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_specialty); if (rdobj.Sz_specialty == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_specialty != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_PROCEDURE_GROUP.SZ_PROCEDURE_GROUP_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_specialty) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_location != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_location"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_location); if (rdobj.Sz_location == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_location != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_LOCATION.SZ_LOCATION_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_location) + " )"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_case_number != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_patientcase_numbers"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_case_number); if (rdobj.Sz_case_number == "") { wherecls = " "; } else if (rdobj.Sz_case_number != "Select All") { wherecls = " AND MST_ATTORNEY.SZ_ATTORNEY_ID IN (" + (rdobj.Sz_case_number) + ")"; } else { wherecls = " ALL "; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } ResetVariable(ref filterCode, ref selectedValues, ref wherecls, ref arrParam); if (rdobj.Sz_appointment_Date != null) { filterCode = rptc.fetchFilterCode("sz_accident_date"); selectedValues = Convert.ToString(rdobj.Sz_appointment_Date); if (rdobj.Sz_appointment_Date != "") { wherecls = " AND MST_PATIENT.DT_INJURY='" + rdobj.Sz_appointment_Date + "' "; } else { wherecls = ""; } arrParam.Add(rdobj.CompanyID); arrParam.Add(reportid); arrParam.Add(filterCode); arrParam.Add(selectedValues); arrParam.Add(wherecls); rptc.saveReportData(arrParam); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); } finally { } }