コード例 #1
        public static IReadOnlyList <ItemStandard> Extract(ItemIdentifier ii, IXPathNavigable metadata)
            // Get the primary standard
            var result = new List <ItemStandard>();

            Extract(ii, metadata, "PrimaryStandard", result);
            if (result.Count == 0)
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, "No PrimaryStandard found in metadata.");
            if (result.Count != 1)
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, "Found more than one PrimaryStandard.", $"count='{result.Count}'");

            // Get any secondary standards
            Extract(ii, metadata, "SecondaryStandard", result);

            // Do not return an empty result - make a blank one if necessary
            if (result.Count == 0)
                result.Add(new ItemStandard());

コード例 #2
 private static void SetCheckMatch(ItemIdentifier ii, string fieldName, string standard, ref string rDest, string value)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rDest))
         rDest = value;
     if (!string.Equals(rDest, value, System.StringComparison.Ordinal))
         ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, $"Standard publications specify conflicting metadata.", $"property='{fieldName}' val1='{rDest}' val1='{value}' standards='{standard}'");
コード例 #3
        public static void Validate(ItemContext it, IXPathNavigable xml, int englishCharacterCount, StatAccumulator accumulator)
            var attachmentFilename = FileUtility.GetAttachmentFilename(it, xml, "ASL");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentFilename))

            ValidateFilename(attachmentFilename, it);

            FileFile file;

            if (!it.FfItem.TryGetFile(attachmentFilename, out file))

            double videoSeconds;

            using (var stream = file.Open())
                videoSeconds = Mp4VideoUtility.GetDuration(stream) / 1000.0;
            if (videoSeconds <= 0.0)

            double secondToCountRatio = videoSeconds / englishCharacterCount;

            var highStandard = TabulatorSettings.AslMean +
                               TabulatorSettings.AslStandardDeviation * TabulatorSettings.AslToleranceInStdev;
            var lowStandard = TabulatorSettings.AslMean -
                              TabulatorSettings.AslStandardDeviation * TabulatorSettings.AslToleranceInStdev;

            if (secondToCountRatio > highStandard ||
                secondToCountRatio < lowStandard)
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                             "ASL video length doesn't correlate with text length; possible mismatch.",
                                             $"videoSeconds={videoSeconds:F3} characterCount={englishCharacterCount} ratio={secondToCountRatio:F3} meanRatio={TabulatorSettings.AslMean} tolerance={TabulatorSettings.AslToleranceInStdev*TabulatorSettings.AslStandardDeviation:F3}");

コード例 #4
        private static void ValidateFilename(string fileName, ItemContext itemContext)
            const string pattern = @"((stim)|(passage)|(item))_(\d+)_ASL.*\.mp4";
            var          match   = Regex.Match(fileName, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                if (itemContext.IsStimulus &&
                    match.Groups[1].Value.Equals("passage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // Should be stim, but is passage
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemContext, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Benign,
                                                 "ASL video filename for stim is titled as 'passsage' instead of 'stim'", $"Filename: {fileName}");
                if (!match.Groups[5].Value.Equals(itemContext.ItemId.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // Incorrect ItemId
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemContext, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe,
                                                 "ASL video filename contains an incorrect ID",
                                                 $"Filename: {fileName} Expected ID: {itemContext.ItemId}");
                if (itemContext.IsStimulus &&
                    match.Groups[1].Value.Equals("item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // Item video in stim
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemContext, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe,
                                                 "ASL video filename indicates item, but base folder is a stim", $"Filename: {fileName}");
                else if (!itemContext.IsStimulus &&
                         (match.Groups[1].Value.Equals("stim", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                          match.Groups[1].Value.Equals("passage", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    // Stim video in an item
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemContext, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe,
                                                 "ASL video filename indicates stim, but base folder is a item", $"Filename: {fileName}");
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemContext, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                             "ASL video filename does not match expected pattern", $"Filename: {fileName} Pattern: {pattern}");
コード例 #5
        //<summary>This method takes a <img> element tag and determines whether
        //the provided <img> element contains a valid "alt" attribute </summary>
        //<param name="image"> The <img> tag to be validated </param>
        private static bool ImgElementHasValidAltReference(ItemContext it, XPathNavigator contentElement, XPathNavigator imgEle, bool brailleSupported)
            bool foundId          = false;
            bool foundReadAloud   = false;
            bool foundBrailleText = !brailleSupported; // Suppress errors if braill not supported

            CheckAltReference(contentElement, imgEle, ref foundId, ref foundReadAloud, ref foundBrailleText);

            // If not found on the image element itself, check its parent
            if (!foundId || !foundReadAloud || !foundBrailleText)
                var parentEle = imgEle.Clone();
                if (parentEle.MoveToParent())
                    CheckAltReference(contentElement, parentEle, ref foundId, ref foundReadAloud, ref foundBrailleText);

            if (!foundId)
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                             "Img element does not contain an id attribute necessary to provide alt text.", $"Value: {StartTagXml(imgEle)}");
                if (!foundReadAloud)
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                 "Img element does not reference alt text for text-to-speech (no corresponding readAloud element).", $"Value: {StartTagXml(imgEle)}");
                if (!foundBrailleText)
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                 "Img element does not reference alt text for braille presentation (no corresponding brailleText element).", $"Value: {StartTagXml(imgEle)}");

            return(foundId && foundReadAloud && foundBrailleText);
コード例 #6
        static bool ElementsFreeOfProhibitedAttributes(ItemContext it, XPathNavigator root)
            bool           valid = true;
            XPathNavigator ele   = root.Clone();

            while (ele.MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType.Element))
                if (s_prohibitedElements.TryGetValue(ele.Name, out string interferesWith))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                 $"Item content has element that may interfere with {interferesWith}.", $"element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");
                    valid = false;

                var attribute = ele.Clone();
                if (attribute.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                        // Check for prohibited attribute
                        if (s_prohibitedAttributes.TryGetValue(attribute.Name, out interferesWith))
                            ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                         $"Item content has attribute that may interfere with {interferesWith}.", $"attribute='{attribute.Name}' element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");
                            valid = false;

                        // Check for prohibited style properties
                        else if (attribute.Name.Equals("style"))
                            string[] styleProps = attribute.Value.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            foreach (string prop in styleProps)
                                int    ieq = prop.IndexOf(':');
                                string name;
                                string value;
                                if (ieq >= 0)
                                    name  = prop.Substring(0, ieq).Trim().ToLower();
                                    value = prop.Substring(ieq + 1).Trim();
                                    name  = prop.Trim().ToLower();
                                    value = string.Empty;

                                // Special case for "background-color". Transparent is acceptable.
                                if (name.Equals("background-color", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    if (!value.Equals("transparent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                                     $"Item content has style property that may interfere with color contrast.", $"style='{name}' element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");

                                // Special handling for "font". Look for any component with a prohibited suffix
                                else if (name.Equals("font", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    foreach (string part in value.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                        if (HasProhibitedUnitSuffix(part))
                                            ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                                         $"Item content has style property that may interfere with zoom.", $"style='{name}' element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");

                                // Check for prohibited style properties
                                else if (s_prohibitedStyleProperties.TryGetValue(name, out interferesWith))
                                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                                 $"Item content has style property that may interfere with {interferesWith}.", $"style='{name}' element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");
                                    valid = false;

                                // Check whether size properties use prohibited units
                                else if (s_styleSizeProperties.Contains(name))
                                    if (HasProhibitedUnitSuffix(value))
                                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded,
                                                                     $"Item content has style property that may interfere with zoom.", $"style='{name}' element='{StartTagXml(ele)}'");
                    }while (attribute.MoveToNextAttribute());

コード例 #7
        private static void Extract(ItemIdentifier ii, IXPathNavigable metadata, string standard, List <ItemStandard> result)
            XPathNavigator   root           = metadata.CreateNavigator();
            ItemStandard     std            = new ItemStandard(); // A new standard has empty string for all values
            HashSet <string> stdEncountered = new HashSet <string>();
            HashSet <string> pubEncountered = new HashSet <string>();

            // Look at all values for the specified Primary or Secondary standard.
            // Merge values if different publications. Add values if same publication.
            foreach (XPathNavigator node in root.Select($".//sa:{standard}", s_nsMetadata))
                // Check whether we have processed this standard yet. Skip if so.
                if (!stdEncountered.Add(node.Value))

                var parts = node.Value.Split(c_standardDelimiters);
                if (parts.Length < 2)
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, $"{standard} metadata does not match expected format.", $"standard='{node.Value}'");

                // If this publication has been encountered and the standard is not empty
                // add existing value to the list
                if (pubEncountered.Contains(parts[0]))
                    if (!std.IsEmpty)
                        std = new ItemStandard();

                // Set the common field
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(std.Standard))
                    std.Standard = node.Value;
                    std.Standard = string.Concat(std.Standard, ";", node.Value);

                // Parse out the standard according to which publication
                switch (parts[0])
                case "SBAC-MA-v4":
                case "SBAC-MA-v5":
                    std.Subject = cSubjectMath;
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "Claim", std.Standard, ref std.Claim, parts, 1);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "ContentDomain", std.Standard, ref std.ContentDomain, parts, 2);
                    SetTargetCheckMatch(ii, std.Standard, std, parts, 3);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "Emphasis", std.Standard, ref std.Emphasis, parts, 4);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "CCSS", std.Standard, ref std.CCSS, parts, 5);

                case "SBAC-MA-v6":
                    std.Subject = cSubjectMath;
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "Claim", std.Standard, ref std.Claim, parts, 1);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "ContentCategory", std.Standard, ref std.ContentCategory, parts, 2);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "TargetSet", std.Standard, ref std.TargetSet, parts, 3);
                    SetTargetCheckMatch(ii, std.Standard, std, parts, 4);

                case "SBAC-ELA-v1":
                    std.Subject = cSubjectEla;
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "Claim", std.Standard, ref std.Claim, parts, 1);
                    SetTargetCheckMatch(ii, std.Standard, std, parts, 2);
                    SetCheckMatch(ii, "CCSS", std.Standard, ref std.CCSS, parts, 3);

            if (!std.IsEmpty)
コード例 #8
        public static ReportingStandard ValidateAndSummarize(ItemIdentifier ii, IReadOnlyList <ItemStandard> standards, string expectedSubject, string expectedGrade)
            // Validate each of the standards in the list
            foreach (var standard in standards)
                // Validate claim
                if (!sValidClaims.Contains(standard.Claim))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Unexpected claim value (should be 1, 2, 3, or 4 with possible suffix).", $"Claim='{standard.Claim}'");

                // Validate subject
                if (!standard.Subject.Equals(expectedSubject, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                 "Metadata standard publication indicates subject different from item.",
                                                 $"ItemAttributeSubject='{expectedSubject}' MetadataSubject='{standard.Subject}'");

                // Validate grade (derived from target suffix)
                if (!standard.Grade.Equals(expectedGrade, System.StringComparison.Ordinal) && Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("tgs"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(standard.Grade))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                     "Grade level target suffix not included in standard reference.",
                                                     $"ItemAttributeGrade='{expectedGrade}' StandardString='{standard.Standard}'");
                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                     "Target suffix indicates a different grade from item attribute.",
                                                     $"ItemAttributeGrade='{expectedGrade}' TargetSuffixGrade='{standard.Grade}' StandardString='{standard.Standard}'");

            // === Extract the Primary CCSS ===

            //   Special case for Math claims 2,3,4. In those cases the primary CCSS is
            //   supplied on a secondary standard string with claim 1.
            string primaryCCSS      = string.Empty;
            int    primaryCcssIndex = -1;

            if (standards[0].Subject.Equals(cSubjectMath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                standards[0].Claim.Length > 0 && standards[0].Claim[0] >= '2' && standards[0].Claim[0] <= '4')
                // If empty CCSS (which should be the case) find the CCSS on a claim 1 standard
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(standards[0].CCSS) ||
                    standards[0].CCSS.Equals(cValueNA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    for (int i = 1; i < standards.Count; ++i)
                        if (standards[i].Claim.StartsWith("1") &&
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(standards[i].CCSS) &&
                            !standards[i].CCSS.Equals(cValueNA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            primaryCCSS      = standards[i].CCSS;
                            primaryCcssIndex = i;
                    if (primaryCcssIndex < 0)
                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                     "Math Claim 2, 3, 4 primary alignment should be paired with a claim 1 secondary alignment.", $"claim='{standards[0].Claim}'");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryCCSS) || primaryCCSS.Equals(cValueNA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                     "Math Claim 2, 3, 4 primary alignment is missing CCSS standard.", $"claim='{standards[0].Claim}'");
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                                 "Expected blank CCSS for Math Claim 2, 3, or 4", $"claim='{standards[0].Claim}' CCSS='{standards[0].CCSS}'");
            // Only accept value if it's non-empty and not NA
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(standards[0].CCSS) &&
                     !standards[0].CCSS.Equals(cValueNA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                primaryCCSS      = standards[0].CCSS;
                primaryCcssIndex = 0;
            // Otherwise empty
                // primaryCCSS is already set to string.Empty;
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Metadata, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable,
                                             "CCSS standard is missing from item.", $"claim='{standards[0].Claim}' standard='{standards[0].Standard}'");

            // === Extract the Secondary CCSS ===
            var secondaryCcss = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < standards.Count; ++i)
                if (i == primaryCcssIndex)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(standards[i].CCSS) &&
                    !standards[i].CCSS.Equals(cValueNA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (secondaryCcss.Length > 0)

            // Return the summary value
            return(new ReportingStandard(
                       CombineClaimsContentTargets(standards, 0, 1),
                       CombineClaimsContentTargets(standards, 1)));
コード例 #9
        private void TabulateWordList(ItemIdentifier ii)
            // Get the item context
            ItemContext it;

            if (!ItemContext.TryCreate(mPackage, ii, out it))
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(ii, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "WordList not found in package.");

            // Read the item XML
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(sXmlNt);

            if (!TryLoadXml(it.FfItem, it.FfItem.Name + ".xml", xml))
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Invalid wordlist file.", LoadXmlErrorDetail);

            // Count this wordlist

            // See if the wordlist has been referenced
            int refCount = mWordlistRefCounts.Count(it.ToString());

            if (refCount == 0 && !(mPackage is SingleItemPackage))
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(it, ErrorCategory.Wordlist, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Wordlist is not referenced by any item.");

            // Zero the counts
            int termcount  = 0;
            int maxgloss   = 0;
            int mingloss   = int.MaxValue;
            int totalgloss = 0;

            // Enumerate all terms and count glossary entries
            foreach (XmlNode kwNode in xml.SelectNodes("itemrelease/item/keywordList/keyword"))

                // Count this instance of the term
                string term = kwNode.XpEval("@text");

                int glosscount = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode htmlNode in kwNode.SelectNodes("html"))

                if (maxgloss < glosscount)
                    maxgloss = glosscount;
                if (mingloss > glosscount)
                    mingloss = glosscount;
                totalgloss += glosscount;

            if (mingloss == int.MaxValue)
                mingloss = 0;

            mWordlistReport.WriteLine(string.Join(",", CsvEncode(it.FolderDescription), it.BankKey.ToString(), it.ItemId.ToString(), refCount.ToString(), termcount.ToString(), maxgloss.ToString(), mingloss.ToString(), (termcount > 0) ? (((double)totalgloss) / ((double)termcount)).ToString("f2") : "0"));
コード例 #10
        // This is kind of ugly with so many parameters but it's the cleanest way to handle this task that's repeated multiple times
        void ProcessGlossaryAttachment(string filename,
                                       ItemContext itemIt, ItemIdentifier ii, int termIndex, string listType, bool termReferenced,
                                       List <string> wordlistTerms, Dictionary <string, long> attachmentFiles, Dictionary <string, TermAttachmentReference> attachmentToTerm,
                                       ref string type, ref long size)
            long fileSize = 0;

            if (!attachmentFiles.TryGetValue(filename, out fileSize))
                // Look for case-insensitive match (file will not be found on Linux systems)
                // (This is a linear search but it occurs rarely so not a significant issue)
                string caseMismatchFilename = null;
                foreach (var pair in attachmentFiles)
                    if (string.Equals(filename, pair.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        caseMismatchFilename = pair.Key;

                if (termReferenced)
                    if (caseMismatchFilename == null)
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Wordlist attachment not found.",
                                                        "filename='{0}' term='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", filename, wordlistTerms[termIndex], termIndex);
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist audio filename differs in capitalization (will fail on certain platforms).",
                                                        "referenceFilename='{0}' actualFilename='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", filename, caseMismatchFilename, termIndex);

                else if (Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("mwa")) // Term not referenced
                    if (caseMismatchFilename == null)
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Wordlist attachment not found. Benign because corresponding term is not referenced.",
                                                        "filename='{0}' term='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", filename, wordlistTerms[termIndex], termIndex);
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Wordlist attachment filename differs in capitalization. Benign because corresponding term is not referenced.",
                                                        "referenceFilename='{0}' actualFilename='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", filename, caseMismatchFilename, termIndex);

            // See if this attachment has previously been referenced
            TermAttachmentReference previousTerm = null;

            if (attachmentToTerm.TryGetValue(filename, out previousTerm))
                // Error if different terms (case insensitive)
                if (!string.Equals(wordlistTerms[termIndex], wordlistTerms[previousTerm.TermIndex], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Two different wordlist terms reference the same attachment.",
                                                    "filename='{0}' termA='{1}' termB='{2}' termIndexA='{3}' termIndexB='{4}",
                                                    filename, wordlistTerms[previousTerm.TermIndex], wordlistTerms[termIndex], previousTerm.TermIndex, termIndex);

                // Error if different listTypes (language or image)
                if (!string.Equals(listType, previousTerm.ListType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Same wordlist attachment used for different languages or types.",
                                                    "filename='{0}' term='{1}' typeA='{2}' typeB='{3}' termIndexA='{4}' termIndexB='{5}",
                                                    filename, wordlistTerms[termIndex], previousTerm.ListType, listType, previousTerm.TermIndex, termIndex);
                attachmentToTerm.Add(filename, new TermAttachmentReference(termIndex, listType, filename));

            size += fileSize;
            string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename);

            if (extension.Length > 1)
                extension = extension.Substring(1);                       // Remove dot from extension
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                type = extension.ToLower();
                type = string.Concat(type, ";", extension.ToLower());
コード例 #11
        // Validate the wordlist vocabulary for a particular item.
        // Returns the aggregate translation Bitflags
        private GlossaryTypes ValidateWordlistVocabulary(string bankKey, string wordlistId, ItemContext itemIt, List <int> termIndices, List <string> terms)
            // Make sure the wordlist exists
            ItemIdentifier ii = new ItemIdentifier(cItemTypeWordlist, bankKey, wordlistId);
            FileFolder     ff;

            if (!mPackage.TryGetItem(ii, out ff))
                if (!(mPackage is SingleItemPackage))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemIt, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Item references non-existent wordlist (WIT)", "wordlistId='{0}'", wordlistId);

            // Read the wordlist XML
            var xml = new XmlDocument(sXmlNt);

            if (!TryLoadXml(ff, ii.FullId + ".xml", xml))
                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Invalid wordlist file.", LoadXmlErrorDetail);

            // Make sure this is a wordlist
            if (!string.Equals(xml.XpEvalE("itemrelease/item/@type"), cItemTypeWordlist))
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemIt, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "WordList reference is to a non-wordList item.", $"referencedId='{ii.ItemId}'");

            // Sanity check
            if (!string.Equals(xml.XpEvalE("itemrelease/item/@id"), ii.ItemId.ToString()))
                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Wordlist file id mismatch.", $"wordListId='{xml.XpEval("itemrelease/item/@id")}' expected='{ii.ItemId}'");

            // Add this to the wordlist queue (if not there already) and manage progress count
            if (mWordlistQueue.Add(ii))
                if (mItemQueue.Contains(ii))

            // Create a dictionary of attachment files
            Dictionary <string, long> attachmentFiles = new Dictionary <string, long>();

            foreach (FileFile fi in ff.Files)
                // If Audio or image file
                var extension = fi.Extension.ToLowerInvariant();
                if (!string.Equals(extension, ".xml", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    attachmentFiles.Add(fi.Name, fi.Length);

            // Create a hashset of all wordlist terms that are referenced by the item
            HashSet <int> referencedIndices = new HashSet <int>(termIndices);

            // Load up the list of wordlist terms
            List <string> wordlistTerms = new List <string>();

            foreach (XmlNode kwNode in xml.SelectNodes("itemrelease/item/keywordList/keyword"))
                // Get the term and its index
                string term  = kwNode.XpEval("@text");
                int    index = int.Parse(kwNode.XpEval("@index"));

                // Make sure the index is unique and add to the term list
                while (wordlistTerms.Count < index + 1)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordlistTerms[index]))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Wordlist has multiple terms with the same index.", "index='{0}'", index);
                    wordlistTerms[index] = term;

            // Keep track of term information for error checks
            Dictionary <string, TermAttachmentReference> attachmentToReference = new Dictionary <string, TermAttachmentReference>();

            // Enumerate all the terms in the wordlist (second pass)
            int           ordinal = 0;
            GlossaryTypes aggregateGlossariesFound = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode kwNode in xml.SelectNodes("itemrelease/item/keywordList/keyword"))

                // Get the term and its index
                string term  = kwNode.XpEval("@text");
                int    index = int.Parse(kwNode.XpEval("@index"));

                // See if this term is referenced by the item.
                bool termReferenced = referencedIndices.Contains(index);
                if (!termReferenced && Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("uwt"))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Wordlist term is not referenced by item.", "term='{0}' termIndex='{1}'", term, index);

                // Find the attachment references and enumberate the translations
                GlossaryTypes glossariesFound = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode htmlNode in kwNode.SelectNodes("html"))
                    var listType = htmlNode.XpEval("@listType");

                    if (sKnownGlossariesIndex.TryGetValue(listType, out GlossaryTypes gt))
                        glossariesFound |= gt;

                    // Get the embedded HTML
                    string html = htmlNode.InnerText;

                    string audioType = string.Empty;
                    long   audioSize = 0;
                    string imageType = string.Empty;
                    long   imageSize = 0;

                    // Look for an audio glossary entry
                    Match match = sRxAudioAttachment.Match(html);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // Use RegEx to find the audio glossary entry in the contents.
                        string filename = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);

                        // Check for dual types
                        if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), ".ogg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".m4a";
                            ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);
                        else if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), ".m4a", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".ogg";
                            ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);

                        // If filename matches the naming convention, ensure that values are correct
                        Match match2 = sRxAttachmentNamingConvention.Match(filename);
                        if (match2.Success)
                            // Sample attachment filename that follows the convention:
                            // item_116605_v1_116605_01btagalog_glossary_ogg_m4a.m4a

                            // Check both instances of the wordlist ID
                            if (!wordlistId.Equals(match2.Groups[1].Value, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                !wordlistId.Equals(match2.Groups[2].Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist attachment filename indicates wordlist ID mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameItemId='{1}' expectedItemId='{2}'", filename, match2.Groups[1].Value, wordlistId);

                            // Check that the wordlist term index matches

                            /* While most filename indices match. It's quite common for them not to match and still be the correct audio
                             * Disabling this check because it's mostly false alarms.
                             * int filenameIndex;
                             * if (!int.TryParse(match2.Groups[3].Value, out filenameIndex)) filenameIndex = -1;
                             * if (filenameIndex != index && filenameIndex != ordinal
                             *  && (filenameIndex >= wordlistTerms.Count || !string.Equals(wordlistTerms[filenameIndex], term, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                             * {
                             *  ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(ItemIt, it, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist attachment filename indicates term index mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameIndex='{1}' expectedIndex='{2}'", filename, filenameIndex, index);
                             * }

                            // Translate from language in the naming convention to listType value
                            string filenameListType = match2.Groups[4].Value.ToLower();
                            switch (filenameListType)
                            // Special cases
                            case "spanish":
                                filenameListType = "esnGlossary";

                            case "tagalog":
                            case "atagalog":
                            case "btagalog":
                            case "ilocano":
                            case "atagal":
                                filenameListType = "tagalGlossary";

                            case "apunjabi":
                            case "bpunjabi":
                            case "punjabiwest":
                            case "punjabieast":
                                filenameListType = "punjabiGlossary";

                            // Conventional case
                                filenameListType = string.Concat(filenameListType.ToLower(), "Glossary");
                            if (!filenameListType.Equals(listType))
                                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist audio filename indicates attachment language mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameListType='{1}' expectedListType='{2}'", filename, filenameListType, listType);

                    // Look for an image glossary entry
                    match = sRxImageAttachment.Match(html);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // Use RegEx to find the illustration glossary entry in the contents.
                        string filename = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref imageType, ref imageSize);
                    else if (listType.Equals("illustration", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Illustration glossary entry does not include image.", "term='{0}' index='{1}'", term, index);

                    // Report error if translated glossary lacks audio
                    if ((gt & sAllTranslatedGlossaries) != 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioType))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Translated glossary entry lacks audio.", "term='{0}' index='{1}'", term, index);

                    string folderDescription = string.Concat(mPackage.Name, "/", ii.FolderName);

                    // Folder,WIT_ID,ItemId,Index,Term,Language,Length,Audio,AudioSize,Image,ImageSize
                    if (Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("gtr"))
                        mGlossaryReport.WriteLine(string.Join(",", CsvEncode(folderDescription), ii.BankKey.ToString(), ii.ItemId.ToString(), itemIt.ItemId.ToString(), index.ToString(), CsvEncodeExcel(term), CsvEncode(listType), html.Length.ToString(), audioType, audioSize.ToString(), imageType, imageSize.ToString(), CsvEncode(html)));
                        mGlossaryReport.WriteLine(string.Join(",", CsvEncode(folderDescription), ii.BankKey.ToString(), ii.ItemId.ToString(), itemIt.ItemId.ToString(), index.ToString(), CsvEncodeExcel(term), CsvEncode(listType), html.Length.ToString(), audioType, audioSize.ToString(), imageType, imageSize.ToString()));

                // Report any expected translations that weren't found
                if (termReferenced &&
                    (glossariesFound & sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries) != 0 && // at least one translated glossary
                    (glossariesFound & sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries) != sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries)    // not all translated glossaries
                    // Make a list of translations that weren't found
                    string missedTranslations = (sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries & ~glossariesFound).ToString();
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, "Wordlist term does not include all expected translations.", "term='{0}' missing='{1}'", term, missedTranslations);

                aggregateGlossariesFound |= glossariesFound;

            Porter.Stemmer stemmer = new Porter.Stemmer();

            // Make sure terms match references
            for (int i = 0; i < termIndices.Count; ++i)
                int index = termIndices[i];
                if (index >= wordlistTerms.Count || string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordlistTerms[index]))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Item references non-existent wordlist term.", "text='{0}' termIndex='{1}'", terms[i], index);
                    if (!stemmer.TermsMatch(terms[i], wordlistTerms[index]))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Item text does not match wordlist term.", "text='{0}' term='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", terms[i], wordlistTerms[index], index);

            // Report unreferenced attachments
            if (Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("umf"))
                foreach (var pair in attachmentFiles)
                    if (!attachmentToReference.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Unreferenced wordlist attachment file.", "filename='{0}'", pair.Key);
