private string BingAdRetrieverData()
            string errMessage = "";
            //Init parameters from configuration
            int columns = Convert.ToInt32(Instance.Configuration.Options["Ad_Report_Num_Columns"]);

            int[]  accountIds        = { Convert.ToInt32(Instance.Configuration.Options["customerid"]) };
            string appToken          = Instance.Configuration.Options["appToken"];
            string devToken          = Instance.Configuration.Options["devToken"];
            string username          = Instance.Configuration.Options["username"];
            string password          = Instance.Configuration.Options["password"];
            string customerid        = Instance.Configuration.Options["customerid"];
            string customeraccountid = Instance.Configuration.Options["customeraccountid"];

            ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportRequest request = new ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportRequest();
            // Specify the language for the report.
            request.Language = ReportingService.ReportLanguage.English;
            // Specify the format of the report.
            request.Format = ReportingService.ReportFormat.Xml;
            request.ReturnOnlyCompleteData = false;
            request.ReportName             = "Adperformance" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            request.Aggregation            = ReportingService.NonHourlyReportAggregation.Daily;

            // Specify the columns that will be in the report.
            request.Columns = new ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportColumn[columns];
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                request.Columns[i] = (ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportColumn)Enum.Parse(typeof(ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportColumn), Instance.Configuration.Options["AdPerformanceReportColumn_" + i], true);

            // Specify the scope of the report. This example goes down
            // only to the account level, but you can request a report for any
            // number of accounts, ad groups, and campaigns.
            request.Scope            = new ReportingService.AccountThroughAdGroupReportScope();
            request.Scope.AccountIds = accountIds;
            request.Scope.AdGroups   = null;
            request.Scope.Campaigns  = null;

            // Specify the filter for the report. This example requests
            // only search ads that were displayed in the United States to be in
            // the report.
            //request.Filter = new ReportingService.AdPerformanceReportFilter();
            //request.Filter.AdDistribution = ReportingService.AdDistributionReportFilter.Search;
            //request.Filter.LanguageAndRegion = ReportingService.LanguageAndRegionReportFilter.UnitedStates;

            // Create and initialize the ReportingServiceClient object.
            ReportingService.ReportingServiceClient service = new ReportingService.ReportingServiceClient();

            // Submit the report request.
                // Create and initialize the QueueReportRequest object.
                ReportingService.SubmitGenerateReportRequest submitRequest = new ReportingService.SubmitGenerateReportRequest();
                submitRequest.ApplicationToken  = null;//appToken;
                submitRequest.DeveloperToken    = devToken;
                submitRequest.UserName          = username;
                submitRequest.Password          = password;
                submitRequest.CustomerId        = customerid;        //"770585";
                submitRequest.CustomerAccountId = customeraccountid; // "770585";
                submitRequest.ReportRequest     = request;

                // Set the start date for the report to one month before today.
                DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(Instance.Configuration.Options["ReportDays"]));
                request.Time = new ReportTime();
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeStart       = new Date();
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeStart.Day   = startDate.Day;
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeStart.Month = startDate.Month;
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeStart.Year  = startDate.Year;

                // Set the end date to today.
                DateTime endDate;
                if (Instance.Configuration.Options["LastDay"] == "Today")
                    endDate = DateTime.Today;
                    endDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Instance.Configuration.Options["LastDay"], "MM/dd/yyyy", null);
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeEnd       = new Date();
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeEnd.Day   = endDate.Day;
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeEnd.Month = endDate.Month;
                request.Time.CustomDateRangeEnd.Year  = endDate.Year;

                // Submit the report request. This will throw an exception if
                // an error occurs.
                ReportingService.SubmitGenerateReportResponse queueResponse;
                queueResponse = service.SubmitGenerateReport(submitRequest);

                // Poll to get the status of the report until it is complete.
                int      waitMinutes    = 1;
                int      maxWaitMinutes = 120;
                DateTime startTime      = DateTime.Now;
                int      elapsedMinutes = 0;

                // Initialize the GetReportStatusResponse object to an error in
                // case an error occurs. The error will be handled below.
                ReportingService.PollGenerateReportResponse pollResponse = null;
                    // Wait the specified number of minutes before polling.
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitMinutes * 60 * 1000);
                    elapsedMinutes = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).Minutes;

                    // Get the status of the report.
                    pollResponse = CheckReportStatus(username, password, appToken, devToken, customerid, service, queueResponse.ReportRequestId);

                    if (ReportingService.ReportRequestStatusType.Success == pollResponse.ReportRequestStatus.Status)
                        // The report is ready.
                    else if (ReportingService.ReportRequestStatusType.Pending ==
                        // The report is not ready yet.
                        // An error occurred.
                } while (elapsedMinutes < maxWaitMinutes);

                // If the report was created, download it.
                if ((null != pollResponse) &&
                    (ReportingService.ReportRequestStatusType.Success ==

            catch (FaultException <AdApiFaultDetail> fault)
                ReportingService.AdApiFaultDetail faultDetail = fault.Detail;

                // Write the API errors.
                foreach (ReportingService.AdApiError opError in faultDetail.Errors)
                        String.Format("Error {0}:", opError.Code));
                        String.Format("\tMessage: \"{0}\"", opError.Message));
                throw new Exception(errMessage);

            catch (FaultException <ApiFaultDetail> fault)
                ReportingService.ApiFaultDetail faultDetail = fault.Detail;

                // Display service operation error information.
                foreach (ReportingService.OperationError opError in faultDetail.OperationErrors)
                    errMessage += " Operation error-" + opError.Message + "error code" + opError.Code;

                // Display batch error information.
                foreach (ReportingService.BatchError batchError in faultDetail.BatchErrors)
                    errMessage += " Batch error-" + batchError.Message + "error code" + batchError.Code;
                throw new Exception(errMessage);

                // To be sure you close the service.
        public static ReportingService.PollGenerateReportResponse CheckReportStatus(string username, string password, string appToken, string devToken, string customerId, ReportingService.ReportingServiceClient service, string reportId)
            ReportingService.PollGenerateReportRequest pollRequest = new ReportingService.PollGenerateReportRequest();
            pollRequest.ApplicationToken = null;
            pollRequest.DeveloperToken   = devToken;
            pollRequest.UserName         = username;
            pollRequest.Password         = password;
            pollRequest.ReportRequestId  = reportId;

            // Get the status of the report.