コード例 #1
        public static string getContabilidadEstadoResultadosSubGroups(string sGroup)
            //  if (currentMayorizadoDataset == null)
            //      getContabilidadEstadoResultados();

            DataTable table       = currentMayorizadoDataset.Tables[0];
            var       groupedData = from b in table.AsEnumerable()
                                    where b.Field <string>("NombreFormatoBalance") == sGroup
                                    group b by b.Field <string>("NombreFormatoBalance") into g
                                    select new
                NombreFormatoBalance = g.Key

            string json = null;
            List <ReporteEstadoResultado> fields = new List <ReporteEstadoResultado>();

                Int32 id = 1;
                foreach (var row in groupedData)
                    ReporteEstadoResultado field = new ReporteEstadoResultado();
                    field.id = id.ToString();
                    //field.NombreTipoCuenta = row.NombreFormatoBalance;
                json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fields);
            catch (Exception e)

コード例 #2
        public string getMayorizadoExcelFile(ReporteEstadoResultado reporte)
            string tmpFile = "Mayorizado_" + Utils.Global.GenerateName(10) + ".xlsx";
            DirectoryInfo outputDir = new DirectoryInfo(ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.DirPlantillas);

            FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDir.FullName, tmpFile));

            if (newFile.Exists)
                newFile.Delete();  // ensures we create a new workbook
                newFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDir.FullName, tmpFile));
            using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
                // add a new worksheet to the empty workbook
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Mayorizado");
                //Add the headers

                int col = 1;
                int init_row = 4, row = 4;
                foreach (Column column in reporte.columns)
                    if (column.Header.ToUpper() != "TODOS")
                        worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = column.Header;

                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Adjustments \n (+) &(-)";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Consolidado Total";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Bdg 2017 TTD";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Exe 2016 TTD";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Var % Exe vs Bgd 2017";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Var % Exe 2017 vs 2016";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Unit Analysis";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "% of Sales";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "Unit Analysis";
                worksheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "% of Sales";

                 * worksheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "";
                 * worksheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "";
                 * worksheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "";
                 * worksheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "";

                //worksheet.Cells["A1:J1"].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.LightGray;
                worksheet.Cells["A" + row + ":" + "R" + row].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);

                //ws.Cells["B24"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                //ws.Cells["B24:X24"].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
                //worksheet.Cells["A4:G4"].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                //worksheet.Cells["A4:G4"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(184, 204, 228));
                //worksheet.Cells[startRow, 1, row - 1, 1].StyleName = "HyperLink";
                //worksheet.Cells[startRow, 4, row - 1, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format = "[$$-409]#,##0";
                //worksheet.Cells[startRow, 7, row - 1, 7].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0%";

                //worksheet.Cells[startRow, 7, row - 1, 7].FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-2]=0,0,RC[-1]/RC[-2])";

                int numberWidth = 15;
                worksheet.Column(1).Width = 45;
                worksheet.Column(2).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(3).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(4).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(5).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(6).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(7).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(8).Width = numberWidth;
                worksheet.Column(9).Width = numberWidth;

                foreach (ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup group in reporte.groups)
                    worksheet.Cells["A" + row].Value = group.Descripcion;

                    // worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = group.Todos;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = group.H1;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = group.H2;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = group.H3;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = group.H4;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = group.H5;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = group.H6;
                    worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = group.H7;
                    worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                    worksheet.Cells["A" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
                    worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Font.Bold = true;

                    worksheet.Cells["J" + row].Formula = "=SUM(B" + row + ":" + "H" + row + ")";
                    foreach (ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroup sgroup in group.subGroups)
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = "         " + sgroup.Descripcion;

                        //worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = sgroup.Todos;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = sgroup.H1;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = sgroup.H2;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = sgroup.H3;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = sgroup.H4;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = sgroup.H5;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = sgroup.H6;
                        worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = sgroup.H7;
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                        worksheet.Cells["J" + row].Formula = "=SUM(B" + row + ":" + "H" + row + ")";
                        int rowsg = row;
                        foreach (ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroupChild sgroupc in sgroup.subGroupChilds)
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = "         " + "         " + sgroupc.Descripcion;

                            //worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = sgroupc.Todos;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = sgroupc.H1;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = sgroupc.H2;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = sgroupc.H3;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = sgroupc.H4;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = sgroupc.H5;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = sgroupc.H6;
                            worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = sgroupc.H7;
                            worksheet.Cells["B" + row + ":" + "J" + row].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                            worksheet.Cells["J" + row].Formula = "=SUM(B" + row + ":" + "H" + row + ")";
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + rowsg + ":" + "J" + (row - 1)].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);
                worksheet.Cells.AutoFitColumns(0);  //Autofit columns for all cells
                worksheet.Cells["A" + init_row + ":" + "I" + (row - 1)].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Black);

                //Add a formula for the value-column
                //  worksheet.Cells["E2:E4"].Formula = "C2*D2";

                 * //Ok now format the values;
                 * using (var range = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 5])
                 * {
                 *  range.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                 *  range.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                 *  range.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.DarkBlue);
                 *  range.Style.Font.Color.SetColor(Color.White);
                 * }
                 * worksheet.Cells["A5:E5"].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                 * worksheet.Cells["A5:E5"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                 * worksheet.Cells[5, 3, 5, 5].Formula = string.Format("SUBTOTAL(9,{0})", new ExcelAddress(2, 3, 4, 3).Address);
                 * worksheet.Cells["C2:C5"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0";
                 * worksheet.Cells["D2:E5"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                 * //Create an autofilter for the range
                 * worksheet.Cells["A1:E4"].AutoFilter = true;
                 * worksheet.Cells["A2:A4"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "@";   //Format as text
                 * //There is actually no need to calculate, Excel will do it for you, but in some cases it might be useful.
                 * //For example if you link to this workbook from another workbook or you will open the workbook in a program that hasn't a calculation engine or
                 * //you want to use the result of a formula in your program.
                 * worksheet.Calculate();
                 * worksheet.Cells.AutoFitColumns(0);  //Autofit columns for all cells
                 * // lets set the header text
                 * worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddHeader.CenteredText = "&24&U&\"Arial,Regular Bold\" Inventory";
                 * // add the page number to the footer plus the total number of pages
                 * worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter.RightAlignedText =
                 *  string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", ExcelHeaderFooter.PageNumber, ExcelHeaderFooter.NumberOfPages);
                 * // add the sheet name to the footer
                 * worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter.CenteredText = ExcelHeaderFooter.SheetName;
                 * // add the file path to the footer
                 * worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter.LeftAlignedText = ExcelHeaderFooter.FilePath + ExcelHeaderFooter.FileName;
                 * worksheet.PrinterSettings.RepeatRows = worksheet.Cells["1:2"];
                 * worksheet.PrinterSettings.RepeatColumns = worksheet.Cells["A:G"];
                 * // Change the sheet view to show it in page layout mode
                 * worksheet.View.PageLayoutView = true;

                // set some document properties
                package.Workbook.Properties.Title    = "Mayorizado";
                package.Workbook.Properties.Author   = "Alvaro Medina";
                package.Workbook.Properties.Comments = "Mayorización...";

                // set some extended property values
                package.Workbook.Properties.Company = "Shiol Sistemas";

                // set some custom property values
                package.Workbook.Properties.SetCustomPropertyValue("Checked by", "Alvaro Medina");
                package.Workbook.Properties.SetCustomPropertyValue("AssemblyName", "SHG Sistemas");
                // save our new workbook and we are done!

コード例 #3
        public string getMayorizadoExcelFile1(DataTable dt, ReporteEstadoResultado reporte)
            DirectoryInfo outputDir = new DirectoryInfo(ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.DirPlantillas);

            ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage();

            //Create a datatable with the directories and files from the root directory...
            // DataTable dt = GetDataTable(outputDir.Root);

            var wsDt = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("FromDataTable");

            //Load the datatable and set the number formats...
            wsDt.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(dt, true, TableStyles.Medium9);
            wsDt.Cells[2, 2, dt.Rows.Count + 1, 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0";
            wsDt.Cells[2, 3, dt.Rows.Count + 1, 4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm-dd-yy";

             * //Select Name and Created-time...
             * var collection = (from row in dt.Select() select new { Name = row["Name"], Created_time = (DateTime)row["Created"] });
             * var wsEnum = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("FromAnonymous");
             * //Load the collection starting from cell A1...
             * wsEnum.Cells["A1"].LoadFromCollection(collection, true, TableStyles.Medium9);
             * //Add some formating...
             * wsEnum.Cells[2, 2, dt.Rows.Count - 1, 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm-dd-yy";
             * wsEnum.Cells[wsEnum.Dimension.Address].AutoFitColumns();
             * //Load a list of FileDTO objects from the datatable...
             * var wsList = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("FromList");
             * List<FileDTO> list = (from row in dt.Select()
             *                     select new FileDTO
             *                     {
             *                         Name = row["Name"].ToString(),
             *                         Size = row["Size"].GetType() == typeof(long) ? (long)row["Size"] : 0,
             *                         Created = (DateTime)row["Created"],
             *                         LastModified = (DateTime)row["Modified"],
             *                         IsDirectory = (row["Size"] == DBNull.Value)
             *                     }).ToList<FileDTO>();
             * //Load files ordered by size...
             * wsList.Cells["A1"].LoadFromCollection(from file in list
             *                                     orderby file.Size descending
             *                                     where file.IsDirectory == false
             *                                     select file, true, TableStyles.Medium9);
             * wsList.Cells[2, 2, dt.Rows.Count + 1, 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0";
             * wsList.Cells[2, 3, dt.Rows.Count + 1, 4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm-dd-yy";
             * //Load directories ordered by Name...
             * wsList.Cells["F1"].LoadFromCollection(from file in list
             *                                     orderby file.Name ascending
             *                                     where file.IsDirectory == true
             *                                     select new
             *                                     {
             *                                         Name = file.Name,
             *                                         Created = file.Created,
             *                                         Last_modified = file.LastModified
             *                                     }, //Use an underscore in the property name to get a space in the title.
             *                                     true, TableStyles.Medium11);
             * wsList.Cells[2, 7, dt.Rows.Count + 1, 8].Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm-dd-yy";
             * //Load the list using a specified array of MemberInfo objects. Properties, fields and methods are supported.
             * var rng = wsList.Cells["J1"].LoadFromCollection(list,
             *                                     true,
             *                                     TableStyles.Medium10,
             *                                     BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
             *                                     new MemberInfo[] {
             *                                         typeof(FileDTO).GetProperty("Name"),
             *                                         typeof(FileDTO).GetField("IsDirectory"),
             *                                         typeof(FileDTO).GetMethod("ToString")}
             *                                     );
             * wsList.Tables.GetFromRange(rng).Columns[2].Name = "Description";
             * wsList.Cells[wsList.Dimension.Address].AutoFitColumns();

            //...and save
            var fi = new FileInfo(outputDir.FullName + @"\Mayorizado.xlsx");

            if (fi.Exists)

コード例 #4
        public bool getContabilidadEstadoResultados(Request req, Response res, FileType type)
            ReporteEstadoResultado reporte = new ReporteEstadoResultado();

            DataTable dt = getContabilidadEstadoResultadosDataTable(req, res);

            reporte._columnsGroups    = _columns;
            reporte._columnsSubGroups = _columns;
            reporte._columns          = _columns;
            reporte.columns           = columns;
            reporte.Descripcion       = "Total General";

            string Moneda  = req.PathVariables["moneda"] != null ? req.PathVariables["moneda"] : "USD"; //Soles
            bool   isSoles = (Moneda == "USD" ? false : true);

            string json = null;

                string NombreTipoCuenta     = "";
                string NombreFormatoBalance = "";

                List <ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup> listGroups = new List <ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup>();
                ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroup     subGroup   = new ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroup();
                ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup        group      = new ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup();

                Int32 idGroup    = -1;
                Int32 idSubGroup = -1;
                Int32 idDetail   = -1;

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    if (NombreTipoCuenta != row["NombreTipoCuenta"].ToString())
                        idSubGroup           = -1;
                        group                = new ReporteEstadoResultadoGroup();
                        NombreFormatoBalance = "";

                        NombreTipoCuenta  = row["NombreTipoCuenta"].ToString();
                        group.Descripcion = "Cuenta: " + row["NombreTipoCuenta"].ToString().Trim();
                        group.id          = idGroup.ToString();

                    if (NombreFormatoBalance != row["NombreFormatoBalance"].ToString())
                        idDetail = -1;
                        subGroup = new ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroup();

                        NombreFormatoBalance = row["NombreFormatoBalance"].ToString();
                        subGroup.Descripcion = "    Tipo: " + row["NombreFormatoBalance"].ToString().Trim();
                        subGroup.id          = idSubGroup.ToString();


                    ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroupChild field = new ReporteEstadoResultadoSubGroupChild();
                    field.Descripcion = row["NombreFormatoGanaciasPerdidas"].ToString().Trim();
                    field.H1.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H1Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H1Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H2.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H2Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H2Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H3.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H3Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H3Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H4.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H4Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H4Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H5.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H5Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H5Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H6.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H6Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H6Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H7.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H7Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H7Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.H8.value    = isSoles ? Convert.ToDouble(row["H8Soles"].ToString()) : Convert.ToDouble(row["H8Dolares"].ToString());
                    field.Todos.value = field.H1.value + field.H2.value + field.H3.value + field.H4.value + field.H5.value + field.H6.value + field.H7.value;


                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H1    += field.H1.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H2    += field.H2.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H3    += field.H3.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H4    += field.H4.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H5    += field.H5.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H6    += field.H6.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].H7    += field.H7.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].subGroups[idSubGroup].Todos += field.Todos.value;

                    listGroups[idGroup].H1    += field.H1.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H2    += field.H2.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H3    += field.H3.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H4    += field.H4.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H5    += field.H5.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H6    += field.H6.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].H7    += field.H7.value;
                    listGroups[idGroup].Todos += field.Todos.value;

                    reporte.H1.value    += field.H1.value;
                    reporte.H2.value    += field.H2.value;
                    reporte.H3.value    += field.H3.value;
                    reporte.H4.value    += field.H4.value;
                    reporte.H5.value    += field.H5.value;
                    reporte.H6.value    += field.H6.value;
                    reporte.H7.value    += field.H7.value;
                    reporte.Todos.value += field.Todos.value;

                reporte.groups = listGroups;

                List <ReporteEstadoResultado> report = new List <ReporteEstadoResultado>();

                res.httpListenerResponse.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "X-Total-Count");
                res.httpListenerResponse.Headers.Add("X-Total-Count", dt.Rows.Count.ToString());

                if (type == FileType.Json)
                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(report);

                    res.Content     = json;
                    res.ContentType = "application/json";
                    res.httpListenerResponse.StatusCode = 200; //401 for error;
                if (type == FileType.Xlsx | type == FileType.Pdf)
                    string excelPath = getMayorizadoExcelFile(reporte);

                    if (type == FileType.Pdf)
                        string pdfFile = ExportWorkbookToPdf(excelPath, ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.DirPlantillas + @"\Mayorizado.pdf", false);
                        WriteFile(res, pdfFile, "Mayorizado.pdf");
                        WriteFile(res, excelPath, "Mayorizado.xlsx");

                    //int converted = ExcelConverter.Convert(excelPath, ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.DirPlantillas + "\\Test.pdf", null);

            catch (Exception e)