コード例 #1
        public async Task publish_suspicious_fact_detected()
            // Arrange
            var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                Wording        = "Our president has been elected by more that 60% of the population.",
                WebPageUrl     = "https://wwww.fakenews/president.html",
                StartNodeXPath = "//*[@id=\"content\"]/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div[3]/p[6]/text()",
                EndNodeXPath   = "//*[@id=\"content\"]/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div[3]/p[6]/text()",
                StartOffset    = 10,
                EndOffset      = 76

            // Act
            await _commandSender.Send(command);

            // Assert
            await _eventPublisher.Received(1).Publish(Arg.Is <SuspiciousFactDetected>(@event =>
                                                                                      @event.Id != default(Guid) &&
                                                                                      @event.Wording == command.Wording &&
                                                                                      @event.WebPageUrl == command.WebPageUrl &&
                                                                                      @event.Location.StartNodeXPath.ToString() == command.StartNodeXPath &&
                                                                                      @event.Location.EndNodeXPath.ToString() == command.EndNodeXPath &&
                                                                                      @event.Location.StartOffset == command.StartOffset &&
                                                                                      @event.Location.EndOffset == command.EndOffset
コード例 #2
        public FactModule(IQueryProcessor queryProcessor, ICommandSender dispatcher) : base()
            Get("/api/fact", async _ => {
                var base64Url = (string)this.Request.Query.url;
                var listFacts = new ListFactsQuery(
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64Url) == false ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(base64Url)) : null,
                return(await queryProcessor.Query(listFacts));

            Post("/api/fact", async _ => {
                try {
                    var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand()
                        StartNodeXPath = Request.Form.startNodeXPath,
                        StartOffset    = Request.Form.startOffset,
                        EndNodeXPath   = Request.Form.endNodeXPath,
                        EndOffset      = Request.Form.endOffset,
                        Reporter       = Guid.Parse(Context.CurrentUser.FindFirstValue("userId")),
                        WebPageUrl     = GetFactUrl(),
                        Wording        = Request.Form.wording
                    await dispatcher.Send(command);
                catch (DomainException ex) {
コード例 #3
        public async Task throw_exception_when_web_page_unreachable()
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnreachableWebPage>(async() => {
                // Arrange
                var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                    WebPageUrl = UNREACHABLE_WEB_PAGE

                // Act
                await _commandSender.Send(command);
コード例 #4
        public async Task accept_different_xpath_format(string xpath)
            // Arrange
            var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                Wording        = "Our president has been elected by more that 60% of the population.",
                WebPageUrl     = "https://wwww.fakenews/president.html",
                StartNodeXPath = xpath,
                EndNodeXPath   = xpath,
                StartOffset    = 10,
                EndOffset      = 76

            // Act
            await _commandSender.Send(command);
コード例 #5
        public async Task throw_exception_when_invalid_html_xpath_location(string beginXPath, string endXPath)
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidXPathFormat>(async() => {
                // Arrange
                var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                    WebPageUrl     = REACHABLE_WEB_PAGE,
                    Wording        = SOME_WORDING,
                    StartNodeXPath = beginXPath,
                    EndNodeXPath   = endXPath

                // Act
                await _commandSender.Send(command);
コード例 #6
        public async Task throw_exception_when_to_many_words(string wordingSample)
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ToManyWords>(async() => {
                // Arrange
                var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand  {
                    WebPageUrl     = REACHABLE_WEB_PAGE,
                    Wording        = wordingSample,
                    StartNodeXPath = SOME_XPATH,
                    EndNodeXPath   = SOME_XPATH

                // Act
                await _commandSender.Send(command);
コード例 #7
        public async Task throw_exception_when_fact_spread_over_multiple_paragraphs(string beginElement, string endElement)
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <FactSpreadOverMultipleParagraphs>(async() => {
                // Arrange
                var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                    WebPageUrl     = REACHABLE_WEB_PAGE,
                    Wording        = SOME_WORDING,
                    StartNodeXPath = $"/html/body/{beginElement}/text()",
                    EndNodeXPath   = $"/html/body/{endElement}/text()",
                    StartOffset    = 0,
                    EndOffset      = 5

                // Act
                await _commandSender.Send(command);
コード例 #8
        public async Task clear_wording_from_duplicated_spaces()
            // Arrange
            var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                Wording        = "Our president has been elected                   by more that 60% of the population.",
                WebPageUrl     = REACHABLE_WEB_PAGE,
                StartNodeXPath = SOME_XPATH,
                EndNodeXPath   = SOME_XPATH,
                StartOffset    = 10,
                EndOffset      = 76

            // Act
            await _commandSender.Send(command);

            // Assert
            await _eventPublisher.Received(1).Publish(Arg.Is <SuspiciousFactDetected>(@event =>
                                                                                      @event.Wording == "Our president has been elected by more that 60% of the population."
コード例 #9
        public async Task do_not_throw_exception_when_fact_in_same_paragraph(string beginXPath, string endXPath)
                // Arrange
                var command = new ReportSuspiciousFactCommand {
                    WebPageUrl     = REACHABLE_WEB_PAGE,
                    Wording        = SOME_WORDING,
                    StartNodeXPath = beginXPath,
                    EndNodeXPath   = endXPath,
                    StartOffset    = 0,
                    EndOffset      = 5

                // Act
                await _commandSender.Send(command);
            catch (FactSpreadOverMultipleParagraphs) {
            catch {}