public ActionResult GetNextBatch(int id) { ReportDBHelper db = new ReportDBHelper(Session["ReportDB"].ToString(), 2); int BatchNo = db.SelectNextBatchNo(id, Session["ReportTable"].ToString()); if (BatchNo == 0) { Session["tempforview"] = "You have reached the maximum batch"; return(RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = id })); } DataReportModel data = db.SelectSteps(BatchNo, Session["ReportTable"].ToString()); ViewBag.BatchNo = BatchNo; int dest = int.Parse(data.Data[0].Destination); if (tankNames.Keys.Contains(dest)) { ViewBag.Destination = tankNames[dest]; } else { Session["tempforview"] = "Check configuration of report config"; } return(View("Detail", data.Data)); }
public ActionResult Detail(int id) { ReportDBHelper db = new ReportDBHelper(Session["ReportDB"].ToString(), 2); DataReportModel data = db.SelectSteps(id, Session["ReportTable"].ToString()); //if (data.Data.Exists(p => p.RecordType == Operations.Interrupt)) ViewBag.AmntTotal = data.Data.First(p => p.RecordType == Operations.RecipeStart).Need; //if (data.Data.Exists(p => p.RecordType == Operations.Interrupt)) ViewBag.InteruptedCounts = data.Data.Where(p => p.RecordType == Operations.Interrupt).Count(); //if (data.Data.Exists(p=> p.RecordType == Operations.StepSkip)) ViewBag.NumberOfStepsSkipped = data.Data.Where(p => p.RecordType == Operations.StepSkip).Count(); ViewBag.BatchNo = id; int dest = int.Parse(data.Data[0].Destination); if (tankNames.Keys.Contains(dest)) { ViewBag.Destination = tankNames[dest]; } else { Session["tempforview"] = "Check configuration of report config"; } return(View(data.Data)); }