コード例 #1
        private void Draw_Integer(SerializedProperty Element)
            if (useInt.boolValue)

                var useAdvInteger = Element.FindPropertyRelative("AdvancedInteger");
                useAdvInteger.boolValue = GUILayout.Toggle(useAdvInteger.boolValue, new GUIContent("Use Integer Comparer",
                                                                                                   "Compare the Event entry value with a new  one to make a new Int Response"), EditorStyles.foldoutHeader);

                if (useAdvInteger.boolValue)
                    var             compare = Element.FindPropertyRelative("IntEventList");
                    ReorderableList Reo_AbilityList;

                    string listKey = Element.propertyPath;

                    if (innerListDict.ContainsKey(listKey))
                        // fetch the reorderable list in dict
                        Reo_AbilityList = innerListDict[listKey];
                        Reo_AbilityList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, compare, true, true, true, true)
                            drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) =>
                                var element = compare.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

                                var name     = element.FindPropertyRelative("name");
                                var comparer = element.FindPropertyRelative("comparer");
                                var Value    = element.FindPropertyRelative("Value");

                                rect.y += 1;
                                var height = UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                                var split  = rect.width / 3;
                                var p      = 5;

                                var rectName     = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, (split + p - 2) * 1.2f, height);
                                var rectComparer = new Rect(rect.x + (split + p) * 1.2f, rect.y, (split - p) * 0.75f, height);
                                var rectValue    = new Rect(rect.x + split * 2 + p + 15, rect.y, split - p - 10, height);

                                EditorGUI.PropertyField(rectName, name, GUIContent.none);
                                EditorGUI.PropertyField(rectComparer, comparer, GUIContent.none);
                                EditorGUI.PropertyField(rectValue, Value, GUIContent.none);

                            drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) =>
                                rect.y += 1;
                                var height       = UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                                var split        = rect.width / 3;
                                var p            = (split * 0.3f);
                                var rectName     = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, split + p - 2, height);
                                var rectComparer = new Rect(rect.x + split + p, rect.y, split - p + 15, height);
                                var rectValue    = new Rect(rect.x + split * 2 + p + 5, rect.y, split - p, height);
                                var DebugRect    = new Rect(rect.width, rect.y - 1, 25, height + 2);

                                EditorGUI.LabelField(rectName, "    Name");
                                EditorGUI.LabelField(rectComparer, " Compare");
                                EditorGUI.LabelField(rectValue, " Value");

                        innerListDict.Add(listKey, Reo_AbilityList);  //Store it on the Editor

                    int SelectedAbility = Reo_AbilityList.index;

                    if (SelectedAbility != -1)
                        var element = compare.GetArrayElementAtIndex(SelectedAbility);
                        if (element != null)
                            var Response = element.FindPropertyRelative("Response");
                            var name     = element.FindPropertyRelative("name").stringValue;
                            UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Response, new GUIContent("Response: [" + name + "]   "));
                //   else
                    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Element.FindPropertyRelative("ResponseInt"), new GUIContent("Response"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ComboManager.cs プロジェクト: mkinahan/Moonman
        private void DrawSequence(int ModeIndex, SerializedProperty combo, SerializedProperty sequence)
            ReorderableList Reo_AbilityList;
            string          listKey = combo.propertyPath;

            if (SequenceReordable.ContainsKey(listKey))
                Reo_AbilityList = SequenceReordable[listKey]; // fetch the reorderable list in dict
                Reo_AbilityList = new ReorderableList(combo.serializedObject, sequence, true, true, true, true)
                    drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
                        rect.y += 2;

                        var Height  = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                        var element = sequence.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

                        //var Activation = element.FindPropertyRelative("Activation");
                        var PreviewsAbility = element.FindPropertyRelative("PreviewsAbility");
                        var Ability         = element.FindPropertyRelative("Ability");
                        var Branch          = element.FindPropertyRelative("Branch");
                        var useD            = element.FindPropertyRelative("Used");

                        var IDRect = new Rect(rect)
                            height = Height

                        float wid = rect.width / 3;

                        var IndexRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            width = 25
                        var BranchRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = IDRect.x + 30, width = wid - 40
                        var PrevARect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid + 40, width = wid - 15
                        var AbilityRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid * 2 + 50, width = wid - 15

                        var style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);

                        if (!useD.boolValue && Application.isPlaying)
                            style.normal.textColor = Color.green;

                        EditorGUI.LabelField(IndexRect, "(" + index.ToString() + ")", style);
                        var oldColor = GUI.contentColor;
                        if (PreviewsAbility.intValue <= 0)
                            GUI.contentColor = Color.green;
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(BranchRect, Branch, GUIContent.none);
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(PrevARect, PreviewsAbility, GUIContent.none);
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(AbilityRect, Ability, GUIContent.none);
                        GUI.contentColor = oldColor;

                        if (index == abiliIndex)
                            branch  = Branch.intValue;
                            prev    = PreviewsAbility.intValue;
                            current = Ability.intValue;

                        //if (index == abiliIndex)
                        //    IDRect.y += Height + 2;

                        //    EditorGUI.PropertyField(IDRect, Activation, new GUIContent("Activation"));

                    drawHeaderCallback = rect =>
                        var Height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                        var IDRect = new Rect(rect)
                            height = Height

                        float wid = rect.width / 3;

                        var IndexRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            width = 38
                        var BranchRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = IDRect.x + 40, width = wid - 40
                        var PrevARect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid + 40, width = wid - 15
                        var AbilityRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid * 2 + 50, width = wid - 15

                        EditorGUI.LabelField(IndexRect, "Index");
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(BranchRect, " Branch");
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(PrevARect, "Activation Ability");
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(AbilityRect, "Next Ability");

                    //elementHeightCallback = (index) =>
                    //    Repaint();

                    //    if (index == abiliIndex)

                    //        return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 3;
                    //    else
                    //        return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 5;

                SequenceReordable.Add(listKey, Reo_AbilityList);  //Store it on the Editor


            abiliIndex = Reo_AbilityList.index;

            if (abiliIndex != -1)
                var element = sequence.GetArrayElementAtIndex(abiliIndex);

                var Activation     = element.FindPropertyRelative("Activation");
                var OnSequencePlay = element.FindPropertyRelative("OnSequencePlay");

                var lbl = "B[" + branch + "] AA[" + prev + "] NA[" + current + "]";

                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sequence Properties - " + lbl);
                    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Activation, new GUIContent("Activation", "Range of the Preview Animation the Sequence can be activate"));
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(OnSequencePlay, new GUIContent("Sequence Play - " + lbl));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ComboManager.cs プロジェクト: gylesis/Space-Maze
        private void DrawSequence(int ModeIndex, SerializedProperty combo, SerializedProperty sequence)
            ReorderableList Reo_AbilityList;
            string          listKey = combo.propertyPath;

            if (SequenceReordable.ContainsKey(listKey))
                Reo_AbilityList = SequenceReordable[listKey]; // fetch the reorderable list in dict
                Reo_AbilityList = new ReorderableList(combo.serializedObject, sequence, true, true, true, true)
                    drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
                        rect.y += 2;

                        var Height  = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                        var element = sequence.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

                        //var Activation = element.FindPropertyRelative("Activation");
                        var PreviewsAbility = element.FindPropertyRelative("PreviewsAbility");
                        var Ability         = element.FindPropertyRelative("Ability");
                        var Branch          = element.FindPropertyRelative("Branch");
                        var useD            = element.FindPropertyRelative("Used");
                        var finisher        = element.FindPropertyRelative("Finisher");

                        var IDRect = new Rect(rect)
                            height = Height

                        float wid = rect.width / 3;

                        var IRWidth = 30f;
                        var Sep     = -10f;
                        var Offset  = 40f;

                        float xx = IRWidth + Offset;

                        var IndexRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            width = IRWidth
                        var BranchRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = xx, width = wid - 15
                        var PrevARect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid + xx + Sep, width = wid - 15 - Sep
                        var AbilityRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid * 2 + xx + Sep, width = wid - 15 - 20
                        var FinisherRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = IDRect.width + 30, width = 20

                        var style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);

                        if (!useD.boolValue && Application.isPlaying)
                            style.normal.textColor = Color.green;                                          //If the Combo is not used turn the combos to Green
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(IndexRect, "(" + index.ToString() + ")", style);
                        var oldCColor = GUI.contentColor;
                        var oldColor  = GUI.color;

                        if (PreviewsAbility.intValue <= 0)
                            GUI.contentColor = Color.green;

                        if (Application.isPlaying)
                            if (M.CurrentCombo != null)
                                var Index = M.CurrentCombo.ActiveSecuenceIndex;

                                if (Index == index) //Paint Active Index
                                    GUI.contentColor =
                                        GUI.color    = Color.yellow;

                                    if (M.CurrentComboSequence.Finisher) //Paint finisher
                                        GUI.contentColor =
                                            GUI.color    = (Color.red + Color.yellow) / 2;
                                else if (Index > index)  //Paint Used Index
                                    GUI.contentColor =
                                        GUI.color    = Color.gray;

                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(BranchRect, Branch, GUIContent.none);
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(PrevARect, PreviewsAbility, GUIContent.none);
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(AbilityRect, Ability, GUIContent.none);
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(FinisherRect, finisher, GUIContent.none);
                        GUI.contentColor = oldCColor;
                        GUI.color        = oldColor;

                        if (index == abiliIndex)
                            branch  = Branch.intValue;
                            prev    = PreviewsAbility.intValue;
                            current = Ability.intValue;

                    drawHeaderCallback = rect =>
                        var Height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                        var IDRect = new Rect(rect)
                            height = Height

                        float wid     = rect.width / 3;
                        var   IRWidth = 30f;
                        var   Sep     = -10f;
                        var   Offset  = 40f;

                        float xx = IRWidth + Offset;

                        var IndexRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            width = IRWidth + 5
                        var BranchRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = xx, width = wid - 15
                        var PrevARect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid + xx + Sep, width = wid - 15
                        var AbilityRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = wid * 2 + xx + Sep - 10, width = wid - 80
                        var FinisherRect = new Rect(IDRect)
                            x = IDRect.width - 15, width = 45

                        EditorGUI.LabelField(IndexRect, "Index");
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(BranchRect, " Branch");
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(PrevARect, new GUIContent("Activation Ability", "Current Mode Ability [Index] Playing on the Animal needed to activate a sequence"));
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(AbilityRect, new GUIContent("Next Ability", "Next Mode Ability [Index] to Play on the Animal if the Active Mode Animation is withing the Activation Range limit "));
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(FinisherRect, new GUIContent("Finisher", "Combo Finisher"));

                    //elementHeightCallback = (index) =>
                    //    Repaint();

                    //    if (index == abiliIndex)

                    //        return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 3;
                    //    else
                    //        return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 5;

                SequenceReordable.Add(listKey, Reo_AbilityList);  //Store it on the Editor


            abiliIndex = Reo_AbilityList.index;

            if (abiliIndex != -1)
                var element = sequence.GetArrayElementAtIndex(abiliIndex);

                var Activation     = element.FindPropertyRelative("Activation");
                var OnSequencePlay = element.FindPropertyRelative("OnSequencePlay");

                var lbl = "B[" + branch + "] AA[" + prev + "] NA[" + current + "]";

                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sequence Properties - " + lbl);
                    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Activation, new GUIContent("Activation", "Range of the Preview Animation the Sequence can be activate"));
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(OnSequencePlay, new GUIContent("Sequence Play - " + lbl));