コード例 #1
        public void Put(int id, [FromBody] Vehicle vehicle)
            using (var context = new RentARideContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <RentARideContext> >())
                var outputParamUpdate = new SqlParameter("@outputMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit)
                    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
                var vehicleId = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec dbo.updateVehicle @rarVehicleID, @VIN, @make, @model, @modelYear, @purchaseDate, @purchasePrice,  @salePrice, @vehicleType, @fleetStatus, @outputMessage OUT",
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@rarVehicleID", id),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@VIN", vehicle.VIN),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@make", vehicle.Make),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@model", vehicle.Model),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@modelYear", vehicle.ModelYear),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@purchaseDate", vehicle.PurchaseDate),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@purchasePrice", vehicle.PurchasePrice),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@salePrice", vehicle.salePrice),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@vehicleType", vehicle.VehicleType),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@fleetStatus", vehicle.FleetStatus),

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult <string> Get()
            using (var context = new RentARideContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <RentARideContext> >())
                SqlParameter returnParam = new SqlParameter();
                returnParam.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                var outputParamUpdate = new SqlParameter("@JSON", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100000)
                    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
                string VehicleList = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec dbo.listVehicles @JSON OUT", outputParamUpdate, returnParam).ToString();

             *          List<Vehicle> VehicleList = new List<Vehicle>
             *          {
             *                  //new Vehicle("Toyota","Yaris",2010,7500.00m),
             *                  new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Toyota",
             *                          Model = "4Runner",
             *                          ModelYear = 2010,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 7500.00m},
             *                  new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Nissan",
             *                          Model = "XTerra",
             *                          ModelYear = 2010,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 10000.00m },
             *                  new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Tesla",
             *                          Model = "Model S",
             *                          ModelYear = 2019,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 20000.00m },
             *          new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Toyota",
             *                          Model = "4Runner",
             *                          ModelYear = 2010,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 7500.00m},
             *                  new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Nissan",
             *                          Model = "XTerra",
             *                          ModelYear = 2010,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 10000.00m },
             *                  new Vehicle{
             *                          Make = "Tesla",
             *                          Model = "Model S",
             *                          ModelYear = 2019,
             *                          PurchasePrice = 20000.00m },
             *          };
コード例 #3
        public void Delete(int id)
            using (var context = new RentARideContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <RentARideContext> >())
                var outputParam = new SqlParameter("@outputMessage", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit)
                    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
                var vehicleId = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec dbo.deleteVehicle @rarVehicleID, @outputMessage OUT",
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@rarVehicleID", id),

コード例 #4
        public ActionResult <string> Get()
            using (var context = new RentARideContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <RentARideContext> >())
                SqlParameter returnParam = new SqlParameter();
                returnParam.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                // location pickup time drop time

                var outputParamUpdate = new SqlParameter("@JSON", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100000)
                    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
                string ReservationList = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec dbo.listReservations @JSON OUT", outputParamUpdate, returnParam).ToString();
コード例 #5
        // explicitly declares the name of the route
        // would be .../vehicle/addvehicle instead of .../vehicle
        // [Route("AddVehicle")]
        public void Post([FromBody] Vehicle vehicle)
            using (var context = new RentARideContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <RentARideContext> >())
                var outputParam = new SqlParameter("@VehicleID", vehicle.rarVehicleID)
                    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output

                var vehicleId = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec dbo.AddVehicle @VIN, @Make, @Model, @ModelYear, @PurchasePrice, @VehicleType, @VehicleID OUT",
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@VIN", vehicle.VIN),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@Make", vehicle.Make),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@Model", vehicle.Model),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@ModelYear", vehicle.ModelYear),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@PurchasePrice", vehicle.PurchasePrice),
                                                                   new SqlParameter("@VehicleType", vehicle.VehicleType),
                // Logs the ID of the newly created vehicle