private RendererUpdateQueue EndOperation() { RendererUpdateQueue returnValue = currentUpdateQueue; currentUpdateQueue = null; return(returnValue); }
public void AddUpdateQueue(RendererUpdateQueue updateQueue) { lock (updateQueues) { updateQueues.Add(updateQueue); } }
/// <summary> /// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload /// all content. /// </summary> protected override void UnloadContent() { #if !DEBUG try { #endif #if !XBOX Debug.Assert( simulationThread.Thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped || simulationThread.Thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin ); #endif RendererUpdateQueue q = simulation.Close(); renderer.AddUpdateQueue(q); simulationThread.Abort(); MediaPlayer.Stop(); simulationThread.Profiler.Write(device, Window.Title, "profiling_simulation.txt"); profiler.Write(device, Window.Title, "profiling_renderer.txt"); #if !XBOX Debug.Assert(simulationThread.Thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped); #endif #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception) { } #endif }
private void StartOperation() { if (currentUpdateQueue != null) { throw new Exception("synchronisation error"); } currentUpdateQueue = new RendererUpdateQueue(simTime.At); }
/// <summary> /// initializes a new simulation using the level provided /// </summary> /// <param name="level"></param> public void LoadLevel( string simulationLevel, string rendererLevel ) { if (simulationThread != null) { if (!paused) { simulationThread.Join(); } } if (simulationThread == null) { simulationThread = new SimulationThread(); } // reset old simulation if (simulation != null) { RendererUpdateQueue q1 = simulation.Close(); renderer.AddUpdateQueue(q1); } // init simulation simulation = new ProjectMagma.Simulation.Simulation(); RendererUpdateQueue q = simulation.Initialize(ContentManager, simulationLevel, rendererLevel, globalClock.PausableMilliseconds); renderer.AddUpdateQueue(q); #if !XBOX Debug.Assert( simulationThread == null || simulationThread.Thread == null || simulationThread.Thread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin ); #endif simulationThread.Reinitialize(this.simulation, this.renderer); // set camera //currentCamera = simulation.EntityManager["camera1"]; if (!paused) { simulationThread.Start(); } }
private RendererUpdateQueue GetNextUpdateQueue() { lock (updateQueues) { if (updateQueues.Count == 0) { return(null); } ValicateUpdateQueueCount(); RendererUpdateQueue q = updateQueues[0]; updateQueues.RemoveAt(0); return(q); } }
private void Run() { #if XBOX this.thread.SetProcessorAffinity(ThreadDistribution.SimulationThread); #endif try { while (true) { startEvent.WaitOne(); while (!joinRequested) { profiler.BeginFrame(); RendererUpdateQueue q = simulation.Update(); renderer.AddUpdateQueue(q); Sps = 1000f / simulation.Time.DtMs; AvgSps = 1000f * simulation.Time.Frame / simulation.Time.At; profiler.EndFrame(); } finishedEvent.Set(); } } #if DEBUG catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { if (!this.aborted) { System.Console.WriteLine("unexpected Exception {0}\n{1}\n{2}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } } #else catch (Exception ex) { if (!this.aborted) { System.Console.WriteLine("unexpected Exception {0}\n{1}\n{2}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); Game.Instance.CrashDebugger.Crash(ex); finishedEvent.Set(); } } #endif }
public RendererUpdateQueue Update() { try { Game.Instance.SimulationThread.Profiler.BeginSection("simulation_update"); StartOperation(); // pause simulation if explicitly paused or app changed // removed app-changed thing (Game.Instance.IsActive) since this should be already handled // by the game class if (!paused) { // update simulation time simTime.Update(); //Console.WriteLine("simulating {0}", simTime.At); if (simTime.DtMs < 15) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15 - (int)simTime.DtMs); } // update all entities foreach (Entity e in entityManager) { e.Update(simTime); } // perform collision detection collisionManager.Update(simTime); // execute deferred add/remove orders on the entityManager entityManager.ExecuteDeferred(); if (phase == SimulationPhase.Intro && playersWaiting == 0) { SetPhase(SimulationPhase.Game, "", null); } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(60); } else { // safety measurement: // - first we should never enter this methode since we pause simulation and simulation thread simultaneously // => assert if we arrive here // - second take precautions and pause vor 10 milliseconds if we arrive here in a release build Debug.Assert(false); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } RendererUpdateQueue returnValue = EndOperation(); Game.Instance.SimulationThread.Profiler.EndSection("simulation_update"); return(returnValue); } finally { currentUpdateQueue = null; } }
private void Update() { if (Camera != null) { // should only be called if a level has already been loaded Camera.Update(this); Camera.RecomputeFrame(ref opaqueRenderables); } RendererUpdateQueue q = GetNextUpdateQueue(); while (q != null) { for (int i = 0; i < q.Count; ++i) { q[i].Apply(q.Timestamp); } q = GetNextUpdateQueue(); } foreach (Renderable renderable in updateRenderables) { renderable.Update(this); } Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("particle_systems"); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update Particles"); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update lava flames"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("explosion_system"); if (explosionSystem != null) { explosionSystem.Update(Time.Last / 1000d, Time.At / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("explosion_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update snow"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("snow_system"); if (snowSystem != null) { snowSystem.Update(Time.Last / 1000d, Time.At / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("snow_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update ice explosions"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("ice_explosion_system"); if (iceExplosionSystem != null) { iceExplosionSystem.Update(Time.PausableLast / 1000d, Time.PausableAt / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("ice_explosion_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update fire explosions"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("fire_explosion_system"); if (fireExplosionSystem != null) { fireExplosionSystem.Update(Time.PausableLast / 1000d, Time.PausableAt / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("fire_explosion_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update flamethrowers"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("flamethrower_system"); if (flamethrowerSystem != null) { flamethrowerSystem.Update(Time.PausableLast / 1000d, Time.PausableAt / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("flamethrower_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.BeginEvent("Update ice spikes"); Game.Instance.Profiler.BeginSection("ice_spike_system"); if (iceSpikeSystem != null) { iceSpikeSystem.Update(Time.PausableLast / 1000d, Time.PausableAt / 1000d); } Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("ice_spike_system"); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); PIXHelper.EndEvent(); Game.Instance.Profiler.EndSection("particle_systems"); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (CrashDebugger.Crashed) { if (!Paused) { Pause(); RendererUpdateQueue q = simulation.Close(); renderer.AddUpdateQueue(q); simulationThread.Abort(); } crashDebugger.Update(GraphicsDevice); if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { Exit(); } return; } #if XBOX && !DEBUG try { #endif // get storage device => moved if (!Guide.IsVisible && storageSelectionResult == null) { try { storageSelectionResult = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex.One, null, null); } catch (GuideAlreadyVisibleException) { // FIXME. see also // // } } // get storage device as soon as selected if (storageSelectionResult != null && !storageAvailable && storageSelectionResult.IsCompleted) { device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(storageSelectionResult); storageAvailable = true; LoadSettings(); } profiler.TryEndFrame(); profiler.BeginFrame(); // wait with normal update until storage available if (storageAvailable) { profiler.BeginSection("update"); // fullscreen if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftAlt)) { graphics.IsFullScreen = !; graphics.ApplyChanges(); } profiler.HandleInput(gameTime); //simulationThread.Join(); // update menu menu.Update(gameTime); // update all GameComponents registered profiler.BeginSection("base_update"); base.Update(gameTime); profiler.EndSection("base_update"); profiler.EndSection("update"); } #if XBOX && !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { crashDebugger.Crash(e); } #endif }