コード例 #1
        private RenderObject CreateButton(string caption)
            RenderArea        ra = new RenderArea();
            RenderInputButton rb = new RenderInputButton(caption);

            rb.Style.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 14);
            rb.X          = LengthExp.Predefined.HorzCenterAlign;
            rb.Y          = LengthExp.Predefined.VertCenterAlign;
            rb.Width      = "35mm";
            rb.Height     = "20mm";
コード例 #2
        /*private RenderObject CreateItem(string caption, Style style)
         * {
         *  RenderArea result = new RenderArea();
         *  result.Style.Padding.All = "1mm";
         *  RenderText rt = new RenderText();
         *  rt.Text = caption;
         *  rt.Style.AmbientParent = style;
         *  result.Children.Add(rt);
         *  RenderInputText rit = new RenderInputText();
         *  rit.Style.AmbientParent = style;
         *  rit.Width = "parent.width";
         *  result.Children.Add(rit);
         *  return result;
         * }*/

        private void GenerateDoc(C1PrintDocument doc)
            RenderTable       ph      = new RenderTable(doc);
            RenderInputButton rbPrior = new RenderInputButton(doc, "<<");

                new ActionHandlerLink(new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Previous)));
            RenderInputButton rbNext = new RenderInputButton(doc, ">>");

            rbNext.X = "parent.Width - width";
                new ActionHandlerLink(new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Next)));
            ph.Cells[0, 0].Area.Children.Add(rbPrior);
            ph.Cells[0, 1].Area.Children.Add(rbNext);
            ph.Style.Borders.Bottom = new LineDef("1pt", Color.Black);
            ph.Style.Spacing.Bottom = "5mm";

            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader = ph;

            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter = new RenderText(doc, "Page [PageNo] of [PageCount]", AlignHorzEnum.Right);

            // create styles
            _captionStyle                = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            _captionStyle.Font           = new Font("Tahoma", 16, FontStyle.Bold);
            _captionStyle.BackColor      = Color.FromArgb(208, 237, 253);
            _captionStyle.Spacing.Bottom = "5mm";

            _fieldCaptionStyle      = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            _fieldCaptionStyle.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 13);

            _requiredCharStyle           = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            _requiredCharStyle.Parents   = _fieldCaptionStyle;
            _requiredCharStyle.TextColor = Color.Red;

            _passwordInfoStyle              = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            _passwordInfoStyle.Parents      = _fieldCaptionStyle;
            _passwordInfoStyle.TextPosition = TextPositionEnum.Subscript;

            _textFieldStyle      = doc.Style.Children.Add();
            _textFieldStyle.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

            // Personal information
            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "Personal information", _captionStyle, _captionStyle));
            // create RenderTable containing the form's fields
            RenderTable rt = new RenderTable(doc);

            rt.CellStyle.Padding.All    = "0.5mm";
            rt.Cells[0, 0].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "First name:", true, false);
            rt.Cells[1, 0].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "FirstName", Color.Black, false);

            rt.Cells[0, 1].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Last name:", true, false);
            rt.Cells[1, 1].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "LastName", Color.Black, false);

            rt.Cells[2, 0].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Email Address:", true, false);
            rt.Cells[3, 0].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "EmailAddress", Color.Blue, false);

            rt.Cells[2, 1].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Retype Email Address:", true, false);
            rt.Cells[3, 1].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "RetypeEmailAddress", Color.Blue, false);

            rt.Cells[4, 0].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Password:"******"Password", Color.Black, true);

            rt.Cells[4, 1].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Retype Password:"******"RetypePassword", Color.Black, true);

            rt.Cells[6, 0].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "City:", false, false);
            rt.Cells[7, 0].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "City", Color.Black, false);

            rt.Cells[6, 1].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "State:", false, false);
            rt.Cells[7, 1].RenderObject = CreateTextField(doc, "State", Color.Black, false);

            // add the "Select" button
            RenderArea        ra = new RenderArea(doc);
            RenderInputButton rb = new RenderInputButton(doc, "Select...");

            rb.Name = "Select";
            rb.X    = "parent.Width - width";
            rt.Cells[8, 1].RenderObject = ra;

            // Work status field
            rt.Cells[9, 0].RenderObject = CreateFieldCaption(doc, "Work status:", true, false);
            rt.Cells[9, 0].SpanCols     = 2;

            rt.Cells[10, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputRadioButton(doc, "StatusCitizen", "I am a citizen");
            ((RenderInputRadioButton)rt.Cells[10, 0].RenderObject).Checked = true;
            rt.Cells[10, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputRadioButton(doc, "StatusAny", "I am authorized to work for any employer");
            rt.Cells[11, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputRadioButton(doc, "StatusCurrent", "I am authorized to work for my current employer");
            rt.Cells[11, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputRadioButton(doc, "StatusSeeking", "I am seeking authorization");
            rt.Style.Spacing.Bottom      = "5mm";

            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "Interests", _captionStyle, _captionStyle));

            rt = new RenderTable(doc);
            rt.Cells[0, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Accounting");
            rt.Cells[0, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "General Business");
            rt.Cells[0, 2].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Pharmaceutical");
            rt.Cells[1, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Admin & Clerical");
            rt.Cells[1, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "General Labor");
            rt.Cells[1, 2].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Professional Services");
            rt.Cells[2, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Automotive");
            rt.Cells[2, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Government");
            rt.Cells[2, 2].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "QA - Quality Control");
            rt.Cells[2, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Biotech");
            rt.Cells[2, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Information Technology");
            rt.Cells[2, 2].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Warehouse");
            rt.BreakAfter = BreakEnum.Page;

            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "Desired Position", _captionStyle, _captionStyle));
            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "Describe your desired position by completing as many of the following questions as possible.\n\nPlease indicate the wage you are seeking."));

            rt = new RenderTable(doc);
            rt.Cells[0, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Full-time");
            rt.Cells[0, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Part-time");
            rt.Cells[0, 2].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Intern");
            rt.Cells[1, 0].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Seasonal");
            rt.Cells[1, 1].RenderObject = new RenderInputCheckBox(doc, "Temporary");
            rt.Style.Spacing.Bottom     = "5mm";

            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "How many miles are you willing to commute to work?"));
            RenderInputComboBox rc = new RenderInputComboBox(
                "-- Select Distance --",
                "1 mile",
                "5 miles",
                "10 miles",
                "25 miles",
                "50 miles",
                "100 miles");

            rc.Text                 = rc.Items[0].Text;
            rc.Style.Parents        = _textFieldStyle;
            rc.Style.Spacing.Bottom = "5mm";

            doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(doc, "How often are you willing to travel for work?"));
            rc = new RenderInputComboBox(
                "Up to 25%",
                "Up to 50%",
                "Road Warrior");
            rc.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
            rc.Text          = rc.Items[0].Text;

            // Save button
            rb = new RenderInputButton(doc, "Save...");
            rb.AcceptButton = true;
                new ActionHandlerFileSave());

            rb = new RenderInputButton(doc, "Save as PDF...");
                new ActionHandlerFileSave(null, ExportProviders.PdfExportProvider));

コード例 #3
        private void MakeDoc1(C1PrintDocument doc)
            // setup a page header with links to first|prev|next|last pages:
            RenderTable rtnav = new RenderTable();

            // suppress different display of visited hyperlinks for page navigator:
            rtnav.Style.VisitedHyperlinkAttrs = rtnav.Style.HyperlinkAttrs;
            // space things out
            rtnav.Style.Spacing.Bottom = "5mm";
            // add navigator links
            rtnav.Cells[0, 0].Text = "First page";
            rtnav.Cells[0, 0].RenderObject.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(
                new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.First), "Go to first page");
            rtnav.Cells[0, 1].Text = "Previous page";
            rtnav.Cells[0, 1].RenderObject.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(
                new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Previous), "Go to previous page");
            rtnav.Cells[0, 2].Text = "Next page";
            rtnav.Cells[0, 2].RenderObject.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(
                new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Next), "Go to next page");
            rtnav.Cells[0, 3].Text = "Last page";
            rtnav.Cells[0, 3].RenderObject.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(
                new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Last), "Go to last page");
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader = rtnav;

            // make the body of the document

            // make an anchor
            RenderText rt1 = new RenderText("This is text with anchor1.");

            // the name ("anchor1") will be used to jump to this link:
            rt1.Anchors.Add(new C1Anchor("anchor1"));
            rt1.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(new C1LinkTargetPage(PageJumpTypeEnum.Last),
                                            "Go to the last page of the document");

            // make an external document to jump to:
            C1PrintDocument doc2   = new C1PrintDocument();
            RenderText      doc2rt = new RenderText("This is Document 2.");

            doc2rt.Style.Spacing.All = "3mm";
            doc2rt.Style.Font        = new Font("Arial", 14);
            // anchor names must be unique within the document but not across documents
            doc2rt.Anchors.Add(new C1Anchor("anchor1"));
            // make a button in the new document to go back
            RenderInputButton doc2btn = new RenderInputButton("Go back...");

            doc2btn.Width  = "3cm";
            doc2btn.Height = "1cm";
            doc2btn.InputActions.Add(UserActionEnum.Click, new ActionHandlerHistoryPrev());
            // save the document in our run dir:
            string doc2path = Application.StartupPath + @"\doc2.c1d";


            // add a link to open doc2:
            RenderText rt2 = new RenderText("Click here to open Document 2.");

            rt2.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(
                new C1LinkTargetExternalAnchor(doc2path, "anchor1"));

            // add filler
            for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
                doc.Body.Children.Add(new RenderText(string.Format("... filler {0} ...", i)));

            // add hyperlink to anchor1
            RenderText rt3 = new RenderText("Click here to go to anchor1.");

            rt3.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(new C1LinkTargetAnchor("anchor1"),
                                            "This is status text when the mouse hovers over link to anchor1");

            // to jump to a render object, an anchor is really not needed:
            RenderText rt4 = new RenderText("Click here to go to the middle of document.");

            rt4.Hyperlink            = new C1Hyperlink(doc.Body.Children[doc.Body.Children.Count / 2]);
            rt4.Hyperlink.StatusText = "Go to the approximate middle of the document";

            // add image with hyperlink to a URL
            RenderImage ri1 = new RenderImage(global::Hyperlinks.Properties.Resources.google);

            ri1.Hyperlink = new C1Hyperlink(new C1LinkTargetFile("http://www.google.com"),
                                            "Go googling...");