コード例 #1
        public void SetPosition(Line2D line, Plane plane)
            Line3D line3d = new Line3D(new Vector3D(line.v1, plane.GetZ(line.v1)), new Vector3D(line.v2, plane.GetZ(line.v2)));

            // This vector is perpendicular to the line, with a 90° angle between it and the plane normal
            Vector3D perpendicularvector = Vector3D.CrossProduct(line3d.GetDelta().GetNormal(), plane.Normal) * (-1);

            // This vector is on the plane, with a 90° angle to the perpendicular vector (so effectively
            // it's on the line, but in 3D
            Vector3D linevector = Vector3D.CrossProduct(plane.Normal, perpendicularvector) * (-1);

            Matrix m = Matrix.Null;

            m.M11 = linevector.x;
            m.M12 = linevector.y;
            m.M13 = linevector.z;

            m.M21 = perpendicularvector.x;
            m.M22 = perpendicularvector.y;
            m.M23 = perpendicularvector.z;

            m.M31 = plane.Normal.x;
            m.M32 = plane.Normal.y;
            m.M33 = plane.Normal.z;

            m.M44 = 1.0f;

            // The matrix is at the 0,0 origin, so move it to the start vertex of the line
            Vector3D tp = new Vector3D(line.v1, plane.GetZ(line.v1));

            position = Matrix.Multiply(m, Matrix.Translation(RenderDevice.V3(tp)));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This sets the position to use for the thing geometry.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetPosition(Vector3D pos)
            position_v3 = RenderDevice.V3(pos);             //mxd
            position    = Matrix.Translation(position_v3);
            updategeo   = true;
            updatecage  = true;            //mxd

            //mxd. update bounding box?
            if (lightType != null && lightRadius > thing.Size)
                UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);