// Unified protocol message parsing public static void parseProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageCode code, byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { if (endpoint == null) { Logging.error("Endpoint was null. parseProtocolMessage"); return; } try { switch (code) { case ProtocolMessageCode.hello: using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { int challenge_len = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] challenge = reader.ReadBytes(challenge_len); byte[] challenge_response = CryptoManager.lib.getSignature(challenge, Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryPrivateKey()); CoreProtocolMessage.sendHelloMessage(endpoint, true, challenge_response); endpoint.helloReceived = true; return; } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.helloData: using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { char node_type = endpoint.presenceAddress.type; if (node_type != 'M' && node_type != 'H') { CoreProtocolMessage.sendBye(endpoint, ProtocolByeCode.expectingMaster, string.Format("Expecting master node."), "", true); return; } ulong last_block_num = reader.ReadUInt64(); int bcLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(bcLen); int wsLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] walletstate_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(wsLen); int consensus = reader.ReadInt32(); endpoint.blockHeight = last_block_num; int block_version = reader.ReadInt32(); Node.setLastBlock(last_block_num, block_checksum, walletstate_checksum, block_version); // Check for legacy level ulong legacy_level = reader.ReadUInt64(); // deprecated int challenge_response_len = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] challenge_response = reader.ReadBytes(challenge_response_len); if (!CryptoManager.lib.verifySignature(endpoint.challenge, endpoint.serverPubKey, challenge_response)) { CoreProtocolMessage.sendBye(endpoint, ProtocolByeCode.authFailed, string.Format("Invalid challenge response."), "", true); return; } // Process the hello data endpoint.helloReceived = true; NetworkClientManager.recalculateLocalTimeDifference(); } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2data: { StreamProcessor.receiveData(data, endpoint); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2failed: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { Logging.error("Failed to send s2 data"); } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2signature: { StreamProcessor.receivedTransactionSignature(data, endpoint); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction: { // Forward the new transaction message to the DLT network CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastProtocolMessage(new char[] { 'M', 'H' }, ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction, data, null); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.presenceList: { Logging.info("Receiving complete presence list"); PresenceList.syncFromBytes(data); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence: { // Parse the data and update entries in the presence list PresenceList.updateFromBytes(data); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence: { byte[] address = null; bool updated = PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(data, out address, endpoint); // If a presence entry was updated, broadcast this message again if (updated) { CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastProtocolMessage(new char[] { 'M', 'R', 'H', 'W' }, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, data, address, endpoint); // Send this keepalive message to all connected clients CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastEventDataMessage(NetworkEvents.Type.keepAlive, address, ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence, data, address, endpoint); } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.getPresence: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int walletLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] wallet = reader.ReadBytes(walletLen); Presence p = PresenceList.getPresenceByAddress(wallet); if (p != null) { lock (p) { byte[][] presence_chunks = p.getByteChunks(); foreach (byte[] presence_chunk in presence_chunks) { endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence, presence_chunk, null); } } } else { // TODO blacklisting point Logging.warn(string.Format("Node has requested presence information about {0} that is not in our PL.", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(wallet))); } } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.balance: { // TODO: make sure this is received from a DLT node only. using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int address_length = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] address = reader.ReadBytes(address_length); // Retrieve the latest balance IxiNumber balance = reader.ReadString(); if (address.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress())) { Node.balance = balance; } // Retrieve the blockheight for the balance ulong blockheight = reader.ReadUInt64(); Node.blockHeight = blockheight; } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.bye: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { endpoint.stop(); bool byeV1 = false; try { ProtocolByeCode byeCode = (ProtocolByeCode)reader.ReadInt32(); string byeMessage = reader.ReadString(); string byeData = reader.ReadString(); byeV1 = true; switch (byeCode) { case ProtocolByeCode.bye: // all good break; case ProtocolByeCode.forked: // forked node disconnected Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; case ProtocolByeCode.deprecated: // deprecated node disconnected Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; case ProtocolByeCode.incorrectIp: // incorrect IP if (IxiUtils.validateIPv4(byeData)) { if (NetworkClientManager.getConnectedClients(true).Length < 2) { IxianHandler.publicIP = byeData; Logging.info("Changed internal IP Address to " + byeData + ", reconnecting"); } } break; case ProtocolByeCode.notConnectable: // not connectable from the internet Logging.error("This node must be connectable from the internet, to connect to the network."); Logging.error("Please setup uPNP and/or port forwarding on your router for port " + IxianHandler.publicPort + "."); NetworkServer.connectable = false; break; case ProtocolByeCode.insufficientFunds: break; default: Logging.warn(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; } } catch (Exception) { } if (byeV1) { return; } reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Retrieve the message string message = reader.ReadString(); if (message.Length > 0) { Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0}", message)); } else { Logging.info("Disconnected"); } } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.extend: { if (Config.isTestClient) { TestClientNode.handleExtendProtocol(data); } } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.error(string.Format("Error parsing network message. Details: {0}", e.ToString())); } }
// Unified protocol message parsing public static void parseProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageCode code, byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { if (endpoint == null) { Logging.error("Endpoint was null. parseProtocolMessage"); return; } try { switch (code) { case ProtocolMessageCode.hello: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { byte[] challenge_response = null; int challenge_len = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] challenge = reader.ReadBytes(challenge_len); challenge_response = CryptoManager.lib.getSignature(challenge, IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryPrivateKey()); CoreProtocolMessage.sendHelloMessage(endpoint, true, challenge_response); endpoint.helloReceived = true; return; } } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.helloData: using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (!CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { return; } ulong last_block_num = reader.ReadUInt64(); int bcLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(bcLen); int wsLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] walletstate_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(wsLen); int consensus = reader.ReadInt32(); // deprecated endpoint.blockHeight = last_block_num; int block_version = reader.ReadInt32(); Node.setLastBlock(last_block_num, block_checksum, walletstate_checksum, block_version); // Check for legacy level ulong legacy_level = reader.ReadUInt64(); // deprecated int challenge_response_len = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] challenge_response = reader.ReadBytes(challenge_response_len); if (!CryptoManager.lib.verifySignature(endpoint.challenge, endpoint.serverPubKey, challenge_response)) { CoreProtocolMessage.sendBye(endpoint, ProtocolByeCode.authFailed, string.Format("Invalid challenge response."), "", true); return; } ulong highest_block_height = IxianHandler.getHighestKnownNetworkBlockHeight(); if (last_block_num + 10 < highest_block_height) { CoreProtocolMessage.sendBye(endpoint, ProtocolByeCode.tooFarBehind, string.Format("Your node is too far behind, your block height is {0}, highest network block height is {1}.", last_block_num, highest_block_height), highest_block_height.ToString(), true); return; } // Process the hello data endpoint.helloReceived = true; NetworkClientManager.recalculateLocalTimeDifference(); if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'R') { string[] connected_servers = StreamClientManager.getConnectedClients(true); if (connected_servers.Count() == 1 || !connected_servers.Contains(StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address)) { if (StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address == "") { FriendList.requestAllFriendsPresences(); } // TODO set the primary s2 host more efficiently, perhaps allow for multiple s2 primary hosts StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address = endpoint.getFullAddress(true); // TODO TODO do not set if directly connectable IxianHandler.publicIP = endpoint.address; IxianHandler.publicPort = endpoint.incomingPort; PresenceList.forceSendKeepAlive = true; Logging.info("Forcing KA from networkprotocol"); } } else if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'C') { Friend f = FriendList.getFriend(endpoint.presence.wallet); if (f != null && f.bot) { StreamProcessor.sendGetMessages(f); } } if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'M') { subscribeToEvents(endpoint); } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2data: { StreamProcessor.receiveData(data, endpoint); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence: { Logging.info("NET: Receiving presence list update"); // Parse the data and update entries in the presence list Presence p = PresenceList.updateFromBytes(data); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence: { byte[] address = null; bool updated = PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(data, out address, endpoint); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.getPresence: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int walletLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] wallet = reader.ReadBytes(walletLen); Presence p = PresenceList.getPresenceByAddress(wallet); if (p != null) { lock (p) { byte[][] presence_chunks = p.getByteChunks(); foreach (byte[] presence_chunk in presence_chunks) { endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence, presence_chunk, null); } } } else { // TODO blacklisting point Logging.warn(string.Format("Node has requested presence information about {0} that is not in our PL.", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(wallet))); } } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.balance: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int address_length = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] address = reader.ReadBytes(address_length); // Retrieve the latest balance IxiNumber balance = reader.ReadString(); if (address.SequenceEqual(IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryAddress())) { Node.balance = balance; } // Retrieve the blockheight for the balance ulong blockheight = reader.ReadUInt64(); Node.blockHeight = blockheight; } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.transactionData: { // TODO: check for errors/exceptions Transaction transaction = new Transaction(data, true); TransactionCache.addTransaction(transaction); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction: { Transaction transaction = new Transaction(data, true); TransactionCache.addTransaction(transaction); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.bye: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { endpoint.stop(); bool byeV1 = false; try { ProtocolByeCode byeCode = (ProtocolByeCode)reader.ReadInt32(); string byeMessage = reader.ReadString(); string byeData = reader.ReadString(); byeV1 = true; switch (byeCode) { case ProtocolByeCode.bye: // all good break; case ProtocolByeCode.forked: // forked node disconnected Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; case ProtocolByeCode.deprecated: // deprecated node disconnected Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; case ProtocolByeCode.incorrectIp: // incorrect IP if (IxiUtils.validateIPv4(byeData)) { if (NetworkClientManager.getConnectedClients(true).Length < 2) { // TODO TODO do not set if not directly connectable IxianHandler.publicIP = byeData; Logging.info("Changed internal IP Address to " + byeData + ", reconnecting"); } } break; case ProtocolByeCode.notConnectable: // not connectable from the internet Logging.error("This node must be connectable from the internet, to connect to the network."); Logging.error("Please setup uPNP and/or port forwarding on your router for port " + IxianHandler.publicPort + "."); NetworkServer.connectable = false; break; default: Logging.warn(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); break; } } catch (Exception) { } if (byeV1) { return; } reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Retrieve the message string message = reader.ReadString(); if (message.Length > 0) { Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0}", message)); } else { Logging.info("Disconnected"); } } } } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.error(string.Format("Error parsing network message. Details: {0}", e.ToString())); } if (waitingFor == code) { blocked = false; } }
// Unified protocol message parsing public static void parseProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageCode code, byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { if (endpoint == null) { Logging.error("Endpoint was null. parseProtocolMessage"); return; } try { switch (code) { case ProtocolMessageCode.hello: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { CoreProtocolMessage.sendHelloMessage(endpoint, true); endpoint.helloReceived = true; return; } } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.helloData: using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { if (CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessage(endpoint, reader)) { ulong last_block_num = reader.ReadUInt64(); int bcLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(bcLen); int wsLen = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] walletstate_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(wsLen); int consensus = reader.ReadInt32(); endpoint.blockHeight = last_block_num; int block_version = reader.ReadInt32(); Node.setLastBlock(last_block_num, block_checksum, walletstate_checksum, block_version); Node.setRequiredConsensus(consensus); // Check for legacy level ulong legacy_level = reader.ReadUInt64(); // Check for legacy node if (Legacy.isLegacy(legacy_level)) { // TODO TODO TODO TODO check this out //endpoint.setLegacy(true); } // Process the hello data endpoint.helloReceived = true; NetworkClientManager.recalculateLocalTimeDifference(); } // Get presences endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.syncPresenceList, new byte[1]); // Subscribe to transaction events byte[] event_data = NetworkEvents.prepareEventMessageData(NetworkEvents.Type.transactionFrom, Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()); endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.attachEvent, event_data); event_data = NetworkEvents.prepareEventMessageData(NetworkEvents.Type.transactionTo, Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()); endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.attachEvent, event_data); } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2data: { StreamProcessor.receiveData(data, endpoint); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.s2keys: { Console.WriteLine("NET: Receiving S2 keys!"); // StreamProcessor.receivedKeys(data, socket); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.syncPresenceList: { byte[] pdata = PresenceList.getBytes(); // byte[] ba = prepareProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageCode.presenceList, pdata); // socket.Send(ba, SocketFlags.None); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.presenceList: { Logging.info("NET: Receiving complete presence list"); PresenceList.syncFromBytes(data); // NetworkClientManager.searchForStreamNode(); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence: { Console.WriteLine("NET: Receiving presence list update"); // Parse the data and update entries in the presence list PresenceList.updateFromBytes(data); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.balance: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { int address_length = reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] address = reader.ReadBytes(address_length); // Retrieve the latest balance IxiNumber balance = reader.ReadString(); if (address.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress())) { Node.balance = balance; } // Retrieve the blockheight for the balance ulong blockheight = reader.ReadUInt64(); Node.blockHeight = blockheight; } } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.transactionData: { // TODO: check for errors/exceptions Transaction transaction = new Transaction(data); TransactionCache.addTransaction(transaction); } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction: { // Forward the new transaction message to the DLT network Logging.info("RECIEVED NEW TRANSACTION"); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(data); if (transaction.toList.Keys.First().SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress())) { TransactionCache.addTransaction(transaction); } } break; case ProtocolMessageCode.bye: { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { endpoint.stop(); bool byeV1 = false; try { int byeCode = reader.ReadInt32(); string byeMessage = reader.ReadString(); string byeData = reader.ReadString(); byeV1 = true; if (byeCode != 200) { Logging.warn(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0} {1}", byeMessage, byeData)); } if (byeCode == 600) { if (IxiUtils.validateIPv4(byeData)) { if (NetworkClientManager.getConnectedClients().Length < 2) { Config.publicServerIP = byeData; Logging.info("Changed internal IP Address to " + byeData + ", reconnecting"); } } } else if (byeCode == 601) { Logging.error("This node must be connectable from the internet, to connect to the network."); Logging.error("Please setup uPNP and/or port forwarding on your router for port " + Config.serverPort + "."); } } catch (Exception) { } if (byeV1) { return; } reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Retrieve the message string message = reader.ReadString(); if (message.Length > 0) { Logging.info(string.Format("Disconnected with message: {0}", message)); } else { Logging.info("Disconnected"); } } } } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.error(string.Format("Error parsing network message. Details: {0}", e.ToString())); } }
public static void processBye(byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint) { using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m)) { endpoint.stop(); bool byeV1 = false; try { ProtocolByeCode byeCode = (ProtocolByeCode)reader.ReadInt32(); string byeMessage = reader.ReadString(); string byeData = reader.ReadString(); byeV1 = true; switch (byeCode) { case ProtocolByeCode.bye: // all good break; case ProtocolByeCode.incorrectIp: // incorrect IP if (IxiUtils.validateIPv4(byeData)) { if (NetworkClientManager.getConnectedClients(true).Length < 2) { IxianHandler.publicIP = byeData; Logging.warn("Changed internal IP Address to " + byeData + ", reconnecting"); } } break; case ProtocolByeCode.notConnectable: // not connectable from the internet NetworkServer.connectable = false; if (!NetworkServer.isConnectable()) { Logging.error("This node must be connectable from the internet, to connect to the network."); Logging.error("Please setup uPNP and/or port forwarding on your router for port " + IxianHandler.publicPort + "."); } break; default: Logging.warn("Disconnected with message: {0} {1} {2}", byeCode.ToString(), byeMessage, byeData); break; } } catch (Exception) { } if (byeV1) { return; } reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Retrieve the message string message = reader.ReadString(); if (message.Length > 0) { Logging.warn("Disconnected with v0 message: {0}", message); } else { Logging.warn("Disconnected v0"); } } } }