コード例 #1
 public MySqlSmartTypeMapper(
     [NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies,
     [NotNull] IMySqlOptions options)
     : base(dependencies)
     Check.NotNull(options, nameof(options));
     _options = options;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
 ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
 /// </summary>
 public FallbackRelationalCoreTypeMapper(
     [NotNull] CoreTypeMapperDependencies dependencies,
     [NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies relationalDependencies,
     [NotNull] IRelationalTypeMapper typeMapper)
     : base(dependencies, relationalDependencies)
     _relationalTypeMapper = typeMapper;
コード例 #3
            public SqlServerStringsTypeMapper(
                CoreTypeMapperDependencies coreDependencies,
                RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
                : base(coreDependencies, dependencies)
                    = new Dictionary <string, IList <RelationalTypeMapping> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        "national char varying", new List <RelationalTypeMapping>
                        "national character varying", new List <RelationalTypeMapping>
                        "nvarchar", new List <RelationalTypeMapping>

                _clrTypeMappings = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>();

                    = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                          maxBoundedAnsiLength: 4000,
                          defaultAnsiMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                          unboundedAnsiMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                          keyAnsiMapping: _keyUnicodeString,
                          createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new SqlServerStringTypeMapping(
                              "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                              dbType: null,
                              unicode: true,
                              size: size),
                          maxBoundedUnicodeLength: 4000,
                          defaultUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                          unboundedUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                          keyUnicodeMapping: _keyUnicodeString,
                          createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new SqlServerStringTypeMapping(
                              "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                              dbType: null,
                              unicode: true,
                              size: size));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
        ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
        /// </summary>
        public OracleTypeMapper(
            [NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies relationalDependencies)
            : base(relationalDependencies)
                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _long },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime },
                { typeof(byte), _byte },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(bool), _bool },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), _datetimeoffset },
                { typeof(short), _short },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time }

                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "number(19)", _long },
                { "blob", _variableLengthBinary },
                { "raw", _fixedLengthBinary },
                { "number(1)", _bool },
                { "char", _fixedLengthAnsiString },
                { "date", _date },
                { "timestamp", _datetime },
                { "timestamp(3) with time zone", _datetimeoffset3 },
                { "timestamp with time zone", _datetimeoffset },
                { "decimal(29,4)", _decimal },
                { "float(49)", _double },
                { "number(10)", _int },
                { "nchar", _fixedLengthUnicodeString },
                { "nvarchar2", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "number(6)", _short },
                { "interval", _time },
                { "number(3)", _byte },
                { "varchar2", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "clob", _unboundedUnicodeString },
                { "xml", _xml },
                { "number", _int }
コード例 #5
            public SqlServerBytesTypeMapper(
                CoreTypeMapperDependencies coreDependencies,
                RelationalTypeMapperDependencies relationalDependencies)
                : base(coreDependencies, relationalDependencies)
                    = new Dictionary <string, IList <RelationalTypeMapping> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    { "binary varying", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } },
                    { "binary", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } },
                    { "image", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } },
                    { "rowversion", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } },
                    { "timestamp", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } },
                    { "varbinary", new List <RelationalTypeMapping> {
                      } }

                _clrTypeMappings = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>();

                    = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                          maxBoundedLength: 8000,
                          defaultMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                          unboundedMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                          keyMapping: _keyBinary,
                          rowVersionMapping: _rowversion,
                          createBoundedMapping: size => new SqlServerByteArrayTypeMapping(
                              "varbinary(" + size + ")",
コード例 #6
        public MySqlTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                // boolean
                { "bit", _bit },

                // integers
                { "tinyint", _tinyint },
                { "tinyint unsigned", _utinyint },
                { "smallint", _smallint },
                { "smallint unsigned", _usmallint },
                { "mediumint", _int },
                { "mediumint unsigned", _uint },
                { "int", _int },
                { "int unsigned", _uint },
                { "bigint", _bigint },
                { "bigint unsigned", _ubigint },

                // decimals
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "double", _double },
                { "float", _float },

                // binary
                { "binary", _binary },
                { "varbinary", _varbinary },
                { "tinyblob", _varbinarymax },
                { "blob", _varbinarymax },
                { "mediumblob", _varbinarymax },
                { "longblob", _varbinarymax },

                // string
                { "char", _char },
                { "varchar", _varchar },
                { "tinytext", _varcharmax },
                { "text", _varcharmax },
                { "mediumtext", _varcharmax },
                { "longtext", _varcharmax },

                // DateTime
                { "datetime", _dateTime6 },
                { "time", _time6 },

                // json
                { "json", _json },

                // guid
                { "char(36)", _uniqueidentifier }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                // boolean
                { typeof(bool), _bit },

                // integers
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(ushort), _usmallint },
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(uint), _uint },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },
                { typeof(ulong), _ubigint },

                // decimals
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(float), _float },
                { typeof(double), _double },

                // byte / char
                { typeof(sbyte), _tinyint },
                { typeof(byte), _utinyint },
                { typeof(char), _utinyint },

                // DateTime
                { typeof(DateTime), _dateTime6 },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), _dateTimeOffset6 },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time6 },

                // json
                { typeof(JsonObject <>), _json },

                // guid
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier }

                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      _rowversion, size => new MySqlByteArrayTypeMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedAnsiLength: 8000,
                      defaultAnsiMapping: _varcharmax,
                      unboundedAnsiMapping: _varcharmax,
                      keyAnsiMapping: _varchar127,
                      createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new MySqlStringTypeMapping(
                          "varchar(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size),
                      maxBoundedUnicodeLength: 8000,
                      defaultUnicodeMapping: _varcharmax,
                      unboundedUnicodeMapping: _varcharmax,
                      keyUnicodeMapping: _varchar127,
                      createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new MySqlStringTypeMapping(
                          "varchar(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size));
コード例 #7
        public OracleTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "number(19)", _long },
                { "blob", _variableLengthBinary },
                { "raw", _fixedLengthBinary },
                { "number(1)", _bool },
                { "char", _fixedLengthAnsiString },
                { "date", _date },
                { "timestamp", _datetime },
                { "timestamp with time zone", _datetimeoffset },
                { "decimal(29,4)", _decimal },
                { "float(49)", _double },
                { "number(10)", _int },
                { "nchar", _fixedLengthUnicodeString },
                { "nvarchar2", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "number(6)", _short },
                { "interval", _time },
                { "number(3)", _byte },
                { "raw(16)", _uniqueidentifier },
                { "varchar2", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "xml", _xml }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _long },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime },
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier },
                { typeof(bool), _bool },
                { typeof(byte), _byte },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), _datetimeoffset },
                { typeof(short), _short },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time }

            // These are disallowed only if specified without any kind of length specified in parenthesis.
            // This is because we don't try to make a new type from this string and any max length value
            // specified in the model, which means use of these strings is almost certainly an error, and
            // if it is not an error, then using, for example, varbinary(1) will work instead.
                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                "binary varying",
                "char varying",
                "character varying",
                "national char varying",
                "national character varying",
                "national character",

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedLength: 8000,
                      defaultMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                      unboundedMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                      keyMapping: _keyBinary,
                      rowVersionMapping: null,
                      createBoundedMapping: size => new OracleByteArrayTypeMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedAnsiLength: 4000,
                      defaultAnsiMapping: _unboundedAnsiString,
                      unboundedAnsiMapping: _unboundedAnsiString,
                      keyAnsiMapping: _keyAnsiString,
                      createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new OracleStringTypeMapping(
                          "VARCHAR2(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size),
                      maxBoundedUnicodeLength: 2000,
                      defaultUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                      unboundedUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                      keyUnicodeMapping: _keyUnicodeString,
                      createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new OracleStringTypeMapping(
                          "NVARCHAR2(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          unicode: true,
                          size: size));
コード例 #8
        public FirebirdSqlTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                // boolean
                { "bit", _bit },
                // integers
                { "smallint", _smallint },
                { "integer", _int },
                { "int64", _bigint },
                // decimals
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "double", _double },
                { "float", _float },
                { "decimal(18, 4)", _money },
                // binary
                { "binary", _binary },
                { "varbinary", _varbinary },
                // string
                { "char", _char },
                { "varchar", _varchar },
                { "blob sub_type text", _text },
                // DateTime
                { "timestamp", _dateTime },
                { "date", _date },

                // guid
                { "char(36)", _uniqueidentifier }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                // boolean
                { typeof(bool), _bit },

                // integers
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },

                // decimals
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(float), _float },
                { typeof(double), _double },

                // DateTime
                { typeof(DateTime), _dateTime },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _date },

                // guid
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier }

                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

            StringMapper = new FirebirdSqlStringRelationalTypeMapper();
コード例 #9
        public FirebirdSqlTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                // boolean
                { "BIT", _bit },
                // integers
                { "SMALLINT", _smallint },
                { "INTEGER", _int },
                { "BIGINT", _bigint },
                // decimals
                { "DECIMAL(18, 2)", _decimal },
                { "DOUBLE PRECICION", _double },
                { "FLOAT", _float },
                { "DECIMAL(18, 4)", _money },
                // binary
                { "BINARY", _binary },
                { "VARBINARY", _varbinary },
                // string
                { "CHAR", _char },
                { "VARCHAR", _varchar },
                { "BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT", _text },
                // DateTime
                { "TIMESTAMP", _dateTime },
                { "DATE", _date },

                // guid
                { "CHAR(36)", _uniqueidentifier }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                // boolean
                { typeof(bool), _bit },

                // integers
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },

                // decimals
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(float), _float },
                { typeof(double), _double },

                // DateTime
                { typeof(DateTime), _dateTime },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _date },

                // guid
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier }

                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

            StringMapper = new FirebirdSqlStringRelationalTypeMapper();
コード例 #10
        public FbTypeMapper(RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
            _storeTypeMappings = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "BOOLEAN", _boolean },
                { "SMALLINT", _smallint },
                { "INTEGER", _integer },
                { "BIGINT", _bigint },
                { "CHAR", _char },
                { "VARCHAR", _varchar },
                { "BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT", _clob },
                { "BLOB SUB_TYPE BINARY", _binary },
                { "FLOAT", _float },
                { "DOUBLE PRECISION", _double },
                { "DECIMAL", _decimal },
                { "TIMESTAMP", _timeStamp },
                { "DATE", _date },
                { "TIME", _time },
                { "CHAR(16) CHARACTER SET OCTETS", _guid },

            _clrTypeMappings = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>()
                { typeof(bool), _boolean },
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(int), _integer },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },
                { typeof(float), _float },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(byte[]), _binary },
                { typeof(DateTime), _timeStamp },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time },
                { typeof(Guid), _guid }

            _disallowedMappings = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                "CHARACTER VARYING",
                "CHAR VARYING",

            ByteArrayMapper = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                maxBoundedLength: BinaryMaxSize,
                defaultMapping: _binary,
                unboundedMapping: _binary,
                keyMapping: _binary,
                rowVersionMapping: null,
                createBoundedMapping: _ => _binary);

            StringMapper = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                maxBoundedAnsiLength: VarcharMaxSize,
                defaultAnsiMapping: _varcharMax,
                unboundedAnsiMapping: _varcharMax,
                keyAnsiMapping: _varchar256,
                createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new FbStringTypeMapping($"VARCHAR({size})", FbDbType.VarChar, size),
                maxBoundedUnicodeLength: NVarcharMaxSize,
                defaultUnicodeMapping: _nvarcharMax,
                unboundedUnicodeMapping: _nvarcharMax,
                keyUnicodeMapping: _nvarchar256,
                createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new FbStringTypeMapping($"VARCHAR({size})", FbDbType.VarChar, size));
コード例 #11
 public TestTypeMapper(RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(dependencies)
コード例 #12
        public SqlCeTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "bigint", _bigint },
                { "binary varying", _varbinary },
                { "binary", _varbinary },
                { "bit", _bit },
                { "datetime", _datetime },
                { "dec", _decimal },
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "float", _double },
                { "image", _varbinarymax },
                { "int", _int },
                { "money", _decimal },
                { "national char varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character", _nchar },
                { "nchar", _nchar },
                { "ntext", _nvarcharmax },
                { "numeric", _decimal },
                { "nvarchar", _nvarchar },
                { "real", _real },
                { "rowversion", _rowversion },
                { "smalldatetime", _datetime },
                { "smallint", _smallint },
                { "smallmoney", _decimal },
                { "timestamp", _rowversion },
                { "tinyint", _tinyint },
                { "uniqueidentifier", _uniqueidentifier },
                { "varbinary", _varbinary }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime },
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier },
                { typeof(bool), _bit },
                { typeof(byte), _tinyint },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal }

                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                "binary varying",
                "national char varying",
                "national character varying",
                "national character",

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedLength: 8000,
                      defaultMapping: _varbinary,
                      unboundedMapping: _varbinarymax,
                      keyMapping:  _varbinary512,
                      rowVersionMapping: _rowversion,
                      createBoundedMapping: size => new SqlCeByteArrayTypeMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",
                          size: size));

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedAnsiLength: 8000,
                      defaultAnsiMapping: _nvarchar4000,
                      unboundedAnsiMapping: _nvarcharmax,
                      keyAnsiMapping: _nvarchar256,
                      createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new SqlCeStringTypeMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          size: size),
                      maxBoundedUnicodeLength: 4000,
                      defaultUnicodeMapping: _nvarchar4000,
                      unboundedUnicodeMapping: _nvarcharmax,
                      keyUnicodeMapping: _nvarchar256,
                      createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new SqlCeStringTypeMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          size: size));
コード例 #13
 public CustomSqlServerTypeMapper(RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(dependencies)
コード例 #14
 public TypeMapperWrapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(dependencies)
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
        ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
        /// </summary>
        public SqlServerTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "bigint", _bigint },
                { "binary varying", _varbinary },
                { "binary", _binary },
                { "bit", _bit },
                { "char varying", _varchar },
                { "char", _char },
                { "character varying", _varchar },
                { "character", _char },
                { "date", _date },
                { "datetime", _datetime },
                { "datetime2", _datetime2 },
                { "datetimeoffset", _datetimeoffset },
                { "dec", _decimal },
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "float", _double },
                { "image", _varbinary },
                { "int", _int },
                { "money", _decimal },
                { "national char varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character", _nchar },
                { "nchar", _nchar },
                { "ntext", _nvarchar },
                { "numeric", _decimal },
                { "nvarchar", _nvarchar },
                { "real", _real },
                { "rowversion", _rowversion },
                { "smalldatetime", _datetime },
                { "smallint", _smallint },
                { "smallmoney", _decimal },
                { "text", _varchar },
                { "time", _time },
                { "timestamp", _rowversion },
                { "tinyint", _tinyint },
                { "uniqueidentifier", _uniqueidentifier },
                { "varbinary", _varbinary },
                { "varchar", _varchar },
                { "xml", _xml }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime2 },
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier },
                { typeof(bool), _bit },
                { typeof(byte), _tinyint },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), _datetimeoffset },
                { typeof(char), _int },
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time }

            // These are disallowed only if specified without any kind of length specified in parenthesis.
            // This is because we don't try to make a new type from this string and any max length value
            // specified in the model, which means use of these strings is almost certainly an error, and
            // if it is not an error, then using, for example, varbinary(1) will work instead.
                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                "binary varying",
                "char varying",
                "character varying",
                "national char varying",
                "national character varying",
                "national character",

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      _rowversion, size => new SqlServerMaxLengthMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultUnicode: false,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true));

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      size => new SqlServerMaxLengthMapping(
                          "varchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: DbType.AnsiString,
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultUnicode: true,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true),
                      size => new SqlServerMaxLengthMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          unicode: true,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultUnicode: false,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true));
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
        ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
        /// </summary>
        public SqlServerTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "bigint", _long },
                { "binary varying", _variableLengthBinary },
                { "binary", _fixedLengthBinary },
                { "bit", _bool },
                { "char varying", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "char", _fixedLengthAnsiString },
                { "character varying", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "character", _fixedLengthAnsiString },
                { "date", _date },
                { "datetime", _datetime },
                { "datetime2", _datetime2 },
                { "datetimeoffset", _datetimeoffset },
                { "dec", _decimal },
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "float", _double },
                { "image", _variableLengthBinary },
                { "int", _int },
                { "money", _decimal },
                { "national char varying", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "national character varying", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "national character", _fixedLengthUnicodeString },
                { "nchar", _fixedLengthUnicodeString },
                { "ntext", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "numeric", _decimal },
                { "nvarchar", _variableLengthUnicodeString },
                { "real", _real },
                { "rowversion", _rowversion },
                { "smalldatetime", _datetime },
                { "smallint", _short },
                { "smallmoney", _decimal },
                { "text", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "time", _time },
                { "timestamp", _rowversion },
                { "tinyint", _byte },
                { "uniqueidentifier", _uniqueidentifier },
                { "varbinary", _variableLengthBinary },
                { "varchar", _variableLengthAnsiString },
                { "xml", _xml }

            // Note: sbyte, ushort, uint, char and ulong type mappings are not supported by SQL Server.
            // We would need the type conversions feature to allow this to work - see https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/242.
                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _long },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime2 },
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier },
                { typeof(bool), _bool },
                { typeof(byte), _byte },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), _datetimeoffset },
                { typeof(short), _short },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), _time }

            // These are disallowed only if specified without any kind of length specified in parenthesis.
            // This is because we don't try to make a new type from this string and any max length value
            // specified in the model, which means use of these strings is almost certainly an error, and
            // if it is not an error, then using, for example, varbinary(1) will work instead.
                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                // binary

                // varbinary
                "binary varying",

                // char

                // varchar
                "char varying",
                "character varying",

                // nchar
                "national char",
                "national character",

                // nvarchar
                "national char varying",
                "national character varying",

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedLength: 8000,
                      defaultMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                      unboundedMapping: _unboundedBinary,
                      keyMapping: _keyBinary,
                      rowVersionMapping: _rowversion,
                      createBoundedMapping: size => new SqlServerByteArrayTypeMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      maxBoundedAnsiLength: 8000,
                      defaultAnsiMapping: _unboundedAnsiString,
                      unboundedAnsiMapping: _unboundedAnsiString,
                      keyAnsiMapping: _keyAnsiString,
                      createBoundedAnsiMapping: size => new SqlServerStringTypeMapping(
                          "varchar(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size),
                      maxBoundedUnicodeLength: 4000,
                      defaultUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                      unboundedUnicodeMapping: _unboundedUnicodeString,
                      keyUnicodeMapping: _keyUnicodeString,
                      createBoundedUnicodeMapping: size => new SqlServerStringTypeMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          unicode: true,
                          size: size));
コード例 #17
 public ConcreteTypeMapper(
     CoreTypeMapperDependencies coreDependencies,
     RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(coreDependencies, dependencies)
コード例 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public SpannerTypeMapper(RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(dependencies)
コード例 #19
 public ConcreteTypeMapper(
     RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
     : base(dependencies)
コード例 #20
        public SqlCeTypeMapper([NotNull] RelationalTypeMapperDependencies dependencies)
            : base(dependencies)
                = new Dictionary <string, RelationalTypeMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "bigint", _bigint },
                { "binary varying", _varbinary },
                { "binary", _varbinary },
                { "bit", _bit },
                { "datetime", _datetime },
                { "dec", _decimal },
                { "decimal", _decimal },
                { "float", _double },
                { "image", _varbinary },
                { "int", _int },
                { "money", _decimal },
                { "national char varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character varying", _nvarchar },
                { "national character", _nchar },
                { "nchar", _nchar },
                { "ntext", _nvarcharmax },
                { "numeric", _decimal },
                { "nvarchar", _nvarchar },
                { "real", _real },
                { "rowversion", _rowversion },
                { "smalldatetime", _datetime },
                { "smallint", _smallint },
                { "smallmoney", _decimal },
                { "timestamp", _rowversion },
                { "tinyint", _tinyint },
                { "uniqueidentifier", _uniqueidentifier },
                { "varbinary", _varbinary }

                = new Dictionary <Type, RelationalTypeMapping>
                { typeof(int), _int },
                { typeof(long), _bigint },
                { typeof(DateTime), _datetime },
                { typeof(Guid), _uniqueidentifier },
                { typeof(bool), _bit },
                { typeof(byte), _tinyint },
                { typeof(double), _double },
                { typeof(char), _int },
                { typeof(short), _smallint },
                { typeof(float), _real },
                { typeof(decimal), _decimal }

                = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                "binary varying",
                "national char varying",
                "national character varying",
                "national character",

                = new ByteArrayRelationalTypeMapper(
                      _rowversion, size => new SqlCeMaxLengthMapping(
                          "varbinary(" + size + ")",
                          unicode: false,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true));

                = new StringRelationalTypeMapper(
                      size => new SqlCeMaxLengthMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          unicode: true,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true),
                      size => new SqlCeMaxLengthMapping(
                          "nvarchar(" + size + ")",
                          dbType: null,
                          unicode: true,
                          size: size,
                          hasNonDefaultSize: true));