private static void TryAssertionReturnTypeIsEvents( RegressionEnvironment env, string methodName, AtomicLong milestone) { var path = new RegressionPath(); var compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType("create schema MyItem(Id string)"); env.Deploy(compiled); path.Add(compiled); env.CompileDeploy( "@Name('s0') select " + methodName + "(TheString).where(v -> v.Id in ('id1', 'id3')) as c0 from SupportBean", path); env.AddListener("s0"); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean("id0,id1,id2,id3,id4", 0)); var real = env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset().Get("c0"); var coll = real.Unwrap<IDictionary<string, object>>(); EPAssertionUtil.AssertPropsPerRow( coll.ToArray(), new [] { "Id" }, new[] { new object[] {"id1"}, new object[] {"id3"} }); env.UndeployAll(); }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { string epl = "create schema MANE as MyAutoNameEvent;\n" + "@Name('s0') select P0 from MANE;\n"; EPCompiled compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType(epl); env.Deploy(compiled).AddListener("s0"); env.SendEventBean(new MyAutoNameEvent("test"), "MANE"); Assert.AreEqual("test", env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset().Get("P0")); env.UndeployAll(); }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { var path = new RegressionPath(); var compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType("create objectarray schema MyEventOA(p0 string, p1 long)"); env.Deploy(compiled); path.Add(compiled); RunAssertionOA(env, path, false); RunAssertionOA(env, path, true); // test collector env.CompileDeploy( "@Name('flow') create dataflow MyDataFlowOne " + "EventBusSource -> ReceivedStream<MyEventOA> {filter: p0 like 'A%'} " + "DefaultSupportCaptureOp(ReceivedStream) {}", path); var collector = new MyCollector(); var future = new DefaultSupportCaptureOp(); var options = new EPDataFlowInstantiationOptions() .WithOperatorProvider(new DefaultSupportGraphOpProvider(future)) .WithParameterProvider( new DefaultSupportGraphParamProvider( Collections.SingletonDataMap("collector", collector))); var instance = env.Runtime.DataFlowService.Instantiate( env.DeploymentId("flow"), "MyDataFlowOne", options); instance.Start(); env.SendEventObjectArray(new object[] {"B", 100L}, "MyEventOA"); Sleep(50); Assert.IsNull(collector.Last); env.SendEventObjectArray(new object[] {"A", 101L}, "MyEventOA"); future.WaitForInvocation(100, 1); Assert.IsNotNull(collector.Last.Emitter); Assert.AreEqual("MyEventOA", collector.Last.Event.EventType.Name); Assert.AreEqual(false, collector.Last.IsSubmitEventBean); instance.Cancel(); env.UndeployAll(); }
private static SupportUpdateListener DeployPortScan(RegressionEnvironment env) { var epl = "create objectarray schema PortScanEvent(src string, dst string, port int, marker string);\n" + "\n" + "create table ScanCountTable(src string primary key, dst string primary key, cnt count(*), win window(*) @type(PortScanEvent));\n" + "\n" + "into table ScanCountTable\n" + "insert into CountStream\n" + "select src, dst, count(*) as cnt, window(*) as win\n" + "from PortScanEvent#unique(src, dst, port)#time(30 sec) group by src,dst;\n" + "\n" + "create window SituationsWindow#keepall (src string, dst string, detectionTime long);\n" + "\n" + "on CountStream(cnt >= 20) as cs\n" + "merge SituationsWindow sw\n" + "where cs.src = sw.src and cs.dst = sw.dst\n" + "when not matched \n" + " then insert select src, dst, current_timestamp as detectionTime\n" + " then insert into OutputAlerts select 'DETECTED' as type, cs.cnt as cnt, as contributors;\n" + "\n" + "on pattern [every timer:at(*, *, *, *, *)] \n" + "insert into OutputAlerts \n" + "select 'UPDATE' as type, ScanCountTable[src, dst].cnt as cnt, ScanCountTable[src, dst].win as contributors\n" + "from SituationsWindow sc;\n" + "\n" + "on pattern [every timer:at(*, *, *, *, *)] \n" + "merge SituationsWindow sw\n" + "when matched and (select cnt from ScanCountTable where src = sw.src and dst = sw.dst) < 10\n" + " then delete\n" + " then insert into OutputAlerts select 'DONE' as type, ScanCountTable[src, dst].cnt as cnt, null as contributors \n" + "when matched and detectionTime.after(current_timestamp, 16 hours)\n" + " then delete\n" + " then insert into OutputAlerts select 'EXPIRED' as type, -1L as cnt, null as contributors;\n" + "\n" + // For more output: "@Audit() select * from CountStream;\n" + "@Name('output') select * from OutputAlerts;\n"; var compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType(epl); env.Deploy(compiled); var listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); env.Statement("output").AddListener(listener); return listener; }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { var compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType("create schema OrderEvent(Price double)"); env.Deploy(compiled); var path = new RegressionPath(); path.Add(compiled); var epl = "@Name('All-Order-Events') @Audit('stream,property') select Price from OrderEvent"; env.CompileDeploy(epl, path).AddListener("All-Order-Events"); if (EventRepresentationChoiceExtensions.GetEngineDefault(env.Configuration).IsObjectArrayEvent()) { env.SendEventObjectArray(new object[] {100d}, "OrderEvent"); } else { env.SendEventMap(Collections.SingletonDataMap("Price", 100d), "OrderEvent"); } env.UndeployAll(); }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { var collections = typeof(Collections).FullName; var path = new RegressionPath(); var script = "create expression EventBean[] js:mySplitScriptReturnEventBeanArray(value) [\n" + "function mySplitScriptReturnEventBeanArray(value) {" + " var split = value.split(',');\n" + " var etype = host.resolveType('com.espertech.esper.common.client.EventBean');\n" + " var events = host.newArr(etype, split.length); " + " for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {\n" + " var pvalue = split[i].substring(1);\n" + " if (split[i].startsWith(\"A\")) {\n" + $" events[i] = epl.EventBeanService.AdapterForMap(Collections.SingletonDataMap(\"P0\", pvalue), \"AEvent\");\n" + " }\n" + " else if (split[i].startsWith(\"B\")) {\n" + $" events[i] = epl.EventBeanService.AdapterForMap(Collections.SingletonDataMap(\"P1\", pvalue), \"BEvent\");\n" + " }\n" + " else {\n" + " xhost.throwException(\"UnsupportedOperationException\", \"Unrecognized type\");\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " return events;\n" + "};" + "return mySplitScriptReturnEventBeanArray(value);" + "]"; env.CompileDeploy(script, path); var epl = "create schema BaseEvent();\n" + "create schema AEvent(P0 string) inherits BaseEvent;\n" + "create schema BEvent(P1 string) inherits BaseEvent;\n" + "create schema SplitEvent(value string);\n"; var compiled = env.CompileWBusPublicType(epl); env.Deploy(compiled); path.Add(compiled); TryAssertionSplitExprReturnsEventBean(env, path, "mySplitUDFReturnEventBeanArray"); TryAssertionSplitExprReturnsEventBean(env, path, "mySplitScriptReturnEventBeanArray"); env.UndeployAll(); }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { var c1 = env.CompileWBusPublicType("create schema EventSchema(e0 string, e1 int, e2 string)"); var c2 = env.CompileWBusPublicType("create schema WindowSchema(col0 string, col1 long, col2 string)"); var path = new RegressionPath(); path.Add(c1); path.Add(c2); env.Deploy(c1); env.Deploy(c2); var createEpl = _namedWindow ? "create window MyInfra#keepall as WindowSchema" : "create table MyInfra (col0 string primary key, col1 long, col2 string)"; if (_enableIndexShareCreate) { createEpl = "@Hint('enable_window_subquery_indexshare') " + createEpl; } env.CompileDeploy(createEpl, path); env.CompileDeploy("insert into MyInfra select * from WindowSchema", path); if (_createExplicitIndex) { env.CompileDeploy("@Name('index') create index MyIndex on MyInfra (col2, col1)", path); } var fields = new[] { "e0", "val" }; var consumeEpl = "@Name('s0') select e0, (select col0 from MyInfra where col2 = es.e2 and col1 = es.e1) as val from EventSchema es"; if (_disableIndexShareConsumer) { consumeEpl = "@Hint('disable_window_subquery_indexshare') " + consumeEpl; } env.CompileDeploy(consumeEpl, path).AddListener("s0"); SendWindow(env, "W1", 10L, "c31"); SendEvent(env, "E1", 10, "c31"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E1", "W1" }); SendEvent(env, "E2", 11, "c32"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E2", null }); SendWindow(env, "W2", 11L, "c32"); SendEvent(env, "E3", 11, "c32"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E3", "W2" }); SendWindow(env, "W3", 11L, "c31"); SendWindow(env, "W4", 10L, "c32"); SendEvent(env, "E4", 11, "c31"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E4", "W3" }); SendEvent(env, "E5", 10, "c31"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E5", "W1" }); SendEvent(env, "E6", 10, "c32"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E6", "W4" }); // test late start env.UndeployModuleContaining("s0"); env.CompileDeploy(consumeEpl, path).AddListener("s0"); SendEvent(env, "E6", 10, "c32"); EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps( env.Listener("s0").AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "E6", "W4" }); env.UndeployModuleContaining("s0"); if (env.Statement("index") != null) { env.UndeployModuleContaining("index"); } env.UndeployAll(); }