コード例 #1
        public void RandomSettingsContainValidReflector()
            Settings s = Settings.Random(MachineType.M3);

            ReflectorList reflectors = new ReflectorList(s.MachineType);

            Assert.IsTrue(reflectors.Select(r => r.ReflectorType).Contains(s.ReflectorType));
コード例 #2
        public static bool Validate(Settings s, out List <BrokenRule> rules)
            rules = new List <BrokenRule>();

            RotorList     availableRotors     = new RotorList(s.MachineType);
            ReflectorList availableReflectors = new ReflectorList(s.MachineType);

            if (!availableReflectors.Any(r => r.ReflectorType == s.ReflectorType))
                rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                    FailureType = ValidationFailureType.InvalidReflectorTypeForMachine, Message = string.Format("Reflector {0} not valid with machine type {1}", s.ReflectorType, s.MachineType)

            if (s.MachineType == MachineType.M4K)
                if (s.Rotors.Count != 4)
                    rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                        FailureType = ValidationFailureType.InvalidRotorCount, Message = string.Format("4 rotors are required for machine type {0}", s.MachineType)
                if (s.Rotors.Count != 3)
                    rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                        FailureType = ValidationFailureType.InvalidRotorCount, Message = string.Format("3 rotors are required for machine type {0}", s.MachineType)

            foreach (var rotor in s.Rotors)
                if (!availableRotors.Any(r => r.RotorName == rotor.Name))
                    rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                        FailureType = ValidationFailureType.InvalidRotorTypeForMachine, Message = string.Format("Rotor {0} not valid with machine type {1}", rotor, s.MachineType)

                if (rotor.RingSetting < 0 || rotor.RingSetting > 25)
                    rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                        FailureType = ValidationFailureType.RingSettingOutOfRange, Message = string.Format("Rotor {0} ring setting not between 0 and 25", rotor)

            if (s.MachineType == MachineType.M4K)
                if (s.Rotors.Count == 4)
                    if (s.Rotors[0].Name != RotorName.Beta && s.Rotors[0].Name != RotorName.Gamma)
                        rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                            FailureType = ValidationFailureType.ThinRotorMissing, Message = string.Format("A thin Gamma or Beta rotor needs to be next to the reflector for machine type {0}", s.MachineType)

            if (s.Plugs.Count > 13)
                rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                    FailureType = ValidationFailureType.TooManyPlugs, Message = "The maximum number of plugs is 13"

            if (s.Plugs.Any(p => p.LetterA == p.LetterB))
                rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                    FailureType = ValidationFailureType.PlugsLinksNotUnique, Message = "All plugs must link 2 different letters"

            string duplicatePlugs = string.Join(", ", s.Plugs.GroupBy(p => p.ToString()).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => g.Key)).Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicatePlugs))
                rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                    FailureType = ValidationFailureType.DuplicatePlugs, Message = string.Format("Plugs {0} are duplicated", duplicatePlugs)

            string plugString        = string.Concat(s.Plugs.Select(p => p.ToString()));
            string duplicatedLetters = string.Join(", ", plugString.GroupBy(p => p.ToString()).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => g.Key)).Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicatedLetters))
                rules.Add(new BrokenRule {
                    FailureType = ValidationFailureType.LettersDuplicatedInPlugs, Message = string.Format("Letters {0} are duplicated", duplicatedLetters)
