コード例 #1
        public void CopyLayersTagsComponents(Terrain terrain)
        /// Copies assigned layers, tags and components from MapMagic object to terrain
            //getting MapMagic game object
            GameObject go   = terrain.gameObject;
            GameObject mmGo = go.transform.parent.parent.gameObject;

            //copy layer, tag, scripts from mm to terrains
            if (copyLayersTags)
                go.layer    = mmGo.layer;
                go.isStatic = mmGo.isStatic;
                try { go.tag = mmGo.tag; } catch { Debug.LogError("MapMagic: could not copy object tag"); }
            if (copyComponents)
                MonoBehaviour[] components = mmGo.GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>();
                for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
                    if (components[i] is MapMagicObject || components[i] == null)
                        continue;                                                                               //if MapMagic itself or script not assigned
                    if (terrain.gameObject.GetComponent(components[i].GetType()) == null)
                        ReflectionExtensions.CopyComponent(components[i], go);