コード例 #1
    //called by passing through a node's collider (or automatically in a coroutine to test)
    public void SpawnInNextNode()
        //if(currentNodeIndex >= nodeLimit){return;}

        //Calculate the offset from the last transform
        Transform lastTransform = (currentNodeIndex < 1) ? this.transform : activeNodes[activeNodes.Count - 1].transform;

        float spawnOffsetH = seededGradient.GetHorizontalValueAtPixel(currentNodeIndex);
        float spawnOffsetV = seededGradient.GetVerticalValueAtPixel(currentNodeIndex);

        spawnOffsetH = ReedsUtils.Remap(spawnOffsetH, 0, 1, -amplitudeDelta, amplitudeDelta);
        spawnOffsetV = ReedsUtils.Remap(spawnOffsetV, 0, 1, -amplitudeDelta, amplitudeDelta);

        Vector3 totalOffsetFromLast = lastTransform.position + lastTransform.right * spawnOffsetH + lastTransform.up * spawnOffsetV;

        totalOffsetFromLast += lastTransform.forward * spacing;

        //Instantiate new node
        LinkedNode newNode   = Instantiate(template, totalOffsetFromLast, Quaternion.identity);
        Quaternion lookatRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(newNode.transform.position - lastTransform.position, Vector3.up);

        newNode.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(lastTransform.rotation, lookatRot, bendFactor);
        newNode.SetMaterial(ref availibleKits[currentKitIndex].material);

        //Append to activenodes, and set links
        if (activeNodes.Count > 0) // else this is the first node
            activeNodes[activeNodes.Count - 1].previous = newNode;
            newNode.previous = activeNodes[activeNodes.Count - 1];

        //if trackedNodesList len >= recyclethreshold
        //recycle oldest node(at index 0)
        if (activeNodes.Count >= recycleThreshold)
            GameObject toDestroy = activeNodes[0].gameObject;

コード例 #2
    private IEnumerator SpawnChildrenCoroutine()
        float sampleGradientPoint = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetHorizontalValueAtPixel((int)(indexInChain * rotationalChaos));

        //float sampleGradientPointB = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetVerticalValueAtPixel(indexInChain);
        int generations = (int)(sampleGradientPoint * childrenDensity);

        System.Random r = new System.Random(indexInChain);
        for (int i = 0; i < generations; i++)
            int offset = i + indexInChain;
            offset = i * (int)transform.position.magnitude;

            //offset = (int)(GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetVerticalValueAtPixel(offset) * 100);

            float forwardPos = 0;
            forwardPos = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetHorizontalValueAtPixel(offset * samplRate);
            forwardPos = r.Next(100);
            //Debug.Log($"Sample point at {forwardPos} with sample pos at {offset * samplRate}");
            //Debug.Log($"Raw pos is {forwardPos}");
            forwardPos = ReedsUtils.Remap(forwardPos, 0, 100, -maxForwardDelta, maxForwardDelta);
            //Debug.Log($"mapped pos is {forwardPos}");

            float zRotation = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetHorizontalValueAtPixel(offset * samplRate);
            //zRotation = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetNoiseAtPixel(offset * samplRate * 33333, offset * samplRate * 33333);
            //Debug.Log($"Raw zrot is {zRotation}");
            zRotation = r.Next(100);
            zRotation = ReedsUtils.Remap(zRotation, 0, 100, 0, 720);
            //Debug.Log($"mapped zrot is {zRotation}");

            //float kitOffset = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetNoiseAtPixel(offset * samplRate, offset);
            //float kitOffset = GlobalVars.worldGradient.GetHorizontalValueAtPixel(offset * samplRate);
            int kitOffset = r.Next(0, localKit.kitObjects.Count);
            //int kitIndex = (int)ReedsUtils.Remap(kitOffset, 0, 100, 0, currentKit.kitObjects.Count - .1f);
            GameObject kitPiece = Instantiate(localKit.kitObjects[kitOffset], transform.GetChild(0), false);

            kitPiece.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, zRotation);
            kitPiece.transform.localPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, forwardPos);


            yield return(null);