コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recurses through the XML hiearchy, writing the contents to Excel.
        /// </summary>
        //"details" could be passed by value but "ref" saves memory.
        private static RecurseDetails travelXML(ref RecurseDetails details, XmlNode cat, int level = 0)
            int currApttuscount = details.apttusRow + 1;
            int currExcelRow;
            //string ID, name;
            int left = currApttuscount;
            int i    = 1;

            currExcelRow    = ++details.excelRow;
            currApttuscount = ++details.apttusRow;

            foreach (XmlNode node in cat["values"].ChildNodes)
                details.ws.Cells[currExcelRow, i++].Value = node.InnerText;
            details.ws.Cells[currExcelRow, i++].Value = currApttuscount; // left

            if (cat["nest"] != null)
                foreach (XmlNode nestedCat in cat["nest"].ChildNodes)
                    details = travelXML(ref details, nestedCat, level + 1);

            details.ws.Cells[currExcelRow, i++].Value = ++details.apttusRow; // right
            details.ws.Cells[currExcelRow, i++].Value = level.ToString();    // level

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the sourceXML and transforms it to Excel.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool transformXMLtoExcel(string sourceXML, string outName)
            bool              runResult = false;
            XmlDocument       xmlFile   = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNode           doc       = new XmlDocument();
            List <headerCell> header;

            doc    = xmlFile.DocumentElement;
            header = getHeader(doc);

            //Creates a blank workbook. Use the using statment, so the package is disposed when we are done.
            using (ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage())
                //A workbook must have at least on sheet, so lets add one...
                ExcelWorksheet ws = p.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

                //Create the header
                foreach (headerCell cell in header)
                    ws.Cells[1, cell.col].Value = cell.text;
                RecurseDetails details = new RecurseDetails(ws, header);

                //recurse code here
                details = travelXML(ref details, doc["cat"]);

                //Save the new workbook. We haven't specified the filename so use the Save as method.
                p.SaveAs(new FileInfo(outName));
