コード例 #1
        private void btnSearch3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txbProgramName.Text != "" & cbxMatrixSize.Text != "" & cbxCellSample.Text != "" & cbxPolarity.Text != "")
                    userProgram.TemplateConfig.TemplatePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Programming\\template\\" + txbProgramName.Text + ".png";
                    RectangleContour rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageViewer3.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;
                    userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
                    userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
                    userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
                    userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;

                    tbxDatamatrix.Text = processPicture.ProcessDatamatrix(imageViewer3.Image, userProgram.TemplateConfig, userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxDatamatrix.Text))
                        MessageBox.Show("There is no Datamatrix in the image!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Please confirm the integrate of information!");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 找到一个圆
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">图片</param>
        /// <param name="rect">ROI</param>
        /// <param name="minr">最小圆半径</param>
        /// <param name="maxr">最大圆半径</param>
        /// <param name="center">圆心</param>
        /// <param name="radius">半径</param>
        /// <param name="gain">预处理参数</param>
        /// <param name="offset">预处理参数</param>
        /// <param name="cycle">预处理参数</param>
        /// <returns>找到/没找到</returns>
        public static bool FindCircle(VisionImage image, RectangleContour rect, short minr, short maxr, ref PointContour center, ref double radius, double gain, double offset, int cycle)
            if (image == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < cycle; i++)
                image = Form_Main.Instance.GainOffset(image, gain, offset);

            Roi   roi = rect.ConvertToRoi();
            short rtn = 0;

                rtn = Form_Main.Instance.CamDetect_Circle(image, roi, minr, maxr, ref center, ref radius);

                if (rtn != 0)

コード例 #3
        private bool MatchTemplate(ref ImageViewer imageWiewer, ref ImageViewer imageTemplate)
            MatchPatternOptions options = new MatchPatternOptions(MatchMode.RotationInvariant, 1);

            options.MinimumMatchScore = 800;
            options.MinimumContrast   = 0;
            options.SubpixelAccuracy  = false;

            Collection <PatternMatch> matches = Algorithms.MatchPattern(imageWiewer.Image,
                                                                        imageTemplate.Image, options, imageViewerDatamatrix.Roi);

            if (matches.Count < 1)
            // Display results.
            foreach (PatternMatch match in matches)
                imageWiewer.Image.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(match.Corners), Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Position.X = match.Position.X;
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Position.Y = match.Position.Y;
            RectangleContour rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageWiewer.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;

            userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
            userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
            userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
            userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;
コード例 #4
        private void btnFindTemp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CPKTools    tools = new CPKTools();
            VisionImage align = this.image_Edit.Image;

            VisionImage image = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image;
            Roi         roi   = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi;
            short       Score = 600;
            double      MinR  = -10;
            double      MaxR  = 10;
            short       rtn   = 0;

            Variable.CamReturn camReturn = new Variable.CamReturn();

            // 初步匹配
            rtn = Form_Main.Instance.CamDetect_SearchGeometric(image, align, roi, Score, 1, MinR, MaxR, 100, 100, 0, 25, ref camReturn, 0, 0);
            if (rtn != 0)

            // 记录ROI 的坐标
            if (roi.Count > 0)
                RectangleContour rect = (RectangleContour)roi[0].Shape;
                // save rect
                string strRoi = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", rect.Top, rect.Left, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                this.cpkIni.IniWriteValue("vision", "TemplateRoi", strRoi);
コード例 #5
 public VisRectangleContour(RectangleContour rect)
     this.Top    = rect.Top;
     this.Left   = rect.Left;
     this.Width  = rect.Width;
     this.Height = rect.Height;
コード例 #6
        private void btnMatch3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                MatchPatternOptions options = new MatchPatternOptions(MatchMode.RotationInvariant, 1);

                options.MinimumMatchScore = 800;
                options.MinimumContrast   = 0;
                options.SubpixelAccuracy  = false;

                Collection <PatternMatch> matches  = Algorithms.MatchPattern(imageViewer3.Image, imageViewer4.Image, options, imageViewer3.Roi);
                RectangleContour          rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageViewer3.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
                userProgram.TemplateConfig.Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;

                // Display results.
                foreach (PatternMatch match in matches)
                    imageViewer3.Image.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(match.Corners), Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                    userProgram.TemplateConfig.Position.X = match.Position.X;
                    userProgram.TemplateConfig.Position.Y = match.Position.Y;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #7
        public RectangleContour IniReadCamResolution(string section, string key)
            RectangleContour camResolution = new RectangleContour(0, 0, 1, 1);
            StringBuilder    temp = new StringBuilder(255);
            string           strres, strTopLeftX, strTopLeftY, strWidth, strHeight;

            GetPrivateProfileString(section, key, "", temp, 255, this.Path);
            strres = temp.ToString();
                strTopLeftX          = strres.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0];
                strTopLeftY          = strres.Split(new char[] { ',' })[1];
                strWidth             = strres.Split(new char[] { ',' })[2];
                strHeight            = strres.Split(new char[] { ',' })[3];
                camResolution.Top    = short.Parse(strTopLeftX);
                camResolution.Left   = short.Parse(strTopLeftY);
                camResolution.Width  = short.Parse(strWidth);
                camResolution.Height = short.Parse(strHeight);
                //Function.function.PutInLog("读取" + Path + "中参数" + section + ":" + key + "出错", false);
コード例 #8
 private void bRecordROI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         rect = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi.GetBoundingRectangle();
     catch { }
コード例 #9
        public void IniWriteCamResolution(string section, string key, RectangleContour camResolution)
            string strTopLeftX = camResolution.Top.ToString();
            string strTopLeftY = camResolution.Left.ToString();
            string strWidth    = camResolution.Width.ToString();
            string strHeight   = camResolution.Height.ToString();

            WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, strTopLeftX + "," + strTopLeftY + "," + strWidth + "," + strHeight, this.Path);
コード例 #10
        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(3, 0);

            // Extract Color Plane
            using (VisionImage plane = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                // Extract the green color plane and copy it to the main image.
                Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(image, ColorMode.Rgb, null, plane, null);
                Algorithms.Copy(plane, image);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(20, 20, 2552, 1904);

            // Geometric Matching
            string       vaTemplateFile = $"{ @"./VisionModel/Polygon_20.5M/Mode.png"}";
            CurveOptions vaCurveOptions = new CurveOptions();

            vaCurveOptions.ColumnStepSize     = 15;
            vaCurveOptions.ExtractionMode     = ExtractionMode.NormalImage;
            vaCurveOptions.FilterSize         = EdgeFilterSize.Normal;
            vaCurveOptions.MaximumEndPointGap = 10;
            vaCurveOptions.MinimumLength      = 20;
            vaCurveOptions.RowStepSize        = 15;
            vaCurveOptions.Threshold          = 145;

            MatchGeometricPatternEdgeBasedOptions matchGPMOptions = new MatchGeometricPatternEdgeBasedOptions();

            matchGPMOptions.Advanced.ContrastMode  = ContrastMode.Original;
            matchGPMOptions.Advanced.MatchStrategy = GeometricMatchingSearchStrategy.Balanced;
            matchGPMOptions.MinimumMatchScore      = 800;
            matchGPMOptions.Mode = GeometricMatchModes.RotationInvariant;
            matchGPMOptions.NumberOfMatchesRequested = 1;
            double[] vaRangesMin = { -20, 0, 50, 0 };
            double[] vaRangesMax = { 20, 0, 200, 50 };
            matchGPMOptions.OcclusionRange = new Range(vaRangesMin[3], vaRangesMax[3]);
            matchGPMOptions.RotationAngleRanges.Add(new Range(vaRangesMin[0], vaRangesMax[0]));
            matchGPMOptions.RotationAngleRanges.Add(new Range(vaRangesMin[1], vaRangesMax[1]));
            matchGPMOptions.ScaleRange       = new Range(vaRangesMin[2], vaRangesMax[2]);
            matchGPMOptions.SubpixelAccuracy = true;

            gpm2Results = IVA_MatchGeometricPattern2(image, vaTemplateFile, vaCurveOptions, matchGPMOptions, ivaData, 2, roi);


            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
コード例 #11
        private void ExtractTemplatePattern(ref ImageViewer image, ref ImageViewer imageTemplate)
            if (image.Roi.Count < 1)
            RectangleContour rect = (RectangleContour)image.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;

            Algorithms.Extract(image.Image, imageTemplate.Image, rect);
コード例 #12
 private void btnExtract3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         RectangleContour rect = (RectangleContour)imageViewer3.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;
         Algorithms.Extract(imageViewer3.Image, imageViewer4.Image, rect);
     catch (Exception ex)
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi.Count > 0 && Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi[0].Shape.GetType() == typeof(RectangleContour))
         RectangleContour rect   = (RectangleContour)Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi[0].Shape;
         PointContour     center = new PointContour();
         center.X = rect.Left + rect.Width / 2;
         center.Y = rect.Top + rect.Height / 2;
         PointF xyPos = new PointF((float)Form_Main.Instance.X.Pos, (float)Form_Main.Instance.Y.Pos);
         nz4      = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xyPos, center, Camera.CAM.Bottom1);
         isCaled4 = true;
コード例 #14
        public string ProcessQR(VisionImage image, List <QRConfig> qRConfigs)
            string qRInfo = string.Empty;
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(1, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < qRConfigs.Count; i++)
                // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
                Roi roi = new Roi();
                //// Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
                //RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(720, 96, 1792, 1240);
                RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(qRConfigs[i].Rectangle.Left,
                                                               qRConfigs[i].Rectangle.Top, qRConfigs[i].Rectangle.Height, qRConfigs[i].Rectangle.Width);
                // Read QR Code
                QRDescriptionOptions vaQROptions = new QRDescriptionOptions();
                vaQROptions.Dimensions = qRConfigs[i].QRDimension;
                vaQROptions.MirrorMode = QRMirrorMode.AutoDetect;
                vaQROptions.ModelType  = QRModelType.AutoDetect;
                vaQROptions.Polarity   = qRConfigs[i].Polarity;
                QRSizeOptions   vaQRSizeOptions   = new QRSizeOptions(3, 15);
                QRSearchOptions vaQRSearchOptions = new QRSearchOptions();
                vaQRSearchOptions.CellFilterMode     = QRCellFilterMode.AutoDetect;
                vaQRSearchOptions.CellSampleSize     = qRConfigs[i].CellSize;
                vaQRSearchOptions.DemodulationMode   = QRDemodulationMode.AutoDetect;
                vaQRSearchOptions.EdgeThreshold      = 30;
                vaQRSearchOptions.RotationMode       = QRRotationMode.Unlimited;
                vaQRSearchOptions.SkewDegreesAllowed = 10;
                vaQRSearchOptions.SkipLocation       = false;
                vaQRCode = Algorithms.ReadQRCode(image, roi, vaQROptions, vaQRSizeOptions, vaQRSearchOptions);
                if (vaQRCode.Found)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(vaQRCode.Corners), Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);
                System.Text.ASCIIEncoding vaASCIIEncoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                vaQRCodeData = vaASCIIEncoding.GetString(vaQRCode.GetData());

                qRInfo += string.Format("{0},", vaQRCodeData);

            qRInfo = qRInfo.Substring(0, qRInfo.Length - 1);
            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
コード例 #15
        private void btnFindCircle1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi.Count > 0 && Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi[0].Shape.GetType() == typeof(RectangleContour))
                short        rMin   = short.Parse(this.upCircleRmin.Text);
                short        rMax   = short.Parse(this.upCircleRmax.Text);
                PointContour center = new PointContour();
                double       radius = 0;
                VisionImage  image  = Form_Main.Instance.GrabImage2View(Camera.CAM.Top);

                RectangleContour rect = (RectangleContour)Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Roi[0].Shape;
                CPKTools.FindCircle(image, rect, rMin, rMax, ref center, ref radius, 0, 0, 0);
                this.upCurR.Text = radius.ToString();
        private VisionResult ProgramEditCtrl_DetectUI(string arg1, RectangleContour arg2, Module arg3)
            VisionResult rtn = new VisionResult();

            if (this.bSet_CamLive)
                this.bCamLive_Click(this, new EventArgs());

            using (VisionImage img = CameraDefine.Instance.Camera[arg3][Camera.Top].Snap())
                rtn = VisionCalHelper.Instance.DetectUI(arg1, img, arg2);
                Algorithms.Copy(img, this.imageSet.imageSet.Image);

コード例 #17
        private void DrawFailedLED(Overlay overlay, Roi roi)
            RectangleContour rect = roi.GetBoundingRectangle();

            rect.Left   = rect.Left - rect.Width / 1.25;
            rect.Top    = rect.Top - rect.Height / 1.25;
            rect.Width  = rect.Width * 2.5;
            rect.Height = rect.Height * 2.5;

            // Overlay on the image to indicate which LED failed.
            overlay.AddRectangle(rect, Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);

            OverlayTextOptions textOptions = new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 20, HorizontalTextAlignment.Center);

            textOptions.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Baseline;
            textOptions.TextDecoration.Bold = true;
            overlay.AddText("Fail", new PointContour(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2), Rgb32Value.RedColor, textOptions);
コード例 #18
        private Collection <ClassifierReport> IVA_Classify(VisionImage image, Roi roi, string classifierFilePath)
            //retval = new VisGrainTypeCollection();
            // Create a binary image that will contain the segmented image.
            using (VisionImage binaryImage = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                ParticleClassifierSession vaClassifier = new ParticleClassifierSession();
                bool fileExists = System.IO.File.Exists(classifierFilePath);

                // Segments the image.
                Functions.IVA_Classification_Segmentation(image, binaryImage, roi, vaClassifier.PreprocessingOptions);

                // Get the ROIs of all individual particles.
                Collection <Roi> rois = Functions.IVA_Classification_Extract_Particles(image, binaryImage);

                //  Allocates the classifier reports for all objects in the image.
                Collection <ClassifierReport> classifierReports = new Collection <ClassifierReport>();

                List <VisGrainType> listGrainType = new List <VisGrainType>();
                ListShape = new List <VisRectangleContour>();
                // Classifies the object located in the given ROIs.
                for (int i = 0; i < rois.Count; ++i)
                    //RectangleContour rect = binaryImage=new VisionImage()
                    object              obj1      = rois[i][0].Shape;
                    RectangleContour    rc        = (RectangleContour)rois[i][0].Shape;
                    VisRectangleContour rect      = new VisRectangleContour(rc);
                    ClassifierReport    report    = vaClassifier.Classify(image, rois[i]);
                    VisGrainType        grainType = new VisGrainType {
                        Name = report.BestClassName, ScoreClassification = report.ClassificationScore, ScoreIdentification = report.IdentificationScore


                GrainResultsType       = new VisGrainTypeCollection();
                GrainResultsType.Items = listGrainType;

コード例 #19
        private void defineMeasurementsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Initialize search rectangle and search annulus.
            RectangleContour searchRectangle = new RectangleContour(470, 110, 30, 190);
            AnnulusContour   searchAnnulus   = new AnnulusContour(new PointContour(366, 201), 33, 121, 42.71, 314.13);

            // Overlay the search area for the distance measurement.
            DrawOptions drawOptions = new DrawOptions();

            drawOptions.ShowEdgesFound  = true;
            drawOptions.ShowSearchArea  = true;
            drawOptions.ShowSearchLines = true;
            MeasureMaximumDistance(imageViewer1.Image, searchRectangle, RakeDirection.TopToBottom, drawOptions, new CoordinateTransform());

            // Overlay the search area for the circle measurement.
            FindCircularEdge(imageViewer1.Image, searchAnnulus, SpokeDirection.InsideToOutside, drawOptions, new CoordinateTransform());

            // Update buttons.
            defineMeasurementsButton.Enabled = false;
            runButton.Enabled = true;
コード例 #20
        private void btnSearch1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txbProgramName.Text != "" & cbxBarcodeNo.Text != "" & cbxFormat.Text != "" & cbxBarcodeTypes.Text != "")
                    userProgram.TemplateConfig.TemplatePath = string.Format(@"{0}\Programming\template\{1}.png",
                                                                            System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, txbProgramName.Text);
                    int barcodeNum = imageViewer1.Roi.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < barcodeNum; i++)
                        BarcodeConfig    barcodeConfig = new BarcodeConfig();
                        RectangleContour rect          = (RectangleContour)imageViewer1.Roi.GetContour(i).Shape;
                        barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rect.Left;
                        barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rect.Top;
                        barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rect.Width;
                        barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Height = rect.Height;

                        barcodeConfig.Type = BarcodeTypes.Code128;
                        if (cbxBarcodeTypes.Text == "Code39")
                            barcodeConfig.Type = BarcodeTypes.Code39;
                        barcodeConfig.Index = i;
                        barcodeConfig.Name  = string.Format("{0}{1}", barcodeConfig.Type.ToString(), i);
                    userProgram.TemplateConfig.TemplatePath = string.Format(@"{0}Programming\template\{1}.png", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, txbProgramName.Text);
                    txbBarcode.Text = processPicture.Process1DBarcode(imageViewer1.Image, userProgram.TemplateConfig, userProgram.BarcodeConfigs);
                catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Please confirm the information Barcode format and Barcode number!");
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 第几条线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineNum">线号</param>
        /// <param name="cpkIni">配置信息</param>
        /// <param name="cross">输出 角点</param>
        /// <param name="line1">输出 水平线</param>
        /// <param name="line2">输出 垂直线</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool FindCorss(int lineNum, IniFile cpkIni, ref PointContour cross, ref LineContour line1, ref LineContour line2)
            string      header          = string.Format("vision{0}", lineNum);
            int         selectSearchDir = 0;
            int         selectMode      = 0;
            VisionImage image           = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image;

            List <LineContour> lines = new List <LineContour>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                selectSearchDir = int.Parse(cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("SearchDirection{0}", i)));
                selectMode      = int.Parse(cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("EdgePolaritySearchMode{0}", i)));
                string   strRoi = cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("LineROI{0}", i));
                string[] array  = strRoi.Split(',');

                RectangleContour rect  = new RectangleContour(int.Parse(array[0]), int.Parse(array[1]), int.Parse(array[2]), int.Parse(array[3]));
                PointContour     start = new PointContour();
                PointContour     end   = new PointContour();
                int rtn = CPKTools.FitLine(image, rect, 40, selectSearchDir, selectMode, ref start, ref end);
                if (rtn == 0)
                    lines.Add(new LineContour(start, end));

            cross = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(lines[0], lines[1]);
            line1 = lines[0];
            line2 = lines[1];

            // show
            Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line1, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
            Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line2, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
コード例 #22
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the next image.
            VisionImage image = GetNextImage();

            // Find the new coordinate transformation.
            MatchPatternOptions matchOptions = new MatchPatternOptions(MatchMode.RotationInvariant);

            matchOptions.MinimumMatchScore = 700;
            matchOptions.SubpixelAccuracy  = true;
            DrawOptions drawOptions = new DrawOptions();

            drawOptions.ShowResult = true;
            FindTransformWithPattern(image, imageViewer2.Image, FindTransformMode.UpdateTransform, matchOptions, drawOptions, transform);

            // Initialize search rectangle and search annulus.
            RectangleContour searchRectangle = new RectangleContour(470, 110, 30, 190);
            AnnulusContour   searchAnnulus   = new AnnulusContour(new PointContour(366, 201), 33, 121, 42.71, 314.13);

            // Overlay the search area for the distance measurement.
            drawOptions.ShowEdgesFound  = true;
            drawOptions.ShowSearchArea  = true;
            drawOptions.ShowSearchLines = true;
            drawOptions.ShowResult      = true;
            double distance = MeasureMaximumDistance(image, searchRectangle, RakeDirection.TopToBottom, drawOptions, transform);

            // Overlay the search area for the circle measurement.
            FitCircleReport circleReport = FindCircularEdge(image, searchAnnulus, SpokeDirection.InsideToOutside, drawOptions, transform);

            // Display results.
            distanceBox.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}", distance);
            centerXBox.Text  = String.Format("{0:0.00}", circleReport.Center.X);
            centerYBox.Text  = String.Format("{0:0.00}", circleReport.Center.Y);
            radiusBox.Text   = String.Format("{0:0.00}", circleReport.Radius);

            // Display the image.
コード例 #23
        private void btnSearchDatamatrix_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataMatrixConfig dataMatrixConfig = new DataMatrixConfig();

            dataMatrixConfig.MatrixSize = cboMatatrixSize.Text;

            dataMatrixConfig.Polarity = DetectDataMatrixPolarity(cboPolarityDataMatrix.Text);
            dataMatrixConfig.CellSize = DetectDataMatrixCellSampleSize(cboCellSizeDatamatrix.Text);

            RectangleContour rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageViewerDatamatrix.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;

            userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
            userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
            userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
            userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs[0].Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;

            txtResultDatamatrix.Text = processPicture.ProcessDatamatrix(imageViewerDatamatrix.Image,
                                                                        userProgram.TemplateConfig, userProgram.DataMatrixConfigs);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtResultDatamatrix.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("There is no Datamatrix in the image!");
コード例 #24
        private void btnSearchQR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            QRConfig         qRConfig = new QRConfig();
            RectangleContour rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageViewerQR.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;

            userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
            userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
            userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
            userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;
            qRConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
            qRConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
            qRConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
            qRConfig.Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;
            qRConfig.Index            = 0;
            qRConfig.Name             = string.Format("QRConfig0");

            qRConfig.QRDimension = DetectQRDimension(cboDimensionQR.Text);
            qRConfig.Polarity    = DetectQRPolarity(cboPolarityQR.Text);
            qRConfig.CellSize    = DetectQRCellSampleSize(cboCellSizeQR.Text);

            txtResultQR.Text = processPicture.ProcessQR(imageViewerQR.Image, userProgram.QRConfigs);
コード例 #25
ファイル: FrmModel.cs プロジェクト: desirelee/Version-system
        private void btnMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnSaveModel.Enabled = false;
            btnOK.Enabled        = false;
            RectangleContour rect = new RectangleContour();

            rect.Left   = 0;
            rect.Top    = 0;
            rect.Width  = C.Image.Width;
            rect.Height = C.Image.Height;
            PointContour p2           = new PointContour();
            string       TemplateFile = "";

            TemplateFile = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ModelPos.png";
            if (File.Exists(TemplateFile) && C.Image != null)
                CIni  PosIni = new CIni(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Doc\\Pos.ini");
                float dScore = Convert.ToSingle(PosIni.IniReadValue("PatternPos", "Score"));//匹配度
                p2 = MachineTool.MatchPattern(C.Image, rect, TemplateFile, 1, dScore);
                MessageBox.Show("X:" + p2.X.ToString("f3") + ", Y:" + p2.Y.ToString("f3"));
コード例 #26
        private void btnSearchBarcode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                List <BarcodeConfig> barcodeConfigs = new List <BarcodeConfig>();
                int barcodeNum = imageViewerBarcodeInfo.Roi.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < barcodeNum; i++)
                    BarcodeConfig    barcodeConfig = new BarcodeConfig();
                    RectangleContour rect          = (RectangleContour)imageViewerBarcodeInfo.Roi.GetContour(i).Shape;
                    barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rect.Left;
                    barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rect.Top;
                    barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rect.Width;
                    barcodeConfig.Rectangle.Height = rect.Height;

                    barcodeConfig.Type = BarcodeTypes.Code128;
                    if (cboBarcodeTypes.Text == "Code39")
                        barcodeConfig.Type = BarcodeTypes.Code39;
                    barcodeConfig.Index = i;
                    barcodeConfig.Name  = string.Format("{0}{1}", barcodeConfig.Type.ToString(), i);
                txtBarcodeResult.Text = processPicture.Process1DBarcode(imageViewerBarcodeInfo.Image,
                                                                        userProgram.TemplateConfig, userProgram.BarcodeConfigs);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBarcodeResult.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no barcode info in the image!");
                userProgram.BarcodeConfigs = barcodeConfigs;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.WarnFormat("Searching barcode info error! Error message:{0}", ex.Message);
        public override VisionResult Detected(VisionImage image, Dictionary <string, VisionResult> Result = null, VisionFlow parent = null, Shape newRoi = null)
            VisionResult rtn = new VisionResult();

            rtn.State = VisionResultState.WaitCal;

                lock (locked)
                    using (VisionImage temp = new VisionImage())
                        var roi = this.ROI;
                        if (newRoi != null)
                            roi = newRoi;

                        using (HImage hImage = VisionHelper.Image(image))
                            RectangleContour rect = roi as RectangleContour;

                            using (HImage reduceImage = hImage.ReduceDomain(
                                       new HRegion(rect.Top, rect.Left,
                                                   rect.Top + rect.Height,
                                                   rect.Left + rect.Width)))
                                HTuple numLevels = new HTuple();

                                HTuple row, col, scaleX, scaleY, score, angle;
                                                                this.StartAngle, this.EndAngle - this.StartAngle,
                                                                this.YMinScale, this.YMaxScale,
                                                                this.XMinScale, this.XMaxScale,
                                                                this.MinScore, 1, this.MaxOverlap,
                                                                out row, out col, out angle, out scaleY, out scaleX, out score);

                                if (score.Length > 0)
                                    rtn.State = VisionResultState.OK;
                                        (new LineContour(new PointContour(col.D - 50, row.D), new PointContour(col.D + 50, row.D)), Rgb32Value.RedColor);

                                        (new LineContour(new PointContour(col.D, row.D - 50), new PointContour(col.D, row.D + 50)), Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                                    rtn.Point = new PointContour(col.D, row.D);
                                    rtn.Angle = angle.TupleDeg().D;
                                    this.AddVisionResc(rtn, $"轮廓匹配成功 角度:{rtn.Angle:N3} 分数:{score[0].D:N3}");
                                    rtn.State = VisionResultState.NG;
                                    this.AddVisionResc(rtn, $"没有找到匹配模板");
            catch (HalconException ex)
                this.AddVisionResc(rtn, $"轮廓匹配失败 {ex.GetErrorMessage()}");
コード例 #28
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double[]           classCount  = new double[8];
            OverlayTextOptions textOptions = new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 14);

            textOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center;

            // Get the next image

            // Process the image
            VisionImage binaryImage = new VisionImage();

            Algorithms.Threshold(imageViewer1.Image, binaryImage, new Range(0, 200));
            Algorithms.RejectBorder(binaryImage, binaryImage);
            Collection <ParticleReport> reports = Algorithms.ParticleReport(binaryImage);

            foreach (ParticleReport report in reports)
                RectangleContour contour = report.BoundingRect;
                contour.Left   -= 10;
                contour.Top    -= 10;
                contour.Height += 20;
                contour.Width  += 20;

                // Classify the part
                ClassifierReport classifierReport = classifier.Classify(binaryImage, new Roi(new Shape[] { contour }));

                // Display the result
                if (classifierReport.ClassificationScore > 500)
                    textOptions.BackgroundColor = Rgb32Value.TransparentColor;
                    int        classIndex = 0;
                    Rgb32Value textColor  = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                    switch (classifierReport.BestClassName)
                    case "Motor":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.WhiteColor;
                        classIndex = 0;

                    case "Bolt":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(Color.Cyan);
                        classIndex = 1;

                    case "Screw":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.RedColor;
                        classIndex = 2;

                    case "Gear":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                        classIndex = 3;

                    case "Washer":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(Color.Magenta);
                        classIndex = 4;

                    case "Worm Gear":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.GreenColor;
                        classIndex = 5;

                    case "Bracket":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(0x80, 0x80, 0);
                        classIndex = 6;
                    imageViewer1.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText(classifierReport.BestClassName, report.CenterOfMass, textColor, textOptions);
                    textOptions.BackgroundColor = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                    imageViewer1.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("Unknown!", report.CenterOfMass, Rgb32Value.RedColor, textOptions);
コード例 #29
        // Function Name: IVA_Classification_Segmentation
        // Description  : Segments the classification image
        // Parameters   : image                 - Input Image
        //                imageMask             - Segmented image
        //                roi                   - Region of Interest
        //                preprocessingOptions  - Preprocessing options
        // Return Value : None
        public static void IVA_Classification_Segmentation(VisionImage image, VisionImage imageMask, Roi roi, ParticleClassifierPreprocessingOptions preprocessingOptions)
            int useExpandedROI = 0;
            RectangleContour boundingBox = roi.GetBoundingRectangle(), expandedBox = roi.GetBoundingRectangle(), reducedBox = roi.GetBoundingRectangle();

            // Local Threshold method uses a kernel size, and the ROI must be larger than the kernel size for the function to work
            // Take care of making the ROI to extract larger if needed for the local threshold case
            if (preprocessingOptions.ThresholdType == ThresholdType.Local)
                // Get the image size
                int xRes, yRes;
                xRes        = image.Width;
                yRes        = image.Height;
                boundingBox = roi.GetBoundingRectangle();

                // Take into account clipping of ROI. Just get ROI that's within bounds of image.
                if (Math.Min(xRes, (boundingBox.Left + boundingBox.Width)) - Math.Max(0, boundingBox.Left) < preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowWidth || Math.Min(yRes, (boundingBox.Top + boundingBox.Height)) - Math.Max(0, boundingBox.Top) < preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowHeight)
                    // The ROI is smaller than the kernel. Try to expand the kernel in the directions needed to meet the minimum size required by the kernel.

                    int expandX     = (int)(preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowWidth / 2);
                    int expandY     = (int)(preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowHeight / 2);
                    int leftExpand  = expandX;
                    int rightExpand = expandX;
                    int leftSlack   = (int)boundingBox.Left;
                    int rightSlack  = (int)(xRes - (boundingBox.Left + boundingBox.Width));

                    if (leftExpand > leftSlack)
                        rightExpand += (leftExpand - leftSlack);

                    if (rightExpand > rightSlack)
                        leftExpand += (rightExpand - rightSlack);

                    int leftOut = (int)boundingBox.Left - leftExpand;
                    if (leftOut < 0)
                        leftOut = 0;
                    int rightOut = (int)(boundingBox.Left + boundingBox.Width + rightExpand);
                    if (rightOut > xRes)
                        rightOut = xRes;

                    int topExpand    = expandY;
                    int bottomExpand = expandY;
                    int topSlack     = (int)boundingBox.Top;
                    int bottomSlack  = (int)(yRes - (boundingBox.Top + boundingBox.Height));
                    if (topExpand > topSlack)
                        bottomExpand += (topExpand - topSlack);
                    if (bottomExpand > bottomSlack)
                        topExpand += (bottomExpand - bottomSlack);
                    int topOut = (int)(boundingBox.Top - topExpand);
                    if (topOut < 0)
                        topOut = 0;
                    int bottomOut = (int)(boundingBox.Top + boundingBox.Height + bottomExpand);
                    if (bottomOut > yRes)
                        bottomOut = yRes;
                    expandedBox.Initialize(leftOut, topOut, rightOut - leftOut, bottomOut - topOut);

                    // Create the reduced Rect so after performing the local threshold, we can reduce the size back to the original ROI dimensions.
                    reducedBox.Initialize(Math.Max(boundingBox.Left - leftOut, 0), Math.Max(boundingBox.Top - topOut, 0), boundingBox.Width + Math.Min(boundingBox.Left, 0), boundingBox.Height + Math.Min(boundingBox.Top, 0));

                    // Set this flag so the image can be reduced after performing the local threshold.
                    useExpandedROI = 1;

            // if Expanded Box hasn't been updated, use the boundingBox passed in to extract.
            if (useExpandedROI == 0)
                expandedBox = boundingBox;

            // Extract the region of interest into the mask image.
            Algorithms.Extract(image, imageMask, expandedBox, 1, 1);

            // Create a temporary ROI that will be used to mask the extracted image, to get rid of
            // the pixels outside of the rotated rectangle.
            Roi tmpROI = new Roi(roi);

            // If the ROI is a rotated rectangle, then compute the new location of the search ROI.
            if ((roi[0].Type == ContourType.RotatedRectangle) && (((RotatedRectangleContour)roi[0].Shape).Angle > 0.01))
                CoordinateSystem baseSystem = new CoordinateSystem();
                baseSystem.Origin.X        = (roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Left < 0 ? 0 : roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Left);
                baseSystem.Origin.Y        = (roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Top < 0 ? 0 : roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Top);
                baseSystem.Angle           = 0;
                baseSystem.AxisOrientation = AxisOrientation.Direct;

                CoordinateSystem newSystem = new CoordinateSystem(new PointContour(0, 0), 0, AxisOrientation.Direct);

                CoordinateTransform transform = new CoordinateTransform(baseSystem, newSystem);

                Algorithms.TransformRoi(tmpROI, transform);

            // Create a temporary image.
            using (VisionImage tmpImageMask = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                double thresholdMin;
                double thresholdMax;

                switch (preprocessingOptions.ThresholdType)
                case ThresholdType.Manual:
                    thresholdMin = preprocessingOptions.ManualThresholdRange.Minimum;
                    thresholdMax = preprocessingOptions.ManualThresholdRange.Maximum;
                    Algorithms.Threshold(imageMask, imageMask, new Range(thresholdMin, thresholdMax), true, 1);

                case ThresholdType.Auto:
                    Collection <ThresholdData> thresholdData;
                    thresholdData = Algorithms.AutoThreshold(image, tmpImageMask, 2, preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.Method);

                    if (preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.ParticleType == ParticleType.Bright)
                        thresholdMin = (thresholdData[0].Range.Maximum > preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.Limits.Minimum ?
                                        thresholdData[0].Range.Maximum : preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.Limits.Minimum);
                        thresholdMax = 255;
                        thresholdMin = 0;
                        thresholdMax = (thresholdData[0].Range.Maximum < preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.Limits.Maximum ?
                                        thresholdData[0].Range.Maximum : preprocessingOptions.AutoThresholdOptions.Limits.Maximum);
                    Algorithms.Threshold(imageMask, imageMask, new Range(thresholdMin, thresholdMax), true, 1);

                case ThresholdType.Local:
                    LocalThresholdOptions Options = new LocalThresholdOptions(preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.ParticleType, preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.Method, 1.0, preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowWidth, preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.WindowHeight);
                    Options.DeviationWeight = preprocessingOptions.LocalThresholdOptions.DeviationWeight;
                    Algorithms.LocalThreshold(imageMask, imageMask, Options);


                /// If the expanded ROI was used, reduce it so no particles are found outside requested ROI.
                if (useExpandedROI == 1)
                    Algorithms.Extract(imageMask, imageMask, reducedBox, 1, 1);

                // Cast the image to 8 bit.
                imageMask.Type = ImageType.U8;

                // Eliminates particles that touch the border of the image.
                if (preprocessingOptions.RejectBorder)
                    if ((roi[0].Type == ContourType.RotatedRectangle) && (((RotatedRectangleContour)roi[0].Shape).Angle > 0.01))
                        // Special case for the rotated rectangle.
                        Algorithms.Label(imageMask, imageMask, Connectivity.Connectivity8);

                        Collection <short> lookupTable = new Collection <short>();
                        for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++)

                        RoiProfileReport roiProfile = Algorithms.RoiProfile(imageMask, tmpROI);

                        for (int i = 0; i < roiProfile.Report.ProfileData.Count; i++)
                            lookupTable[0] = (short)roiProfile.Report.ProfileData[i];

                        Algorithms.UserLookup(imageMask, imageMask, lookupTable);
                        Algorithms.RejectBorder(imageMask, imageMask, Connectivity.Connectivity8);

                // Remove small particles.
                if (preprocessingOptions.NumberOfErosions > 0)
                    Algorithms.RemoveParticle(imageMask, imageMask, preprocessingOptions.NumberOfErosions, SizeToKeep.KeepLarge);

                // If the rectangle is rotated, mask out the areas of the image that are not in the ROI.
                if ((roi[0].Type == ContourType.RotatedRectangle) && (((RotatedRectangleContour)roi[0].Shape).Angle > 0.01))
                    // Perform the mask
                    Algorithms.RoiToMask(tmpImageMask, tmpROI, new PixelValue(255));
                    Algorithms.And(imageMask, tmpImageMask, imageMask);

                // Sets the mask offset.
                imageMask.MaskOffset.X = Math.Max(0, roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Left);
                imageMask.MaskOffset.Y = Math.Max(0, roi.GetBoundingRectangle().Top);
コード例 #30
        private void btnSearch5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txbProgramName.Text != "" & cbxQRSize.Text != "" & cbxQRPolarity.Text != "" & cbxQRCell.Text != "")
                QRConfig qRConfig = new QRConfig();
                    RectangleContour rectROI1 = (RectangleContour)imageViewer5.Roi.GetContour(0).Shape;
                    userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
                    userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
                    userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
                    userProgram.QRConfigs[0].Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;
                    qRConfig.Rectangle.Left   = rectROI1.Left;
                    qRConfig.Rectangle.Top    = rectROI1.Top;
                    qRConfig.Rectangle.Width  = rectROI1.Width;
                    qRConfig.Rectangle.Height = rectROI1.Height;
                    qRConfig.Index            = 0;
                    qRConfig.Name             = string.Format("QRConfig0");

                    qRConfig.QRDimension = QRDimension.AutoDetect;

                    if (cbxQRSize.Text == "11*11")
                        qRConfig.QRDimension = QRDimension.Size11x11;
                    else if (cbxQRSize.Text == "21*21")
                        qRConfig.QRDimension = QRDimension.Size21x21;
                    else if (cbxQRSize.Text == "25*25")
                        qRConfig.QRDimension = QRDimension.Size25x25;

                    qRConfig.Polarity = QRPolarity.AutoDetect;

                    if (cbxQRPolarity.Text == "Black on White")
                        qRConfig.Polarity = QRPolarity.BlackOnWhite;
                    else if (cbxQRPolarity.Text == "White on Black")
                        qRConfig.Polarity = QRPolarity.WhiteOnBlack;

                    qRConfig.CellSize = QRCellSampleSize.AutoDetect;
                    if (cbxCellSample.Text == "3*3")
                        qRConfig.CellSize = QRCellSampleSize.Size3x3;

                    tbxQR.Text = processPicture.ProcessQR(imageViewer5.Image, userProgram.QRConfigs);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "Please select a ROI which contains the QR code! ");
                MessageBox.Show("Please confirm the information Barcode format and Barcode number!");