protected override RectTrigger MakeRectTrigger() { RectTrigger rectTrigger = base.MakeRectTrigger(); rectTrigger.activateOnExplosion = true; return(rectTrigger); }
private void SpawnTrigger(CellRect rectToDefend, IntVec3 root, Map map, GenStepParams parms) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ambushActivated-" + nextSignalTagID; CellRect rect; if (root.IsValid) { rect = CellRect.CenteredOn(root, 17); } else { rect = rectToDefend.ExpandedBy(12); } SignalAction_Ambush signalAction_Ambush = this.MakeAmbushSignalAction(rectToDefend, root, parms); signalAction_Ambush.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Ambush, rect.CenterCell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); RectTrigger rectTrigger = this.MakeRectTrigger(); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); TriggerUnfogged triggerUnfogged = (TriggerUnfogged)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.TriggerUnfogged, null); triggerUnfogged.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(triggerUnfogged, rect.CenterCell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); }
protected override void ScatterAt(IntVec3 loc, Map map, int stackCount = 1) { int randomInRange = GenStep_ScatterShrines.ShrinesCountX.RandomInRange; int randomInRange2 = GenStep_ScatterShrines.ShrinesCountZ.RandomInRange; int randomInRange3 = GenStep_ScatterShrines.ExtraHeightRange.RandomInRange; IntVec2 standardAncientShrineSize = SymbolResolver_AncientShrinesGroup.StandardAncientShrineSize; int num = 1; int num2 = randomInRange * standardAncientShrineSize.x + (randomInRange - 1) * num; int num3 = randomInRange2 * standardAncientShrineSize.z + (randomInRange2 - 1) * num; int num4 = num2 + 2; int num5 = num3 + 2 + randomInRange3; CellRect rect = new CellRect(loc.x, loc.z, num4, num5); rect.ClipInsideMap(map); if (rect.Width != num4 || rect.Height != num5) { return; } foreach (IntVec3 current in rect.Cells) { List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(current); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].def == ThingDefOf.AncientCryptosleepCasket) { return; } } } if (!base.CanPlaceAncientBuildingInRange(rect, map)) { return; } ResolveParams resolveParams = default(ResolveParams); resolveParams.rect = rect; resolveParams.disableSinglePawn = new bool?(true); resolveParams.disableHives = new bool?(true); resolveParams.ancientTempleEntranceHeight = new int?(randomInRange3); = map; BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("ancientTemple", resolveParams); BaseGen.Generate(); int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID; SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null); signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag; signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(rect.CenterCell, map, false)); GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, rect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger, null); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map); }
private void SpawnTrigger(CellRect rectToDefend, IntVec3 root, Map map) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ambushActivated-" + nextSignalTagID; CellRect rect = (!root.IsValid) ? rectToDefend.ExpandedBy(12) : CellRect.CenteredOn(root, 17); SignalAction_Ambush signalAction_Ambush = this.MakeAmbushSignalAction(rectToDefend, root); signalAction_Ambush.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Ambush, rect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger rectTrigger = this.MakeRectTrigger(); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map); }
static int InTriggerNow(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); RectTrigger obj = (RectTrigger)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(RectTrigger)); bool o = obj.InTriggerNow(); LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int set_rect(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); RectTrigger obj = (RectTrigger)o; UnityEngine.Rect arg0 = (UnityEngine.Rect)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.Rect)); obj.rect = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index rect on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int get_rect(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); RectTrigger obj = (RectTrigger)o; UnityEngine.Rect ret = obj.rect; ToLua.PushValue(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index rect on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
private void SpawnTrigger(CellRect rectToDefend, IntVec3 root, Map map, GenStepParams parms) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ambushActivated-" + nextSignalTagID; CellRect rect = (!root.IsValid) ? rectToDefend.ExpandedBy(12) : CellRect.CenteredOn(root, 17); SignalAction_Ambush signalAction_Ambush = MakeAmbushSignalAction(rectToDefend, root, parms); signalAction_Ambush.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Ambush, rect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger rectTrigger = MakeRectTrigger(); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = rect; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, rect.CenterCell, map); TriggerUnfogged obj = (TriggerUnfogged)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.TriggerUnfogged); obj.signalTag = signalTag; GenSpawn.Spawn(obj, rect.CenterCell, map); }
private void MakeBlueprintRoom(CellRect mapRect, Map map, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, ThingDef stuffDef) { blueprint.buildingData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.buildingData); blueprint.floorData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.floorData); blueprint.pawnData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.pawnData); blueprint.itemData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.itemData); if (blueprint.buildingData == null && blueprint.floorData == null) { Log.ErrorOnce(string.Format("After cleaning the BlueprintData and FloorData of blueprint {0} -> both are null, nothing will be done!", blueprint.defName), 313001); return; } IntVec3 spawnBaseCell = new IntVec3(mapRect.BottomLeft.x, mapRect.TopRight.y, mapRect.TopRight.z); IntVec3 spawnCell; foreach (IntVec3 cell in mapRect) { // Check all cells and abort if there is something indestructible found if (!CheckCell(cell, map)) { return; } } allSpawnedPawns = null; try { // Work through blueprint. Note: top-left to bottom-right for (int zn = 0; zn < blueprint.size.z; zn++) { for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.size.x; x++) { //// map can be clipped, don't work with the clipped parts //if (x > mapRect.Width - 1 || zn > mapRect.Height - 1) // continue; spawnCell = spawnBaseCell + new IntVec3(x, 0, -zn); int itemPos = x + blueprint.size.x * zn; ThingDef thingDef = TryGetThingDefFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); Rot4 thingRot = TryGetRotationFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos); TerrainDef terrainDef = TryGetTerrainDefFromFloorData(blueprint, itemPos); PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = TryGetPawnKindDefFromPawnData(blueprint, itemPos); ThingDef itemDef = TryGetItemDefFromItemData(blueprint, itemPos); List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(spawnCell); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].def == thingDef) { continue; } } //Only clear the space, if something will be made here if (thingDef != null || terrainDef != null || pawnKindDef != null || itemDef != null) { ClearCell(spawnCell, map); } if ((blueprint.canHaveHoles || (MapGenerator_ModSettings.createAllNonPawnBPsWithHoles && (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0))) && Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHoles) { continue; } // If placed on water, increase the hole chance, if no pawns are to be placed! if (spawnCell.GetTerrain(map).defName.ToLower().Contains("water") && (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0) && Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHolesOnWater) { continue; } TrySetCellAs(spawnCell, map, thingDef, thingRot, stuffDef, terrainDef, pawnKindDef, itemDef, blueprint); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("Misc. MapGenerator -- Error with blueprint '" + blueprint.defName + "'. Placement position at " + mapRect.CenterCell.ToString() + " on a map of the size " + map.Size.ToString() + "\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } // If pawns are spawned, place ancient shrine trigger if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID; SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null); signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag; signalAction_Letter.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map, false)); GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, mapRect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger, null); rectTrigger.signalTag = signalTag; rectTrigger.Rect = mapRect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true; GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map); } // also if pawns are spawned make the appropriate LordJob LordJob lordJob; if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0) { if (blueprint.factionSelection == FactionSelection.friendly) { lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(allSpawnedPawns[0].Position); } else { lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, false, false, false, false, false); } } LordMaker.MakeNewLord(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, lordJob, map, allSpawnedPawns); allSpawnedPawns = null; } }
public static bool ExplosionAffectCell(DamageWorker __instance, Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c, List <Thing> damagedThings, List <Thing> ignoredThings, bool canThrowMotes) { if (__instance.def.explosionCellMote != null && canThrowMotes) { Mote mote = c.GetFirstThing(explosion.Map, __instance.def.explosionCellMote) as Mote; if (mote != null) { mote.spawnTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; } else { float t = Mathf.Clamp01((explosion.Position - c).LengthHorizontal / explosion.radius); Color color = Color.Lerp(__instance.def.explosionColorCenter, __instance.def.explosionColorEdge, t); MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(c, explosion.Map, __instance.def.explosionCellMote, color); } } //thingsToAffect.Clear(); List <Thing> thingsToAffect = new List <Thing>(); float num = float.MinValue; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = explosion.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote && thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Ethereal) { thingsToAffect.Add(thing); if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full && thing.def.Altitude > num) { flag = true; num = thing.def.Altitude; } } } for (int j = 0; j < thingsToAffect.Count; j++) { if (thingsToAffect[j].def.Altitude >= num) //Null Reference Exception { ExplosionDamageThing(__instance, explosion, thingsToAffect[j], damagedThings, ignoredThings, c); } } if (!flag) { ExplosionDamageTerrain(__instance, explosion, c); } if (__instance.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount > 0.0001f) { float lengthHorizontal = (c - explosion.Position).LengthHorizontal; float num2 = 1f - lengthHorizontal / explosion.radius; if (num2 > 0f) { explosion.Map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, (0f - num2) * __instance.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount); } } if (__instance.def != DamageDefOf.Bomb && __instance.def != DamageDefOf.Flame) { return(false); } List <Thing> list2 = explosion.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) { RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)list2[k]; if (rectTrigger.activateOnExplosion && rectTrigger.Rect.Contains(c)) { rectTrigger.ActivatedBy(null); } } return(false); }
public override void ExplosionAffectCell(Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c, List <Thing> damagedThings, List <Thing> ignoredThings, bool canThrowMotes) { if (this.def.explosionCellMote != null && canThrowMotes) { Mote mote = c.GetFirstThing(explosion.Map, this.def.explosionCellMote) as Mote; if (mote != null) { mote.spawnTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; } else { float t = Mathf.Clamp01((explosion.Position - c).LengthHorizontal / explosion.radius); Color color = Color.Lerp(this.def.explosionColorCenter, this.def.explosionColorEdge, t); PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(c, explosion.Map, this.def.explosionCellMote, color); } } DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Clear(); float num = float.MinValue; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = explosion.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote && thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Ethereal) { if (thing.Faction != PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction) { DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Add(thing); if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full && thing.def.Altitude > num) { flag = true; num = thing.def.Altitude; } } } } for (int j = 0; j < DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Count; j++) { if (DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j].def.Altitude >= num) { if (DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j] is Pawn) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j]; if (Rand.Chance(0.3f)) { pawn.stances.stunner.StunFor(Rand.RangeInclusive(100, 200), explosion.instigator); } } this.ExplosionDamageThing(explosion, DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j], damagedThings, ignoredThings, c); } } if (!flag) { this.ExplosionDamageTerrain(explosion, c); } if (this.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount > 0.0001f) { float lengthHorizontal = (c - explosion.Position).LengthHorizontal; float num2 = 1f - lengthHorizontal / explosion.radius; if (num2 > 0f) { explosion.Map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, -num2 * this.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount); } } if (this.def == DamageDefOf.Bomb || this.def == DamageDefOf.Flame) { List <Thing> list2 = explosion.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) { RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)list2[k]; if (rectTrigger.activateOnExplosion && rectTrigger.Rect.Contains(c)) { rectTrigger.ActivatedBy(null); } } } }
public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp) { Map map =; CellRect cellRect = CellRect.Empty; RimWorld.SketchGen.ResolveParams parms = default(RimWorld.SketchGen.ResolveParams); parms.sketch = new Sketch(); parms.monumentOpen = false; parms.monumentSize = new IntVec2(rp.rect.Width, rp.rect.Height); parms.allowMonumentDoors = false; parms.allowWood = false; parms.allowFlammableWalls = false; if (rp.allowedMonumentThings != null) { parms.allowedMonumentThings = rp.allowedMonumentThings; } else { parms.allowedMonumentThings = new ThingFilter(); parms.allowedMonumentThings.SetAllowAll(null, includeNonStorable: true); } parms.allowedMonumentThings.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Drape, allow: false); Sketch sketch = RimWorld.SketchGen.SketchGen.Generate(SketchResolverDefOf.Monument, parms); sketch.Spawn(map, rp.rect.CenterCell, null, Sketch.SpawnPosType.Unchanged, Sketch.SpawnMode.Normal, wipeIfCollides: true, clearEdificeWhereFloor: true, null, dormant: false, buildRoofsInstantly: true); CellRect rect = SketchGenUtility.FindBiggestRect(sketch, (IntVec3 x) => sketch.TerrainAt(x) != null && !sketch.ThingsAt(x).Any((SketchThing y) => y.def == ThingDefOf.Wall)).MovedBy(rp.rect.CenterCell); for (int i = 0; i < sketch.Things.Count; i++) { if (sketch.Things[i].def == ThingDefOf.Wall) { IntVec3 c = sketch.Things[i].pos + rp.rect.CenterCell; cellRect = ((!cellRect.IsEmpty) ? CellRect.FromLimits(Mathf.Min(cellRect.minX, c.x), Mathf.Min(cellRect.minZ, c.z), Mathf.Max(cellRect.maxX, c.x), Mathf.Max(cellRect.maxZ, c.z)) : CellRect.SingleCell(c)); } } if (!rect.IsEmpty) { ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; resolveParams.rect = rect; if (rp.allowedMonumentThings != null) { resolveParams.allowedMonumentThings = rp.allowedMonumentThings; } else { resolveParams.allowedMonumentThings = new ThingFilter(); resolveParams.allowedMonumentThings.SetAllowAll(null, includeNonStorable: true); } if (ModsConfig.RoyaltyActive) { resolveParams.allowedMonumentThings.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Drape, allow: false); } BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("interior_ancientTemple", resolveParams); } if (rp.makeWarningLetter.HasValue && rp.makeWarningLetter.Value) { int nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID(); string signalTag = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID; SignalAction_Letter obj = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter); obj.signalTag = signalTag; obj.letter = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.ThreatBig, new TargetInfo(cellRect.CenterCell, map)); GenSpawn.Spawn(obj, cellRect.CenterCell, map); RectTrigger obj2 = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); obj2.signalTag = signalTag; obj2.Rect = cellRect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map); obj2.destroyIfUnfogged = true; GenSpawn.Spawn(obj2, cellRect.CenterCell, map); } }