コード例 #1
        private void Save(IList <CsvSpeciesStatusRating> records)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (CsvSpeciesStatusRating record in records)
                // Map the current CSV record to a conservation status rating, check it
                // doesn't already exist and store it in the database
                SpeciesStatusRating rating   = SpeciesStatusRating.FromCsv(record);
                SpeciesStatusRating existing = _factory.Context
                                               .FirstOrDefault(r => (r.Species.Name == rating.Species.Name) &&
                                                               (r.Rating.Name == rating.Rating.Name) &&
                                                               (r.Region == rating.Region) &&
                                                               ((r.Start == rating.Start) || ((r.Start == null) && (rating.Start == null))) &&
                                                               ((r.End == rating.End) || ((r.End == null) && (rating.End == null))));
                if (existing == null)
                    rating = _factory.SpeciesStatusRatings.Add(rating);

                // Notify subscribers
                RecordImport?.Invoke(this, new SpeciesStatusDataExchangeEventArgs {
                    RecordCount = count, Rating = rating
コード例 #2
        private void Save(IList <CsvSighting> records)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (CsvSighting record in records)
                // Map the current CSV record to a sighting and store it in the database
                Sighting sighting = Sighting.FromCsv(record);
                sighting = _factory.Sightings.Add(sighting);

                // Notify subscribers
                RecordImport?.Invoke(this, new SightingDataExchangeEventArgs {
                    RecordCount = count, Sighting = sighting