コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Writes a record using the specified record format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recordKey">the key corresponding to the record format</param>
        /// <param name="fields">the list of field values to encode</param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">&nbsp;if there are issues writing the data</exception>
        /// <exception cref="EbcdicException">&nbsp;if field values do not conform to the copybook</exception>
        public void WriteRecord(string recordKey, List <object> fields)
            RecordFormat format = RecordFormatMap.GetFromId(recordKey);

            WriteRdw(fields, format);
            WriteFields(fields, format);
コード例 #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private org.neo4j.io.pagecache.randomharness.Phase filesAreCorrectlyWrittenVerification(final org.neo4j.io.pagecache.randomharness.RecordFormat recordFormat, final int filePageCount)
        private Phase FilesAreCorrectlyWrittenVerification(RecordFormat recordFormat, int filePageCount)
            return((cache, fs1, filesTouched) =>
                foreach (File file in filesTouched)
                    using (PagedFile pf = cache.map(file, cache.pageSize()), PageCursor cursor = pf.Io(0, PF_SHARED_READ_LOCK))
                        for (int pageId = 0; pageId < filePageCount && cursor.Next(); pageId++)
                            catch (Exception th)
                                th.addSuppressed(new Exception("pageId = " + pageId));
                                throw th;
                    using (StoreChannel channel = fs1.open(file, OpenMode.READ))
                        recordFormat.AssertRecordsWrittenCorrectly(file, channel);
コード例 #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private <R extends org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord> void verifyWriteAndRead(System.Func<RecordFormat<R>> formatSupplier, System.Func<org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.format.RecordGenerators_Generator<R>> generatorSupplier, System.Func<RecordKey<R>> keySupplier, boolean assertPostReadOffset) throws java.io.IOException
        private void VerifyWriteAndRead <R>(System.Func <RecordFormat <R> > formatSupplier, System.Func <RecordGenerators_Generator <R> > generatorSupplier, System.Func <RecordKey <R> > keySupplier, bool assertPostReadOffset) where R : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord
            // GIVEN
            using (PagedFile storeFile = _pageCache.map(new File("store-" + Name.MethodName), _pageSize, CREATE))
                RecordFormat <R> format = formatSupplier();
                RecordKey <R>    key    = keySupplier();
                RecordGenerators_Generator <R> generator = generatorSupplier();
                int recordSize = format.GetRecordSize(new IntStoreHeader(DATA_SIZE));
                BatchingIdSequence idSequence = new BatchingIdSequence(_random.nextBoolean() ? IdSureToBeOnTheNextPage(_pageSize, recordSize) : 10);

                // WHEN
                long time    = currentTimeMillis();
                long endTime = time + TEST_TIME;
                long i       = 0;
                for ( ; i < TEST_ITERATIONS && currentTimeMillis() < endTime; i++)
                    R written = generator.Get(recordSize, format, i % 5);
                    R read    = format.NewRecord();
                        WriteRecord(written, format, storeFile, recordSize, idSequence);
                        ReadAndVerifyRecord(written, read, format, key, storeFile, recordSize, assertPostReadOffset);
                    catch (Exception t)
                        Exceptions.setMessage(t, t.Message + " : written:" + written + ", read:" + read + ", seed:" + _random.seed() + ", iteration:" + i);
                        throw t;
コード例 #4
 static DriverConstants()
     ProtocolVersion = 36;
     DriverName      = "OrientDB-NET.binary";
     DriverVersion   = "0.2.2";
     ClientID        = "null";
     RecordFormat    = RecordFormat.ORecordDocument2csv;
コード例 #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReport3BytesMaxIdForRelationshipTypes()
        public virtual void ShouldReport3BytesMaxIdForRelationshipTypes()
            // given
            RecordFormat <RelationshipTypeTokenRecord> format = HighLimit.RecordFormats.relationshipTypeToken();

            // when
            long maxId = format.MaxId;

            // then
            assertEquals((1 << HighLimitFormatSettings.RelationshipTypeTokenMaximumIdBits) - 1, maxId);
コード例 #6
        private void MakeSureMagicMinusOneIsSkipped(RecordFormat format)
            IdGeneratorImpl.createGenerator(_fs, IdGeneratorFile(), 0, false);
            IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGeneratorImpl(_fs, IdGeneratorFile(), 1, format.MaxId, false, IdType.NODE, () => 0L);
            long        id          = ( long )Math.Pow(2, 32) - 3;

            idGenerator.HighId = id;
            assertEquals(id, idGenerator.NextId());
            assertEquals(id + 1, idGenerator.NextId());
            // Here we make sure that id+2 (integer -1) is skipped
            assertEquals(id + 3, idGenerator.NextId());
            assertEquals(id + 4, idGenerator.NextId());
            assertEquals(id + 5, idGenerator.NextId());
コード例 #7
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private <R extends org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord> void writeRecord(R record, RecordFormat<R> format, org.neo4j.io.pagecache.PagedFile storeFile, int recordSize, org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.id.BatchingIdSequence idSequence) throws java.io.IOException
        private void WriteRecord <R>(R record, RecordFormat <R> format, PagedFile storeFile, int recordSize, BatchingIdSequence idSequence) where R : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord
            using (PageCursor cursor = storeFile.Io(0, Org.Neo4j.Io.pagecache.PagedFile_Fields.PfSharedWriteLock))
                if (record.inUse())
                    format.Prepare(record, recordSize, idSequence);

                int offset = Math.toIntExact(record.Id * recordSize);
                cursor.Offset = offset;
                format.Write(record, cursor, recordSize);
                AssertWithinBounds(record, cursor, "writing");
コード例 #8
        public override int GetHashCode()
                var hashCode = TrackName != null?TrackName.GetHashCode() : 0;

                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Duration;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Bitrate;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TrackUrl != null ? TrackUrl.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Group != null ? Group.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Year;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (RecordFormat != null ? RecordFormat.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Album != null ? Album.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Size;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Genre != null ? Genre.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Rate;
コード例 #9
        private void MakeSureIdCapacityCannotBeExceeded(RecordFormat format)
            IdGeneratorImpl.createGenerator(_fs, IdGeneratorFile(), 0, false);
            long        maxValue    = format.MaxId;
            IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGeneratorImpl(_fs, IdGeneratorFile(), 1, maxValue - 1, false, IdType.NODE, () => 0L);
            long        id          = maxValue - 2;

            idGenerator.HighId = id;
            assertEquals(id, idGenerator.NextId());
            assertEquals(id + 1, idGenerator.NextId());
                fail("Id capacity shouldn't be able to be exceeded for " + format);
            catch (StoreFailureException)
            {               // Good
コード例 #10
        public IEnumerable <FilteredKeyword> ReadTerms(string filePath, RecordFormat recordFormat)
            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                using (var sr = File.OpenText(filePath))
                    switch (recordFormat)
                    case RecordFormat.TermOnly:

                    case RecordFormat.CategorizedTerm:

                    case RecordFormat.Tsv:

            return(new List <FilteredKeyword>());
コード例 #11
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private <R extends org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord> void readAndVerifyRecord(R written, R read, RecordFormat<R> format, RecordKey<R> key, org.neo4j.io.pagecache.PagedFile storeFile, int recordSize, boolean assertPostReadOffset) throws java.io.IOException
        private void ReadAndVerifyRecord <R>(R written, R read, RecordFormat <R> format, RecordKey <R> key, PagedFile storeFile, int recordSize, bool assertPostReadOffset) where R : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord
            using (PageCursor cursor = storeFile.Io(0, Org.Neo4j.Io.pagecache.PagedFile_Fields.PF_SHARED_READ_LOCK))
                read.Id = written.Id;

                 * Retry loop is needed here because format does not handle retries on the primary cursor.
                 * Same retry is done on the store level in {@link org.neo4j.kernel.impl.store.CommonAbstractStore}
                int offset = Math.toIntExact(written.Id * recordSize);
                    cursor.Offset = offset;
                    format.Read(read, cursor, NORMAL, recordSize);
                } while (cursor.ShouldRetry());
                AssertWithinBounds(written, cursor, "reading");
                if (assertPostReadOffset)
                    assertEquals("Cursor is positioned on first byte of next record after a read", offset + recordSize, cursor.Offset);

                // THEN
                if (written.inUse())
                    assertEquals(written.inUse(), read.inUse());
                    assertEquals(written.Id, read.Id);
                    assertEquals(written.SecondaryUnitId, read.SecondaryUnitId);
                    key.AssertRecordsEquals(written, read);
                    assertEquals(written.inUse(), read.inUse());
コード例 #12
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHandleRelationshipTypesBeyond2Bytes() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldHandleRelationshipTypesBeyond2Bytes()
            // given
            RecordFormat <RelationshipTypeTokenRecord> format = HighLimit.RecordFormats.relationshipTypeToken();
            int typeId = 1 << ((sizeof(short) * 8) + (sizeof(sbyte) * 8)) - 1;
            RelationshipTypeTokenRecord record = new RelationshipTypeTokenRecord(typeId);
            int recordSize = format.GetRecordSize(NO_STORE_HEADER);

            record.Initialize(true, 10);
            IdSequence doubleUnits = mock(typeof(IdSequence));
            PageCursor cursor      = new StubPageCursor(0, ( int )kibiBytes(8));

            // when
            format.Prepare(record, recordSize, doubleUnits);
            format.Write(record, cursor, recordSize);

            // then
            RelationshipTypeTokenRecord read = new RelationshipTypeTokenRecord(typeId);

            format.Read(record, cursor, NORMAL, recordSize);
            assertEquals(record, read);
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParameterSendRecordFormat"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="recordFormat">Record format.</param>
 public ParameterSendRecordFormat(RecordFormat recordFormat)
     this.Type         = ParameterType.SendRecordFormat;
     this.RecordFormat = recordFormat;
コード例 #14
 internal PrepareTrackingRecordFormat(PrepareTrackingRecordFormats outerInstance, RecordFormat <RECORD> actual, ISet <RECORD> prepare)
     this._outerInstance  = outerInstance;
     this.Actual          = actual;
     this.PrepareConflict = prepare;
コード例 #15
 internal TheStore(File file, File idFile, Config configuration, IdType idType, IdGeneratorFactory idGeneratorFactory, PageCache pageCache, LogProvider logProvider, RecordFormat <TheRecord> recordFormat, params OpenOption[] openOptions) : base(file, idFile, configuration, idType, idGeneratorFactory, pageCache, logProvider, "TheType", recordFormat, NoStoreHeaderFormat.NoStoreHeaderFormatConflict, "v1", openOptions)
コード例 #16
 public Record GetItemById(string id, RecordFormat format)
     return(_mapper.Map <RecordWithInverses>(_store.GetRecord(_store.CodeEntity(id)), options => options.Items["Format"] = format));
コード例 #17
 public TokenStore(File file, File idFile, Config configuration, IdType idType, IdGeneratorFactory idGeneratorFactory, PageCache pageCache, LogProvider logProvider, DynamicStringStore nameStore, string typeDescriptor, RecordFormat <RECORD> recordFormat, string storeVersion, params OpenOption[] openOptions) : base(file, idFile, configuration, idType, idGeneratorFactory, pageCache, logProvider, typeDescriptor, recordFormat, NO_STORE_HEADER_FORMAT, storeVersion, openOptions)
     this._nameStore = nameStore;
コード例 #18
 internal DynamicStoreHeaderFormat(int dataSizeFromConfiguration, RecordFormat <DynamicRecord> recordFormat) : base(dataSizeFromConfiguration + recordFormat.RecordHeaderSize)
コード例 #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var parametersValidator = new ParametersValidator();
            var parametersAreValid  = parametersValidator.Validate(args);

            if (parametersAreValid)
                string nameOfFile;
                string numberOfLines;
                string numberOfUniqueIp;
                var    parametersDictionary = CommandLineParser.Parse(args);
                if (parametersDictionary.TryGetValue("nameoffile", out nameOfFile) && parametersDictionary.TryGetValue("numberoflines", out numberOfLines) && parametersDictionary.TryGetValue("numberofuniqueip", out numberOfUniqueIp))
                    var      uniqueIpCount    = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfUniqueIp);
                    var      linesLength      = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfLines);
                    var      configFileReader = new Settings.ConfigFileReader(@"D:\Univercity\Univercity\3курс-лабы\config.yaml");
                    string[] methods          =
                        "POST",   "LINK", "DELETE", "PUT", "PATCH", "GET", "OPTIONS", "HEAD", "TRACE",
                        "UNLINK", "CONNECT"
                    string[]  extensions                = { "txt", "pdf", "doc", "exe", "jmp", "cpp", "obj", "iso" };
                    string[]  protocols                 = { "http", "https" };
                    string[]  serverResponseCodes       = { "200", "401", "204", "404", "501" };
                    const int minIntervalInMilliseconds = 100;
                    const int maxIntervalInMilliseconds = 100000;
                    const int minNumberOfFolders        = 3;
                    const int maxNumberOfFolders        = 7;
                    const int minNumberOfCharacters     = 3;
                    const int maxNumberOfCharacters     = 7;
                    const int minSizeOfResponse         = 100;
                    const int maxSizeOfResponse         = 10000;

                    var recordFormat = new RecordFormat
                        IpIsPresent                 = true,
                        QueryTimeIsPresent          = true,
                        QueryMethodIsPresent        = true,
                        FileNameIsPresent           = true,
                        ExtensionIsPresent          = true,
                        ProtocolIsPresent           = true,
                        ServerResponseCodeIsPresent = true,
                        SizeOfTheResponseIsPresent  = true
                    var generator = new Generator
                        Extensions                = extensions,
                        Protocols                 = protocols,
                        Methods                   = methods,
                        Settings                  = configFileReader.Settings,
                        ServerResponseCodes       = serverResponseCodes,
                        MinIntervalInMilliseconds = minIntervalInMilliseconds,
                        MaxIntervalInMilliseconds = maxIntervalInMilliseconds,
                        MinNumberOfCharacters     = minNumberOfCharacters,
                        MaxNumberOfCharacters     = maxNumberOfCharacters,
                        MinNumberOfFolders        = minNumberOfFolders,
                        MaxNumberOfFolders        = maxNumberOfFolders,
                        MinSizeOfResponse         = minSizeOfResponse,
                        MaxSizeOfResponse         = maxSizeOfResponse,
                        NumberOfUniqueIp          = uniqueIpCount
                    var allRecords = generator.GenerateRecords(linesLength);
                    var rows       = ApacheLogFormat.RecordsToString(allRecords, recordFormat);
                    SaveToFile.SaveRowsToFile(nameOfFile, rows);
                    Console.WriteLine("Save succesed!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Входные параметры не соответствуют шаблону.");
コード例 #20
 public AbstractDynamicStore(File file, File idFile, Config conf, IdType idType, IdGeneratorFactory idGeneratorFactory, PageCache pageCache, LogProvider logProvider, string typeDescriptor, int dataSizeFromConfiguration, RecordFormat <DynamicRecord> recordFormat, string storeVersion, params OpenOption[] openOptions) : base(file, idFile, conf, idType, idGeneratorFactory, pageCache, logProvider, typeDescriptor, recordFormat, new DynamicStoreHeaderFormat(dataSizeFromConfiguration, recordFormat), storeVersion, openOptions)
コード例 #21
ファイル: DynamicStringStore.cs プロジェクト: Neo4Net/Neo4Net
 public DynamicStringStore(File file, File idFile, Config configuration, IdType idType, IdGeneratorFactory idGeneratorFactory, PageCache pageCache, LogProvider logProvider, int dataSizeFromConfiguration, RecordFormat <DynamicRecord> recordFormat, string storeVersion, params OpenOption[] openOptions) : base(file, idFile, configuration, idType, idGeneratorFactory, pageCache, logProvider, TYPE_DESCRIPTOR, dataSizeFromConfiguration, recordFormat, storeVersion, openOptions)
コード例 #22
 public ConvertingProcess(RecordFormat from, RecordFormat to)
     fromFormat = from;
     toFormat   = to;
コード例 #23
 public Record GetItemById(string id, [FromBody] RecordFormat format)
     return(_service.GetItemById(id, format));
コード例 #24
 public RelationshipGroupRecordFormatTest(RecordFormats formats)
     this._format     = formats.RelationshipGroup();
     this._recordSize = _format.getRecordSize(NO_STORE_HEADER);
コード例 #25
 private static RecordFormat <R> WithForcedSecondaryUnit <R>(RecordFormat <R> format) where R : Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.store.record.AbstractBaseRecord
     return(new ForcedSecondaryUnitRecordFormat <R>(format));
コード例 #26
 public ForcedSecondaryUnitRecordFormat(RecordFormat <RECORD> actual)
     this._actual = actual;
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileFormatSpecificationFilename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Generate(string fileFormatSpecificationFilename)
            var recordFormatList = new List <RecordFormat>();

            string[] linesArrayNotTrimmed = File.ReadAllLines(fileFormatSpecificationFilename);

            string section           = string.Empty;
            bool   parseRecordFormat = false;

            string tableHeader    = string.Empty;
            string className      = string.Empty;
            string finalClassName = string.Empty;

            int lineNumber = -1;

            foreach (string columnFormatLine in linesArrayNotTrimmed)
                string   lineTrimmed = columnFormatLine.Trim();
                string[] split       = columnFormatLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (split.Length <= 0)

                if (split[split.Length - 1] == "Section")
                    section = columnFormatLine;

                if (lineTrimmed == "Record Format")
                    parseRecordFormat = false;
                else if (lineTrimmed == "Details")
                    parseRecordFormat = false;
                else if (lineTrimmed == "Example")
                    parseRecordFormat = false;
                else if (lineTrimmed == "Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control")
                    parseRecordFormat = false;
                else if (lineTrimmed == "Relationships to Other Record Types")
                    parseRecordFormat = false;

                if (columnFormatLine.Replace(" ", string.Empty) == "COLUMNS" + "DataType" + "FIELD" + "DEFINITION")
                    tableHeader       = linesArrayNotTrimmed[lineNumber];
                    parseRecordFormat = true;

                    if (className != string.Empty && finalClassName != string.Empty)
                        // Change className to finalClassName.
                        foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat2 in recordFormatList)
                            if (className != null && recordFormat2.ClassName == className && className.Length > 0)
                                recordFormat2.ClassName = finalClassName;

                            if (className != null && recordFormat2.FieldValue == className && className.Length > 0)
                                recordFormat2.FieldValue = finalClassName;

                        className      = string.Empty;
                        finalClassName = string.Empty;

                if (parseRecordFormat)
                    // Find if the first index of a non-space is a definition.
                    int nonspace;
                    for (nonspace = 0; nonspace < linesArrayNotTrimmed[lineNumber].Length; nonspace++)
                        if (linesArrayNotTrimmed[lineNumber][nonspace] != ' ')

                    if (nonspace == tableHeader.IndexOf("DEFINITION"))
                        RecordFormat definitionRecord = recordFormatList[recordFormatList.Count - 1];
                        definitionRecord.Definition = definitionRecord.Definition.Trim() + " " + columnFormatLine.Trim();

                    var recordFormat = new RecordFormat();

                    int fieldFirstColumn = -1;
                    int fieldLastColumn  = -1;

                    fieldFirstColumn = tableHeader.IndexOf("COLUMNS") + 1;
                    fieldLastColumn  = fieldFirstColumn + 2;
                    string FirstColumnString = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;

                    fieldFirstColumn = fieldLastColumn + 1;
                    fieldLastColumn  = fieldFirstColumn;
                    string columnSplitter = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;

                    fieldFirstColumn = fieldLastColumn + 1;
                    fieldLastColumn  = fieldFirstColumn + 2;
                    string LastColumnString = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;

                    bool columnsFound = false;

                    int x;
                    if (int.TryParse(FirstColumnString, out x))
                        recordFormat.FirstColumn = x;
                        int t;
                        if (!int.TryParse(columnSplitter, out t))
                            columnsFound = true;

                    int y;
                    if (!int.TryParse(LastColumnString, out y))
                        recordFormat.LastColumn = recordFormat.FirstColumn;
                        recordFormat.LastColumn = y;

                    if (columnsFound)
                        // first column 1..3
                        // second column 5..7
                        // data type 15..28
                        // field name 29..47
                        // definition 48..end
                        int DataTypeStart = tableHeader.IndexOf("DATA") + 1;

                        fieldFirstColumn      = tableHeader.IndexOf("DATA") + 1;
                        fieldLastColumn       = tableHeader.IndexOf("FIELD");
                        recordFormat.DataType = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;

                        fieldFirstColumn        = tableHeader.IndexOf("FIELD") + 1;
                        fieldLastColumn         = AreQuotesOpenAt(columnFormatLine, tableHeader.IndexOf("DEFINITION") - 1) ? columnFormatLine.IndexOf('"', fieldFirstColumn) : tableHeader.IndexOf("DEFINITION");
                        recordFormat.FieldValue = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;

                        string FieldValueNotChanged = recordFormat.FieldValue;

                        CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
                        TextInfo    textInfo    = cultureInfo.TextInfo;
                        string      testname    = recordFormat.FieldValue.Trim();

                        if (testname.Length > 0 && testname[0] == '"')
                            bool q = false;

                            for (int i = 0; i < testname.Length; i++)
                                if (testname[i] == '"')
                                    q = !q;
                                    finalClassName += "_";
                                    finalClassName += (string.Empty + testname[i]).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("[", "_").Replace("]", "_").Replace("{", "_").Replace("}", "_").Replace(".", "_").Replace("__", "_").Replace("__", "_");

                            finalClassName = finalClassName.Trim(new[] { '_', ' ', '.', ',' });

                        recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                        recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Replace(" ", "_");
                        recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Replace("__", "_");
                        recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Replace("__", "_");
                        recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Trim(new[] { '_' });

                        int t;
                        if (int.TryParse(recordFormat.FieldValue.Substring(0, 1), out t))
                            recordFormat.FieldValue = "_" + recordFormat.FieldValue;

                        fieldFirstColumn        = tableHeader.IndexOf("DEFINITION") + 1;
                        fieldLastColumn         = columnFormatLine.Length;
                        recordFormat.Definition = (fieldFirstColumn > 0 && fieldLastColumn > 0 && columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldFirstColumn) ? columnFormatLine.Substring(fieldFirstColumn - 1, (columnFormatLine.Length >= fieldLastColumn ? ((fieldLastColumn - fieldFirstColumn) + 1) : columnFormatLine.Length - (fieldFirstColumn - 1))).Trim() : string.Empty;
                        recordFormat.Definition = recordFormat.Definition.Replace("\"", string.Empty);

                        if (recordFormat.DataType == "Record name")
                            className = recordFormat.FieldValue;

                            int    a            = 1;
                            bool   found        = true;
                            string proposedName = string.Empty;
                            while (found)
                                found        = false;
                                proposedName = className + (a > 1 ? string.Empty + a : string.Empty);

                                foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat2 in recordFormatList)
                                    if (recordFormat2.ClassName == proposedName)
                                        found = true;

                            className = proposedName;

                        recordFormat.ClassName = className;


            // Make list of classes.
            var classList = new List <string>();

            foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                if (!classList.Contains(recordFormat.ClassName))

            // Add additionaldata column.
            foreach (string name in classList)
                int highestLastColumn = 1;
                foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                    if (recordFormat.ClassName == name)
                        if (recordFormat.LastColumn > highestLastColumn)
                            highestLastColumn = recordFormat.LastColumn;

                var additionalDataRecordFormat = new RecordFormat();
                additionalDataRecordFormat.ClassName   = name;
                additionalDataRecordFormat.FieldValue  = "additionalData";
                additionalDataRecordFormat.FirstColumn = highestLastColumn + 1;
                additionalDataRecordFormat.LastColumn  = -1;
                additionalDataRecordFormat.Definition  = "Any data found which is additional to the fields listed in the specification";


            foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                if (recordFormat.ClassName.Length > 1 && (string.Empty + recordFormat.ClassName[1]).IndexOfAny(new[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) < 0)
                    recordFormat.ClassName = recordFormat.ClassName.Trim(new[] { '_' });

                if (recordFormat.FieldValue.Length > 1 && (string.Empty + recordFormat.FieldValue[1]).IndexOfAny(new[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) < 0)
                    recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue.Trim(new[] { '_' });

            // Ensure all field names are unique.
            foreach (string name in classList)
                var FieldValueList = new List <string>();
                var fieldsToRename = new List <string>();

                foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                    if (recordFormat.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant() == name.ToLowerInvariant())
                        if (!FieldValueList.Contains(recordFormat.FieldValue))
                            // Add it to be renamed.
                            if (!fieldsToRename.Contains(recordFormat.FieldValue))

                foreach (string FieldValue in fieldsToRename)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                        if (recordFormat.ClassName == name && recordFormat.FieldValue == FieldValue)
                            if (i > 1)
                                recordFormat.FieldValue = recordFormat.FieldValue + i;

            string mainClassCode = string.Empty;

            string cases = string.Empty;

            // Iterate through list adding each field's code.
            foreach (string name in classList)
                int repeat = 1;
                if (name.Substring(name.Length - 1, 1) == "n")
                    repeat = 3;

                for (int n = 1; n <= repeat; n++)
                    string childClassCode = string.Empty;
                    string constructor    = string.Empty;
                    string tostring       = string.Empty;

                    string nameWithN = (name.Substring(name.Length - 1, 1) == "n") ? name.Substring(0, name.Length - 1) + n : name;

                    tostring += "public override string ToString()" + Environment.NewLine;
                    tostring += "{" + Environment.NewLine;

                    tostring += "string columnDelimiter = \"\\t\";" + Environment.NewLine;
                    tostring += "string result = \"\";" + Environment.NewLine;

                    childClassCode += "public class " + nameWithN + "_Record : ProteinDataBankFileRecord" + Environment.NewLine;
                    childClassCode += "{" + Environment.NewLine;

                    constructor += "public " + nameWithN + "_Record( string columnFormatLine) : base( columnFormatLine)" + Environment.NewLine;
                    constructor += "{" + Environment.NewLine;

                    // Iterate through format records finding classname, adding format to class.
                    foreach (RecordFormat recordFormat in recordFormatList)
                        if (recordFormat.ClassName == nameWithN || recordFormat.ClassName == name)
                            var recordFormatCopy = new RecordFormat();
                            recordFormatCopy.ClassName   = recordFormat.ClassName;
                            recordFormatCopy.FieldValue  = recordFormat.FieldValue;
                            recordFormatCopy.Definition  = recordFormat.Definition;
                            recordFormatCopy.DataType    = recordFormat.DataType;
                            recordFormatCopy.FirstColumn = recordFormat.FirstColumn;
                            recordFormatCopy.LastColumn  = recordFormat.LastColumn;
                            recordFormatCopy.FieldValue  = recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Replace("[N]", "_" + n + "_").Replace("[n]", "_" + n + "_");
                            recordFormatCopy.FieldValue  = recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Replace("[", "_").Replace("]", "_");
                            recordFormatCopy.FieldValue  = recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Replace(".", "_");

                            if (recordFormat.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant() == recordFormat.FieldValue.ToLowerInvariant())
                                recordFormatCopy.ClassName = recordFormatCopy.FieldValue;

                            if (name != nameWithN)
                                recordFormatCopy.ClassName = nameWithN;

                            if (recordFormat.ClassName.Substring(recordFormat.ClassName.Length - 1) == "n" && recordFormat.ClassName == recordFormat.FieldValue)
                                recordFormatCopy.FieldValue = recordFormatCopy.ClassName;

                            childClassCode += recordFormatCopy.ToString(1);

                            constructor += recordFormatCopy.ToString(2);

                            tostring += "result += " + recordFormatCopy.FieldValue + ".FieldValue + columnDelimiter;" + Environment.NewLine;

                            if (recordFormatCopy.ClassName == recordFormatCopy.FieldValue || recordFormatCopy.ClassName.Substring(0, recordFormatCopy.ClassName.Length - 1) == recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Substring(0, recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Length - 1))
                                if (recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Substring(0, recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Length - 1) == recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Substring(0, recordFormatCopy.FieldValue.Length - 1).ToUpperInvariant())
                                    cases += "case \"" + recordFormatCopy.ClassName + "\":" + Environment.NewLine;
                                    cases += "result = new " + recordFormatCopy.ClassName + "_Record( columnFormatLine);" + Environment.NewLine;
                                    cases += "break;" + Environment.NewLine;

                    tostring += "return result;" + Environment.NewLine;
                    tostring += "}" + Environment.NewLine;

                    constructor += "}" + Environment.NewLine;

                    childClassCode += constructor + Environment.NewLine;
                    childClassCode += tostring + Environment.NewLine;
                    childClassCode += "}" + Environment.NewLine;

                    mainClassCode += childClassCode + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            mainClassCode = ProteinDataBankFileConstructors + ToStringMethod + ProteinDataBaseFileLineRecordMethod.Replace("%case statements%", cases) + PDBRecordTypeMethod + LoadFileMethod + UnloadFileMethod + CountMethod + NextRecordMethod + ProteinDataBankFileRecordFieldClass + ProteinDataBankFileRecordClass + mainClassCode;

            mainClassCode = MainNameSpaceAndClass.Replace("%data%", mainClassCode);
            while (mainClassCode.IndexOf("__") > -1)
                mainClassCode = mainClassCode.Replace("__", "_");
