コード例 #1
        public async Task Run()
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            collection.Add <Foo>();
            collection.Add <Bar>();
            collection.Add <Baz>();

            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);

            // The consumer can limit the duration of the aggregation by
            // providing a timeout (or CancellationToken) to the aggregator:
            // this will ensure that the response will be ready in
            // the given amount of time and will "discard" incomplete
            // (and also never-ending) invocations.
            var response = await aggregator.Send(42, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));

            // The recipients that didn't complete in time will be
            // listed in the Incomplete property of the result:
            Console.WriteLine($"Completed {response.Completed.Count}");
                $"Incomplete {response.Incomplete.Count}: " +
                $"{response.Incomplete[0].Recipient.Type?.Name}, " +
コード例 #2
        public async Task Run()
            // Recipients are registered as always.
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            collection.Add <Foo>();
            collection.Add <Bar>();
            collection.Add <Baz>();

            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);

            // The Send<TRequest> method checks only the input
            // parameter of the methods:
            AggregatedResponse <object?> all = await aggregator.Send(42);

            var allResults = all.AsResultsList(); // "42", 42L, 42

            Console.WriteLine($"" +
                              $"{allResults[0]} ({allResults[0]?.GetType().Name}), " +
                              $"{allResults[1]} ({allResults[1]?.GetType().Name}), " +
                              $"{allResults[2]} ({allResults[2]?.GetType().Name})");

            // Instead the Send<TRequest, TResponse> method checks
            // also the return type of the methods, allowing to filter
            // on them and getting typed results:
            AggregatedResponse <string> onlyStrings = await aggregator.Send <string>(42);

            var onlyStringsResults = onlyStrings.AsResultsList(); // "42"

            Console.WriteLine($"{onlyStringsResults[0]} ({allResults[0]?.GetType().Name})");
コード例 #3
        public async Task Run()
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            // Register typeless recipients using delegates.
            collection.Add((int n) => n.ToString());
            collection.Add((int n) => n * 2);
            collection.Add((DateTime d) => d.Ticks);

            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);

            var responseOfInt = await aggregator.Send(42);

            var resultsOfInt = responseOfInt.AsResultsList(); // "42", 84

            Console.WriteLine($"{resultsOfInt[0]}, {resultsOfInt[1]}");

            var onlyStrings = await aggregator.Send <string>(42);

            var onlyStringResults = onlyStrings.AsResultsList(); // "42"


            var responseOfDateTime = await aggregator.Send(DateTime.UtcNow);

            var resultsOfDateTime = responseOfDateTime.AsResultsList(); // 'now.Ticks'L

コード例 #4
        public async Task Run()
            // Register the available recipients.
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            collection.Add <Foo>();
            collection.Add <Bar>();

            // Send a request and aggregate all the results.
            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);
            var response   = await aggregator.Send(42);

            var results = response.AsResultsList(); // 1764L, 84

            Console.WriteLine($"{results[0]}, {results[1]}");
コード例 #5
        public async Task Run()
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            collection.Add <Foo>();
            collection.Add <Bar>();

            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);

            var response = await aggregator.Send("Don't Panic");

            // The aggregated response separates the invocations
            // that completed successfully with a response and
            // the ones that failed with an exception.
            Console.WriteLine($"Completed {response.Completed.Count}");
                $"Faulted {response.Faulted.Count}: " +
                $"{response.Faulted[0].Recipient.Type?.Name} => " +
コード例 #6
        public async Task Run()
            var collection = new RecipientsCollection();

            collection.Add <Foo>();
            collection.Add <Bar>();
            collection.Add <Baz>();

            var aggregator = new Aggregator(collection);

            // It doesn't matter if a method returns
            // synchronously or asynchronously:
            // the aggregator awaits any async method
            // before aggregating the response.
            var response1 = await aggregator.Send(42);

            var results = response1.AsResultsList(); // 84L, 42L, "42"

            Console.WriteLine($"" +
                              $"{results[0]} ({results[0]?.GetType().Name}), " +
                              $"{results[1]} ({results[1]?.GetType().Name}), " +
                              $"{results[2]} ({results[2]?.GetType().Name})");

            // The aggregator provides a "all methods are async" abstraction
            // so that when using the Send<TRequest, TResponse> method
            // all the recipients that return either TResponse, Task<TResponse>
            // or ValueTask<TResponse> get invoked.

            var response2 = await aggregator.Send <long>(42);

            var longResults = response2.AsResultsList();

            Console.WriteLine($"{longResults[0]} ({longResults[0].GetType().Name})");
            Console.WriteLine($"{longResults[1]} ({longResults[1].GetType().Name})");

            var response3 = await aggregator.Send <string>(42);

            var stringResults = response3.AsResultsList();

            Console.WriteLine($"{stringResults[0]} ({stringResults[0].GetType().Name})");
コード例 #7
        static RecipientsCollection Load(Action onInvalidation)
            const string configPath = "~/Elmah.ErrorMail.config";

            var vpp = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider;

            var recipients = new RecipientsCollection();

            if (vpp.FileExists(configPath))
                var entries =
                    from line in vpp.GetFile(configPath).ReadLines()
                    select line.Trim() into line
                        where line.Length > 0 && line[0] != '#'
                    select Regex.Match(line, @"^(?:(to|cc|bcc):)?(.+)") into m
                        where m.Success
                    select m.Groups into gs
                    let id = gs[1].Success ? gs[1].Value[0] : 't'
                             select new
                    Collection = id == 't' ? recipients.To
                                   : id == 'c' ? recipients.Cc
                                   : recipients.Bcc,
                    Addresses = gs[2].Value,

                foreach (var e in entries)

            HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(CacheKey, CacheKey,
                                     vpp.GetCacheDependency(configPath, new[] { configPath }, DateTime.Now),
                                     delegate { onInvalidation(); });

コード例 #8
ファイル: MainViewModel.cs プロジェクト: omrebel/Watch-List
        public async void SendEmails()
            MailPreferencesCollection myPrefs = new MailPreferencesCollection();

            if (!myPrefs.HasData)
                this.MessageBoxService.ShowMessage("You must setup your email first!", "Mail Not Setup", MessageButton.OK, MessageIcon.Stop);

            this.SplashScreenService.SetSplashScreenState("Refreshing next showings...");
            string body = "";

            DataTable shows = new DataTable();

            shows.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            shows.Columns.Add("Time", typeof(DateTime));
            shows.Columns.Add("Summary", typeof(string));

            DataTable shows2 = new DataTable();

            shows2.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            shows2.Columns.Add("Time", typeof(DateTime));
            shows2.Columns.Add("Summary", typeof(string));

            foreach (TVShows show in TVShowsCollection)
                var series = await TVMaze.TVMaze.GetSeries(Convert.ToUInt32(show.MazeId), true, false);

                this.SplashScreenService.SetSplashScreenState("Looking up show times for " + series.name + "...");

                foreach (var episode in series.Episodes)
                    if (Convert.ToDateTime(episode.airdate).Date == DateTime.Today.Date)
                        var convertedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(

                        DataRow dr = shows.NewRow();
                        if (series.network != null && series.network.name != "")
                            dr[0] = series.name + "(" + series.network.name + ")";
                        else if (series.webChannel != null && series.webChannel.name != "")
                            dr[0] = series.name + "(" + series.webChannel.name + ")";
                            dr[0] = series.name;
                        dr[1] = convertedDate;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode.summary))
                            dr[2] = episode.summary;
                            dr[2] = episode.name;
                    else if (Convert.ToDateTime(episode.airdate).Date == DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(1))
                        var convertedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(

                        DataRow dr = shows2.NewRow();
                        if (series.network != null && series.network.name != "")
                            dr[0] = series.name + "(" + series.network.name + ")";
                        else if (series.webChannel != null && series.webChannel.name != "")
                            dr[0] = series.name + "(" + series.webChannel.name + ")";
                            dr[0] = series.name;
                        dr[1] = convertedDate;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode.summary))
                            dr[2] = episode.summary;
                            dr[2] = episode.name;

            if (shows.Rows.Count > 0)
                var orderedRows = from row in shows.AsEnumerable()
                                  orderby row.Field <DateTime>("Time")
                                  select row;

                DataTable tblOrdered = orderedRows.CopyToDataTable();

                body = "The following shows are scheduled to air today: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (var row in tblOrdered.Rows)
                    body += Convert.ToDateTime(((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[1]).ToShortTimeString() + ": " + ((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[0] + Environment.NewLine + ((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[2] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            if (shows2.Rows.Count > 0)
                var orderedRows2 = from row in shows2.AsEnumerable()
                                   orderby row.Field <DateTime>("Time")
                                   select row;

                DataTable tblOrdered2 = orderedRows2.CopyToDataTable();

                body += "The following shows are scheduled to air tomorrow: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (var row in tblOrdered2.Rows)
                    body += Convert.ToDateTime(((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[1]).ToShortTimeString() + ": " + ((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[0] + Environment.NewLine + ((System.Data.DataRow)row).ItemArray[2] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            if (shows.Rows.Count > 0 || shows2.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.SplashScreenService.SetSplashScreenState("Creating and sending email...");

                //SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                //client.Port = 587;
                //client.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
                //client.EnableSsl = true;
                //client.Timeout = 10000;
                //client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                //client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myPrefs[0].EmailAddress, myPrefs[0].Password);

                RecipientsCollection myCol = new RecipientsCollection();

                foreach (Recipients r in myCol)
                    var client = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
                        Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myPrefs[0].EmailAddress.ToString(), myPrefs[0].Password.ToString()),
                        EnableSsl   = true
                    client.Send(myPrefs[0].EmailAddress.ToString(), r.EmailAddress.ToString(), "Today's TV Shows for " + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), body);

コード例 #9
        public List <MimeMessage> FormMessages(RecipientsCollection recipients, Ebook ebook)
            var activeRecipients = recipients.Recipients.Where(n => n.Active);

            return(activeRecipients.Select(n => FormSingleMessage(n, ebook)).ToList());
コード例 #10
 public RecipientsCollectionTests()
     _collection = new RecipientsCollection();