private void Save() { var recipe = new RecipeDTO(); recipeApi = new RecipeAPI(); recipe.Name =; recipe.Description = this.description; recipe.Products = ProductsRecipe.Select(x => new ProductRecipeDTO() { ProductId = x.ProductId, Value = x.Value }).ToList(); var newRecipe = recipeApi.Create(recipe); var recipeLocation = new RecipeLocationDTO(); recipeLocation.Id = newRecipe.Id; recipeLocation.Locations = LocationsRecipe.Select(x => new LocationDTO() { Id = x.Id }).ToList(); var flagResult = recipeApi.UpdateLocations(recipeLocation); if (flagResult) { MessageBox.Show("Рецепт создан"); } if (!flagResult) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка при создании"); } }
public ActionResult Search(FormCollection col) { SearchItems searchItems = default(SearchItems); // added this items to the model in a struct so we can continue using same search items // ternary : if hidden element is null, use original search page element, else use hidden element searchItems.query = col["hquery"] == null ? col["SearchQuery"] : col["hquery"]; searchItems.cuisine = col["hcuisine"] == null ? col["Cuisine"] : col["hcuisine"]; searchItems.ingredients = col["hingredients"] == null ? col["Ingredients"] : col["hingredients"]; searchItems.diets = col["hdiets"] == null ? col["Diets"] : col["hdiets"]; searchItems.excludedIngredients = col["hexcludedIngredients"] == null ? col["ExcludedIngredients"] : col["hexcludedIngredients"]; searchItems.intolerances = col["hintolerances"] == null ? col["Intolerances"] : col["hintolerances"]; searchItems.type = col["htype"] == null ? col["Type"] : col["htype"]; searchItems.index = col["hindex"] == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(col["hindex"]) + 1; // update to search model when that is created Models.HomeContent h = new Models.HomeContent { searchItems = searchItems, // get recipes to display SearchResults = RecipeAPI.RecipeSearch(searchItems.query, searchItems.cuisine, searchItems.ingredients, searchItems.diets, searchItems.excludedIngredients, searchItems.intolerances, searchItems.type, searchItems.index) // get the user object when we set up users }; return(View(h)); }
public ActionResult Index( ) { Models.HomeContent h = new Models.HomeContent { // get recipes to display RecipesToDisplay = RecipeAPI.Get5RandomAPIRecipes( ) // get the user object when we set up users }; return(View(h)); }
public ActionResult Recipe( ) { // update to search model when that is created Models.HomeContent h = new Models.HomeContent { // get recipes to display SingleRecipe = RecipeAPI.GetRecipeById(Convert.ToString(RouteData.Values["id"])) // get the user object when we set up users }; return(View(h)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseRouting(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { CookAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); RecipeAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); IngredientAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); TagAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); IngredientTagAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); ShoppingListAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); MealPlanAPI.MapAPIEndpoints(endpoints); }); }
private void PopulateRecipes() { //First check RecipeAPI for recipe //Check if its not a promotion Item and check mystic forge //Get Item object and search for recipe in item RecipeIDs = new List <int>(RecipeAPI.RecipesForItem(ItemID)); if (RecipeIDs != null && RecipeIDs.Count > 0) { var test = Recipe; //Cheaty way to load recipe for debugging purpose } else if ((RecipeIDs == null || RecipeIDs.Count <= 0) && !ItemAPI.IsPromotionItem(ItemID)) { List <Recipe> mysticForgeRecipes = RecipeAPI.GetMysticForgeRecipe(ItemID); if (mysticForgeRecipes.Count <= 0) { return; } foreach (Recipe recipe in mysticForgeRecipes) { RecipeIDs.Add(recipe.ID); } Recipe = mysticForgeRecipes[0]; } else { if (Item.Details != null && Item.Details.RecipeID != 0) { Recipe = RecipeAPI.GetRecipe(Item.Details.RecipeID); if (Recipe != null) { RecipeIDs = new List <int>() { Recipe.ID } } ; } } }
public RecipeDetailViewModel(int recipeId) { recipeApi = new RecipeAPI(); var recipe = recipeApi.Get(recipeId); this.recipeId = recipe.Id; this.Name = recipe.Name; this.Description = recipe.Description; var products = recipe.Products.Select(x => new ProductRecipe() { ProductName = x.ProductName, Value = x.Value }); Products = new ObservableCollection <ProductRecipe>(products); var recipeLocation = recipeApi.GetLocations(recipeId); var locations = recipeLocation.Locations.Select(x => new Model.Location() { Name = x.Name }); Locations = new ObservableCollection <Model.Location>(locations); EditCommand = new Command(Edit); }
public RecipeViewModel() { recipeAPI = new RecipeAPI(); var recipes = recipeAPI.GetAll().Select(x => new Model.Recipe() { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, Description = x.Description, Detail = new Command((() => { this.Detail(x.Id); })), Edit = new Command((() => { this.Edit(x.Id); })), Delete = new Command((() => { this.Delete(); })) }); Recipes = new ObservableCollection <Model.Recipe>(recipes); }
public RecipeEditViewModel(int recipeId) { this.recipeId = recipeId; recipeApi = new RecipeAPI(); var recipeProduct = recipeApi.Get(this.recipeId); = recipeProduct.Name; this.description = recipeProduct.Description; SaveCommand = new Command(Save); #region Продукты var productsRecipe = recipeProduct.Products.Select(x => new Model.ProductRecipe() { ProductId = x.ProductId, ProductName = x.ProductName, Value = x.Value, AddCommand = new Command((() => AddProduct(x.ProductId))), RemoveCommand = new Command((() => RemoveProduct(x.ProductId))) }); ProductsRecipe = new ObservableCollection <ProductRecipe>(productsRecipe); var productsApi = new ProductsAPI(); var products = productsApi.GetAll().Select(x => new ProductRecipe() { ProductId = x.Id, ProductName = x.Name, Value = 0, AddCommand = new Command((() => AddProduct(x.Id))), RemoveCommand = new Command((() => RemoveProduct(x.Id))) }); Products = new ObservableCollection <ProductRecipe>(); foreach (var product in products) { if (ProductsRecipe.All(p => p.ProductId != product.ProductId)) { Products.Add(product); } } #endregion #region Локации var recipeLocations = recipeApi.GetLocations(this.recipeId); var locationsRecipe = recipeLocations.Locations.Select(x => new Model.Location() { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, AddCommand = new Command((() => AddLocation(x.Id))), RemoveCommand = new Command((() => RemoveLocation(x.Id))) }); LocationsRecipe = new ObservableCollection <Model.Location>(locationsRecipe); var locationApi = new LocationAPI(); var locations = locationApi.GetAll().Select(x => new Model.Location() { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, AddCommand = new Command((() => AddLocation(x.Id))), RemoveCommand = new Command((() => RemoveLocation(x.Id))) }); Locations = new ObservableCollection <Model.Location>(); foreach (var location in locations) { if (LocationsRecipe.All(l => l.Id != location.Id)) { Locations.Add(location); } } #endregion }