public async void WhenRetrieveDiffs_ShouldAdjustRepoPositionInHistory_SoItWillBeTheDefaultRepo() { var container = new RepoHistoryContainer() { Owners = new List <string> { "owner1", "owner2" }, Repositories = new List <string> { "repo1", "repo2" }, Urls = new List <string> { "", "" }, }; var persist = Substitute.For <IRepoHistoryPersist>(); var repoHistory = new RecentRepo(); repoHistory.From(container); var prInfo = new PullRequestLocator(); prInfo.UpdateWith(container.Urls.First()); await repoHistory.Save(prInfo, persist); persist.Received(1).Save(Arg.Is <RepoHistoryContainer>(x => x.Urls.First() == prInfo.ToUrl())).IgnoreAsyncWarning(); }
public void CanCleanHistory_WhenExceedMaxItems() { var container = new RepoHistoryContainer(); const int maxItems = 10; for (var i = 1; i <= maxItems; ++i) { container.Urls.Add("" + i); } var repoHistory = new RecentRepo { MaxHistoryItems = maxItems }; repoHistory.From(container); Assert.That(repoHistory.PullRequests.Count, Is.EqualTo(maxItems)); container.Urls.Add(""); repoHistory.From(container); Assert.That(repoHistory.PullRequests.Count, Is.EqualTo(maxItems / 2), "Only half of the MaxItems are kept."); }
public async void ShouldInsertMostRecentRepoToTheBegining() { var container = new RepoHistoryContainer(); for (var i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { container.Urls.Add("" + i); } var repoHistory = new RecentRepo(); repoHistory.From(container); const string newPrUrl = ""; var newPrInfo = PullRequestLocator.FromUrl(newPrUrl); var persist = Substitute.For <IRepoHistoryPersist>(); await repoHistory.Save(newPrInfo, persist); repoHistory.PullRequests.First().ShouldBe(newPrInfo); repoHistory.Owners.First().ShouldBe("ebenzhang"); repoHistory.Repositories.First().ShouldBe("ezplayer"); }