コード例 #1
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                if (initFrames < 60)
                    initFrames += 1;

                // received power code
                receiver.Spherical(this.part, true, PowerLimiter, recvDiameter, recvEfficiency, false, false, State,
                                   out State, out double recvPower);

                if (engine.getFlameoutState | !engine.getIgnitionState)
                    recvPower = 0d;
                    State     = engineOff;
                ReceivedPower = (float)(Math.Round(recvPower, 1));

                // code related to engine module
                float currentisp = engine.realIsp;
                float ApproxTemp = (IsJetEngine == "True") ? 1100f : 2400f;

                PropellantName = engine.propellants[0].displayName; string propellantname = engine.propellants[0].name;
                float shc = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(propellantname).specificHeatCapacity * 1.5f / 1000f;    // in kJ kg^-1 K^-1

                // calculate thrust based on power received
                float Thrust = (ReceivedPower * thermalEfficiency * 0.4f / (shc * ApproxTemp)) * 9.8f * currentisp; // in kN
                Thrust                  = (Thrust < 10f) ? 0f : Thrust;                                             // minimum thrust (min received power) below this there isnt enough heat to reach optimum temperature
                percentThrust           = Thrust * thrustMult / engine.maxThrust;
                engine.thrustPercentage = Mathf.Clamp((float)Math.Round(percentThrust * 100, 2), 0f, 100f);

                this.vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(EChash, out double ECamount, out double maxAmount);
                if (ECamount / maxAmount < 0.05f)
                    engine.thrustPercentage = 0f;

コード例 #2
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                receiver.Spherical(this.part, true, PowerLimiter, SurfaceArea, 1d, true, true, State, out State, out double recvPower);
                ReceivedPower = (float)Math.Round(recvPower, 1);

                double impulse = ReceivedPower * 1000f * partThrustMult / c;

                // adding heat to part's skin
                double heatModifier = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <BPSettings>().PercentHeat;
                this.part.AddSkinThermalFlux((float)((1 - Reflectivity) * ReceivedPower * ((heatModifier / 100) * 0.7)));
                SkinTemp = (float)Math.Round(this.part.skinTemperature, 1);

                // code related to the engine module
                double thrustMult = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <BPSettings>().photonthrust;
                float  Thrust     = (float)(impulse * Reflectivity * (engine.realIsp / 30592000) * thrustMult); // in N
                ThrustN = (float)Math.Round(engine.GetCurrentThrust() * 1000, 3);
                float percentThrust = Thrust / (engine.maxThrust * 1000);
                engine.thrustPercentage = Mathf.Clamp((float)Math.Round(percentThrust * 100, 3), 0f, 100f);

                this.vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(EChash, out double ECamount, out double maxAmount);
                if (ECamount / maxAmount < 0.01f)
                    engine.thrustPercentage = 0f;

                // replenishes photons resource
                int fuelId = engine.propellants[0].resourceDef.id;
                this.part.GetConnectedResourceTotals(fuelId, out double Fuelamount, out _);
                if (Fuelamount < 10d)
                    this.part.RequestResource(fuelId, -100d); // increases quantity of the photons resource

                ReceivedPower = Math.Abs(ReceivedPower);